Patiently Waiting For You | H...

Od nzcrsm

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"You are the love of my life," Y/N said. "I love you." "If loving me comes with shame," Hermione brea... Viac

|| Home
|| What Are We?
|| The Burrow
|| The Quidditch World Cup!
|| The Dark Mark
|| The Triwizard Tournament
|| The Goblet of Fire
|| Date
|| Alastor Moody
|| Goblet
|| Jealousy
|| Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire
|| Cedric
|| The Hearing
|| The Crimson's Gone Mad!
|| Sirius
|| Dragons
|| Practice
|| Fight
|| Dragon Preparations
|| The First Task
|| Golden Egg
|| Girlfriend
|| "I Don't Want Your Love"
|| Ballroom Dance
|| Party
|| Entrance Hall
|| "Is She That Good In Bed?"
|| Mudblood
|| Second Task Preparations
|| The Second Task
|| 33. Dress (UN-EDITED)
|| 34. Can I kiss you? (UN-EDITED)
|| 35. How they walk (UN-EDITED)
|| 36. You're beautiful (UN-EDITED)
|| 37. The Yule Ball (UN-EDITED)
|| 38. Mine (UN-EDITED)
|| 39. Am I dreaming? (UN-EDITED)
|| 40. Prefects' Bathroom (UN-EDITED)
|| 41. Mermaids (UN-EDITED)
|| 42. Gillyweed (UN-EDITED)
|| 43. Treasure (UN-EDITED)
|| 44. Last (UN-EDITED)
|| 46. Mr. Crouch (UN-EDITED)
|| 47. You are no son of mine (UN-EDITED)
|| 48. Cuddles and Kisses (UN-EDITED)
|| 49. Third task (UN-EDITED)
|| 50. Some game (UN-EDITED)
|| 51. The Dark Lord's return (UN-EDITED)
|| 52. Death (UN-EDITED)
|| 53. Bye, bye, Miss American Pie (UN-EDITED)
|| 54. Sentient Energy Manifestation (UN-EDITED)
|| 55. I love you (UN-EDITED)
|| 56. I love you, I'm sorry (LAST CHAPTER)
Author's Note
|| The Yule Ball

|| 45. I love you, romantically (UN-EDITED)

1.6K 42 1
Od nzcrsm


The sound of Dumbledore's voice echoed across the expanse of The Black Lake, causing Hermione to instinctively cover her ears while Y/N winced at the volume. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as the crowd eagerly awaited the announcement of the winner.

"The winner is Mr. Diggory!" Dumbledore's voice boomed, and a wave of applause and cheers erupted from the spectators. Y/N couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride for Cedric's accomplishment, a smile tugging at her lips as she joined in the applause.

"Who showed innate command of the Bubble-Head Charm," Dumbledore added, acknowledging Cedric's skill and mastery of the task. The cheers grew louder, acknowledging Cedric's impressive display of magical ability and determination.

"However," Dumbledore's voice rang out again, cutting through the noise and capturing everyone's attention, "seeing as Miss Crimson would have finished first, had it not been for her determination to rescue not only her sister but the others as well."

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, her curiosity piqued by Dumbledore's statement. She exchanged a puzzled glance with Hermione, both of them wondering what the headmaster was about to reveal.

Dumbledore continued, his voice steady and commanding, "In recognition of Miss Crimson's selflessness, bravery, and unwavering determination to help her fellow champions...."

"We've agreed to award her..." Dumbledore's voice paused for a moment, creating an atmosphere of suspense. Y/N's heart raced with anticipation, her eyes widening as she eagerly awaited the announcement.

"Second place!" Dumbledore's words echoed through the air, and a wave of surprise washed over Y/N. The crowd erupted into a mixture of gasps, applause, and excited chatter. Hermione stood beside Y/N, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief mirroring Y/N's own expression.

