My Thorns (Jenna Ortega X Emm...

By kimchipinke

24.6K 1K 1.2K

Emma, a young woman who has had enough of disrespectful and abusive men in her life, decides to take matters... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
AI Visualise
Special chapter | Paris Adventure
New Story : Dark Obsession
Men slayer

Chapter nine

842 43 58
By kimchipinke


Jenna felt numb. She stared at the dead body before her, completely emotionless, as if her soul had left her body and she was left completely empty, drained.

She felt her partner come beside her, barely even flinching when he put his hand on her shoulder like she usually would've. "You okay?" He asked, his tone gentle. He had probably noticed the state she was in.

"Yeah," Jenna breathed out, not moving her gaze from the dead man. "I am."

She had sat on her kitchen floor for what felt like hours, but was probably not even half one, before receiving a call from her captain, telling her that another man had been found dead in his hotel room.

It didn't take a second for Jenna to figure out that it was the one she heard dying a few moments ago.

She felt relieved, to be entirely honest, that they had found him so soon. She couldn't tell anyone about the call, about Enid. But she couldn't stand the thought of going to work the day after knowing that someone had been murdered without doing anything about it. She had chosen that job to protect people.

She didn't feel the same kind of anger as before, though. Instead, she was rather confused. Who was this woman and what was driving her to do that? She said it was revenge, so what had these men done?

"How do you think he died?" Georgie asked after a few seconds, breaking the heavy silence, and Jenna shrugged, turning to face him.

"He has some marks around his neck, like the last one. But it looks like he's been strangled with a wire or something."

"Yeah, I thought so too. D'you think it's the same person who did that?"

Jenna sighed. "I don't know. Could be, the setting is the same, even if the cause of death isn't. We'll wait for the forensic report anyway."

Georgie only hummed, crouching down next to the chair where the body was tied. "This woman is a real freak." He said, and Jenna shook her head sideways, even though he couldn't see her.

"Yeah." She answered, "Yeah, I guess she is."

Before any of them could say another word, the room suddenly went dead silent, all of the cops that were in the room now staring at the door, and both of the detectives turned around to see what had provoked such a reaction from them.

The brunette gulped when she saw her captain standing at the entrance of the hotel room, his gaze, colder than ever, directed right at her as a shiver went down her spine.

What was he even doing here?

He wasn't supposed to visit the crime scene, Jenna wasn't sure she could handle even more pressure put on her. She was barely even holding on.

He didn't say a thing, only gestured to her and Georgie to follow him outside, which they did without saying a word, both knowing that arguing now was useless.

"What are you even doing, Ortega? Huh?" He spat out as soon as they were alone, not even sparing a glance at her partner, and the detective did everything she could not to break at his words.

She was exhausted, still shaken from the call.

She could only stay strong for so long.


"No, no don't say a word." He cut her off, "How many people have to die before you learn how to do your job? Do I need to suspend you to get a reaction from you?"

Jenna stayed silent, too afraid to say anything wrong. She knew he wanted her gone more than anything, any wrong step and it was all over. But she wasn't a bad detective, even if he loved to claim otherwise.

Georgie seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before speaking up, catching their captain's attention, much to the brunette's pleasure. "Sir, with all due respect, we're doing everything we can already."

"Then maybe I should just replace you two?" He said, and Jenna shook her head hastily.

"No, don't." She took a deep breath, "I- Our killer made a wrong move by killing this man in a hotel, there are much more security cameras, probably more potential witnesses too. I'm sure we'll find her soon."

He took a step closer to her at her words, making her gulp loudly, before pointing a finger at her, right above her chest. "I hope you're right Ortega. For your own sake, I really do."

Jenna shivered as his finger made contact with her bare skin before retreating, feeling bile rise in her throat. There was no word to describe how much she despised that man, and it seemed like her hatred for him only grew each day.

How much longer could she stand this? All of this?

Hell, Jenna hadn't even been working there for ten years yet, was she supposed to stay like that for her whole life?

She'd probably go mad.

Without saying another word, their captain spun around and left, leaving the two detectives speechless and confused as ever.

And as she looked at him disappear, Jenna couldn't help but wonder,

Who was truly the enemy?


The report on that man's dead caught Jenna by surprise.

She was sitting in front of her desk, staring at it as if it could give her the answer she was waiting for.

He had been drugged, like all of the other victims, but it wasn't what had killed him. He had been strangled, like both Jenna and Georgie presumed, and died from that before the drugged could have an actual effect, except maybe weakening him, making the job easier for her.

Why was he different, though?

Obviously, it had crossed Jenna's mind that the man Enid killed during their phone call wasn't the one they'd just found, but it took only a quick search to prove that theory wrong. The phone used by the woman was the victim's phone, she had probably taken it with her though, fortunately.

Jenna wouldn't know what she'd do if they found out that the last person this man had contacted on his phone was herself.

