Love Syndrome (Day/Itt) - Boo...

By your_drama_llama

624K 7.7K 3.2K

📚 Story is complete 📚 Day and Itt (Brick) / Nick and Neil รักโคตรๆ...โหดอย่างมึง!! ภาค 2 [Yaoi , Boy's love... More

Permission - ยอนิม/Nana Naris Publishing/AKIRAROLL
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 🔞
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 🔞
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 🔞
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
🐟 Intro
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 1
Chapter 28 🔞
Chapter 29
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 🤏🔞
Chapter 32
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 3 🔞
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 4
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 🔞
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 6
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 7
Chapter 48
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 8
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 9
Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 10 (END)
Chapter 49
Chapter 50🔞(END)
Special Chapter - Valentine's Day (Final)

Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 5

7.9K 106 15
By your_drama_llama

The sound of the young, drunk man's cries grew louder. The others watched with concern as Nick grabbed the other man's penis and squeezed it tightly. The young man began to turn pale and hunched over due to the painful burning sensation.

"Ouch!" Neil's subordinates all cried out in horror.

"Shorty, that's enough," Neil told his lover in a low voice. Neil released the man before getting back up.

"Ha... you're less than half the size of my husband. Don't come to me with your bad intentions. You're wasting your time. It's best for you to find a way to enlarge your penis first," Nick said again.

"Bill, go get some water out of my car. I'm going to wash my wife's hands. Damn it, how could you touch him there?" Neil yelled out. Bill quickly fetched a bottle of water out of the car for Neil.

"I was just curious about his size," Nick said with a serious face.

"Seeing him half-naked was more than enough. You didn't have to touch him, too. Do you want to lose your hand, damn it?" Neil complained as he poured water over his lover's hands to wash them.

"Heh. Hia, you two are very scary. One of you was willing to let the other touch someone half-naked, and the other was willing to touch the half-naked person. I'm feeling a little nervous after seeing this," Bill said sarcastically.

"Alright, let's go back," Nick said after washing his hands.

"What about this guy?" Bill asked while looking at the young man who was hunched over on the ground.

"Leave him like that," Neil replied. He led Nick back to the car to take him back to the condo. As for Bill and the others, they went home without concerning themselves with the young man.

"What are you so upset about?" Nick asked when he saw his lover driving with a frown.

"Next time, I won't put up with this. How could you touch someone else's dick?" Neil's voice rang out.

"Hehe. You're just mad because I touched someone else's dick? Don't forget, he had pants on. I didn't even try to reach inside to touch it," Nick said jokingly.

"Of course, I don't like it," Neil said. Nick leaned his head on Neil's shoulder.

"I know. I know. I will just wait and hold yours only," Nick said softly.

"Always acting cheeky," Neil said to his lover not too seriously. He drove Nick back to the condo. The two took a bath together. They did two rounds in bed before falling asleep with each other.


"Hia Nick, your face is glowing. How many rounds did you do last night?" Bill greeted Nick the next day after seeing Neil and Nick walking into the garage.

"Two rounds," Nick replied with a straight face. Nick's bluntness made Bill feel a little flustered.

"Wow, Hia Nick, aren't you even going to pretend to be embarrassed?" Bill murmured. Nick laughed.

"Why? I'm telling the truth," Nick said with a smile.

"Don't you have to go to the university today?" Nick asked.

"Hia, have you forgotten what day of the week it is? Today is the day I'm off," Bill said.

"Oh, really?" Nick muttered to himself.

"Get to work. Otherwise, Neil will come over and ask me to fire you for talking so much," Nick said with a smiling face. Bill smiled before walking back into the garage section. Nick walked into his lover's office.

"What were you talking about?" Neil asked when he saw his lover walking into the room. He had seen him standing and talking to Bill.

"Are you jealous?" Nick asked with a smiling face.

"Heh... I'm not jealous because I know Bill better than that. He doesn't want to die yet," Neil said in response because he knew his subordinate very well.

"That is cruel," Nick teased with a smiling face. He walked around Neil's desk to sit on his lap. He affectionately puts his arms around Neil's neck.

"What are you wanting, for you to come over and be sweet like this?" Neil asked because he knew his lover's personality well.

"I don't want anything. I just want to sit on your lap. Isn't that okay?" Nick asked with a smile.

"I can't work if you sit on me like this," Neil said back, but he wasn't complaining at his lover.

Knock, knock...

A knock was heard on the office door.

"Come in," Neil said, knowing it was one of the garage employees. The office door opened.

"What's the matter, P' Nuch?" Neil asked, seeing his employee holding up the garage's landline phone.

"Uh... Someone called the shop's number. They said they wanted to talk to Khun Neil," Nuch said, looking at Nick's face as if he wanted to convey something.

"Is it a woman or a man?" Nick immediately asked.

