Thorfinn's brother (Vinland S...

By persondoingsomestuff

3.6K 122 12

Thorfinn and his twin brother, Bo, and their journey of trying to get revenge on the man that killed their fa... More

Somewhere Not Here
Beyond The Edge Of The Sea
More Then A Monster
England, 1008
England 1013
The Troll's Sons
Land On The Far Bank
Master And Servent At The Table
Legend Of Thors
Return Of The Prince
Two Lone Wolves
End Of The Prologue
New Life
A Kind Man
Unfortunately Popular
Sun Behind The Clouds


123 4 5
By persondoingsomestuff

They marched all night, Askeladd not letting anyone get a wink of sleep. Now they were at a bridge, Bjorn leading a sled across, everyone struggling due to the lack of sleep. After everyone crossed, the leader ordered Torgrim and Atli to cut the bridge down. "Bjorn, Thorfinn, Bo. Over here." Askeladd's voice was quiet, like he didn't want anyone else to hear him.

The called party approached. "Closer." He said. Begrudgingly, Bo took another step forward. Askeladd put a hand on Bjorn's shoulder, and walked past them so his back was to the bridge. "You captains the Prince's sled, Bjorn. Thorfinn, Bo, ride with him and be ready." Bo's eyes widened, be ready. They had to be ready to get away, and quickly.

A weird feeling bloomed in Bo's chest, was it because Askeladd trusted him and his brother enough to privately call them to be a part of secret plan? No, Askeladd was making sure Thorfinn was worthy of a duel. That was it.

"What...? No, Askeladd are you certain?" Bjorn asked. "It's my special skill." He said, not looking at his right hand man. "One look is all I need to know a man's true nature. Whether he is great or small, cunning or foolish. I can even detect when traitors lurk in the midst of the faithful." Bo saw from the corner of his eye one man whispering to another, making them both look at their leader.

Bo walked lazily to the sled as to not raise suspicion. He climbed in and offered his brother a hand. As they sat down a box of throwing daggers caught Bo's attention. "Finn." He quietly called out and gestured down to daggers with his eyes.

Thorfinn got the hint and put some beneath his cloak, Bo doing the same. Another thing caught Bo's attention, there was a glint on top of the hill, then more and more appeared. Then suddenly a spear came hurdling toward them and speared four men like a kabob.

The men went into a panic, everyone already giving up and ready to surrender to Thorkell. "Calm yourselves, you fools!" Askeladd said, his face giving away he didn't care much. "They're still in the distance, and the bridge is down. Forget about the damned spear."

Torgrim fired back. "Bridge?! Who cares about the bridge?! They'll walk right through the stream! This entire ruse was pointless!" Askeladd just looked at him. "You think so? Then we'd better stop wasting time and get marching."

Askeladd had a point, the faster they returned the Prince, the faster Thorfinn got his duel. And the faster Bo would stop playing personal protector for Princess.

Torhrim sighed. "Not again. March, march, march! Do you know any other words?!" He took his frustrations out by kicking a tree. The Viking leader just walked to the sled the twins were in. "We cannot best Thorkell. Stay vigilant for one more day. Collapsing the bridge will pay off."

The men didn't look convinced so he continued. "They'll only move as fast as they can move their supplies. The river will slow Thorkell's progress. Even if they leave their provisions behind to continue their pursuit, they'll only last a day at most without food. Is that clear? Now march." The men just kept their glares. "There's no guarantee that we'll survive a day." Torgrim countered.

Askeladd spun around and walked away. "I see. Then this is where we part ways. I won't waste time trying to convince you." But before he could take another step, men with axes and swords surrounded him, along with the sled. "Don't get cute with me, you thugs." Askeladd's voice became cold. "If you want to leave, stay here and wash your asses in the river. Present yourselves to Thorkell and be done with."

Atli and Torgrim stood, backs straight, and took charge. "The only arse that monster wants is the Prince's. Look, Askeladd, we've been together a long time. I don't want to see you killed. Leave the Prince and be on your way." Nobody moved for a beat. Bo was on edge, waiting for Askeladd to give the signal.

The leader sighed. "Before we part, may I just say one thing?" He didn't wait for anyone to answer. "You and I have been through this life for years. We've laughed together, drunk together and fought our way through countless battles together. And although we've been a band for well over a decade, there's something I've never said that you deserve to hear."

Askeladd emitted a deadly aura. "I've hated every last one of you with every fiber of my being. You stinking, pigfucking, Danish whoresons." In the blink of an eye he cut the heads off of two men closest to him. Before the heads hit the ground Askeladd yelled. "BO! THORFINN!" Six men rushed the sled. Taking the daggers from underneath his cloak and perfectly threw each dagger at a man's throat, Thorfinn doing the same.

