Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

96.8K 1K 189

When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 12: Moving in
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Chapter 7: Dad's opinion

3.7K 42 12
By imfeelinghappynow

AN: Finally finished this chapter, made it extra to make up for it being late, I've been really busy lately with school stuff AKA coursework and revision for my exam resit...Anyway, the last part of it might be a bit sloppy, I finished writing it at 3 in the morning so...But anyway, enjoy.

Warning; begining of this chapter is crappy and very predictable but it has a meaning.

I looked at Barry then at Kyle “Why are you doing this, Kyle? Just go” I said from behind Barry, Kyle glared at me and stepped forwards, pressing the gun to Barry’s head “Leave, Kaitlin’s my girlfriend, not yours” Kyle said through gritted teeth “No, Kyle, I was your girlfriend then you tried to murder my best friend” I snapped at him, he turned to me but kept the gun against Barry’s head “Please, Kyle, just stop” I said, Kyle looked at Barry then at me “No” Kyle said and pulled the trigger on the gun.

“NO!” I screamed and sat up, I looked around and I was on the sofa of the guest house. “Wha-What?” I said, I looked beside me and saw Barry looking at me, concern written all over his face. “Kaits? You okay?” He asked, “Where’s Kyle?” I asked, franticly looking around “Kyle’s not here, Kaits” Barry said, he took my hand in his and kissed it “I think we should take her home, I’ll get the car” Maggie said and went out of the living room. Once I’d gather my stuff together, I got into Maggie’s car and she drove out and down the road to my house “Evening, Maggie, what’s happened?” My dad asked, he stepped back to let me and Maggie walk in, he went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. “She had another fit, Michael, you need to get her checked out, she woke up thinking Kyle was somewhere around” I could hear Maggie telling my dad in the kitchen, I sat on the sofa, just staring at the wall. “I’ll take her soon” dad said, “No, Michael, you need to take her now! Tomorrow at least, there could be something seriously wrong with her!” Maggie said, my brain snapped and rose from the sofa and ran up the stairs.

I walked up the drive of the familiar house that had pretty much become a second home, I wasn’t calling for the boy, I was calling for the girl. “Kaitlin!” Dynasty exclaimed as she opened the door, I smiled and hugged her tight before walking inside. “Come on Kacey!” Dynasty shouted as she finished doing her bag and put her ear rings in “Kacey, come on! We’re gonna be late! Get a move on!” Dynasty shouted again, I looked at her before walking to the bottom of the stairs “Oi, Kace! Come on!” I shouted up the stairs, I looked to Dynasty before she ran over and screamed up at her sister, I rolled my eyes and watched her go up the stairs to Kacey’s room. I heard her knocking before “I give up, I’ll see you at school” and Dynasty descended down the stairs, she grabbed her bag and we walked out. “I could really kill that girl sometimes” Dynasty moaned as we walked, “Oh quit ya moaning, stand still and bend down” I said, she obeyed and I jumped on her back. “Arugh, Kaitlin!” Dynasty groaned but started walking with me on her back towards school. Once we were in school I jumped off her back and ran off to where I was meeting Barry “Hey, beautiful” he said as I ran into the bike shed, I smiled and wrapped my arms round his neck and pressed my lips against his. We suddenly pulled away when we heard someone ride in on a bike; I smiled when I saw it was Kacey “Finally made it in time then?” I asked, Kacey laughed and got off her bike, I looked over at the entrance and saw Imogen “I’ll see you late, baby” I said and quickly kissed him before walking off with Imogen. “How are you feeling then? I heard about last night…” Imogen said, she hadn’t been at the party, couldn’t make it apparently but I didn’t mind. “I’m alright…Dad’s taking me to the doctors later about my fits…” I said, I looked at her then down at the floor, I flinched a little when I felt her hand on my back but smiled when she smiled at me. We walked into the school and walked over to Dynasty, Scout, Rhiannon, Harley and Lulu, “How ya feelin’ Kaitlin?” Harley asked as we walked over, I told them all what I’d already told Imogen but looked up when I heard Barry. I rolled my eyes when I heard him asking Harley if he wanted to bet on the football match and carried on my conversation with Dynasty.