"It's... a woman. She said her name was Bella," Nuch replied. Nick's face immediately stiffened when he heard the girl's name.

"Give it to me," Neil replied. Nick turned to look at Neil indignantly. His good mood, from moments ago, had disappeared in an instant. Nuch took the phone over to Neil and walked out of the office.

"Don't talk to her!" Nick shouted.

"Shorty... be quiet," Neil said, locking Nick's thin waist into place so that Nick couldn't get up or do anything rash. He held him against himself.

"Hello," Neil answered the call.

Thump, Thump, Thump...

Nick beat Neil's strong shoulder furiously after hearing Neil answer the girl's call.

"Shorty... that hurts," Neil told his lover, but he wasn't upset.

("P' Neil. P' Neil, did I hear someone yelling?") The young woman's voice escaped through the phone.

"Hmm... What did you say? What's wrong with you, Nong Bella?" Neil asked back while looking at Nick with fierce eyes. Nick lowered the hand that was hitting Neil's shoulder. He sat and looked straight ahead, indicating that he was very unhappy.

("Why do I need to have business to call you? Oh, just now, was that your new boyfriend I heard yelling?") The girl asked again.

"Yes!!" Nick yelled back. So, Neil moved his hand up to smack Nick's mouth lightly. Nick immediately scrambled out of Neil's lap.

"Where are you going?" Neil asked angrily when he saw Nick was about to walk out of the office.

"That's my business. I'll leave you to talk to your ex-lover," Nick said sarcastically before opening the door of the office and immediately walking out.

"Nick, where are you going?" Nuch quickly asked.

"I'm going out for a drive. If Neil asks, you can tell him that, too," Nick said back. He quickly walked back to his car. Nick got into the car, closed the door, and started the engine. He didn't do this fast enough, though. Before he could drive away, Neil walked out of the office and straight to the car with the phone still in his hand.


"Shorty!! Where are you going?" Neil asked loudly. Nick glanced at his lover for a moment, but he didn't bother to answer. He drove away without a word. Neil was unable to do anything to stop him. Nick looked at him through the rear-view mirror and saw that Neil was standing in front of the garage, swearing angrily.

("P' Neil. P' Neil. What's going on?") The young woman's voice came through the phone that Neil was holding. Previously, Neil had planned on telling the woman not to interfere with him again, but he was too late. He couldn't say anything to her in time. When he saw Nick walking towards the car, he ran after him.

"Damn it! Could you stop bothering me? That's enough. Don't call me anymore. I don't have the energy to sit and argue with my wife over it!!" Neil snapped at the girl on the phone before immediately ending the call. He didn't care. He didn't want to deal with it anymore. Neil proceeded to call Nick. He waited a while for the other end of the call to be answered.

(".........") Nick answered the call, but he didn't say a word.

"Shorty! Come back to the garage, now. Don't make me too angry," Neil threatened his lover.

("No. I won't come back. Don't threaten me. When I talked to P' Paul, you yelled at me and acted like you would kill me. You didn't want me to talk to him. Yet, you still can talk to your ex-wife,") Nick's voice rang out.

"I had no intention of talking to her about anything. I answered the call to tell her not to bother me anymore," Neil explained.

("I didn't know, but I don't care. I don't like it when you answer her calls. I'm telling you now, I won't come back yet. I'm going to calm down for a while. I'll be back soon,") Nick said in a harsh voice.

"No!! You better come back right now. Otherwise, I'll call and tell my mother. I'll tell her everything too. Do you want her to know how stubborn you are being with me right now?" Neil threatened again.

("You have such bad habits! Why would you bring your mother into this?") Nick yelled back because he was very considerate of Neil's mother.

"Well, you're being stubborn," Neil said. He could hear Nick grunting on the other end of the phone.

"Are you going to come back or not?" Neil asked, emphasizing his words.

"Fine! I'll come back, but I need to go buy some groceries. I'll only take a minute," Nick replied before ending the call. Neil let out a small sigh after finding out Nick would be coming back to the garage soon.

After hanging up with Neil, Nick drives straight to the mall close to the garage. He walked around the shops and looked at some things. He honestly didn't plan on buying anything. He just didn't want to go back and see Neil yet. Nick walked past an ice cream shop. He decided he wanted to eat some. So, he went inside and sat down to order some for himself.

"Ugh... Ugh," a soft sob came from the table behind Nick.

"Calm down. Don't cry," said another woman's voice. Nick sat and listened in silence.

"Huh... I can't do anything right... He said he was tired of me... Huh... That I'm a selfish, idiot... that I'm too jealous of him... it's because I love him so much. That's why I'm like this... Before, he never said a word when I was this stupid. Why, after dating for so long now, he is saying that he can't stand how I am now?" the girl said through her sobs.