Y/N's initial surprise quickly transformed into an ear-to-ear grin, a surge of joy and pride filling her being. She couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and validation. Second place was an incredible achievement, especially considering the challenges she had faced and the selfless acts she had undertaken.

"Second place!" Hermione exclaimed, her voice filled with amazement. Amaryllis, overcome with emotion, enveloped Y/N in a tight hug, her arms squeezing the girl tightly. Y/N returned the embrace, feeling the warmth and love radiating from her mother.

"Congratulations, Y/N!" Ron and Harry chimed in, their faces beaming with pride and excitement. Y/N felt a surge of gratitude for her friends' unwavering support and encouragement throughout the tournament. Hermione and Amaryllis peppered Y/N's face with affectionate kisses, their expressions filled with pure joy.

Giggles escaped Y/N's lips as the tender gestures filled her with a sense of love and happiness. In that moment, surrounded by her loved ones, she felt an overwhelming sense of belonging and triumph. It wasn't just about winning or losing; it was about the journey, the friendships, and the lessons learned along the way.

Y/N basked in the warmth of the congratulations and love, her heart filled with a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation. She knew that her achievement wasn't just a reflection of her own efforts but also a testament to the unwavering support and belief of those who stood by her side.

As the celebrations continued around her, Y/N took a moment to soak it all in. The applause, the cheers, and the joyous faces in the crowd were a testament to the impact she had made, not only as a competitor but also as a compassionate and resilient individual.

With her head held high and a radiant smile on her face, Y/N embraced the recognition and the sense of accomplishment that came with being awarded second place. She knew that this was not the end of her journey, but rather a stepping stone to greater adventures and triumphs yet to come.


Y/N and Hermione sat facing each other in the boat, their eyes locked in an intimate connection as they glided across the tranquil waters. The air was filled with a mix of contentment and excitement, their hands intertwined as a symbol of their unwavering bond.

"You were amazing, Y/N," Hermione whispered, her voice filled with admiration and love. The words resonated deep within Y/N's heart, filling her with a sense of validation and warmth. She leaned in closer to Hermione, their foreheads gently touching, as they shared a tender moment of celebration.

"Thank you, Hermione," Y/N replied, her voice filled with gratitude and affection. She squeezed Hermione's hand, the gentle pressure serving as a silent reassurance of their shared journey and accomplishments. In that simple touch, they found solace and strength.

"Still irks me off, though," Y/N mumbled, a hint of frustration lacing her words. Hermione raised an eyebrow, curiosity sparkling in her eyes. She wanted to understand the source of Y/N's discontent, to offer comfort and support.

"What is?" Hermione probed, her voice gentle and caring. Y/N let out a sigh, her gaze momentarily shifting away before locking with Hermione's once again.

"Viktor chose you before I could," Y/N murmured, a tinge of vulnerability coloring her tone. She couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, even though she knew deep down that Hermione's heart belonged to her.

Hermione couldn't suppress a giggle, her eyes sparkling mischievously. She reveled in the adorable display of jealousy from her girlfriend. It was a testament to the depth of their connection and the strength of their love.

"Are you jealous?" Hermione inquired, her voice playful yet filled with tenderness. Y/N scoffed, a playful glint in her eyes as she tried to hide her true emotions. 

"Am not!" Y/N protested, accompanied by an eye roll that only added to her charm.

Hermione's laughter filled the air, a melodic sound that brought joy to Y/N's heart. She reached out and gently cupped Y/N's face, her touch soft and reassuring. 

"It's okay to feel a little jealous, love," Hermione said, her voice laced with understanding. "But remember, you have my heart completely and unconditionally."

Y/N's eyes widened with surprise, her heart racing in her chest as she absorbed Hermione's heartfelt confession. Time seemed to momentarily stand still, the weight of Hermione's words hanging in the air, filling the space between them with a sense of vulnerability and profound connection.