“So, I’ll be able to see you in class more often then?” I asked as I walked with Barry to form, “Course, baby, I’ll request to be in all your classes” Barry said, I smiled and kissed him quickly before walking into form. I looked over at Dynasty but she wasn’t here yet so I skipped down to Connor and plonked myself down next to him “Alright, redhead?” Connor asked and hugged me, I smiled and hugged him back kissing him on the cheek. “Fabulous as fabulous can be” I said and winked at him. I looked up when the door opened and smiled at Dynasty as she walked over, she sat down in front of me and Connor with Jack beside her, I looked to my left and smiled at Kevin. “What’s happened?” I asked as Mr Clarkson walked through the door looking like he could explode at any minute. “Kacey can’t play in the match” Jack said, I looked at him my eyes widening a little “What? But she’s the best player! They can’t just kick her off! You’ll lose without her!” I exclaimed, Jack looked at Kevin and they both nodded “We know, but it’s not up to us…It’s against the rules for a girl over 14 to play in a boys team” Jack explained, “Well that’s bullshit, that’s fucking sexist! Kacey’s only just 15 and she’s a good a player as anyone!” I nearly shouted but received a glare from Mr Clarkson “Yeah…We know” Kevin said.

“So you and Jack all best friends again?” Kevin asked as we walked to science, I looked at him and smiled “Course we are, Kev, note can break me and Jack up, he’s like my brother” I said and as if right on cue, Jack came running over and threw his arms round me, “What’re you after, Jacky boy?” I asked and pulled away; he smirked and bent down so I could jump on his back. “Aww, go wi’ me in science, Ja’?” I asked, wrapping my arms round his neck “Course, babe, who else would I go with?” He asked and we walked into the science room “Er, put Kaitlin down please, Jack, now isn’t the time” Mrs Diamond said and I jumped off Jack’s back and walked over to the table we always worked at. Once Jack had finished discussing today’s football match with Kevin and Connor, we actually got some work done for once.

“Where’re you going? We’ve got Maths?” Jack asked as I turned to go the other way “Dad wants to see me…And Barry…” I said and stalked off up the corridor. “Oi, little red riding hood, wait up for the wolf” I heard Barry shout, I smiled and spun round as he ran over and pressed his lips against mine, putting his hand on the bottom of my back. “No, come on, babe, we can do this after” I said and pulled away from him, I took his hand and dragged him up the stairs and into my dad’s office. We both froze when we saw Barry’s mum sitting across from my dad “Well…I did think Mr Byrne was lying about this” she said and stood up, I looked at my dad and glared at him, if looks could kill he’d be on the floor within seconds. “Please take a seat, both of you” My dad said, I looked at Barry before sitting down, Barry sat beside me and his mum behind us. “Now, Mrs Barry, I called you in today to obviously discuss this relationship that has been going on behind our backs. Now, I have nothing against your family, Mrs Barry, but I would not like my daughter to be going round with Mr Barry here, I have nothing against Kaitlin’s friendship with your daughter but I want her to focus on her studies this year which I’m sure you want Barry to do as well?” My dad asked I bit my lip a little; I scrunched my hand into a ball, trying my hardest to hide the ring on my finger. “Yes, Mr Byrne, you are quite correct, I do not want Barry to be going round with your daughter, she is a lovely girl I’ll admit that but Barry needs to focus on his studies, we established that at the beginning of the year. So, I won’t be allowing Kaitlin into my home without me present, she will only be permitted past my door to see Dynasty or Kacey. I would also appreciate it if you could keep them apart during school hours as well” Mrs Barry said, I looked at her in shock, I couldn’t believe this “Are you fucking kidding me?! You’re trying to keep me away from Barry?! You think not letting me into your damn house and separating us at school will stop us? Cause you’re fucking wrong!” I shouted at her, I looked at Barry but he didn’t say anything “Just leave it, Kait…” he said, I stared at him, “You’re joking me? You’re sticking up for her? Well then…Here have this stupid thing back then” I shouted, pulled off the ring and threw it at his face before grabbing my bag and storming out the office. I slammed the door out of the reception and stormed down the corridor towards the library, I slammed the door open and stalked inside, throwing my bag under the table and sitting down next to Imogen. “What’s up, Kaits?” Scout asked, she came over and sat down next to me. “My dad and Barry’s mum banned us from seeing each other…I can only go round there to see Dynasty and Kacey and if his mum’s there…I tried to stick up for us and Barry just told me to stop…Didn’t even bother fighting for us…I threw the ring at him and walked out…I think we broke up…” I said, I looked at Scout and pulled my phone out my pocket. “Come here” I said as I clicked the camera button on my phone, we all pulled a stupid face and I took the picture “This happened before didn’t it, with Kyle. Your dad stopped you seeing him” Scout said as I changed my BBm picture to the one of me, Scout and Imogen, deleting the one of me and Barry. “Yeah but Kyle actually fought for us…I’m gonna meet him” I said, I grabbed my bag and walked out the library before dialling Kyle’s number. “What’s up, Kait?” His voice came through the phone, I smiled a little hearing his voice “Meet us? Place we met the other day” I said, he agreed and put down the phone allowing me to walk out the school building and then gates.

