The Grimm in Huntsman's Cloth...

By WinterBear94

41.4K 1K 126

Y/n L/n was born as a Half Grimm, the first ever Human and Grimm hybrid to ever exist on Remnant. Having no i... More

Prologue: New Huntsman
Chapter 1: A New Student
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Meeting New Friends
Chapter 4: Combat Practice
Chapter 5: The Bully
Chapter 6: Fighting the Dragon
Chapter 7: The Reveal
Chapter 8: Bringing Him Back
Chapter 10: Black and White
Chapter 11: Shocking Changes
Chapter 12: Best Day Ever
Chapter 13: Welcome To Beacon
Chapter 14: A Minor Hiccup
Chapter 15: Painting the Town
Chapter 16: An Apology and Confess
Chapter 16:A Plan (Short) part 2
Chapter 17: Extracurricular
Chapter 18: Burning the Candles
Chapter 19: Dance Dance Infiltration
Chapter 20: Field Trip
Chapter 21: Search & Destroy
Chapter 22: Mountain Glenn
Chapter 23: No Brakes
Chapter 24: Breach
Chapter 25: Round One
Chapter 26: New Challengers
Chapter 27: It's Brawl in the Family
Chapter 28: What To Know
Chapter 29: Never Miss a Beat
Chapter 30: Fall
Chapter 31: Reassuring (Short)
Chapter 32: Destiny
Chapter 33: PvP
Chapter 34: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 35: Heroes and Monsters
Chapter 36: End of the Beginning
Chapter 37: Still Standing
Chapter 38: The Next Step
Chapter 39: Remembrance
Chapter 40: Reunited
Chapter 41: Family
Chapter 42: Tipping Point
Chapter 43: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 44: Kuroyuri

Chapter 9: The Stray

1.1K 26 0
By WinterBear94

No One Pov / Headmaster's Office

Standing in the elevator was Y/n, he was called in by the Headmaster for a some little chitchat. The elevator doors open up and Ozpin was sitting on behind his desk, eagerly waiting for Y/n to arrive. 

Ozpin: " Mr. L/n, it is nice to see you. Please take a sit" 

Ozpin gesture to a empty chair in front of his desk for Y/n to use. So Y/n took the offer and sat himself down onto the chair.

Ozpin: "So how are you feeling today, anymore headaches or pain you're experiencing?" 

Y/n shook his head. 

Ozpin: "Well that is good to hear. Now the reason why I wanted to meet with you because of something that is happening in the city of Vale" 

Ozpin then show a holographic photo being display on his desk, showing a dust shop. 

Ozpin: "Recently all the Dust Shop throughout the city block had been ransack with only Dust being stolen" 

Y/n: "Do you know who is behind this?" 

Ozpin: "I'm afraid I do not, and I do want to get the the bottom of this. However" 

Ozpin then changes the photo from the Dust Shop to the Vytal Festival that is being attended in the city of Vale. 

Ozpin: "Clearly as you can see, I have no choice but to partake in handling the upcoming Vytal Festival and looking out for the students from all the three Academies into Beacon, I can't being in two places as once, so" 

Y/n: "You want me to find out who is being these robberies and report them to you?"

Ozpin: "Correct" 

Y/n: "Where is that dust shop again?"

Y/n asked.

Ozpin: "The Dust shop, you'll be finding is directly near the docks. You wouldn't miss it, it is where the citizens decorating for the festival" 


Walking down the street, Y/n was standing in front of a sign with bright red letters saying 'Welcome to Vale' being displayed above him as the streets behind it was decorated to all the newcomers from the three kingdoms of remnant. 

Y/n: "Headmaster did say that the Dust shop I was looking for it directly inside this area. Guess it wouldn't hurt a bit if I check what is up"

Before he could go any further, he heard a familiar female's voice behind him. 

Weiss: "The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!"

Ruby: "Hey, is that Y/n?" 

Ruby caught her teams attentions and look over to where she was pointing. 

Yang: "Hey, Y/n. Behind you!" 

Y/n turn around spotted Yang along with Ruby, Weiss and Blake all standing there. Y/n approaches the girls. 

Y/n: "Hello girls! I didn't see you"

Blake: "We only just got here, actually" 

Weiss then dashed beside Y/n all happily.

Weiss: "The Vytal Festival! I can't wait!" 

Ruby: "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. It kinda weirding me out" 

Ruby said, frowning a little.

Weiss then turns around to face her team leader. 

Weiss: "How can you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!"   

Then all fives walks through the decorated streets.

Yang: "You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring" 

Yang said, crossing her arms. 

Weiss: "Quiet, you!" 

Blake sighed and turn her direction over to Y/n. 

Blake: "I suppose this is your first time to ever seen the Vytal Festival up in person right?"

Y/n nodded his head. 

Ruby: And now you are seeing the Vytal Festival with us!" 

