The 'outsider' Outcast//Enid...

By AngltRen

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(Y/n)'s mother was experimented on by Outcast scientists that wanted to turn normies into outcasts and his mo... More

Bio and other things
Chapter I "Setting in and introductions"
Chapter II "Confusion and connecting"
Chapter III "Enemy's and Friends"
Chapter IV "New student and farther friendship"
Chapter V "Spying and Inviting"
Chapter VI "Interigation and Pervention"
Chapter VII "Disposition and The Poe Cup"
Chapter VIII "Outreach Day and Breaking Shell's"
Chapter IX "Rave'N and Reveal"
Chapter XI "Parental Closing and Relation Opening"
Chapter XII "Comforting and Differences"
Chapter XIII "Dragged In and Bloody Hands"
Chapter XIV "New Breaks and New Builds"
Chapter XV "Infected Attraction and Poisonous Love"
Chapter XVI "Suspicions and Loose Ends"
Chapter XVII "Realizations and Blood Moon"

Chapter X "White Passion and Crimson Blood"

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By AngltRen

(Y/n) POV:

I headed towards the quad while receiving multiple stares from people before finally finding Enid "Hey, you ready?" I asked as she looked up from her phone and I was immediately blown away by what she was wearing "I see you took my advice," she said with a surprised look on her face "...You look amazing," I said nervously.  She smiled and blushed a little from my compliment while holding my hand "And despite me already seeing you earlier, you still look great, especially without the hood and mask," she said "This is just me getting comfortable in my own skin... despite not having any," I said jokingly which made her laugh a little as we walked towards the entrance while passing by Laurel with a shocked expression on her face, but kept it suppressed while greeting us and letting us pass.

The music was blasting loudly as we entered with lights that flashed all around "Are you okay?" Enid suddenly asked "Yea, why?" I asked "Well, don't flashing lights remind you of... you know," she said worriedly "I'll be fine, I may have bad memories, but not PTSD," I said while walking in farther with Enid following me.  We found a seats and sat down before Weems started walking towards us "(Y/n), I'm surprised to see you without your hood and mask," she said "Well it's all thanks to her," I said while pointing to Enid "I see, glad Ms. Sinclair managed to get through to you, then again, that's her specialty," she said while walking away.

I looked around the dance room to see people dancing, some drinking punch, and a giant Yeti ice sculpture "That's an interesting sculpture to have in a place like this," I said which caught Enid's attention "Ms. Thornhill Chaired the dance committee this year, so she wanted the Rave'N to feel relevant," she responded "And a Yeti is relevant because?" I asked "Because our theme is climate crisis meets extinction event... but in a fun way," she replied. We talked a little more about the Rave'N before Ajax walked up to us "Hey Enid... and... you are?" he asked while pointing at me "(Y/n), the kid you avoid at all costs," I replied "Right... you mind if I talk to you?" he asked, I stood up and walked with him away from Enid and to a separate table "What are you playing at?" he asked immediately.

I was about to respond, but he cut me off with another question "Why were you trying to get me and Enid together just to end up stealing her in the end?" "I didn't steal her if you two were never dating," I replied "How do you know-," "You stood her up during your outing to the back of the green house, one date doesn't equal dating," I said while cutting him off. "I know your trying to do something, so what is it," he asked with anger growing in his voice "Listen Ajax... you failed to show up when Enid wanted to date you, so when I had to make her feel better, she started to grow on me," I calmly responded.

I saw as his anger grew farther as he asked "You can't just start dating Enid just because you helped her out, you hated her before all that happened," he pointed out "And you didn't grow feelings for her until she asked you out, so if you ask me, we're in the same boat," I responded which caught him off guard. He was about to say something else, but Laurel quickly intervened "Boys, let's not start a fight, Ajax, walk away and let me speak to (Y/n) for a little," she said which made Ajax leave "(Y/n), I do hope what you said about her growing on you wasn't true," she said while holding a fake smile "Of course not... that was just to annoy him," I replied, which seemed to satisfy her as she walked away.

I went back to Enid's table and sat back down as she immediately asked "What did he want to talk to you about?" "Nothing much, he just seemed a little... jealous," I said which caught her off guard "Ajax's jealous... of us?" she asked as I nodded "Guess missing one date and realizing his feelings really did a number on him," I said while taking a sip of the Yeti-tini. I then saw as everyone looked in awe towards the entrance and as I looked too, I saw Wednesday and Tyler walk through together 'Guess Tyler's doing his Job better then expected,' I thought to myself as we looked at each other and gave a slight nod.