"Everyone's patience has a limit. Honestly, you should probably work on changing your behavior a bit. Some men just can't stand that kind of thing. If such a boyfriend existed, I'm sure he would be overbearing and arrogant," the girl's friend said to calm her down. Nick was stunned when he thought about his own actions.

//Will that bastard get tired of me? Well, Day can still withstand Itt's behavior, and Itt is even dumber than me. // Nick said softly to himself. He immediately stopped caring about the girl behind him because he was thinking about himself now.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

He couldn't sit and think to himself for long because his phone rang again. Nick picked up it before sighing softly. He answered the call because he saw it was Neil calling.

(Where are you, Shorty? When will you be back?") A dark voice asked before Nick could say a word.

"I'm coming back," Nick replied shortly.

("Well, wherever you are, come back now, Shorty.") Neil ordered again.

"Okay, I'll come back; that's all," Neil said before ending the call. Nick paid the bill, despite only eating a little ice cream. Nick drives back to the garage. He saw Neil standing inside the garage with his subordinates, looking outside. As soon as he saw Nick parked the car, he walked outside.

"Nick," Neil walked over to his lover, but Nick turned away and walked inside the office. He sat down on the sofa inside the room. Neil followed him inside and sat down next to him.

"Where have you been?" Neil asked in a calm voice.

"The mall," Neil replied shortly.

"What were you doing at the mall? If you wanted to go, why didn't you tell me, so I could take you there?" Neil tried to ask his lover.

"I got some ice cream," Nick replied. He picked up a piece of newspaper to read it. He didn't turn to look at Neil at all.

"Nick, why are you angry with me? I don't care about Bella anymore," Neil explained, but Nick remained silent.

"When I answered the phone, just now, I was just going to let her know that I didn't want her to call me. I don't want her messing with me and you again," Neil explained again. Nick turned to look straight at Neil's face.

"Neil. Be honest. Are you tired of me?" Nick asked seriously. Neil was dumbfounded.

"Why would you ask me something like that?" Neil asked suspiciously.

"I'm just curious. Are you tired of me because I'm so stubborn and stupid around you?" Nick asked again. Neil looked back at Nick with firm eyes.

"Never," Neil said back. Nick just smirked.

"Maybe now, but not forever, right?" Nick asked again.

"There's are times when you get on my nerves, but I can handle it. Even if you're more stubborn or stupid, I can handle it," Neil repeated to reassure Nick. He could tell Nick was still thinking about something.

"But everyone's patience has a limit, doesn't it?" Nick said.

"Seriously... did you go and listen to what someone else had to say? Is that why you came to ask me this? Don't deny it and say that you didn't listen to anyone because if you didn't go and listen to anyone, you wouldn't be asking me this question," Neil said.

"........." Nick remained silent. Neil moved over and sat closer to Nick. He put his arms around him and pulled him into his lap.

"Shorty, listen to me. I'm not going to yell at you. You aren't so stubborn and stupid that I would get tired of you. Frustrated, maybe, but I would never get tired of you. When you're stupid, like this, it lets me know that I'm still important to you. If there is a day when you don't rant, don't act stupid, don't get jealous, then it means that you have started to fall out of love with me already," Neil said in a serious tone. Nick rested his head on Neil's shoulder and listened.

"So, you're not tired of me?" Nick asked back.

"Hmm, I'm not tired of you. When did you become this thoughtful?" Neil said jokingly. Nick rubbed his face against Neil's shoulder, refusing to answer.

"Then, could I ask you something?" Neil asked.

"What?" Nick asked in response.

"When we have an argument and don't understand each other, will you not run away like you did today? When something is wrong, we need to talk about it. If you aren't ready to talk yet, we can sit and look at each other quietly. Don't disappear from me again. Do you understand?" Neil asked.

"Hmm," Nick replied in a low voice.

"I asked because I was worried. You don't know how much I worry about you. When you're driving and your mood is unstable, I'm scared something bad will happen. I'm afraid you might get into an accident or something worse. So, please, don't do that again," Neil told his lover his sincere feelings. Nick buried his face into the crook of Neil's neck and wrapped his arms around the tall figure. Neil hugged him back.

"What about your ex-wife?" Nick continued to wonder.

"Stop calling Bella my ex-wife. My only wife is you. The others were just my old partners," Neil said in a serious tone, making Nick smile slightly.

"Okay, but what did you tell her?" Nick asked again.

"Nothing. I said not to mess with me again. I don't want to fight with my wife anymore," Neil said again. Nick nodded and looked at Neil.

"Did you really tell her that?" Nick asked, just to be sure.

"Well, yes. Then, I hung up the phone to call you," Neil said. Nick smiled before kissing Neil on his left and right cheek.

Kiss... Kiss...

"Who has the cutest husband? Hehe," Nick said with a smile.