Y/n: "I am grateful of seeing what got everyone excited about, even if it means having to go out like this and getting attentions all around me" 

Quickly Glancing around, Team Rwby saw civilians walking pass them were given them a look of concerns, more especially towards Y/n. So the girls involuntarily move in closer to Y/n, allowing him to feel a lot safer. 

After a couple of walking, they made it to the docks as the sound of a foghorn can be heard" 

Yang: "Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" 

Ruby: "Ugh, They smell like fish!"

Y/n: "If I do remember, the students from Vacuo will be arriving by a ship" 

Weiss: "Correct, Y/n. And as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom!" 

 Blake: "She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament" 

Y/n: "Somehow that feels like she had taken my strategy"

Weiss scoff.

Weiss: "You can't prove that!" 

Ruby then spotted something on her right.

Ruby: "Woah"  

The five look at a shattered window down the street and a door full of yellow cautious tape of the Police Force and the five decided to talk to the detective that were standing in front, writing on his note pad. 

Ruby: "What happen to this place?"

Detective 1: "Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle" 

The detective then walk over to his partner. 

Yang: "That's terrible" 

They could hear the second detective say something to his partner.

Detective 2: "They left all the money again" 

What the detective had say, gotten the teen's attentions. 

Detective 1: "Yeah, just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?" 

Detective 2: "I don't know, an army?" 

Detective 1: "You thinking the White Fang?"

Detective 2: "Yeah, I'm thinking we don't get paid enough" 

So the detectives just left the scene, possibly to report about the scene to their boss and leaving Y/n along with the four girls alone. 

Weiss crosses her arms and let out a small hmph before speaking. 

Weiss: "Hmph! The White Fang. What an bunch of degenerates!" 

The next thing, Blake turn her direction to her team member, Weiss. 

Blake: "What's your problem?"

Weiss: "My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane"

Hearing her statement, Blake expressions turns serious and had her arms cross. 

 Blake: "The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They've a collective of misguided Faunus"

Weiss: "Misguided? They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet!" 

Blake: "So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would  rob a Dust shop in the middle of the night?" 

Ruby: Blake is right and beside, the police had never caught the Roman Torchwick guy I ran into a few months back.... Maybe is was him"

Weiss: "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only knows how to lie, cheat and steal. 

Y/n intervene between Weiss and Blake.

Y/n: "Weiss, you do know that Velvet is a Faunus too, right?"

Weiss looks at him for a while, looking up into his red eyes and sigh.

Weiss: "I know that Velvet is indeed a Faunus, but what I meant by Faunus are only the Faunus who are in the White Fang and those who are dangerous"

Yang: That's not necessarily true..."

Across the distance, the five heard someone shout.

???: "Hey, stop that Faunus!"

The five looks towards the dock and saw a Faunus with a golden monkey tail running down the length of the boat and leap on the edge as two sailors were about to apprehend him. 

Monkey Faunus: "Thanks for the ride, guys" 

Then he jumps off and landed on the dock before running. 

Sailor 2: "You no-good stowaway!

The Monkey faunus uses his tail to grab onto the lamppost while peeling himself a banana. 

Monkey Faunus: "Hey! A no-good stowaway would've been caught! I'm a great stowaway!" 

Before he could eat his banana, one of the detectives from before thrown a rock at him, getting his attention. 

Detective 1: "Hey! Get down from there this instant!" 

However, instead of doing what the detective asked him to. He instead drop the banana on his face, making him growl in anger. The Monkey faunus laughs before he twirls up to couch on the lamppost, and proceeded to leap off and run away from the sailors and the detective. He ran by Blake and given her a wink and continues being chases by the officers. 

Yang: "Well, Weiss,  you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes"

Weiss then points in the direction of the Monkey Faunus and the Officers. 

Weiss: Quick! We have to observe them!" 

Weiss, Yang, Ruby and Blake give chase and only Y/n was standing there, not joining the pursue. Y/n turns his glance towards the Dust shop and then around the street only to see no one around.... he is alone.  

Y/n uses this opportunity and head inside the Dust shop. 

Y/n look around the shop and notice that the detectives were telling the truth, all the Dust inside, crystal or powder were all gone and the only thing left was a cash register full of cash. Y/n inspect the surrounding area, he check the room in the back, nothing but cleaning equipment. The back door appears to remains intact, no signs of breaking or bashing. Eventually Y/n pulled out his Scroll and contacted Ozpin in hoping of providing some information. After a few second, Ozpin answer the call. 

Ozpin: "Mr. L/n, I was waiting for you to call me, so what did you find out?"

Y/n: "So far, the only thing I'm seeing what the detective had to say, empty containers that were once filled with Dust, empty shelves and even the register remains unscathed" 

Ozpin: "Hmm, I suppose cash isn't what they're after, is there anything else you would like to know"

Y/n thought about it for a while before he spoke.

Y/n: "Can you see of who is the owner of this Dust shop from the network, maybe it can help us a bit" 

Ozpin: "Of course, hang on a second" 

Y/n could hear Ozpin typing something on his computer, then there was a pause for a brief moment.

