my mechanic (kirkhammettxjame...

By schwulermoder

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Cowboy/Western AU. James meets a mechanic and falls in love with him. (Load era Kirk and James) More

im so sorry😭


61 3 1
By schwulermoder

I walked into the bar to meet with Lars. He was sitting with his liquor and hitting on a girl as usual.

I sat down in front of him and he faced me and gave me a suspicious look. I raised an eyebrow confused on what he's going to go on about now.

"Why do you look so happy?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow again and tilted my head.

"When am I not happy looking?" I asked with a laugh.

"Umm all the time, you always look like your dog just died now you look like you got a new dog." He said.

I was shocked at the coincidence of his dog metaphor but Lars senses and knows things he shouldn't so i wasn't all that surprised.

"Well don't ruin it cause today I just feel...lighter." I said.

"Mmm, who's the lucky girl?" He asked with a smug smile plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the stool. I definitely walked right into that one.

"Come on Lars." I said, obviously annoyed.

He struggled to get up, made me wonder how much he drank at 10 something in the morning.

"Fuck you James." He said as he continued to bump into things.

I shrugged and we got in his truck and drove to Peanut's. Which I dunno why I let him drive since he was about drunk.

"Ms. Ivy!" Lars shouted singsongy.

"Shut up Lars!" She shouted from the back.

She came back and saw me and smiled.

"Hey baby, you look so happy." She said with a knowing tone and smile.

"Why are you guys saying I look so happy?" I asked sitting down on a chair.

"Cause you don't look like your dog just died." She said.

I rolled my eyes since that's exactly what Lars said.

"That's what I said. He said he didn't meet a girl so i'm wondering why he's so happy lookin." Lars said.

"Mmm you should tell him James." She said eyeing me.

"Peanut!!" I exclaimed.

"So he did meet a girl! You liar. Who?" He demanded, getting in my face.

I sighed and rolled my eyes but Nut was right so I thought of how to set him down in the most gentlest way so he can process then tell me how being gay is nasty or whatever.

"I'm gay." I said.

Lars choked on his own spit and started coughing dramatically. He was losing his balance and holding onto anything.

"So dramatic boy quit it before you knock one of my antique vases down. If you break one it's gonna be me and you." She threatened.

He put his hands on his temple and closed his eyes, he looked like he was processing and I waited to get his feedback.

"It's makes so much sense now, how you'd run off after guys, how you wouldn't look at any lady, how you always seemed uninterested when I talked about girls. It's that- it's that mechanic ain't it?" He asked.

Now that surprised me, how did he fucking know. I only talked about him once and he saw me go after him once, so how?

"Ding ding ding!!! We have a winner!" Peanut said.

"Wait how did you even know?" I asked genuinely surprised.

"I'm practically a detective Jim, it was obvious. When you talked about him that one time your eyes seemed to light up and then you were always looking at him and you followed him to the bathroom and was in there for a while and then you guys came out around the same time. And every time you said it was guy or saying you didn't kiss a girl you were implying about that mechanic. I just didn't think about it too deeply since I thought you liked girls." Lars said.

For how much of an idiot Lars was he was pretty fucking smart. Like surprisingly smart.

"Damn." I muttered in utter disbelief.

"Well is he your boyfriend? We gotta go get drinks with him." He asked.

"No, I don't date. " I simply said.

"Ohh, friends with benefits. I see." He said.

"Yeah, yeah friends with benefits." I said liking that as a better alternative to call Kirk.

"What was his name? Kirk Hammett right?" He asked.

"Yeah, curly hair, doe eyes, mustache, very soft spoken." I said listing off traits of Kirk.

"Awww yes it's love, you have to introduce me. I'll be your best man at your wedding." He said all excited.

"We can't get married." I said.

"Oh shit that is the truth. Well i'll be the best wingman in existence." He said.

"Alright Lars thank you." I said with a sarcastic tone but a smile on my face.

I was happy that Lars was taking this well, I mean he was more interested in me and Kirk than me being gay. Lars really is my best friend, I feel bad for not trusting him enough to tell him.

"Alright boys I got cases." Peanut said.

Lars and I have been doing cases all day and we were chilling on the back of my pickup since we were feeling tired.

"So this mechanic, he's pretty handsome then huh?" Lars asked.

"Yeah, he really is. The first time I saw him I knew I wasn't gonna just fuck him and forget him. I see him again later." I said.

"Oh, like a date?" He asked.

"I guess, we just drink beers and relax that's about it." I said.

"Well what time he normally goes round your place?" Lars asked.

"7." I said.

"Shit Jim you gotta go it's 7:15!" Lars exclaimed pushing me slightly.

"He has a spare and i'll just give him a call." I said.

"You sure he's not your boyfriend? He has a spare and everything." Lars asked.