It didn't make sense to the brunette, at all.

That woman, Enid, was careful. She obviously liked to take risks, given that she kept on contacting Jenna, who was the detective working on her case, but it seemed like it was calculated. Jenna was pretty sure that she had studied her before doing all that.

It made her feel quite weird, not only in a bad way, which was probably worst.

Why would she take so many unnecessary risks by following that man in a hotel room, break the pattern by strangling him instead of just drugging, all that why calling Jenna?

Georgie was currently busy checking all of the CCTV footage from that night, which for once hadn't been off during the murder. Was that a mistake, or was it calculated too?

It drove Jenna crazy.

Surely enough, in no time, they'd have an idea of what that woman looked like, and the brunette wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Part of her felt like it was a trap.

Part of her felt like it was the mistake they had been waiting for her to do for so long, and that they'd finally be able to catch her.

Part of her wasn't sure she wanted Enid to be caught. Even much less sure that she wanted their game to end like that.

Shaking her head, Jenna tried to focus back on her task. She couldn't let all of it get to her, she couldn't allow herself to lose her job. Not bearing staying still for a minute more, she got up and made her way to the archive room. She knew what she needed to look up.


Fortunately, it didn't take the detective too long to find what she was looking for, and she wasn't disappointed by it.

The victim's name was Leonardo DiCaprio, an American businessman in his mid-forties. He had a wife, and a young son. Had been married and divorced twice before.

None of this really interested Jenna, though. What she found more relevant to the case was the two lawsuits that had been filed against him for sexual assault. None of them lead to anything, lack of evidence apparently. This didn't really surprise the brunette, though it didn't make her any less mad.

She knew she couldn't allow herself to feel happy after a human being's death, but... She already felt much less remorse than she did before. He was an awful person, apparently played with the wrong woman.

Served him right.

Jenna thought that this was a new lead she could follow. Maybe Enid wasn't after rich men, or their money. Maybe she was only seeking revenge from people like him.

Maybe she wasn't that bad of a person.


Jenna shook her head, no. She couldn't think that. Enid was a serial killer, for god's sake! Jenna couldn't start liking a criminal.

It didn't even help that now the brunette had a name to put on her, it made her much more human, and made Jenna way more confused. She didn't know what she would do once she knew what she looked like.

She'd probably go completely insane.

She quickly made her way to Georgie's desk, where he was still inspecting the videos from that evening, and gave him the files she had gathered on the victim.

Georgie gave her a confused look before taking a quick look at the files, his eyes widening as he did so. "What is it?"

"Proof that our victim's a piece of shit." She said as she sat down beside him. "What do you think of this?"

He took a few more seconds to inspect the document before sighing. "You took she was one of the women he assaulted?"

Jenna nodded. "It's very likely, I mean there aren't even that many women who report sexual assaults, so if this man has two of those reported... He might have assaulted much more girls than we know."

"But he's the only one, right? I mean, I get where you're coming from Jen, really, but isn't it... I mean it's not really enough?"

A low sigh fell out of Jenna's lips. Right, she couldn't tell him about what she had said. About the revenge.

"Maybe not, but I don't think we can ignore that... But fine, I won't focus on it, you're right." She finally admitted. "Anyways, made any progress?" She quickly changed the topic, knowing that she had to keep that new lead to herself for now.

"Yeah," He said, and Jenna instantly perked up. Georgie had a smug grin plastered on his face. "I think she went into his room disguised as a maid. I mean, that's the only person who went there that night besides him." He said as he showed Jenna the image on his computer screen.

Unfortunately, the angle of the camera was quite awkward, and her face wasn't shown on the video at all.

"I was looking through the other footage to see if we can see her face at one point, but I didn't have much luck so far." He said as if he had read her mind and the brunette nodded.

"Alright then... I'll leave you alone for now, but good job Georgie." She gave him a small smile which he returned before focusing back on his screen, and Jenna took this as her cue to leave.

She knew what she needed to do now anyway. She finally felt like she was following the right path.

Only a few minutes later, Jenna was getting ready to leave to meet someone who might finally give her some answers.

When she turned around to leave, though, her eyes met dark, familiar ones.

She had to be dreaming.

This couldn't...

Maddie was standing there, and Jenna was completely paralyzed.

She didn't know what she was doing there, and didn't really care either. All that was in her mind at that moment was that it was the first time since their break up that the two of them were standing in the same room, and that Jenna had been waiting for that moment to happen every second since then.

She didn't know what to do. She wanted to scream at her. She wanted to cry, to hug her, to feel her close to her again.

The brunette felt like the world around her was disappearing, and she wasn't sure of what she was supposed to do at all. She had been wanting this for so long, a chance to talk to her, to tell her what she was feeling, and it felt like nothing else mattered for a moment.