Laurel then walked towards them to welcome them as Wednesday then split off "I'm gonna go talk to Wednesday," Enid said getting up and walking towards Wednesday 'Guess now's my chance,' I thought to myself while standing up and walking towards Laurel and Tyler "Anything in particular we have to do?" I asked while trying to stay out of Wednesday line of sight "No, just keep an eye on your dates," she responded. I quickly went back to my spot and sat down as if nothing had happened while looking around the party before locking my eyes on Enid 'It's just for the mission,' I tried convincing myself.

Enid POV:

I walked up to Wednesday before saying "OMG! I love the look!" with excitement, which quickly went down after seeing who she was with "Interesting choice of date though," I said "I could say the same," Wednesday said while looking towards (Y/n) "You know, he's not that bad when you get to know him," I responded "I don't know people, only enemy's," she replied. I looked towards her then (Y/n) before asking "Don't you at least want to try and talk to him?" "He's a suspect to me on an investigation... those are the only answers I want," she said while giving him a death glare.

"What do you mean suspect?" I asked confused "(Y/n) avoids Outcasts at all costs, the only person he won't avoid or use force to push away is you, and since your connected to me and for an odd reason I have a part to play, he's still keeping you around," she explained "(Y/n) hates outcasts, but he has a good reason to, I'll call him over if you'd like?" I asked. I saw as Wednesday gave it a thought before giving a slight nod "(Y/n)!" I called out while getting his attention and signaling him to come over "Just try to talk to him, and maybe leave the suspect thing out the conversation," I said as (Y/n) made his way over.

(Y/n) POV:

I walked over towards Enid and Wednesday while keeping my vision towards Laurel, who seemed to notice me walking over "Wednesday," I said, greeting her "(Y/n)," she said in response while glaring at me "Any reason you called me over?" I asked Enid "You seem to avoid outcasts yet you stick around Enid, Why?" Wednesday suddenly asked. I immediately knew that she was gonna try and extract information from me, so I kept calm and responded "She managed to help me crawl out of my shell, I could say the same about you and your date," I responded "How do you know if he is?" she asked "Let's be honest... Wednesday Addams, the girl known for being rude and dark... bringing a date to a place like this?" I asked.

I could tell I stumped her as she immediately began to pour drinks for herself and Tyler as me and Enid walked away "Please never put me in that type of situation again," I said to Enid which made her laugh a little "Were you scared?" she asked jokingly "No, not since your with me," I said which made Enid immediately stop laughing and blush a little.

~Short Time Skip~

Me and Enid were talking for a little, before I noticed a kid with his phone out and smirking 'That can't be good,' I thought to myself "What's wrong?" Enid asked while looking towards were I was looking "Oh, that kid," she said disappointed "Something wrong about him?" I asked "He's a Normie who hate's, just stay away from him," Enid explained. I thought about for a second before realizing 'A kid who hates Outcasts... while being around Outcasts, he's up to something,' I thought before getting back to our conversation "Hey (Y/n)... can I ask something?" she said nervously "Sure, what?" I asked "Do you wanna dance with me?" she asked with hope in her eyes.

I looked towards the people dancing and back at her before putting on my gloves and standing up "Just keep me from touching anyone, and we'll be fine," I said while holding my hand out for her, which she took and we walked into the dance floor as a new song started to play and we simply danced along to it.

~Short Time Skip~

After the song was over of dancing we both stopped before Wednesday and Tyler both got on the floor and started dancing themselves, with Wednesday doing a rather... interesting dance, a dance that was just random and flung it's self everywhere.  I then noticed the kid from before head around back, and I wanted to know what he was up to "I'll be right back, gotta go to the restroom," I said to Enid while walking away and towards where he left.

I found him waiting outside before I grabbed him and held him down "What the hell do you think your doing?" I asked while flipping him around and I saw as fear filled him "W-What the hell are you!?" he yelled out "The thing that'll kill you if you don't tell me what your up to," I said while taking off my glove and holding it close to his face. He started to panic as a I heard a truck start to pull in "You have three seconds, three... two-," "We're giving the outcasts what they deserve by using the sprinklers the cover them with red paint!" he said quickly as two other kids came out the truck, but immediately stopped when seeing me.