"Hang on tight, boys! Here we go!" Bjorn yelled, whacking the horses to get them moving. Bo had to hold onto the edge of the sled, or else the jolt of movement would have sent him flying off. Men were quick to hop on the other horses and chase after them. "What are you doing Bo, Thorfinn?! Use your knives!" Bjorn yelled, looking at them over his shoulder. Bo met his gaze. "Don't tell us what to do! Besides, we're out of the throwing kind!"

'Shit! Askeladd's not catching up! What the hell is he doing?!' That weird feeling grew in Bo's chest again. This time it wasn't out of glee, it was like a weight on his chest, making it hard to breath properly. It was worry, Bo realized. Bo was worried about Askeladd. Worried he wasn't behind them on a horse of his own, worried he was going to die.

Atli rode up next Bjorn. "Stop, Bjorn! You must see sense!" He yelled. The tall man didn't take his eyes off the rode ahead. "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to fall for that?!" The men on horses surrounded them, making Bo uneasy. "Think about it, Bjorn!" Atli still tried to convince him. "OUR LIFE AND DEATH DEPENDS ON HOW WE USE THE PRINCE!" He yelled. But it was useless, Bjorn was Askeladd's right hand man, the last person to turn on the leader.

The men seemed to realize this. "Don't bother Atli! Bjorn is Askeladd's man, through and through! He would listen! We have to kill him!" Bo could only guess that the berserker smirked. "Well, at least one of you knows the score. Askeladd entrusted me with the Prince's safety. If you think I'll let you take him away from me, you'd better be prepared to die, cowards!"

'He sounds like a protective parent.' Bjorn screamed. "WAIT! NO! I said me! Come for me! Not the horses, not the- NOOO!" Bo looked forward just as Bjorn declared they would crash, and an axe come down on the horses head. But just as the horse fell to the ground, Bo grabbed the back of Thorfinn's shirt like grabbing the scruff of a cat, and yelled. "Jump!"

Atli had fallen behind, right in the of fire for Bo's foot. He kicked Atli off the horse and practically dragged his brother mid air onto the horse. He spun around and charged the horse back to Askeladd, Thorfinn putting his hands on Bo's shoulders. "Shit! Why do we have to do all the damn work around here?!" Bo yelled in frustration. The younger brother tightened his grip on the older brother. "You better not die before I can kill you, Askeladd!" Thorfinn screamed into the air.

Askeladd could not die, he was going to die by Thorfinn's blade, or Bo would personally go to hell and kill him again. But when Bo saw saw the sight below, his blood boiled. Thorkell and his men surrounded Askeladd and the rest of their group. Bo unsheathed his knife and charged the horse down to the group of Vikings.

"Finn, I'm fighting Thorkell!" Bo said loudly. "Huh?! Why you?!" Thorfinn yelled back. "That giant bastard nearly killed you last time and I'm not letting that happen again!" Bo's voice left no room for question, his care for his younger brother evident but only to them.

Bo didn't always show care in the traditional way, he showed affection by throwing his knife at an enemy approaching his brother, giving him extra food, giving him the blanket on cold nights, and by taking on men over seven feet tall in battles.

Getting closer, it looked like war had begun, Thorkell's men winning by a land slide, but the twins paid it no mind, charging straight toward the tall man in the middle, Askeladd was knelt on the ground with arrows in his legs. 'Who the hell touched him?!'

The older blonde looked confused. "Bo, Thorfinn!" Thorkell looked ecstatic, as the horse the brothers rode on got closer, the giant pulled his arm back, and punched the horse straight in the chest, sending it and the riders flying.

This time it was Thorfinn that grabbed Bo by his scruff and jumped off before the horse landed on its back. "There you are, boys! It is good to see you well!" He held his arms out. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ASKELADD! HE'S MINE TO KILL!" Thorfinn screamed, pointing an accusatory finger. "Lay a single finger on him, and it'll be the death of you! Got that, you enormous bastard?!" Bo yelled.

"He's yours?" Thorkell asked pointing at the kneeling leader. "I thought he was your boss." Bo snarled. "He's not our boss!" Thorfinn was surrounded by venom, it was practically radiating off him. "Hand Askeladd over. Or face your death." The younger brother demanded. The tall giant just grinned. "What's that? Fine, I won't hand him over."

Thorkell turned to his men who circled them, and spoke loud enough for them all to hear. "Did you hear that?! These boys and I have decided to duel over the possession of Askeladd! You're all witnesses!" The men cheered, throwing their hands and weapons in the air. Bo pushed his brother back and took a step forward. "I'm fighting you." He took his cloak off, it being too difficult to fight in.

"Oho, one brother fighting to protect the other, how sweet." Thorkell held his axes at the ready. "Don't expect a repeat of London." 'You not beating the shit out of me.' Thorkell still had his crazy grin. "That's what I was hoping to hear, son of Thors."

Thorkell made the first move, swinging his axe at Bo's head, making him duck. 'I can see it coming! I'm fine as long as I see it, I can dodge. If he can't hit me, he might as well be unarmed.' Thorkell's second axe came right after the first, Bo staying low, and launching himself past the giant, getting a cut along Thorkell's abdomen.

