Touhou: I Became a Butler of...

Por Yamizhou

41.6K 1.1K 246

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfami... Más

Butler of Scarlet Devil Mansion
Battle of Bullets (1)
Battle of Bullets (2)
Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Human Village
Summer (1)
Summer (2)
Summer (3)
The New Maid
A past that is sharp like a knife (1)
A past that is sharp like a knife (2)
Author's Message, Facts, Changes
A Blade Made Out Of Blood
Playing Tag Game
The Hakugyokurou
Youmu and Yuyuko
Feelings (Youmu's Point of View)
Love? (Youmu's Point of View)
My First and Last
More Spellcards!
It's all about FIREPOWER!
Little Dolls
My True Feelings
My Answer
Author's Message, Facts, Changes#2
Another Playtime Session with Flan
Hatate Himekaidou | To Youkai Mountain
The Petty Patrol Tengu
The Petty Patrol Tengu (2)
The Closed Eyes of Love
Exposed Minds
The Old Capital
Maid's Concerns (Sakuya's Point of View)
To Old Capital (Sakuya's Point of View)
Maid's Feelings (Sakuya's Point of View)
Last Word?
The Land of the Back Door
The Mischievous Princess
The Clash of Immortals
Meet the Watatsuki Sisters
A Date with a Rabbit (1)
A Date with a Rabbit (2) (Marisa's Point of View)
Our Dense Protagonist
Author's Message, Facts, Changes #3
Who are you?
Another Patchouli
Maid with a Blade
Different Gensokyo
The Dangerous Little Sister
Fiery Destruction
*EXTRA* Who is Shun?
The Black Reimu
Death Dance (1)
Death Dance (2)
Life and Death
Back to Gensokyo
Maid in a Bad Mood
Butler vs Maid
The Magician Who Borrows
Before the Incident
The Maid-en
The Beginning of the Dream
Dream Incident (1)
Dream Incident (2)
He's my property (1) (Remilia's POV)
He's my property (2) (Remilia's POV)
The Head of the Scarlet Devil (Remilia's POV)
Warm-Up After Recovery
A Strange Welcome
Facing Reality (1)
Facing Reality (2)
The Butler Residing in the Shrine (1)
The Butler Residing in the Shrine (2)
The Question
Flame of Hope (1)
Flame of Hope (2)
That Time
Youkai of the Dusk
Fairy of the Ice
The Chinese Gatekeeper
Girl of Knowledge and Shade
The Maid
The Scarlet Devil

(Special Chapter) Seven-colored Puppeteer's Day

415 11 1
Por Yamizhou

Today is July 16th, and we are gathered at Alice Margatroid's house to celebrate her birthday. Marisa had invited us, although Alice herself is unaware of the surprise celebration.

As the night falls, Alice is currently engaged in a conversation by Lady Patchouli in the human village, providing us with the perfect opportunity to prepare everything inside her house.

"Marisa... are you done yet?" I asked, growing a bit impatient.

"Hold on, I'm planting something!" Marisa responded, engrossed in her task.

"What are you planting?" Sakuya inquired, placing the cake in the center of the room.

"Hm? You don't need to ask! Birthdays always come with fireworks, you know?"

Sakuya and I exchanged a glance, wearing matching blank expressions.

"T-That's for New Year's, Marisa,"

"It's still the same!"

Reimu entered through the door, "Patchouli and Alice are on their way!"

"Eh?! Already!?"

Reimu nodded and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

"I'm closing the lights now!"

"Alright, everyone! Let's do this!" Marisa encouraged us, her voice filled with anticipation.

Youmu proceeded to turn off the lights, creating an atmosphere of suspense as we waited for Patchouli and Alice to arrive.

We could hear the distant voices of Lady Patchouli and Alice engaged in conversation, growing closer with each passing moment.

"Hm? I don't remember turning off the lights..." Alice says, looking through the window in confusion.

"This is why I told you to take a break from magic research, Alice," Patchouli sighs.

But just as Alice opens the door, a sudden burst of fireworks fills the sky, illuminating the surroundings with a kaleidoscope of colors.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday, Alice!" we all shout in unison, stepping forward to reveal ourselves in the glow of the fireworks.

Alice's eyes widen with astonishment and delight. "Oh my, you all... You really did this for me?"

Marisa grins mischievously. "Of course, we did, Alice! It's your special day, and we wanted to make it unforgettable."

Reimu adds with a warm smile, "Happy birthday, Alice. May this year bring you joy and happiness"

"Hehe... Thank you, everyone. Though I must say... you all did a great job, but I already knew the moment Marisa entered my house," Alice says, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"EH!? Seriously!?" Marisa exclaims, looking surprised.

Alice sighs and points at a doll hanging on the shelf. "That doll over there. Its position changed slightly when Marisa entered."

We all turn to look at the doll she pointed out.


We all turn back to Marisa.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know!" Marisa apologizes with a sheepish grin.

"Now, now~ Let's not dwell on that. Let's get to eating," Yuyuko says cheerfully staring at the food.

"Oh, and the gifts are right in your room," Marisa adds her grin widens

"Thank you, everyone."

And so, we continue to celebrate Alice's birthday throughout the night, filled with laughter and delicious food. As the celebration winded down, many of the guests became intoxicated and headed back to their homes, leaving only me and Alice in the house. I decided to stay behind to clean up.

"Shun," Alice says, looking at me with a soft gaze.

"Still up, I see? Glad you're not drunk," I smirked.

"Heh, nope," she replies with a gentle smile.

We share a moment of silence, the air filled with a comfortable atmosphere.

"Um... I actually wanted to give you this personally," I say, reaching into my pocket and taking out a small box, which I hand to Alice.

Her eyes widen slightly and blush colors her cheeks. "An engagement ring?"

"Uh?! No, no. It's actually..." I open the box to reveal a delicate necklace.

"Hehe, I was just kidding," Alice says, teasingly.

"Don't give me that... You'll make my heart jump,"

"Well, if this is for me... Do you mind putting it on for me?"

I look at her and smile, nodding in response. I carefully take the necklace from the box and slowly fasten it around her neck.

The necklace gleams like a precious gem against her skin.

"Thank you, Shun."

I nod, my heart filled with warmth. "Happy Birthday, Alice."

(Author Note: It's true! It's her birthday today!)

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