I held him with my hand close to his neck while saying "Whatever you do to the rest of the outcasts, I don't give a damn, but even try and hurt Enid, and I'll ensure that you'll regret ever meeting me," I said while pushing the kid to the ground and walking away "Hey freak!" I heard a kid yell out as I turned around, only to be punched in the face. I simply stood up straight as the kid who hit me immediately tried again, but suddenly stopped and fell to his knees "Now you guys get to decide, ether get him to a hospital before the Cyanide fully kills him, or continue with your prank and let this one die," I said while putting my glove back on and leaving.

I got back to the party, already knowing that they probably didn't believe what I said and quickly finding Enid "Enid, we should get out of here," I said while looking towards the fire alarm "Why?" she asked "That kid you told me about is about to pull a prank on everyone," I said while seeing one of the kids sneak towards the alarm. "It can't be that bad, besides you just got back and we should dance a little more," she said while grabbing my hands, and I the saw the kid getting ready to pull the lever 'God damnit Enid,' I took off my jacket and held it over her which confused her for a second before the sprinklers and alarm went off, and the room was being colored red.

People then started screaming and running all over the place as I continuously held my jacket over Enid "Oh my god, (Y/n)!" she said panicked "Don't worry, it isn't blood, but right now let's focus on getting you out safely," I said while slowly leading her towards and exit, ensuring not to get her painted.  People kept bumping into me and nearly tripping me, but I luckily managed to find a way out and get Enid away from all the chaos "Well that could have gone a lot smoothly," I said while sitting down and rubbing my ankles from the amount of times I was hit.

Enid then sat next to me while giving back my jacket "Sorry I didn't listen," she said "Don't be, we probably wouldn't have made it out anyway with the amount of people who were dancing," I responded while wiping the paint away from my face with my jacket "Let me help," Enid said while grabbing my jacket and wiping me.  While wiping, she then asked "Doesn't it hurt that the paint got into your... eye... sockets," she said which made me chuckle "Despite my eyes being hollow, I can't really feel what go's through it," I responded "What does it look like if someone sticks their finger through it?" she asked "Just like someone's covering my eyes," I replied.

She finished wiping my face and gave me back my jacket before sitting back down "You know, there's one more question I have to ask about your past," she said "And that is?" I asked "You mentioned you were about to be put on death row before... wasn't you step-father gonna stop them?" she asked which made me fall silent "...He died of a heart attack when I was thirteen," I replied.  I faced Enid who now had a sympathetic look on her face "I'm sorry," she immediately apologized "You shouldn't be... we was a great father to me... but I always felt like I disappointed him with my hatred for outcasts," I said in disappointment.

She then tried to hug me but I stopped her "I'm still covered in paint, I don't want you to ruin you dress and hair," I said jokingly, but she simply pulled me in and hugged me tightly "Right now that doesn't matter," she said which made me chuckle and hug back "You said that you felt like you disappointed him with your hatred for outcast right?" she asked "Yea?" I said.  We then let go of each other as Enid then said "You were hugging one just now, so I don't think you'll be disappointing him anytime soon," she said which made us both laugh a little before we both suddenly stopped and faced each other.

I felt my face heat up and my heart start to race as Enid then started blushing and smiling, I suddenly started to lean in closer to her and she did the same while my breathing started to get heavy, we were about to fully commit when "(Y/n), Enid, Wednesday has run off," Laurel said which made us both jump back and act like nothing happened.  It took a few seconds for our thinking process to start again when Enid suddenly asked "Wait, What do you mean Wednesday ran off?" "She ran into the forest, something about Eugene being in danger," she said which made Enid start to run and I followed after.

Just before I did though, I felt a Laurel grab my shoulder and look at me with a menacing expression "I hope that was all acting (Y/n)," she said which sent a chill down my spine "Don't you dare screw this up, I've waited years for this and I'm not about to let a mutant skeleton and pre-evolved werewolf ruin if for me," she said before releasing her grip.  We stared each other down for a few seconds before I said "I won't fail, it's... just...," I said while freezing at the last part "You should follow Enid, it'll be a shame if something were to happen to her, while Tyler actually does his job," she said while putting on a smile as I immediately ran after Enid.

~Short Time Skip~

I found Enid who appeared to be with Wednesday and Laurel while surrounding a dead body, I got closer, only to see a kid with glasses with a gash on his stomach and covered in blood "What the hell happened here?" I asked, while pretending to be shocked, only to receive a cold, dead, menacing glare from Wednesday.

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