𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐬

By kiikiisaidfuckyou

1.1M 53.4K 109K

𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗜 𝗦𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗹. More



9.8K 452 200
By kiikiisaidfuckyou


Kataleya sat across from Meena as she ate her food quietly. Dejhari and Mario insisted on taking the girls out so they could discuss their differences in a adult manner. Dejhari was over the whole situation and just wanted Meena and Kat to have an conversation.

He tried to get Kataleya understand that Meena was his sister and this tension between them would only affect his relationship with his sister. He didn't want to pick sides but he knew that his sister was start to view him differently because of his relationship with Kat.

The dinner started off unusually quiet. The two girls didn't say a word to each other. Instead, they ate their food and only spoke with their boyfriends. Meena was busy talking to Mario about his food and what she thought the restaurant should've changed.

Kataleya on the other hand only spoke slightly but not much. She didn't have anything to say that was for the couples ears. She just wanted to get through the dinner  without hearing anything negative from Meena. She didn't even see the point in them being out. She thought she expressed how much she didn't care but she understood that Dejhari did so she had to compromise for him.

"So, is y'all gon talk?" Dejhari asked with a deep frown as he looked at the two women. Both were pregnant and rubbing their hands on their stomach as they drank their water. Kataleya hadn't had a soda her whole pregnancy. She's been drinking strictly water.

"We already talked," Meena said with a small shrug. She was over the whole situation but she didn't understand why she still had a problem. "She feel how she feel about the situation. I'm not kissing no ass."

Kat looked up from her plate before going back to her food. She wasn't even about to argue with her. She didn't want her baby to feel that anger that she could get to. She wanted to smack Meena across her face.

She just looked at her. "Why you gotta say slick shit like that? Nobody asking you to kiss ass. Y'all need to have an conversation about this shit. Both of y'all my family and I don't want to deal with this dumb ass shit no more." Dejhari expressed before looking over at Kat who was sipping her water.

"I don't have a problem with her. She just can't accept criticism." Kataleya said with a shrug. "This is being dragged out and it's corny. If anything she need to understand that she dead wrong for tryna fight me knowing we both pregnant. Like who does that?"

"Ok, I got mad but you was saying slick shit for nothing. That's my problem if anything. I don't give no fucks about no criticism. Bitches talk shit all the time." Meena said waving her off before sticking a fry in her mouth. "This is just a waste of our time."

"If anything you keep saying slick shit. I'm not saying anything that can be misconstrued as disrespect but you are and if I was easily amped up I would smack the shit outta you right now." Kataleya said eyeing her catching Dejhari completely off guard.

His mouth dropped but he quickly got himself together when he noticed his sister looked at her with her face scrunched up. Mario just shook his head and didn't say a word because he didn't want to make things worse like last time. He did understand that he should've been trying to deescalate the situation instead of adding fuel to the fire.

"Why you have to say that?" Mario said looking over at Kat causing Dejhari to cut his eyes at him. "Y'all both just pregnant filled with hormones. Y'all friends. Y'all don't need to be arguing like this." He added.

"Friends don't try to fight each other." Kat said, Dejhari shook his head. "But it's not like I have a problem with her. She just never apologized for what she did. She can't take accountability for her wrongs and I don't want anybody like that around me."

"But you just said you gonna smack the shit outta me?" Meena said holding her hand out with squinted eyes. "You're contradicting yourself. Yeah, I should've never tried to fight you. And I do apologize since I didn't when the situation happened but you saying shit like that giving you still wanna be into it."

"Into what?" Kataleya said with her eyebrows furrowed before looking over at Dejhari. "I'm not into it with you or nobody else. And I told you that before you stormed out of DeMaya's house last week."

"Ok but do you accept her apology? This shit need to be over with so me and Duke can be back cool." Mario said, Dejhari looked over at him with a confused expression. "What?"

"Nigga, hush. This your way of helping?" He said before looking over at Meena who was sitting there with her arms folded. "That wasn't even a apology. Both of y'all need to apologize if anything. Y'all too grown for this shit."

He was starting to become irritated because he felt like he was dealing with children. He loved Kat but he felt like she was being a bit irrational and stringing the situation along when he felt it wasn't something that needed this much attention. He didn't want to mess things up at home or mess things up with his family.

"I apologize for trying to fight you. It was childish and reckless considering we're both pregnant. I love you and I don't want us to be into it honestly. I'm really sorry about the things I said. I was just doing too much." Meena said moving her hair out of her face. She felt happy that she could take that step in the right direction by apologizing to Kat.

"Yeah," Kat said before sighing. Dejhari was under the table rubbing her leg gently but when he noticed that she wasn't going to apologize as well he squeezed her leg and gave her a look. "I apologize for saying I'll smack you. Even though I will, it was uncalled for."