"Hmm. Oh, now you're acting all cute. At first, instead of staying and listening to what I had to say, you just walked away. You even drove off. Was it worth it?" Neil asked, not being serious. Nick giggled. The office door opened without anyone knocking. Neil turned around and looked in annoyance. Before he could open his mouth to complain to the person, he stopped when he saw who opened the door.

"Mom!!" Neil called out loudly when he saw his mother standing in front of the office door with Nuch standing behind her. Nick quickly got off Neil's lap and sat on the sofa. Nick has only ever talked to Neil's mother through an electronic device. He has never met her in person. Neil immediately got up and hugged his mother.

"How did you get here?" Neil broke away from his mother's hug slightly to ask.

"Hmm... Nuch, this is my mother. You can get back to work now," Neil told his employee. He knew Nuch must have been confused. When the middle-aged woman approached him and asked to come to Neil's office. Nuch took her straight to the office, and she immediately opened the door without knocking.

"Hmm... Hello," Nuch immediately raised his hands to pay respect to his boss's mother.

"Hello, I'm sorry for startling you," Neil's mother turned to tell Nuch before Nuch quickly left the office.

"Oh, I'm going to die, Nick. You're truly so cute," Neil's mother walked past her son and went straight towards Nick. She immediately hugged him. Nick smiled slightly and began to relax after receiving a hug from Neil's mother.

"Hello, mom... I am so happy to see you," Nick said cheerfully.

"I'm happy too. I couldn't wait. I flew all the way across the country just to meet you," Neil's mother said with a smile as she gently pinched Nick's cheeks.

"Mom, could you pay attention to your real son, who's standing over here?" Neil interrupted. Neil's mother turned to look at Neil slightly.

"I just hugged you," Neil's mother said while continuing to pinch Nick's cheeks without letting go.

"I don't mean that. I want to know how you got here?" Neil asked curiously.

"I didn't feel right about the day you and your Nong had a fight. So, when I found the opportunity, I packed my clothes and got on a plane to Thailand. Plus, I wanted to see my daughter-in-law, face to face," Neil's mother said, making Nick feel a little flattered.

"Okay, but how did you know where my garage was, mom?" Neil asked.

"I knew the name of the garage, so I looked it up. I showed it to the taxi driver and had him bring me here. Oh, right. My bags are in front of the garage. Let's go out and bring them inside," Neil's mother said to her son. Neil let out a small sigh before calling his subordinates over to carry her bags inside the office.

"Mom, sit down," Nick said, leading Neil's mother to sit on the sofa. Neil's mother looked at Nick with a smile.

"How are you? Did you have another fight with him again, Nong Nick?" Neil's mother asked, causing Nick to remember that he needed to call Neil, P' Neil.

"No, it was nothing..." Nick was about to answer.

"We argued, but we just cleared things up, Mom," Neil interrupted him first, causing Nick to turn around and glare at Neil fiercely.

"What were you arguing about this time?" Neil's mother asked immediately.

"Mom, are you going back to the condo with me and P' Neil to sleep tonight?" Nick tried to change the subject.

"Nong Nick, don't bother changing the subject. Come on. Tell me. What did you argue about with P' Neil?" Neil's mother asked in a soft voice, not being aggressive or anything. Nick turned to look at his lover fiercely a little.

"Well, his ex-wife... Uh.... P' Neil's ex-girlfriend... She called P' Neil today. Last night, we met at the bar. She acted like she wanted to reconcile with P' Neil. So, I argued with P' Neil about this," said Nick. Mom immediately turned to look at Neil.

"Who is he talking about, Neil?" Neil's mother asked.

"Bella..." Neil said because Bella had visited the house in England when Neil went to visit his mother previously.

"Oh, Bella. Was she the one who used to buy me donuts?" Neil's mother asked, as if she remembered her clearly.

"Hmm, that's her," Neil said with a smile, causing Nick to become confused.

"Have you ever met her?" Nick asked curiously.

"Yes, I have. She came with Neil to my house in England. She brought back donuts for me, but she didn't know I didn't like donuts. I gave them all to Harry," Neil's mother recalled.

"Harry is my mother's pet bulldog," Neil explained to Nick, which made him chuckle a little.

"Will Bella continue to cause trouble?" Neil's mother asked.

"Probably not. I already told her not to mess with me again," Neil told his mother, causing her to give him a satisfied smile.

"Very good," Neil's mother said with a smile before turning back to Nick.

"If someone messes with you or Neil, Nong Nick, you must tell me. I'll take care of them," Neil's mother said. Nick gave her a wide smile because he knew she had his back.

"Mom, you don't have to spoil Shorty like that. He already knows he has my heart," Neil said teasingly.


Neil's mother smacked her son, who was standing nearby, on the arm.

"Watch how you speak to your Nong. How could you talk to him like that? Don't let me hear you call your Nong short again," Neil's mother said to her son, but not too seriously. Nick turned to Neil. He raised his eyebrow and smirked.


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