“What’s up, babe?” Kyle asked as I approached him, I’d started crying on the way there so my eyes were all red and puffy, he opened his arms and I fell into them, crying again. “Me and Barry broke up…Dad tried to ban us seeing each other and I was the only one who tried to fight against him” I said through tears, Kyle kept his arms round me, stroking my hair. “I missed this…” Kyle said, I pulled away from him and looked into his face “Kyle…Don’t think this means I’ve forgiven you…You still tried to kill Finn, he was my best friend Kyle and you knew that…” I said, he looked at me and nodded “I know I’m-““Kaitlin Byrne!” Someone called out, cutting over what Kyle was saying, I jumped away from my ex and looked for the source of the sound, my cheeks burnt a shade of red when I saw Mr Clarkson in a car parked on the road next to me. “Alright, sir?” Kyle said standing up and giving Mr Clarkson an almost evil grin. “Kyle Stack…Well I never…” Mr Clarkson said, I looked at Kyle then suddenly noticed Kacey and some girl in the back seat. “Kaitlin, get in the car, now, you’re supposed in study period!” Mr Clarkson said, I looked at Kyle before walking round and getting into the front passenger seat.

I totally zoned out as my dad was lecturing the two girls, the one I didn’t know was apparently new today and called Zoe, wow skiving on your first day? Never heard of that one I thought as I played around on my phone, I clicked on my BBm app and quickly changed my dm from Barry baby, you’re perfect to me to I’m tired of begging for I want’88 “Right, Kacey you can go” I heard my dad say, I looked up and saw that Zoe had already been sent away, I watched Kacey walk out then Mr Clarkson went too, after a couple of minutes Ms Diamond also left the room, leaving me and dad alone in his office. “Kaitlin, I’m very ashamed at you” dad said, I looked at my dad before putting my feet onto the sofa and dad turned in his chair to look at me. “Not only did you skip study period, you went to meet Kyle-Kyle Stack, Kaitlin? I know you were in a relationship with him and you thought you were in love with him but come on, Kaits” Dad said, I looked at him then started playing with a loose finger nail “Look, dad, this is all your fault either way, you called Barry’s mum in, you told her about me and Barry, why can’t you just let me be happy for once?!” I screamed at him and stormed out the office.