"I don't date Lars." I said.

"Why?" Lars asked.

I took that as my cue to leave.

"Jim!" Lars shouted as I got in my truck.

"Not now i'll tell you later." I said.

I made it back home and opened the door, to my surprise Kirk wasn't here. I felt kinda sad but then again he wasn't my boyfriend so I shouldn't expect him to come every night.

I took off my holster and my hat and went to my room. I was really clammy and sticky since i've been working all day so I decided to take a shower.

My shower was oddly therapeutic. I wasn't thinking about anything and the hot water was punching my skin in a way that was like I getting a massage. I felt calmer, lighter, happier.

I stepped out of the shower with a great sigh. I put a towel around my waist and walked out. My hair was dripping water onto the floor and I decided to clean it up later.

I put on my clothes and started cleaning. Yes something is wrong with me. And something even more crazy, I did a good job. Wow. I need to go the mental institution fast.

I sat down and sighed and wiped sweat off of my face. I cleaned the kitchen, my room and removed all of the beer bottles and beer cans off of the floor.

I heard my door open and shut. I knew at this point that it was Kirk, but I wasn't expecting him. Especially since it was 10 o'clock at night.

"Hey, sorry i'm late. I got held back." He said all softly.

He walked in and sat down. He looked really tired and sweaty.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Oh it was, it was busier than usual. So many things needed to be done." He said.

He unbuttoned some buttons on his shirt and laid his head back on the couch. He looked really tired and this just made me want to carry out my plan even more.

"You can sleep in my bed or shower." I said.

He opened his eyes and looked at me like he didn't believe me.

"I don't have clothes." He said.

"Use mine." I offered.

"Uhh okay." He said.

He got up and walked to the bathroom. He practically lived with me so I should get him a tooth brush, some clothes and some other things.

Kirk came out with just his red briefs on and his hair wet. I could smell the soap scent from here and I just wanted to touch his skin.

"I uhm goodnight." He said.

I smiled and waved. He walked in and shut the door. I smiled and decided to get up and get a beer. I figured Kirk gets up at 6 so I decided to wake up before him so I could convince him to stay and take a day off.

I decided to hit the hay at 1 in the morning and made sure I told myself to wake up at about 5:45.

I walked in my room and saw Kirk snuggled in my sheets. He was knocked out and I smiled before taking my clothes off and joining him.

This was a dream come true, this is what I wanted. I wanted this with Jason but Kirk... I wasn't myself around Kirk, I begged, I wished, I wanted, it was just weird but a good weird. He was so soft spoken and sweet and dangerously handsome. Would I leave Jason for him if he was still here?

I decided not to think too much about it since the poor boy was dead, so I went to sleep.

I felt movement around and I woke up. I saw Kirk sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. He was wearing a black wife beater and seemed like he was putting on his shoes.

I got up and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Good morning." He grumbled. His voice was very raspy and deep, I wouldn't mind hearing his morning voice everyday.

"You should take a day off. You seem exhausted, you need a break." I said softly.

"I can't." He simply said shaking his head.

"You own the place Kirk, one day wouldn't kill ya plus i'll cook, i'll get your clothes, a toothbrush, i'll take care of you," I said. What is wrong with me? Cooking? Taking care of? I must be going crazy.

"Mmm you'll take care of me?" He asked again with a smile.

"Yeah lay down, sleep in." I said pulling him back, I already knew I convinced him.

He was laying on my chest and he kicked his shoes off and his jeans. I smiled and took off his wife beater leaving him in his boxers again.

"Fine." He said. He smiled and gave me a kiss.

I smiled and laid back. It really was a dream come true.

I woke up and yawned. I rolled over and laid my head on Kirk. He stretched and rubbed my back.

I kissed his chest gently and decided to move to his lips instead. His lips were a little chapped but fairly soft. I could taste his strawberry chapstick and his morning breath. He grabbed the back of my neck and deepened our kiss. My tongue was feeling every tooth in his mouth until it went down his throat. It was getting more and more heated as we swapped spit. Our crotches rubbed together and Kirk's breathless and needy moans fueling my erection.

"Please." Kirk moaned.

"Please what?" I teased.

He bit his lip and I felt his hand in my boxers. He rubbed my dick softly looking at me with soft pleading eyes. I pulled my boxers down eagerly and Kirk did the same.

It was slow at first, passionate, feeling everything, taking in every moment until the sound of our skin clapping together ultimately filled the room. I've never enjoyed something so much. Normally my end goal is to just nut and get it over with but now it's to just feel this forever. Kirk of course was a moaning mess, his pleasing moans as I hit his prostate carrying me to my orgasm.

We laid down breathing hard and touching each other until the euphoric feeling of our orgasm wore off.

