The marriage peace treaty

By yueein

374 20 3

For 97 years there was a war between Avilen and Dyrk. The reason, well it is to discover which of the two cou... More

Chapter 2 Before the wedding (part 1)
Chapter 3 Before the Wedding (Part 2)
Chapter 4 Before the Wedding ( Part 3)
Chapter 5 Before the Wedding (Part 4)
Chapter 6 The wedding (part 1)
Chapter 7 The Wedding ( Part 2)
Chapter 8 Afterparty (part 1)
Chapter 9 The Afterparty ( Part 2)
Chapter 10 The Consummation ( Part 1)
Chapter 11 The Consummation ( Part 2 )
Chapter 12 Departure
Chapter 13 On the Road (Part 1)
Chapter 14 On the Road (Part 2)
Chapter 15 On the Road (Part 3)
Chapter 16 On the Road (Part 4)
Chapter 17 On the Road (Part 5)
Chapter 18 The Purple Spire
Chapter 19 The Harshlands part 1
Chapter 20 The Harshlands Part 2
Chapter 21 The Harshlands Part 3
Chapter 22 The Harshlands Part 4
Chapter 23 End destination
Chapter 24 Tour
Chapter 25 Maryden's companions

Chapter 1 Why must I be the one who gets married?

43 2 0
By yueein

For 97 years the Avilen kingdom now newly appointed queendom and the Dyrk kingdom have been at war. No one knows how it started as there are many different stories about it. But everyone knows why the war started. You might ask why and it is because the monarchs of both kingdoms from 97 years ago wanted to determine which of them has the strongest military. As such the war started, not for resources, not for food but for a strength competition. Because both countries were once a part of the same country and have now been separated for about 600 years, throughout history, both kingdoms have had a love-hate relationship. A deep sibling rivalry. They compete with each other but unite when an outside threat is coming. But 8 years ago in the Avilen kingdom for some mysterious reasons, the children of the Avilen royal line started to mysteriously die of one after another, causing the king to worry greatly, after all, he was reaching 65 soon, and all his children and their children has died of. So he started to search the kingdom of illegitimate children. This course was done in secret and he managed to find 3 grandchildren but none of them had any redeeming qualities for a good ruler. But that is when he found the daughter of his second son, the woman that his son married ran away more than a decade ago, and as it turns out she was pregnant with a daughter. 

That daughter was a very clever and brilliant child and was a perfect candidate for the throne. But before he could bring her back he needed to change some of the rules of the kingdom so that both men and women can inherit the throne, there was some resistance but it did not take long for it to fall through. Once it did he when as fast as he could to bring his grandchild back but there was one thing he overlooked. That child has a younger half-sister by one year and his grandchild refused to go with him if her sister could not come along. So he decided that her sister could go with her but they needed to hide that they are half-sisters, instead, they are twins. He also added that her sister needed to always wear a mask on her face that most importantly hides her eye color. His grandchild agreed and they quickly returned to the palace. That is when gave the children a high-end education. As he expected his granddaughter to be brilliant and even exceeded his expectations, but the other child while great at math and biology was very bad at the other things, and most important of all she failed etiquette. This was deplorable for a royal lady to fail at, even if she is a fake. But one day he made a great discovery, he is actually a genius when it comes to swordsmanship, in fact, she already knew a little more than the basics. So he thought if he could not nurture a perfect lady to be proud of the will nurture a powerful knight instead. That decision was proven to be more than the right choice. In just 2 years she has become a swordmaster. So at the age of 17, he sent that girl to war at the disapproval of his granddaughter.

That child quickly went up the ranks in the army, but she was also despised by almost everyone, so when she reached the rank of the Avilen's third general, she is the first general in history who have only 4 people at her command. She was given the nickname The lone general. She is feared by the enemy and despised by her allies. And she also wore a huge helmet that covers her face and never took it off in front of peapole. Though there are rumors that the people in her unit have seen her face before. The war continued for 9 years and 3 months ago the king died and the queen took over the throne. 

