Avatar 2

By Cur0iust0know

18.1K 357 38

Scarlett was the only 15 year old in Quaritch's team. She is like an intern, only one that lives with them. S... More



1.1K 20 1
By Cur0iust0know


Scarlett was in her room, reading when they took Spider for interrogation. She heard screams, but Spider was screaming the whole time he was here, so she didn't think much of it. 

The screaming continued for a few minutes, then stopped. Next thing she knew, Quaritch knocked on her door. He explained what happened. 

"Why would you do that?" she had asked. "He's only a kid!" 

"He is a teenager." Quaritch said. "A year older to you. But, I agree, it was too much." 

Scarlett scoffed. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock." 

Quaritch led her to the room where Spider was in. Instead of screaming and banging on the glass, he was rocking himself underneath the table, looking really stricken. 

The sight made Scarlett's heart break, for some reason. She wanted to run out of there and cry. She wanted to get Spider out of there and throw him back in Pandora. She wanted to do anything that could make Spider to stop looking like that. 

Instead, she just stood there, looking at Spider. "Go in, and snap him out of it." Quaritch said. "And then, I'll talk to him." 

"Why don't you snap him out of it?" she asked. 

"I doubt he would want to see me." Quaritch said. "Especially in this state." 

So here was Scarlett, inside the room, again, sitting on the table, again. 

She thought of ways to distract Spider from his emotions. Beating him up didn't sound like a good idea, and neither did flipping the table over. So, she thought about her childhood, which was pretty distracting, to her and to others. 

So, she was going to tell him. "I don't remember my mom or dad." she started. "I remember living with my older sister, who was kind, but the people she hung out with weren't." 

Scarlett took a deep breath. All the memories came back to her all at once, and she tried not to cry. "She hung out with bad people." she repeated. 

"Those people didn't do anything to her, but they did plenty to me. Beating me up, choking me, almost killing me." 

She looked down to see Spider's eyes peeking out from under the table. His eyes were wide open and so...brown. She quickly looked away and continued. 

"Luckily, I was tough. Most nights, we couldn't afford any food, and, one time, my sister almost starved to death."

"When we were in the hospital, I didn't know how to pay the bills. I met Quaritch there. Well, through a phone his men carried around. He knew how tough I was, and he needed me on the team. So, he offered to give my sister money for the bills, food, a house, and for school in exchange for me working for him. I was offered food and shelter." 

"Did you agree?" Scarlett heard Spider whisper. At this point, he was still crouched, but left the table, now sitting in front of him. 

"No." Scarlett said sarcastically. "I decided to stay on Earth, so I'm not really here and you're hallucinating." 

Spider laughed a bit, then waited for the rest of the story. 

"So, the day my sister got better, we both talked and decided for me to join Quaritch. The end." 

"You joined him by choice?" Spider asked. 

"Not much of a choice." Scarlett said. "It was either die or survive." 

Spider was silent for a minute, then got up. With Scarlett sitting on the table and him standing, he met her eye contact. "Sorry." he said, the hugged her. 

"Um." Scarlett felt completely disoriented. One aprt of her was shocked and surprised. Other part was...happy? She felt warm and happy. She could even feel a slight blush come across her face. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. 

"Hugging you." Spider answered. 


"Because you must feel sad," Spider said. "Reviewing your memories about that." 

Scarlett was stunned. People usually guessed if she was angry, confused, or scared. No one asked if she was happy, least of all sad. 

She tried to shrug, as if it was no big deal, and said "I was 4, so I don't remember much of it." 

Spider let go of her and looked into her eyes. "You remember enough to tell a story." he said. 

Scarlett felt a jump in her heart. She noticed how amazing his hair was, his face was cute, and his abs are...WHAT WAS HAPPENING?

"Um, yeah... yeah." she said, stuttering. "I, uh, I gotta go." She jumped off the table and pratically ran to the door. "See you." she heard Spider say. 

No you won't. Not when Quaritch sees this. 

"I guess you will." 

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