We also decided to shower together. Kirk splashed water on me and of course I had to get him back. But being so close within his proximity is so heavenly.

"Let me wash your back." I said.

He smiled and turned around. I was only using this as an excuse to touch his body. I put soap on the loofa and slowly started on his shoulder and made my way down to his lower back. I felt every curve and muscle back there and tried not to touch his ass even though I wanted to.

I finished and he turned around to wash the soap off.

"Thank you." He said.

I smiled and we got out and grabbed our towels and dried ourselves off. I watched as Kirk dried his hair off and then wrapped the towel around his waist.

"I don't have clothes." He said.

I ran to my room and got him a wife beater, boxers and sweatpants.

I left him in the bathroom to put on the clothes and I put on shorts and tee since I was gonna be with Kirk the whole day.

I decided to go to the kitchen and start cooking. I don't know how to cook well so I was gonna bullshit my way through it.

I dug in my fridge and found eggs, grits and sausage. I decided those were fairly easy things to cook so I grabbed twopans and a sauce pot. I turned all the burners on and sprayed oil on the pan that i'm gonna cook the sausage in.

Kirk came out of the bathroom and sat on a chair that was in the kitchen. I looked back at  him and smiled, he looked so cute in my clothes since they were huge on him, different from the tight clothes he wears.

"What are you cooking?" He asked.

"Eggs, grits and sausage." I said.

"That sounds like what my mom used to make. I remember she used to play this loud music and we'd sing it as she cooked. Nice memories I just remembered." He said.

I smiled and thought about how me and my brother used to sit down and play guitar together. We'd play all our favorites all night until our parents complained about the noise.

"Tell me about your childhood." I said. I focused all of my attention on him, only looking away to see if the pans are hot enough yet.

"Well I grew up with my parents and siblings, but I spent most of it in the garage. I had a fascination for fixing cars, finding the problem and solving it was so good for me. My dad taught me all the tricks and cheats and when he died I ran the shop." He said.

"So you ran a shop when you were 13?" I asked remembering him telling me his dad died when he was 13.

"Yeah, he always said I was gonna take over so I was ready when I was 13." He said.

I smiled and put the sausage on the grill pan and cracked two eggs.

"What about your siblings?" I asked.

"My brother joined the army and my sister went to college and moved to Arizona." He said.

I nodded and put the grits in the boiling water. He zoned out for a little but came back and smiled at me.

"This is nice, thank you." He said.

I smiled at him to say thank you and took out the eggs and sausage and waited for the grits.

"Don't you have work too?" Kirk asked.

I shook my head no and gave Kirk a plate of food and a fork. I sat down in front of him with my plate and then got up to get cups and filled them up with orange juice.

"I'm a bounty hunter but I get my cases from this lady so all I do is show up, so not really a job but it keeps this place so yeah." I said taking a bite out of my surprisingly good sausage.

I looked at Kirk to see his reaction since I eagerly wanted to know. He saw me looking and blushed and covered his mouth. I looked away since he may not like people watching him eat.

"This is good and bounty hunting sounds like a cool job." He said.

"Thanks, glad you like it. There's cheese in the fridge if you eat it with your grits." I said.

Kirk smiled at me and let out a quiet chuckle. He was so cute and I couldn't imagine not even meeting him. I'm so glad my truck broke down on a very important day.

We ate and then sat on the couch and watched TV. I was barely even paying attention to it, Kirk's face was more entertaining to me. His skin looked so smooth and I just wanted to put my lips onto his.

"Oh shit! I love this movie." Kirk exclaimed. I looked at it and it was Princess and the frog. I laughed but Kirk got up and got beers then came back and laid his head on my thigh. I tensed up a little since this was the most unexpected thing i'd never expect from Kirk. I let my hand run down his side and then under his wife beater a little but only to feel his warmth.

The movie was really good, I can see why it was his favorite. But me personally, I would never admit that to any other man. But living in New Orleans sounds like a great life, food, music and a hell of bounty hunting cases.

Kirk got up and stretched and then walked to the bathroom. I felt cold but decided to get up and grab my keys since it was about time to get Kirk some of his clothes. I changed into jeans really quickly since my holster couldn't fit my shorts.

"Hey Kirk i'm getting your clothes wanna come?" I asked.

"Yeah! Give me a minute." He said.

I waited and sat on the couch. He came back and wiped his hand with a paper towel. He was also wearing my blue jeans.

"Come on, we are getting my horse." I said.

"Holy shit you have a horse?!" Kirk exclaimed.

"Yeah, you rode on one before?" I asked.

"No, my dad always wanted to but of course he never got to." He said.

I put an arm around his shoulder as we walked to my truck.

"It's not that great trust me." I said.

He laughed and nudged his head into my side.

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