Shadows in a Window // Luke H...

By reject1x

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My story is too haunting for most people. That's why I have no one left. As people walk by they do not see th... More

chapter 1 • paralysed
chapter 2 • starbucks
chapter 3 • punished
chapter 4 • breakfast
chapter 5 • bar
chapter 6 • help
chapter 7 • darkness
chapter 8 • safe
chapter 10 • love
chapter 11 • hoodie
chapter 12 • phone-call
chapter 13 • unpredictable
chapter 14 • drugged
chapter 15 • questioning
chapter 16 • dinner
chapter 17 • shops
chapter 18 • banding
chapter 19 • kiss
chapter 20 • thank you
chapter 21 • nightmare
chapter 22 • date
chapter 23 • ghost
chapter 24 • taken
chapter 25 • motel
chapter 26 • sirens
chapter 27 • haunting
chapter 28 • surprise

chapter 9 • liar

3.5K 165 22
By reject1x


I just wanted to say that you guys are seriously amazing! Thank you all so much for reading and loving this story as much as I love writing it 💜

I open the front door and I'm greeted with silence. Ryan obviously isn't home and I don't know how long it will be like that for so I quickly rush upstairs and change out of Luke's cloths that I'm wearing and into some of my own. I hide Luke's hoodie and tracksuit pants in the bottom of my pyjama draw so Ryan won't find them. As soon as I close the draw I hear the front door burst open.

I hear his heavy footsteps walk up the stairs so I pretend to be collecting dirty washing, hoping he won't suspect anything.

"Look who finally came back." Ryan says as I look up to find him standing in the doorway with his arms folded.

"Sorry. Allie called me after you left and asked if I wanted to stay at her house and have a girls night because she hadn't seen me in agers." I quickly ramble out a believable lie.

"Oh." He replies with a blank look on his face as he tries to reply with a smart comment but for the first time I see Ryan short of words.

"I should probably get this washing on." I announce as I walk quickly for the door but as I walk past Ryan he grabs my arm pulling my body back in front of his.

"What did you two talk about?" He asks and I can tell he's wondering if I told my friend what happened last night.

"Just girls stuff. We did each other's make up, watched movies and eat lots of chocolate." I tell him as I exaggerate the word 'lots'.

"Good." Ryan replies flatly as he lets go of my arm, letting me hurry towards the laundry room.


"Dinner is ready." I softly speak to Ryan as I enter the lounge room holding two plates of food.

"Good, I was getting hungry." He selfishly says with a huff as I place his food down I front of him.

I take a seat next to him as I watch him look down at his food.

"What the fuck is this?" He asks in a mocking tone as his evil eyes glare at me.

"I-It's steak, potato, gravy and vegetables." I speak up nervously.

"I can see that. It looks like shit though." He tells me.

"I-I'm sorry, it's all we had." I softly whisper as I start to curl up into a ball.

"Jesus Christ Jessy, you're such a scaredy cat." He spits at me as he notices my hunched position.

Suddenly the door bell rings which thankfully stops Ryan from doing whatever he was about to do next.

"I'm not eating this shit." Ryan scoffs as me as he picks up his plate and throws it across the room at the wall as the gravy and peas go everywhere.

He walks across the room and opens the front door.

"Who the hell are you?" I hear Ryan spit at whoever is at the door.

"I'm Luke." The voice replies as I sink into my seat at the fact that Luke's at the door.

"You're the kid from the bar right?" Ryan questions him.

"Um, yeah I am. Listen, Jessy left her phone at my place last night so I'm just returning it." Luke says happily as a sigh leaves my lips and tears well up in my eyes because I'm so afraid of what Ryan is about to do to both me and Luke.

"No. You listen..." Ryan mocks Luke as I peek through the doorway to find Luke standing there obviously worried and intimidated.

"Don't you ever come round here again or have a little sleepover with her ever again. She's mine." Ryan tells Luke as anger rages through his voice.

Ryan slams the front door in Luke's face and watches out the window until he sees Luke get in his car and drive away.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Ryan screams at me as he turns around to face me.

"Jessy, you lied to me! You told me you were at Allie's! And you lied! I can never trust you again you little slut!" Ryan screams again as he grabs me by the ponytail and pulls me to the ground.

