Touhou: I Became a Butler of...

By Yamizhou

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The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfami... More

Butler of Scarlet Devil Mansion
Battle of Bullets (1)
Battle of Bullets (2)
Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Human Village
Summer (1)
Summer (2)
Summer (3)
The New Maid
A past that is sharp like a knife (1)
Author's Message, Facts, Changes
A Blade Made Out Of Blood
Playing Tag Game
The Hakugyokurou
Youmu and Yuyuko
Feelings (Youmu's Point of View)
Love? (Youmu's Point of View)
My First and Last
More Spellcards!
It's all about FIREPOWER!
Little Dolls
My True Feelings
My Answer
Author's Message, Facts, Changes#2
Another Playtime Session with Flan
(Special Chapter) Seven-colored Puppeteer's Day
Hatate Himekaidou | To Youkai Mountain
The Petty Patrol Tengu
The Petty Patrol Tengu (2)
The Closed Eyes of Love
Exposed Minds
The Old Capital
Maid's Concerns (Sakuya's Point of View)
To Old Capital (Sakuya's Point of View)
Maid's Feelings (Sakuya's Point of View)
Last Word?
The Land of the Back Door
The Mischievous Princess
The Clash of Immortals
Meet the Watatsuki Sisters
A Date with a Rabbit (1)
A Date with a Rabbit (2) (Marisa's Point of View)
Our Dense Protagonist
Author's Message, Facts, Changes #3
Who are you?
Another Patchouli
Maid with a Blade
Different Gensokyo
The Dangerous Little Sister
Fiery Destruction
*EXTRA* Who is Shun?
The Black Reimu
Death Dance (1)
Death Dance (2)
Life and Death
Back to Gensokyo
Maid in a Bad Mood
Butler vs Maid
The Magician Who Borrows
Before the Incident
The Maid-en
The Beginning of the Dream
Dream Incident (1)
Dream Incident (2)
He's my property (1) (Remilia's POV)
He's my property (2) (Remilia's POV)
The Head of the Scarlet Devil (Remilia's POV)
Warm-Up After Recovery
A Strange Welcome
Facing Reality (1)
Facing Reality (2)
The Butler Residing in the Shrine (1)
The Butler Residing in the Shrine (2)
The Question
Flame of Hope (1)
Flame of Hope (2)
That Time
Youkai of the Dusk
Fairy of the Ice
The Chinese Gatekeeper
Girl of Knowledge and Shade
The Maid
The Scarlet Devil

A past that is sharp like a knife (2)

537 19 1
By Yamizhou

"Hey, hey! You look adorable! Would you like to exchange contact information?" A girl approached me, but I shook my head silently, continuing to trail behind Lady Siesta. "Aren't you lucky, already becoming popular," she pouted. I smiled awkwardly and responded, "Lady Siesta, it's not like I'm going to have a romantic partner or anything."

"Hmmm, so you're saying you won't have a girlfriend?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on me. "Well, I don't really know," I replied with a shrug. We both found seats and settled down to listen to the principal's speech. Feeling a bit tired, I let out a small yawn and gently rubbed my eyes.

"Shun, are you feeling sleepy?" she asked, her attention still focused on the front. "Yeah... a bit," I replied, crossing my arms. "Hmm, how about playing hooky?" she suggested with a mischievous grin. I couldn't help but feel worried. "We could, but won't we get caught?" I responded, my tone laced with concern.

"Well, let's pretend we're lost," she suggested. "Too late, they already know our faces," I replied, smiling. "Boo~" she teased. I chuckled softly. "We can play hooky some other time," I suggested. "Fine~," she agreed, with a playful tone.

After the entrance ceremony, we proceeded to our assigned classroom and took our seats. The teacher arrived a little late, but eventually, it was time for us to introduce ourselves one by one. When my turn came, I stood up from my chair. "My name is Shun Miyamura. You may call me Shun. I am the butler of..." I paused, feeling a sudden uncertainty fill the room. The entire class looked at me, their faces filled with confusion. "I am the butler of..." I hesitated, my hand instinctively reaching to hold my head as I struggled to find the right words.

"Shun?" Siesta called out with a concerned tone, noticing my distress. I clenched my teeth, frustration building as I felt a nagging sensation of forgetfulness. "Why can't I remember?" I muttered to myself. "No, why can't I say Lady Siesta's family name?" I questioned myself again. "I am the butler of the Nagazomo Family," I repeated silently in my mind. "I can say it, but I can't seem to utter the words," I lamented to myself.

"𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝗻, 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗱."

A mysterious voice resonated, causing me to scan the surroundings in search of its origin. "I..." I started to speak, but then closed my eyes, feeling an inexplicable urge to leave the classroom. Ignoring Siesta's alarmed inquiries, I walked steadily through the hallways, eventually making my way to the rooftop. Siesta caught up with me, her voice filled with concern. "Shun?! What's happening? Please, say something!" However, I remained silent, my attention fixed on the unknown calling that seemed to beckon me from above.

As I stepped out onto the rooftop, an eerie sight greeted me—a crimson sky, resembling the color of blood. The once-bright sunshine had transformed into a haunting red hue, resembling a moon stained in crimson. I couldn't tear my gaze away from this unsettling sight, captivated by its ominous beauty.

"Shun! Come back immediately!" Siesta's voice rang out, filled with urgency and authority. Yet, I remained unresponsive, as if in a trance. The voice seemed distant, as though it couldn't reach me in my current state.

"Shun!" Her commanding voice echoed once more, breaking through my reverie. Slowly, I turned to face her, my expression distant and detached.

"Siesta Nagazomo is dead," I repeated, my gaze fixed on her. Siesta's confusion grew, and she responded with disbelief, "What are you talking about?! I'm right here, alive!"

Maintaining my blank expression, I continued, "Siesta... No, Lady Siesta died in a car crash four months and twelve days ago. I remember the exact date of my young mistress's death." The weight of the truth hung heavily in the air between us.

Siesta fell silent for a moment before unexpectedly bursting into laughter. "Ahahahahahahaha! What on earth are you talking about, Shun? I'm not dead!" she exclaimed, amusement evident in her voice.

I maintained a calm demeanor, meeting her laughter with a solemn response. "No, you are already dead," I stated matter-of-factly, my tone devoid of emotion.

"You truly are a fool, Shun!" Siesta exclaimed, her arm raised as she conjured a barrage of blue and red orbs, aiming them directly at me. "Die!" she cried out, launching the projectiles in my direction. With quick reflexes, I swiftly evaded the incoming bullets, narrowly escaping harm.

"Shun, why don't you come with me... I'm lonely... I'm all alone!" she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation, as she prepared to unleash another wave of deadly projectiles aimed at me.

As I continued to evade the bullets, Siesta's anguish became palpable. "My father and mother don't even care... My maids and butler... SHUN! PLEASE!" Her desperation intensified, and she summoned even more projectiles, aiming them at me with a mix of anger and despair.

I remained silent, my gaze locked onto her, absorbing her words. "Shun, you're the only one I can rely on because you said you would protect me!" Her words echoed in my mind, stirring a flicker of recognition and stirring the depths of my memories.

"Milady, I understand the pain of being alone, having no one to rely on. I apologize for failing to fulfill the promise I made to you. I consider myself a failure as a butler. However, there is something you should know. Until the day I met her, everything changed. She is the one who altered my 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄. She helped me overcome this very fear," I spoke, my voice unwavering, despite the projectiles grazing my body and some finding their mark. With a serene smile, I continued walking towards Siesta.

I found a dagger materializing in my hand, the very dagger that had drawn me into this surreal dream. "Thank you, Milady," I whispered, my voice filled with a mix of gratitude and sorrow. Closing the distance between us, I made a swift and decisive move, plunging the dagger into Siesta's form. "May you now find peace," I murmured softly.

"Tell me, Shun... What is the name of your mistress?" she inquired softly. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered. "Her name is Remilia Scarlet," I replied, my voice filled with a mix of fondness and determination.

"Hehe~ Take good care of your mistress, Shun," she whispered, her voice filled with warmth and trust. As she gracefully descended, her hand gently brushed against my cheek, leaving a gentle touch that lingered. I carefully lowered her to the ground, ensuring she was held with utmost tenderness and respect.

As I settled down beside her lifeless form, my gaze fixated on the now blue-hued dagger in my hand. A realization dawned upon me. "This means I am returning," I murmured softly, acknowledging the imminent end of this dream-like realm.

Without hesitation, I allowed the dagger to forcefully pierce through my heart. But instead of experiencing pain, a sensation akin to gentle rain graced my senses, soothing and refreshing. The boundaries of this surreal world began to fade, and I felt myself being pulled away from this ethereal realm, back to the realm of reality.

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