The queen did not like her sister fighting in the war but she could not stop it without many casualties to her queendom after all if she surrendered the Avilen queendom could become a vassal state of the Dyrk kingdom. But then there started to become a huge increase of demonic beasts at the northern border between both countries. Although the people who live in that place are mostly nomads and other tribes and their control of that place has been given up many times because no one sent there has been capable of uniting the tribs or wiping them out entirely. Because almost all who live there are very skilled warriors or magic users as they need to fight the demonic beasts almost evry day. So even though that is very fertile and has many luxury resources no one has been able to take control of it. That place was named the Harsh Lands.

So 200 years ago both Avilen and Dyrk made a promise that both countries shall leave it alone. But the reports of the increase in demonic beasts are a cause of concern as that is the first sign of a demonic beast tide which dealt with too late can wipe out both of their countries. So she was an opportunity and sent an envoy to Dyrk with a message. In it, it was written that a beast tide is coming from Harsh Lands and because of the incoming danger she wanted to not only make a peace treaty but also an alliance to deal with that threat. And to solidify the agreement her twin sister will marry one of the Dyrk kingdom's esteemed generals of a similar age. They will move to the harsh lands abandoned strongholds and deal with that threat. And in return for their sacrifice, her sister and his chosen general will become the rulers of the harsh lands if they were able to conquer it, but they still need to pay each of their countries a 5% tax once they have stabilized their authority. They will be given the title of high lords. Then 2 months ago the king of Dyrk agreed and they started the operations since. Dyrk is responsible for renovating the stronghold and as per request of the queen has added a huge aviary and a hidden basement with a powerful magical seal as that is the things her sister would want. Avilen, on the other hand, got the responsibility of taking care of the wedding and trying their best to incorporate the customs and decor of both countries. Which was not hard as they have very similar wedding traditions with only a few differences. The main difference is the decor and wedding attire, especially for the groom or as it is called in Dyrk, Káazen. While the bride is called Cáwen.

Now there are only 2 weeks left until the wedding and the soldiers of the Avilen kingdom returned 3 days ago and had their return celebrations just yesterday. Queen Viola de First of Avilen is right now sitting in her private lounge resting as she is drinking lavender tea.

The Queen has pale white skin almost like snow but does not look sickly. Although she has a plump body she is a true elegant beauty and can charm peapole with just a look. She has her hair loose with only braids against the scalp on both sides. Her hair is wavy and its color is mint green. She is also wearing a golden crown with emerald jewels that all rulers of Avilen wear. Her eyes have the same color as the emeralds in her crown. With all this, she is wearing a well-structured gown that is royal blue with silver embroidery. As she sips her tea the door is smashed open and in comes her sister that walks towards her with a powerful and discontent stride. She is wearing a black ceremonial military outfit with golden embroidery and a dark green cape. She is also wearing matching high-leather boots and black gloves. On the right side of her chest, there are 3 medals sitting on it for her achievements in the war. She is also wearing a silver mask that hides everything on her face, except her pink lips. If you look into the mask's eye holes you will discover that there is only blackness. Her Dark Sea Green colored hair is set up in a high ponytail. The queen's sister is named Maryden.

Maryden: " My queen, why did you decide to make me the one who marries someone from the enemy country?" She asks bluntly, not hiding her displeasure. 

Queen Viola: " We are alone now, cant you call me sister like in the old days?" She asks with disappointment.

Maryden: " No, not any longer, just answer my question."

Queen Viola: " That was the only way to end the war without losing anything on our side."

Maryden: " I know that but why did it have to be me, you know that I am the worst possible person for this, you know that I have a hard time with peapole, if even my fellow knight dislike me it is impossible for it to go well with an enemy knight. If this marriage does not go well, it could destroy the peace treaty." She says after she has calmed down.

Queen Viola: " You don't have to worry about that in the danger of a beast tide, no matter how bad your relationship will be it will be ignored. I choose you because 3 reasons. The first is that there is no noble lady who would dare to travel and live in the harsh lands. 2 If they did agree they would not be strong enough to survive. 3 I know that you are bad at etiquette and politics this is your chance to get away from that."

