Fandom littlespace oneshots

By Hitoshi-is-mah-child

4.5K 43 37

Just some cute little space one shots cause I just felt like it πŸ₯° More

Try it(toh)
little snek got bit(ss)
Messes and tantrums(ss)
Baby brain(ss)
Roman's not the only little(ss)
Babysitting a bratty demon(sv)
Aizawa's adventures in babysitting(mha)
Playing in the park(mha)
It'll be okay Kat i've got you(mha)
Amity's not so secret, secret(toh)
Otterly(utterly heh pun) little(toh)
The ninja tea party(N)
Don't slip(ss)
Baby relax(HH)
A fun day with my favorite caregivers(toh)
I miss him!(HH)
Motherly figure(HH)
Self-care a.k.a Janus makes the others slip(SS)

Luz I said no!(toh)

245 2 4
By Hitoshi-is-mah-child

"Mami I wan' cany!" Luz exclaimed."Luz no I'm cooking lunch now" Amity said sternly. "buuuut mami I wan' cany now!!" "Not right now you need to eat lunch first" Luz stamped her foot and crossed her arms, frustration evident on her face saying,"no I don' need wunch I jus' need cany!!" Amity sighed and firmly said "Luz, do you want to go to time out?" Amity's stern tone and mention of time out caught Luz off guard but soon her surprise turned to anger as she screamed "noooo!" "Is that how we talk to people, Luz?" Amity asked, her voice remaining calm but firm. Luz shook her head no and Amity replied "Then what do you need to say to mami?" "...Sowwy" "good now go play while I finish up lunch okay?" "Otay mami" Luz said a smile that seemed too big to be honest playing on her face, though her caregiver didn't notice. As she played, she couldn't help but devise a plan to sneak into the kitchen and grab some sweets without her caregiver noticing. She felt a mix of excitement and guilt as she plotted her candy heist.

While Amity finished up lunch, Luz peeked into the kitchen every now and then, trying to find the perfect opportunity to execute her plan. Finally, she saw her chance when Amity spilled something all over her shirt and had to go change. With her heart pounding, Luz tiptoed into the kitchen and opened the pantry door. She was relieved to see the jar of candy right there, easily within her reach. Carefully and as quietly as possible, she grabbed a handful of candies and quickly hid them in her pocket. Just as she was about to make her getaway, Amity returned to the kitchen, seemingly unaware of Luz's sneaky act. "Put away your toys lunch is almost ready" she said in a cheerful tone. Luz nodded hurriedly throwing her toys into the closet. Once her toys were all picked up, she took the candy out of her pocket shoving some into her mouth. "Luz I said no!" Amity scolded snatching the rest of the candy from her. "I was going to give you some after lunch" she continued disappointment evident in her voice. "but now you won't get any candy for the rest of the week" she finished. "nonononono!!!" Luz screamed falling to the floor as she flailed her limbs about tears streaming down her face. "Luz Nocceda you will stop this tantrum right now or you can march your butt over to that corner you understand me" "nooooooo!" Luz wailed, her tears coming faster now. Amity sighed and picked her up ignoring the wailing in her ears and the fists pounding on her back as she put Luz in the timeout corner. "you're gonna sit here until you can stop your tantrum and talk to me" Luz's wails echoed through the room, filling the air with a raw energy that seemed to match the storm of emotions swirling within her. Amity stood in the kitchen continuing to plate their lunch and get luz's sippy cup of ghoul-aid ready.

As the minutes ticked by, Luz's cries began to taper off into sniffles. Her small frame shuddered with each breath, and her teary eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of escape. But there was no escaping and she knew it. After a few minutes Amity spoke her voice cutting through the remnants of Luz's tantrum. "Luz, take a deep breath for me, okay?" Luz looked at her caregiver, chest still heaving. She took a shaky breath, her small shoulders rising and falling. "That's it," Amity encouraged. "Now, let's try to calm down and talk about what happened." Luz nodded mumbling "I sowwy" "What are you sorry for baby?" "y-you swaid no buh... I-I took da cany stwill" Luz stuttered out through tears. "And what else?" Amity prompted. "I-I... I hitted wou" "good now what are you gonna do different next time?" "M-m' gonna wisten to wou an' not hit" "good now let's go eat lunch"

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