Dejhari huffed before shaking his head. He knew that was all he was going to get from her so he was thankful that she atleast tried. He knew his sister was a lot and also hard to deal with sometimes. He could understand why she wanted to smack her but he didn't want that to happen between them.




itskataleyaa i'm a mom now 🤰🏽💗

Dejhari eyed the photos before looking over at Kataleya who was approaching him with Meena and DeMaya behind her. He noticed how much time she spent under DeMaya since Treasure was back in school. He found it weird to see considering he remembered when Treasure was always with her.

"Why she out here?" He mumbled to himself eyeing the scene in complete disapproval. He was standing outside with Mario, Jammo, Cruddy, and Gleesh. He didn't see why she came out there knowing how much he wouldn't like it.

"Damn, you really pregnant. It's so weird to see you walking around with something in your belly." Cruddy said as they hugged, she laughed.

"Something? You mean someone?" She corrected as she looked at him with her nose wrinkled. She was trying her hardest not to interact with Dejhari because she knew her being out there would turn into an argument between them. She felt bad because she knew he would disapprove but she didn't want to stay at DeMaya's house until she came back.

"Where Kass?" Jammo asked eyeing DeMaya with a frown. He was upset with her as well for coming out. He didn't understand why she wanted to stand a block with him knowing that they had a daughter that she could be with. "You coming out here and shit."

"She's with your mom. She wanted to take her so I let her." DeMaya explained with a shrug before wrapping her arms around his waist. She looked up at him with a smile as he looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

He wanted to tell her about herself but he didn't want to cause a scene. The change in their relationship was something that he continuously had to remind himself about. He liked the new dynamic but it's easy to fall into old habits. Especially when it came to expressing himself.

"Why you looking at me like that?" She said with a slight pout as he eyed her intensely. She rubbed his beard as he ran his hand over her butt repeatedly.

"Why you out here? Wassup?" He asked with a frown. He was trying his best to remain calm. He started to believe that she didn't trust him enough to be outside without her. He didn't like the way it looked. "You know I don't want you out here."

"I just wanted to come see you for a minute." She said before frowning at him. She felt like he was acting as if he had something to hide. She didn't see the big deal of coming out to see her man considering he usually liked when she popped up on him. "What's the problem?"

Dejhari looked over at Kat as she stood beside him rubbing her stomach. He eyed her before sighing in aggravation as he shook his head. "Go sit inna car. I'm finna take you home." He said pulling his pants up as he looked at her, she frowned.

"Take me home for what?" She said with a slight mug. She folded her arms as she looked at him.He towered over her small frame as they stood away from everyone. He didn't want people in his business. He neared her face before planting a kiss on her lips.

"Why you out here?" He asked calmly. He noticed how calm he was with her. It felt like she was the only person who could irritate him to the point where he wanted to go off but he couldn't. He didn't understand why or how he was able to stay so calm and level headed when it came to her because it was never like that for him before, with anyone.

"I wanted to come see you." She said softly as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She rubbed his arm as she looked at her man in awe. She was glad that she came to see him because she noticed he had his hair done and a fresh cut. She was confused because he didn't have either when he left the house that morning.

"I would've came to Jammo shit," He said before shaking his head with a frown. "You know I don't like when you come out here to see me. Especially while you pregnant. You should've called me."

"When did you get your haircut?" She asked with a frown as she rubbed the side of his face. She decided to look over his whole appearance while he was ranting about her coming out to see him.

He had his hair freshly done into twists that he put into a high ponytail, his shape-up was on display. He wore a white t-shirt with galley dept shorts and a pair of air force ones. His pockets has bulges in them so she decided to look into his pockets. He had stacks of money in his pockets and a lot of miscellaneous things.

"This morning," He said watching her as she looked in his pockets curiously. She was confused on why he had the money in his pockets when he had the LV crossbody bag on. "Why? What you going through my pockets fa?" He asked with a frown.

"Why you got allis shit in your pockets?" She said with a frown before looking around at their surroundings. She didn't even wanna be out there anymore. She was now ready to get her man and go because she wasn't feeling the vibe at all. "Let's go."

"Let's go?" He reiterated before furrowing his eyebrows. "Why I gotta leave? I just got here."

"Ok but you coming out here doing too much. You got all this stuff in your pocket. This just too much. We need to leave so go ahead and say bye to everyone." She said standing there watching as he huffed and shook his head. "What?"

He didn't say anything. He just started saying his goodbyes to his friends as Kataleya stood to the side and talked with DeMaya about her leaving. "Yeah, I'm just not feeling this vibe right now so I'm about to leave." She said before rubbing her stomach. "And my son hungry so I gotta go feed him."