I let out a scream in pain as my face comes into contact with the tiled floor.

"Oh shut up, don't act like you don't deserve this." He tells me as he steps on my back, forcing my whole body to fall on the ground.

"You deserve every bit of pain you can handle and you wanna know why? Because you're a filthy liar! And liars need to be punished so they can learn their lesson!" He yells at me as he kicks me hard in the stomach, which winds me and stops me from screaming out.

"Please stop." I whisper, short of breath as he flips me over so I'm now laying on my back.

He leans down and straddles my waist as his face grows closer and closer to mind until our lips almost meet.

"Liar." He spits, making me flinch before he climbs off me and stands back up.

"Go get me some pizza." He demands throwing $20 at me.

I gather the money with my shaky hands and manage to get to my feet.

"C-can I take your car Ryan?" I ask hesitantly.

"Whatever." He replies angrily before leaving the room.

I run out of the house and towards Ryan's car trying to leave before any other act of violence is inflicted. My fingers fumble with the car keys and I drop them twice on the ground before I manage to unlock the car and climb inside it. Turning it on I quickly reverse out of the driveway. I drive until I'm out of site from the house and pull over on the side of the road and that's when I break down in tears.

I sit there, on the side of the road for what feels like forever just crying and screaming out in pain. My hands tremor and my body twitches from the adrenaline and pain trying to fight against each other.

When I can no longer cry no more I look back up at the road only to notice that the sun has now gone down and rain it starting to fall on the windscreen. I switch the car lights on and pull myself together as I indicate to re-join the traffic.

I finally pull up at the pizza place, get my wallet and make a run for shelter as the rain it pelting down. Walking through the doors I go straight up to counter to be served.

"Um, can I please get one cheese pizza and one pepperoni pizza please?" I ask the guy at the counter as I refuse to make eye contact with him.

"That'll be $11.85." The guy tells me as I hand over the correct cash before turning around and taking a seat at a table to wait.

I notice 2 pairs of feet across from me and as I finally gather the courage to look at their faces I almost gasp as I notice the purple haired boy and the drummer. They notice me looking at them so I just politely smile before I look down at my hands and play with the ring on my finger.

The door of the pizza store opens as I watch another two pairs of feet enter the store. I don't dare to look up just incase it's Luke so I keep my head down and pray for the pizza to be ready.

"Jessy?" I hear that familiar voice softly call as he takes a seat next to me.

"Are you ok? When I dropped your phone off before your boyfriend seemed kind of angry. Did you guys get in an argument or something before hand?" He questions me softly, trying to be as quiet as he can so others around us don't hear.

"Yeah, you could call it an argument." I almost whisper as I still refuse to look at him due to the fact that tears as pouring down my face.

"Are you ok?" He asks yet again.

"Can you please stop asking if I'm ok because I'm not." I snap at him as I finally look up into his eyes with my teary ones.

"Y-your face." He gasps.

Right at that moment my order is called so I quickly dry my eyes and stand up to collect it. As soon as I get it off the counter I turn on my heels and walk as fast as I can out if the pizza store and towards the car. I manage to get to the car door and check my bruised cheek and split eyebrow in the mirror before I hear heavy footsteps behind me.

"Jessy please wait, I'm so sorry." Luke calls as he quickly catches up to me.

"Luke please don't." I tell him as I dry my eyes and put the pizzas in the car.

"What happened to your face Jessy? It's bruised and it wasn't like that this morning when I took you home." He asks me in a serious tone.

"It's nothing." I tell him as I go to get in the car but he grabs a hold of my arm pulling me back to face him, just as Ryan did earlier.

"Your boyfriend did it didn't he?" He asks me and I just shake my head.

Unable to answer him I just look down at my arm.

"Sorry." He apologises as he lets go of my arm.

I turn my back to him and dry my eyes as I suck back a shaky breath before climbing into Ryan's car.

The whole drive home I'm a crying mess. The fact that Luke knows about what Ryan did scares me so much. No one has ever known the truth and no one has ever cared enough before to want to know. By the time I pull into the driveway my eyes are still filled with tears and I'm so scared to walk back into my house.

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