I’d barely been in lesson for 10 minutes when the bell rang signalling the start of lunch, I quickly hugged Jack, Kevin and Connor before heading off to the PRU to meet Scout. “Come on then, let’s go see Waterloo Road beat the shit out of this over team” I said as Scout walked out “Er, language, Kaitlin” Miss Boston said, I turned back to her quickly apologising before running down the stairs with my friend, ignoring the shout from Barry. “Waay, come on Waterloo Road!” Me and Scout screamed from the side of the pitch as the football team ran out, we’d made a sign and were waving it around while jumping about. We watched as both teams shook hands then as Kacey went forwards, I’d never been one for football so I honestly had no idea what they were doing at the moment with the captains, I just smiled and waved at Kacey. “Come on Waterloo Road!” Me and Scout screamed as they kicked off, they’d been playing for a good few when I saw my dad walking over, I looked at Kacey then at Mr Clarkson “Shit” I said, I dropped the sign and ran round the pitch to where Mr Clarkson was standing “What’s up, Kaitlin?” He asked, not taking his eyes off of Kacey “Dad’s coming” I said, Mr Clarkson tore his eyes away just as he walked over “Go and stand back with Scout, Kaits” He said, I opened my mouth to stop but he stopped me and pointed over to Scout, I did as I was told and walked round the pitch to Scout. “Come on Jack!” I screamed just as I stopped next to Scout. Me and Scout didn’t let our leave the match until half time, “I’m gonna go see ‘em” I said to Scout, she nodded and followed me across the pitch to where the boys were headed. “Waay!” I shouted and jumped onto Jack’s back, he spun me round but stopped when he saw Barry glaring at us. “Just ignore the cunt” I said and shouted again in triumph but I couldn’t help but smile, just a little bit, when Kacey and Barry hugged each other. Jack carried me over to the table of refreshments and stuck me down on the floor “Ahey, they’re for footie players only” Kevin said and winked at me as I grabbed some juice off the table “Oh well, you’ll live” I said and started to drink. In the second half me and Scout stood with Dynasty and Zoe, I just totally ignored the fact that Barry was standing with us, we all cheered when Kacey scored the winning goal but I could see something bad happening when Zoe ran over to Kacey…And I was right, Zoe pressed her lips against Kacey’s and Barry ran over, pushing Zoe off of Kacey and revealing that Kacey wasn’t a boy at all. I watched Kacey walk away when Dynasty came back, I sighed and ran after her, I waited outside the changing rooms waiting for her to come out. I listened as Jack said stuff to her, I knew I couldn’t walk in; I’d be in as much trouble if I did. “Kacey!” I shouted as she walked out, she turned to me and I could see the tears threatening to spill over “Hey, hey it’s okay, come ‘ere” I said and opened my arms a little, she walked over and I pulled her into a hug. “Come on babe” I said, I put my arm around her shoulder and walked with her along the corridor, we both started to slow down when we saw Barry and Zoe arguing “I-Come on, we’ll get you cleaned up, yeah?” I said and tried to steer her towards the stairs but Miss Boston came along, she broke up Barry and Zoe and told Kacey to get changed, Kacey walked away from me and back the way we’d come. I looked at Barry, I know he knew I was hurt, I was upset over everything but he didn’t say anything, just looked at me. I watched him for a second before walking forwards as if towards him, “I thought you cared about me ya know” I said to him as I walked past before going along towards the library since I had another study period after lunch.

Once the bell rang for the end of the lesson, I knew where to go, even after everything today I knew my dad would still drag me to the doctors. I ran up the stairs, my bag half way down my arm but just as I was about to go towards his office I heard Kacey shouted. “Somebody help!” I heard her screaming like it was next to me…It was next to me, in the PRU. “Kacey?!” I shouted and ran to where the PRU was, “Oh my god!” I shouted when I saw Barry basically attacking Kacey with what looked like make-up. “BARRY! LET ‘ER GO!” I screamed and started banging on the door; he’d locked it on the inside, I started screaming to him and kicking on the door “Kaitlin?! What the hell’s going on?!” I heard Ms Diamond shouting; I didn’t stop, just kept kicking at the door and shouting to Barry. Ms Diamond came through and started banging and shouting to him too “Wait, Miss” I said, she stepped back as I went backwards before running at the door and kicking open nearly off its hinges. “GET OFF HER!” I screamed and started pulling Barry off of Kacey. “LET GO OF ME!” Barry screamed but I managed to pull him off long enough so Kacey could get out. “What’d ya think ya playin’ at?” He shouted at me, trying to corner me. “What do ya think you’re fucking playing at? You’re not a fucking psychopath, Barry! What the fuck’s happened to you!” I shouted at him, I could feel the tears in my eyes which seemed to stop Barry, he looked at me for a couple of seconds before apparently re gaining his anger and running at a table and flipping it back just as Miss Boston and Mr Clarkson came in.  Miss Diamond was holding Kacey and Miss Boston dragged Barry outside; I sat outside of my dad’s office on the sofa as he spoke with Mr Clarkson, I was shaking now and tears were spilling from my eyes, I looked up when the door banged open and Mr Clarkson stormed out. I looked up at my dad and he nodded me inside, “Kaitlin, I’m proud of you, I know sometimes I act like I don’t care and that I’m trying to make you miserable but I’m not, I promise. I love you and I’m so proud of what you did today, for Kacey” Dad said and he hugged me. “Now, let’s get you to the doctors” He said and grabbed his keys, “Sonya, I’m gonna go, If Ms Diamond comes looking, tell her we had to go and that she can wrap up here” Dad said as we exited the office, Sonya nodded and got back to her work.

We’d spent what felt like hours at the doctors, I had to have scan after scan, we had to keep waiting but eventually at about half past 4, we sat down with the doctor, he had the results in front of him and was obviously trying to drag it out for tension. “Now, this is never an easy thing to say, these results…The reason for all your fits or seizures as they’re normally called…It’s because you have…” the doctor started, he took a deep breath and looked back at the paper as if checking to make sure what he was saying was true, “You have a tumour…On your brain”


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