DeMaya busted out laughing. "Girl the baby not here yet and you already not playing. I know that's right."

"Yeah I'm not playin bout my son." She said with a laugh before watching as Dejhari dapped with Jammo. "Why do they be out here with all that stuff in their pockets? That's dangerous."

"Girl that's a nigga for you." She said waving them off. "I don't know why but I know what you mean by dangerous. They basically letting everybody know what they got on them. It's dangerous and reckless."

"Exactly," She said as Dejhari approached her. "But we're about to go so I'll just text you when I get home."

"Ok." She said as they hugged. DeMaya rubbed her hand on Kataleya's round stomach before they both left. They started making their way to the car and once they were settled inside, he pulled off. He didn't like sitting around in the car since he got shot. He felt like it gave people enough time to watch and see his next move. He looked over at Kataleya and shook his head.

She didn't say anything. She was busy typing on her phone not paying him any mind. She was texting her mom letting her know that she'll be over tomorrow to pick up the gifts that she bought her so far for the baby. She was irritated and confused. She wanted to get her thoughts together before she spoke with him.

"So," She started off before looking over at him. "You're still in the streets?"

He cut his eyes at her before leaning back in his seat. He didn't reply because he didn't know what he wanted to say to her. He didn't like arguing with her especially while she was pregnant considering she was very mean. He didn't understand it but the pregnancy made her mean. "Am I still in the streets?" He reiterated before looking over at her.

"That's what I asked." She said with a frown. "Remember you said that you were done..two years ago? I'm just confused on why I keep finding you on that block looking like you doing everything you promised that you were done with."

He huffed before rubbing his face. "I'm not still in the streets. I mean, I got dealings but you come to my office all the time. I don't always be out there. You act like you find me out there everyday." He argued back.

"I find you out there too much for a man with a baby on the way and his own businesses. It just doesn't make sense to me so I'm trying to get some clarity." She said looking over at him. "Didn't you get shot over there? Like why would you wanna hang right there?"

"That's where I'm from. I go out there cause I wanna be around my men sometimes. It's not like I'm working out there or nun. I just show my face sometimes." He explained, she frowned.

"You don't need to be doing allat. You doing too much going out there and you're sending the wrong message. You opened your community center to uplift the community but your out there loitering with your friends as if you're in the streets." She expressed before shaking her head. "I don't like it. It's unsafe."

He didn't say anything. Instead, he just rubbed his face and listened to what she had to say. He understood what she was saying and where she was coming from. He did understand the message she was talking about and considering their background of how things were when he was in the streets, he understood why it would make her so angry to see him out there continuously.

"We're having a son Dejhari," She said before looking over at him. "I don't want that stuff around him."

He leaned back in his seat as they approached the red light. He looked over at her as he sighed. "I understand what you saying," He said rubbing his hand on her stomach. "Ima fall back from allat shit. I ain't know it made you so mad. You should've been told me."

"I haven't been out there since you've left the streets and caught you with all that shit in your pockets. I just want us to elevate our lives for our son. I don't want you to go backwards in anyway." She said holding his hand as he rubbed her stomach.

"I gotchu." He said nodding his head with a smirk.


"So you gonna look me in the face and tell me that gun just came in the locker room and happened to sit itself in your locker?" Dejhari asked as he looked at the young kid who was standing in front of him. He looked down at the boy with a deep frown in pure disbelief.

"Why would I bring a gun in here Duke? I got shit going for myself on the team and shit." He said with his arms out, Dejhari just eyed the young kid. He knew he brought the gun into the center but he was right. He did have something going for him on the team.

"You do got shit going that's why I'm confused on why you lying to my face?" He said with a frown before looking at the track that had just been installed into the facility. "You know what, start running."

"Run?!" He repeated, Dejhari nodded.

"Run like a nigga shooting at you since you like guns. I'll let you know when to stop." He said before sitting down on the seat and leaning back in it. He watched as the young boy started running on the track.

"I remember that used to be us." Gleesh said with a small laugh. Dejhari just shook his head before nodding his head with a smirk. "Life would've been way different had we listening to Chuck man."

"Who you telling." He said running his hand down his face. "I wish I would've listened to that nigga everyday. He was telling me shit that I really needed to know and because I was so focused on a image I fucked my own shit up. Ion want that to happen to these kids."

Gleesh nodded in agreement. "That's why I was behind this community center. That's why I wanted to help you with it because I knew that this would not only help me off the streets but help me give back to my community. I'm tryna change my life around man."

Dejhari looked over at his friend and nodded. He noticed that his friend was making good changes in his life since Treasure and him parted ways. He noticed how focused he was on being a better man for himself and not for anyone else. He was proud of the change in him. He didn't think it was possible.