"I know we've only been— official, for a few weeks, and I'd understand if you think I'm going too fast, but..." Hermione trailed off, her voice filled with a mix of nervousness and unwavering determination. She looked into Y/N's eyes, searching for a flicker of understanding and acceptance.

Y/N nodded, her own smile mirroring the one on Hermione's face. The tenderness and sincerity in Hermione's gaze were undeniable, tugging at Y/N's heartstrings. She was captivated by the depth of Hermione's emotions, the courage it took to share such vulnerable feelings.

"What?" Y/N mumbled, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. She couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth spread through her, enveloping her entire being in a cocoon of love.

"I love you," Hermione said, her voice steady and unwavering. "Romantically."

The words resonated deep within Y/N, a symphony of emotions stirring within her soul. It was as if everything suddenly fell into place, and the world around them faded into insignificance.

A tender silence enveloped them, the weight of Hermione's declaration lingering in the air. Y/N felt her heart swell with an indescribable sense of happiness, an affirmation that their connection was something truly extraordinary.

The corners of Y/N's lips curved into a genuine smile, her eyes sparkling with love and admiration. Without hesitation, she leaned forward and gently captured Hermione's lips in a tender kiss, pouring all her emotions into that simple, affectionate gesture.

"I love you too," Y/N whispered against Hermione's lips, "Romantically." her voice filled with tenderness and sincerity. It was as if the universe itself acknowledged their love, embracing them in its warm embrace.


Y/N stepped onto the dock, her laughter intertwined with Hermione's as they made their way towards solid ground. Their light-hearted banter and playfulness had carried them through the entire journey, filling the air with an aura of joy and affection. As they reached the dock, Y/N wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist, their bodies melting into a warm embrace.

"Yuck, get a room," a familiar voice teased from behind. Y/N turned around, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she locked gazes with Fred Weasley. Beside him, George wore a mischievous grin, pretending to sniff the air dramatically.

"I smell love in the air!" George chimed in, a twinkle in his eye. Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at their playful antics, the twins never missing an opportunity to tease and poke fun.

"I'm surprised you two aren't dating yet," Fred commented, his tone filled with a hint of mischief. Y/N glanced at Hermione, sharing a knowing look with her girlfriend. It was a silent understanding between them, a bond that went beyond words.

 They didn't feel the need to flaunt their relationship or announce it to the world. Their love was genuine and secure, existing within their private sphere.

"Right on," George added with a smirk, his mischievous nature shining through. 

"All that moral fiber, eh? It's great," Fred chimed in, joining his twin in teasing Y/N. Playful glares were exchanged, as Y/N tried to suppress her laughter.

"Blimey. Even when you go wrong, it turns out right," Ron interjected, a grin spreading across his face. George nodded in agreement, appreciating the unique charm of Y/N's character. 

"Yeah, well done, Moral Fiber," George teased, adding a playful nickname to the mix, before the three Weasley brothers turned to walk away, their laughter trailing behind them.

As the Weasleys departed, leaving Y/N and Hermione standing together, a sense of accomplishment and contentment filled the air. Their shared triumph in the tournament was a testament to their determination and strength. But amidst the excitement, another figure approached—Crouch.

"Congratulations, Crimson," Crouch acknowledged, his stern demeanor softening for a moment. Y/N offered him a small smile, grateful for the recognition. 

"Thank you," she replied, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"A fine achievement," Crouch continued, his words carrying a weight of sincerity. Y/N nodded, accepting the praise with modesty. The journey had been challenging, but the rewards were immeasurable.

"Well done, girl," Crouch praised, his tone reflecting a genuine admiration for Y/N's efforts. As they began to walk together down the pavement, Y/N's heart swelled with a sense of pride. She had overcome obstacles, faced fears, and emerged victorious, surrounded by friends and mentors who acknowledged her accomplishments.