Ozpin: "This is very interesting"

Y/n: "Mind filling me in?"

Ozpin: "The owner's name is Antonio Frase, he appears to be in the hospital due to a major trauma on the back of his head. Perhaps he was hit by a blunt melee, also he is in a coma it seems"

Y/n: "Can you see if his a Human or a Faunus?" 

Ozpin: "According to his report, he is a human" 

Y/n thought about it for a moment. Y/n know the White Fang and there was one thing they will never leave, a human alive. 

Y/n: "Headmaster Ozpin. I don't think this got any White Fangs writing on this one"

Ozpin: "How so, Mr. L/n"

Y/n: "The White Fang will kill anyone who gets in their way, either if it's a Faunus or a Human. Men or Woman. Young and old"

Ozpin: "Your thinking this has something to do with Roman Torchwick?"

Y/n: "Ruby did say that the police hasn't caught him when he was robbing that Dust shop, so it could be a possible he might have come here. Was he alone the last time?"

Ozpin: "No, given the statement from Ms. Rose and the scene in the Dust till Dawn, there were litter of knocked out goons all dress in black suit and red accessories. I can contact the Chief of Police to see if he can help me of who they've working for and once I do, I'll contact you the moment I have"

Y/n: "Well do" 

Y/n closes his Scroll and headed off to see where the girls were at. 


Y/n founded the girls around a corner talking with a another girl with ginger hair and seems to be curious, kinda clueless but most friendly. Her name is Penny, and also Y/n's second BFF. However Weiss and Blake were arguing about the Monkey Faunus with Weiss calling him a filthy faunus and Blake being irrigated by her being incredibly rude to the Faunus. Weiss replied by that the Monkey Faunus will soon join with the rest of the White Fang and Blake calling her an ignorant brat before storming off with Weiss behind her. 

 Y/n: "I don't like this"

Yang: "Yeah.... I think we should probably go"  

Then Penny came behind Ruby.

Penny: "Where are we going?"

Rwby's Dorm

It was night time when they came back from the docks and to Beacon. Now standing in Rwby's dorm, Y/n, Ruby and Yang were observing between Weiss and Blake's incident back at the docks, who were both sitting on their respective beds. 

Weiss: "I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!" 

Weiss said.

Blake: "That is the problem!"

Weiss then gets up from her bed.

Weiss: "You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fangs are pure evil!"

Blake also went up on her feet. 

Blake: "There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think hate Humanity so much? It's because people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!"

Weiss: "People like me!?"

Blake: "You're discriminatory!"

Weiss: "I'm a victim!"

They stares at each other in silence, Weiss then walks over to the open window and lean in close, leering as she spoke quietly. 

Weiss: "You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My Grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long I can remember. And even since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made a very difficult childhood. 

At the end of her sentence, she bang her fist on the bookshelf. 

 Ruby then went over to Weiss, try to comfort her. 

Ruby: Weiss, I-" 

However Weiss turn around to face Blake, startling Ruby and walk over to Blake. 

Weiss: "No! You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves and murderers!"

Blake: "Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!"

The air went silent between Weiss and Blake, including Y/n, Ruby and Yang. Weiss was surprised as she had to step back slowly. Blake realizes her mistake as her identity was exposed, as she look around at her teammates and Y/n all looking at her. 

Blake: I....I

Blake dashes out the door. 

Ruby; "Blake, wait! Come back!" 

Ruby runs over to the door and calls to her down the hallway, while Yang sit herself down and Weiss look down. Y/n decided to look for Blake leaving Ruby, Weiss and Yang alone in their dorm.

After using his Aura detection, Y/n was able to find Blake standing in front of a statue of an armored man wielding a sword and a woman with an axe, with a beowolf under the stone. Y/n look over to Blake as she lifts her arms above her head and grab her bow, she pulls the strings to reveal what's underneath, cat ears. 

But before he could approach her, Y/n felt a vibration coming from his scroll. Y/n hid himself behind one of the pillars and answer the scroll. 

Ozpin: "Hello, Mr. L/n. I am hoping this isn't a bad time to call you"

Y/n leans over behind the pillar and saw the Monkey faunus standing there behind Blake, talking to her. 

Y/n: "I suppose it is a good time" 

Ozpin: "Great, I've ended my conversation with the Chief Police and he was able enough to sent me some information of the goons, Roman's hired"

Y/n watches as Blake and the Monkey faunus left the statue and headed over to the landing pad. 

Y/n: "What did he say?" 

Ozpin: "Apparently they've been working with Roman for quite some times now, but never really get paid, is what the Chief's say. Not to mention where they work, Junior's Bar in the shady part of Vale" 

Y/n look over at the landing pad and saw a Airship landing. 

Y/n: "Headmaster, I was wonder if I could skip a couple days of class?"

Ozpin: "You wish to skip classes, for what reason?"

Y/n saw the Airship took off, taking Blake and the faunus. 

Y/n: "If we are gonna get to the bottom of this, I need to go scouting for a little while" 

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