"Yeah, I'm tryna change my shit around too. I gotta stop hanging around outside. Maybe you can come with me to go look at this other community center I'm thinking about opening." He said. "We can do it together. I wanna do more shit. Get some connections in a higher world with some powerful people."

Gleesh nodded before chuckling. "Who you think can help us with that? Cause I don't know nobody."

Dejhari laughed before shaking his head. "I know someone. Ima stop by his place tomorrow and see what he can do for me. If he can help then I'll hit you."

"Bet, just let me know."


Dejhari opened the front door to the house and walked inside. He looked around and noticed all the boxes of stuff that was all over the floor. Some were unopened and some were stacked on top of each other. He frowned his face up in aggravation as he walked up the steps towards the bedroom.

When he walked inside he noticed that Kat wasn't in the room. He could hear her talking and laughing but didn't see her around. He walked into the bathroom and noticed her sitting in the bathtub with her phone propped up to her face as she talked. "Girl, you're so dramatic. Just eat some bread or something."

"Bitch, I been shitting all day. This ain't dramatic. I'm sick as fuck. I'm finna go to the hospital." DeMaya said causing Dejhari to shake his head. He walked over to the tub and leaned down to give her a kiss. When she noticed, she happily accepted before rubbing the side of his face with a wide smile.

"Hi baby," she said looking at him. She could tell that he was tired but he still looked so good. His emotions were unreadable as he looked over her face. She couldn't tell how he felt as she looked at him. He kissed her repeatedly before walking away from the tub. "How was your day? You ok?"

He nodded but didn't reply. Instead, he began getting himself together so he could get in the shower and go to sleep. He was exhausted after spending his whole day with the kids from the community center. He noticed that he hadn't been to his shop in a few days.

"It was ight," He said as he rubbed the cleanser all over his face. He didn't really like talking about his day. "I mean, I was with them kids all day. A nigga tired."

"How did that go?" She asked before looking over at him. She could hear DeMaya continue on talking about how sick she was from her stomach virus. She didn't really listen want to listen to her friend explain her bowels. It wasn't that appealing to her.

"It was cool," He said with a small shrug. "The nigga TJ brought a gun in the center and put it in his locker. When I said something to him he all like why would I do that? Like that's what I'm tryna figure out."

"Oh my god!" She said in complete shock as she listened to Dejhari rant and rave about his day. She couldn't believe that the kids in the community center where like that. She expected them to be a little bad but not full on in the streets. "Isn't he on the basketball team? Why would he do that?!"

"That's what I'm saying!!" Dejhari said looking back at her with a frown. He was getting mad all over again just thinking about it. He couldn't believe that the young boy had pulled that off and then lied. "I told his ass run like he was being shot at. He was running for like two hours."

"Two hours is a bit much." She said looking over at him causing Dejhari to scoff. He didn't even wanna think about how long he truly thought he should be out there running. "He's a kid."

"A kid that brought a damn gun into my community center filled with other kids. If that bitch would've went off and killed someone it would've fell back on me. My community center would be in the blogs and I would be in trouble. I should've banned his ass."

"So why didn't you?" She asked looking over at him. "I would've banned him and called his parents. Maybe you need to be a little bit more strict with the rules at this place. All the children who come to the center and is apart of the extra curriculum activities need to be on file to prevent any trouble."

"Yeah," He said nodding his head. "And I need security and metal detectors. I didn't want it to be like every other community center that automatically treats them like criminals or have an environment where it seems like a jail but I want it to be safe for other kids."

"Well that's what you'll have to do. Even if you don't do pat downs. They need to come through the metal detectors and have their bags searched. It's the only way to keep everyone safe. Not only the kids but your staff as well." She said, he nodded his head.

"You right," He said before looking over at her as she ran her hands through the warm water. She was so glad to that he had the bathtub remodeled because it now had Jets which she enjoyed even more than the space. "I want you to get involved too. Maybe you can be like the Executive Assistant Director or something."

"That would be fun!" She said. "I'll go over it with you further after my bath. Wanna get in? I know you need to relax after your day." She looked at him with hopeful eyes as he washed his face off.

"I'm dirty tho," He said. "You want me to ruin your bath like that? I'm sure you took a shower before."

"I want you to get in with me. I missed you all day." She said before pouting. "I'll take another one with you when we're done. Come on, get in."

"You gon wash my back?" He asked as he took his shirt off causing Kataleya to smile. She loved seeing him undress everyday. She watched as he started taking the rest of his clothes off to join her in the bath. She was in a deep trance as she eyed his body. "Huh?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna do whatever you want. Come on."


Executive Assistant Director? We'll see how that goes.

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