Maryden:" ... I understand, but I still think I'm a stupid choice."

( In the Dyrk royal castle)
Just like the soldiers of Avilen the soldiers of Dyrk have also just arrived. But a day bit later. The king of Dyrk Allialus the 4:th sits in his throne room waiting for the person who he has called in for an audience. the king is about 40 years old and looks very handsome. With his long black hair, almond-colored skin, and jade-green eyes. He is wearing a white Chiton and is covered with golden jewelry from head to toe. He is also wearing a golden wreath crown. Beside him stands two of his guards and at the door of the throne room stands 2 more guards on each side. Finally, the door opens and one of the guards announces the person entering: " Announcing  General Lucius Fireoak."

In comes a strong and muscular man. He is like a calm and handsome wild beast with his light brown skin, and sexy red eyes that give people shivers down their spine. He has a tiny scar beside his left eye and his silky black hair that is pulled back makes him look even sexier. He is the epidemy of a muscular and dangerously sexy man. Just like Maryden he is wearing a black ceremonial military outfit. But it is less structured and a little bit loser, the designers should not be more different from each other. He is also wearing silver shoulder pieces with a matching silver belt and a black cloak with silver embroidery. Walks towards the throne with natural oppression and once he is 2 meters away from the throne he bows down on one leg waiting for the king to speak. Although Allialus is the king with the highest authority it takes a lot in him to not show his fear in front of this man's aura. That is why he tries his very best to keep this wild beast on a tight leash or else he will be in danger.

King Allialus: " You may rise." He says and Lucius stands up.

King Allialus: " Do you know why a summons you here 5:th general?"

Lucius: " No sire."

King Allialus: " There is trouble brewing in the harsh lands and it is highly likely that a beast tide is coming in about a year." As he said this Lucisus shows a bit of surprise on his face but quickly regains his composure. Seeing this the king is a bit happy inside.

Lucius: " So that's the reason for the peace treaty?"

King Allialus: "Yes."

Lucius: " You are wise sire." Hearing this the king gloats a little inside but keeps his composure.

King Allialus: " There is more to this, the queen requested a deal, a deal of alliance. And to solidify that alliance it requires that one of my young generals marries the queen's sister and moves to the harsh lands to take care of that threat and maybe conquer it."

Lucius: " The queen's sister, the lone general?" He says with an unknown ripple appearing in his eyes.

King Allialus: " Yes, that is the one, so I will give you a choice. Either you go and marry the princess of Avilen and move to the harsh lands, or you marry my daughter Alicia. She is after all madly in love with you." 

King Allialus: Come on, say that you will marry my daughter so that you are finally under my complete control. He thinks.

Lucius: That bastard, don't think that I don't know what you are after old man. Either way, I am at a disadvantage but don't think that I will choose the outcome that you want. There is no way I will marry that annoying woman. He thinks angrily.

Lucius: ( Salutes) " Sire, as a loyal general of this country, there is only one choice in front of me."

King Allialus: " Oh, what is that?"

Lucius: " I will marry and move to the harsh land." He says with strong conviction.

King Allialus: What!!! He thinks very distressed, this was not the outcome he wanted, who would have thought that he would rather marry an enemy and live badly than marry his daughter and live in luxury? Although is good that he no longer has to worry about him overthrowing him, he can no longer use him and lost a powerful weapon. 

King Allialus: " I see that you are very dedicated to our country, to sacrifice yourself so. I can see your loyalty. But don't worry you will be rewarded as a peer the agreement between me and the queen. You and your wife will become the new rulers of the harsh lands and over there you will become the law. And the only thing that we require is that once you have conquered the harsh lands and stabilized your economy you will only need to pay 5% of taxes to both our countries. This was suggested by the queen herself."

Lucius bows down again and says: " I praise your generosity."

King Allialus: " Now that we are done here you may leave." He says as he waves his hand, telling him to go. 

Lucius: " All hail Allialus the 4:th!" He says before he walks out of the throne room.

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