God. What was Jenna even supposed to do?

She couldn't lose that occasion, it might be the last time she'd see her.

But would she be able to say a word to her without completely breaking?

Jenna was already drained, how much more could she handle?

What should she do...?

Shaking her head, Jenna let out a slow sigh. She knew she'd probably get hurt, but she couldn't lose that chance. This might be the last time Maddie would agree to see her...

If she did agree, that was.

But Jenna knew her, and as much as she hated her now, she knew the woman wouldn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone. She had to listen to her.

The detective started walking towards the older girl with thoughts racing in her mind. What should she tell her? Should she apologize? Get mad at her?

Hell, Jenna didn't even know what she was feeling.

Before she could think too much about it though, she was in front of her ex-fiancée, the latter glaring at her like she had killed her whole family.

"H-hey," Jenna started shyly before clearing her throat. "What are you doing here...?"

Maddie frowned. "I'm here to see Mikey, don't flatter yourself. Since when are you working on Saturdays anyway?"

"I have nothing better to do." Jenna only answered, trying not to show the woman how much her words kept on hurting her. This was a terrible idea.

"Right, that's not so surprising."

"Maddie... can we talk? Please,"

Then she looked into her eyes for a split second before rolling them. "Why would I do that?"

"Because... I just, I promise I'll never bother you after. I just need to talk to you, please." She said, not caring anymore about how weak she looked. "Just let me have that."

Maddie sighed but eventually nodded. "I'm giving you five minutes Jenna, and if it's just to beg me to come back then just don't waste my time."

"It's not. Thank you."

"Let's go outside then," Maddie said, "Not fond of having a public."

"Yeah sure, go ahead I'm following you."

Jenna wished she could say she was relieved, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that was creeping inside her soul. This felt bad, and she knew she'd regret it.

But this was her only chance of finally getting the closure she was so despairingly craving for, and maybe even moving on, even though she wasn't sure that was possible.

Screw her dignity, she needed answers.


"You wanted to talk, "Maddie started, her tone cold. "Then go ahead."

"I just want to know why." Jenna sighed, fidgeting with her hands, before looking up into the woman's eyes.

"Why what?"

"Why you left me. Why do you hate me? What have I done wrong?" The brunette wished her voice wasn't shaking so hard, Maddie must find her pathetic, but she felt too drained to control it.

"I told you that, already." She said, shaking her head faintly. "I was tired of coming after your job, and I don't hate you, Jenna. I just grew tired, that's it, it happens. People fall out of love all the time."

The detective let out a shaky breath, "But it just doesn't happen like that, I-" Jenna closed her eyes for a second, trying to regain her composure so she wouldn't break into tears in front of her.

"Everything was going well? I thought you were okay with me working so much, I mean- that's how I was when we met anyways? It's not like I just started working so much to annoy you one day, you always knew I was like this and still fell in love with me. It just doesn't make sense to me."

An awkward silence fell between them, and Maddie looked away, making the brunette's heart clench painfully.

The city noises around them seemed too loud all of a sudden, making breathing become harder and harder for Jenna as she felt her lungs tighten from the panic.

"Do you want me to tell you the truth, then?"

Maddie's voice was so low Jenna almost missed it. Maybe she should've pretended she did.


It took a few more painfully slow seconds for her ex-fiancée to react.

"I had someone else, Jenna."


Jenna felt her whole world shattering.

She had been heartbroken when Maddie left her so suddenly, not understanding why everything changed between them so suddenly.

The thought that the love of her life had actually fallen out of love way before Jenna even realized it, maybe even starting hating her when they were still together and planning their wedding, made the brunette's head spin.

She couldn't find the strength to look up or even hold back her tears anymore. Her arms crossed against her chest tightly and her nails digging into her palms, she mumbled out, "For how long."

"Over a year now."

Maddie's voice seemed emotionless, as if she hadn't just broken Jenna's heart. As if she didn't care.

Over a year. They had broken up two months ago.

"I just couldn't keep on lying to you anymore." She added when Jenna didn't answer, the brunette couldn't stand it anymore.

She took a step back and glared at the older woman. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You couldn't keep on lying?! You fucking- You cheated on me for a year Maddie! A fucking year, we were about to get married for fuck sake, how could you even-"

"This was exactly why I didn't tell you, Jenna. You asked for this." Maddie scoffed, and Jenna felt like things couldn't get worse than they were.

"Am I really that bad of a person, huh? For you to play me like that? Hate me so much?" Jenna took a deep breath. "What the fuck have I done to you for you to treat me like this?"

"You just don't care about anything!" The woman almost shouted, obviously growing annoyed. "All you were talking about was work, how your boss is such a dick, how it's so hard, and- I couldn't carry our relationship on my own Jen! I'm sorry, alright, I know what I did is wrong, but you didn't make it easy for me either! Don't make me the bad person is when you basically abandoned me years ago. I just can't deal with this."