"See you at Hagrid's, Y/N!" Hermione said with a warm smile, her eyes filled with genuine affection. Y/N returned the gesture, nodding in agreement as the two girls parted ways, each heading towards their respective destinations. Y/N continued walking alongside Crouch, the weight of their conversation lingering in the air.

"I'm sorry we haven't spoken much," Crouch spoke up, his voice carrying a hint of regret. "After all, your story is one I've heard so many times," he added, his tone a mix of admiration and curiosity. Y/N nodded, understanding the weight of her experiences and the impact they had on those who knew her tale.

"It's quite remarkable, really, especially seeing it unfold in person," Crouch continued, his words filled with a sense of awe. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the recognition. To have her journey acknowledged by someone of Crouch's stature was truly gratifying.

"To gain the power of the Flame itself," Crouch paused, his gaze fixed on Y/N, as if trying to grasp the magnitude of her achievement. 

"How does it feel?" he inquired, genuinely curious about the emotions that accompanied such extraordinary abilities. Y/N took a moment to reflect, searching for the right words to express the depth of her experience.

"Brilliant," Y/N responded, a spark of enthusiasm evident in her voice. The power she possessed was both exhilarating and humbling. It gave her a sense of purpose and strength, a connection to something greater than herself. The flames ignited within her fueled her determination and fueled her desire to protect and bring about positive change.

"Still," Crouch continued, his tone shifting to a more contemplative one, "You should learn how to control them. Without responsibility, power is useless." His words resonated deeply with Y/N. She understood the importance of harnessing her abilities in a way that would benefit others, rather than becoming a force of destruction.

Nodding in agreement, Y/N acknowledged the wisdom in Crouch's words. Control was essential, not only to prevent harm but also to fully utilize her powers for the greater good. She was determined to cultivate discipline and master the art of wielding the flames responsibly.

"I'm sure your parents are very proud, yes?" Crouch asked, a genuine smile gracing his lips. Y/N couldn't help but feel a swell of warmth in her chest at the mention of her parents. They had always been supportive and encouraging, even in her most challenging moments.

"Mom is," Y/N replied with a soft smile. 

"She's always believed in me and my abilities." The thought of her mom filled her with a sense of comfort and strength, her unwavering love and pride acting as a guiding force in her life.

"Bartemius!" a voice called out from the side, catching Y/N's attention. She turned her gaze towards the source, and there stood Moody, his grizzled appearance and ever-watchful eye giving him an air of intensity.

"Not trying to lure Crimson into one of the Ministry's summer internships, are we?" Moody's voice dripped with sarcasm as he cast a suspicious glance towards Crouch. Y/N watched the exchange with curiosity, wondering what lay behind Moody's cryptic remark.

Crouch furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, taken aback by Moody's accusatory tone. He couldn't fathom the reason behind the man's cautionary words. Y/N observed the tension in the air, sensing that there was more to this interaction than met the eye.

"The last boy who went into the Department of Mysteries never came out!" Moody's voice carried a hint of ominous warning, his gaze fixed on Crouch . The gravity of his words hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow of doubt and suspicion over the situation.

Y/N watched Moody lick his lips, as realization dawned upon Crouch's face, his wide-eyed expression reflecting a moment of understanding.

 The weight of Moody's words seemed to settle upon him, leaving him visibly shaken. Without uttering a single word, Crouch turned and walked away, his previous composure shattered by the unsettling revelation.

"And they say I'm mad!" Moody exclaimed with a mix of frustration and disbelief, his voice tinged with a touch of bitterness. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and curiosity at the exchange. She looked from Moody's retreating figure to Crouch's departing form, searching for answers that remained elusive.

The encounter left Y/N with a lingering sense of intrigue, wondering about the deeper significance behind Moody's warning and Crouch's reaction. There were secrets and mysteries concealed within the confines of the magical world, and she couldn't help but be drawn to their enigmatic allure.

As Y/N pondered the implications of the encounter, she couldn't shake the feeling that there were forces at play far beyond her current understanding. 


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