But Bo looked at his knife, there was no blood. 'He must be wearing chain mail underneath. What a pain.' Bo got ready to attack again. "Hah! So you do not fear my axe. At least you've got balls. You clearly got these from Thors." The way Thorkell said that, Bo could tell he wanted him to ask about his father.

"Fine, I'll bite." Bo said. "What's with you and my father? How do you know him?" A flash of pain crossed Thorkell's face, then he titled his head to the side. "Did Thors tell you nothing? Why, that cold hearted..." He trailed off. "I know that he was born of a Jarl." Bo said, lowering his arms, not his guard.

"It was his wife Helga who was from the Jarl's bloodline." The taller man corrected. "Thors earned his fame through his sword arm. Wanna hear more? Do ya?" Thorkell's voice was teasing.

Bo didn't say a word, it being a silent yes. "If you want to know more about your father then you'll need to make this worth this worth my while. How about it, Bo?" Said boy raised his arms again. "Hmph. I'll play along if you want. But it'll be tricky to hold back just enough so you can still speak." There was a beat of silence, then all the men around them bursted into laughter.

Thorkell smashed the blunt end of his axe into the head of one man laughing, quieting everyone around. "Did he say something funny?" His voice was deathly serious. "I recognize Bo as a true warrior. Do not laugh." He raised his axes to his chest. "Thors was easily stronger than me! Now I want you to show me beyond a doubt that you have his blood!" And with that the duel continued.

Thorkell used his height to his advantage, he could reach Bo's vital spots easily, while Bo barely reach his chest. Bo tried to stay low, it would be hard for Thorkell to bend down to get him. So the older twin managed to get several slashes on his legs, but only hit chain mail. So Bo changed his tactic and just evaded the deadly axes, and cut the arm that swung. This proved successful as Bo's knife came out red with the giants blood a couple times.

After Bo didn't know how long, they both took a step back to breath. Bo didn't have a single scratch on him, while Thorkell had a multitude of cuts and scratches. "Very good, Bo. I could count the number of men that could stand toe-to-toe with you on one hand." Thorkell complimented.

'Is that with the hand your missing fingers or the other hand?' The taller blonde ripped his coat off, it was practically useless after all the holes Bo put in it.

'It's the same chain mail he was wearing the last time.' Bo noticed. 'I'll have to aim for the tendons. Don't rush. I went for the vital points in London and Thorfinn and I paid the awful price. I've got to immobilize him before I go for the kill.' Bo thought carefully.

"The problem is you're a great fighter Bo, and your brother, but your sword work is rather hmm." Thorkell paused. "Mundane? That's the word I'm looking for. You and your brother are missing something that will complete you as a warrior. Haven't you ever felt that way, Bo?" He asked. The shorter boy just chuckled bitterly. "Then what does that make you, Thorkell? Flattening unworthy opponents the way you do."

The giant looked unfazed. "Exactly. I'm missing something too. I was hoping that I could learn whatever it is from the son of Thors. But maybe I was overly optimistic." Bo snarled. "Tell me, Bo. What do you think? Makes a true warrior?"

Time seemed to freeze. Bo was brought back to the day his father died, Thors saying a true warrior had no need for a weapon. Brought back to his father getting filled with arrows, Askeladd losing and still making it out alive.

Thorkell was just trying to get in his head. 'Shit! Stop thinking! That's what he wants! He's trying to confuse me and make me drop my guard!' Bo shook his head, readying himself. "So you don't know. I wasn't expecting much anyway." Thorkell sounded disappointed, almost teasing, and that dug into Bo like a tic.

"Stop trying to mess with me!" Bo yelled as he ran at the giants chest, the taller blocking by crossing his axes in front of his chest. The shorter managed to dig one of his knives between the axes and thrusted up, separating the weapons leaving Thorkell's chest exposed.

With lighting reflexes, the taller blonde sent a strong kick at the shorter. Bo ducked in a flash and used his other knife to make a cut on the others thigh. That seemed to frustrate Thorkell, he sent a flurry of swings, Bo dodging them all and jumped back, managing to cut his forearm and fingers.

'Shit! Still too shallow! I need to take out an elbow or knee!' Bo charged again, but Thorkell swiped his axe in the snow, blocking Bo's vision. Next thing he knew, a foot the size of a bolder is hurdling toward him, out of instinct he jumped back to cushion the blow. Putting his arms protectively in front of him, he closed his eyes.

When Bo opened his eyes, he felt the wind blowing through his hair, and a hawk so close he could touch it. "What?" He asked the empty air. Then suddenly he was plummeting towards the ground.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' A branch broke on his legs, making him spin to another branch that knocked the air out of him by hitting him in the stomach. The last thing he heard before everything went dark was his brother screaming his name in pure horror.

'At least this isn't Finn.'

A/N: fun fact- I get the name for chapters from titles of chapters in the manga :)

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