At every word the older woman said, Jenna felt a piece of her shattering, until she was left with nothing. She wished the floor could just her swallow her whole, wished that she could just stop existing.

She knew she hadn't been the best girlfriend ever.

She didn't know she was so terrible.

Maddie took a deep breath before looking into Jenna's eyes again. "Your time's up, Jenna. I'm sorry, really, I wish things were easier. I hope you find someone else." She said, and before the brunette could even register her words the woman was gone.

Jenna was broken.


Emma felt like absolutely nothing could get to her.

She had all the power she needed and wanted, was in complete control of the situation, and on top of everything, she wasn't left disappointed by her pretty brunette.

She couldn't get her face out of her mind anymore, it haunted her daily; even while she was busy with other people her head was all Jenna.

She couldn't wait to make her hers.

As Emma looked at the people passing by on the street from the terrace of the coffee shop she was in, something caught her attention and made her frown.

Jenna was there, which was no surprise as Emma had waited all day for her to finally come out, but she wasn't alone.

That wasn't planned. Emma hated surprises.

Obviously, it didn't take her too long to figure out who the other woman was. Maddie Ziegler, her obsession's ex fiancée. Her face was all over the brunette's social medias which never failed to make her blood boil. It was rather obvious that she hadn't moved on from her, or the pictures would be long gone from the websites, which left Emma with one unanswered question.

Why would someone be stupid enough to let a woman like Jenna go?

Emma would make sure that never happened, even if she had to lock the brunette up for that. She would never let her go, ever.

The conversation didn't look peaceful, which kind of relieved the blonde woman, although she couldn't help but feel worried for the detective. The older woman better not raise one finger of her, or Emma wouldn't hesitate for a second before killing her.

The image of life slowly leaving her eyes as Emma was strangling her made her relax a little.

Suddenly, she saw Jenna breaking down in tears and screaming out at the other woman, and a frown made its way to Emma's face. She didn't remember seeing her so mad, ever.

This was... a somewhat pleasant surprise. But the woman hated that someone was playing with her girl.

When the woman left barely a minute later and Jenna fell to her knees on the ground, Emma knew what needed to be done.

She'd teach her a lesson.


Jenna felt exhausted.

Not even physically anymore, it had gone much further from that. The brunette wasn't sure she even had the strength to keep on living.

At this point, the only thing that was keeping her going was the fear of dying, and maybe the promise she had made to her parents before they left for good, too. She wasn't sure it still mattered though.

She was completely lifeless, not sure how she would manage to pretend to be okay from then on.

She knew she still had her work, but was there even a point anymore?

Enid could do anything she wanted to anyone for all she cared. Jenna was too tired to keep on playing.

As if the universe had heard her thoughts, her phone suddenly started ringing loudly, and Jenna perked up when Maddie's name flashed on her screen.


She debated with herself for a second, not sure that answering would be a good idea, but who was she fooling?

Of course, she'd answer.


Jenna hoped Maddie didn't hear how much her voice was shaking.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Jenna?! You're a fucking psychopath, god, I-"

"Whoa- wait what?" Jenna slowly sat up, a frown making its way on her face. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't you think I'm stupid Jenna? Seriously, I didn't know you were that fucking desperate. Don't you think I'll let this slide just because you're a cop."

"Maddie." Jenna sighed, trying to calm herself down. "I promise, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"So you aren't the one who sent me that rose huh? 'Leave Jenna alone, or I'll make you regret that.' You really think I'm stupid, don't you?" She scoffed, and Jenna froze.

There was no way-


"You fucking heard me, Jenna- God, I can't even... is this one of your games huh?"

"I promise I didn't send you that, Maddie- God, why would I even tell you to leave me alone? You know that's not what I want." Jenna said, her voice trembling slightly.

She couldn't tell her about Enid.

"But you hoped that I would ask for your help after getting that note, right? I might not be a detective, but I'm no fool you psychotic b-"

"Maddie, fuck off," Jenna said, shocking both Maddie and herself at the sudden burst of confidence.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Oh, you heard me." The brunette scoffed. "I told you it isn't me, alright? Fuck don't you think you've hurt me enough already? I'm done. Call the police if you're so scared, I didn't do shit."

At that, Jenna hung up, letting out a loud sigh of relief.

She had let Maddie control her and her life for so long, it was time it stopped.

She was still despairingly in love with her, she knew it'd take time to stop, but she had to stop crying over a girl who treated her like that.

And... the thought that Enid had done that to her made her feel all warm inside. Was she trying to protect her? Or was that just to trick Jenna into trusting her...?

Whatever it was, it worked, and Jenna found herself caring less and less about doing the right thing, and instead thought that it was time she followed her own instincts.

Maybe Enid wasn't a threat.

Maybe she was just what she needed.

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