how to be a pureblood 101...

By urlostchapstick

33.2K 1.2K 3.6K

when draco malfoy's muggle one night stand gives birth to his daughter he decides to carry on the family trad... More

"ruler of all the testosterone"
"is leo going country?"
"you know how Slytherins are"
"are you jealous"
"blowing bennetts off"
"any publicity is good publicity"
"different scarlet letters"
"it's not creepy it's romantic."
"nice grip"
"it's a date"
"a quidditch tactic"
"some bloody validation"
"it's pronounced sirius"
"reasons why chase mclaggen sucks"
"stay bitter"
"break out some pirouettes"
"mr prongs jr's responsibility"
"it was all fake"
"keep up appearances"
"taylor swift on the highest volume"
"james's room and clothes"
"i have a boyfriend"
"so incompatible"
"cold hand"
"happy christmas eve"
"so fucking in sync"
"i just have to stay"
"overstayed your welcome"
"malfoy manor"
"don't get expelled"
"going to murder"
"new girl for the playboy"
"prince charming"
"auras and shit"
"blueberry pomegranate smoothie"
"my bra is next to you"
"swan lake"
"it's everyday bro"
"head of house"
"jealousy is a bad look"
"red is your color"
"back off"
"don't drown"
"happy and in love"
"little miss competitive"
"jimmy fallon"
"my mum"
"if that's even your real name"
"vain narcissistic woman"
"happy birthday"
"down bad"
"with love"
"stop walking away"
"childless unmarried woman"
"the end"

"spiked milk"

417 19 54
By urlostchapstick

the best quidditch team

playing hufflepuff on saturday
practice tonight at 10pm, tomorrow 6am, tomorrow 10pm, and saturday 8am

lil sis lils:


what happened??

lakivitz (quidditch):
is this about potions class??

richardson (quidditch):
we're not ready for huff

green (quidditch):
fuck we were doing so good

harrison (quidditch):

leo? are we going to be okay?

captain answerrrrr

yes it's because of potions
i was caught not paying attention and
bennetts is punishing all of us to set an example

ffs benny sucks ass

not disagreeing... i tried everything
i'm sorry guys this is all on me

we've all gotten in trouble for not
paying attention before it isn't your fault

yeah bennetts is just a bitch

you can say that again

lil sis lils:
we'll just have to practice extra hard

yeah 🐍 🐍

you changed "lil sis lils" to "lils"

having a team that doesn't suck is so nice
see ya tonite <3

"Hey what happened with McGonagall?" Bianca asked as soon as Leo entered the dorm.

Leo started putting on her workout clothes as she answered, "Bennetts got to choose my punishment and decided on having us play Hufflepuff tomorrow. Thus fucking over all four teams because none of us have been practicing to play the other team! But it especially hurts Slytherin because we not only didn't practice for Hufflepuff but we also didn't prepare to practice until next week and HAVENT PRACTICED ALL THIS WEEK! And then I broke up with James. And now I have to go practice alone so I don't have a fucking breakdown and then I'm practicing with the whole team tonight at 10pm- I just went to beg Hooch for special permission to go later than curfew and thank God she took pity on me."

"Leo did you say you broke up with James?" Bianca asked concerned.

"Yes, but I'm currently shoving that down and dealing with it later. It will only distract me so we can break into that on Sunday." Leo said dismissively.

"Oh Lele."

"I'm going to go fly laps around the castle then probably go to the Room of R for a workout and then grab some protein from the Great Hall then go for a run and then we'll have team practice. It'll have to only be strategy and drills, we don't have enough time for any conditioning."

"Leo." Bianca said again wrapping her arms around her. "Are you okay?"

"No." Leo said removing Bianca's arms from her. "Not at all Bebe. But I am prioritizing Quidditch."

"Alright well are you okay about Quidditch?"

"No to that as well. I am all around shit right now like, I will most likely cry myself to sleep if I even fall asleep. But we can unpack this all on Sunday!"

"Okay don't do anything stupid until then." Bianca requested.

"I primarily do stupid things." Leo said with a half smile.

"Tell me when you go to the Room and I'll meet you there okay? Marco is with George but he'll be there in spirit too."

"Sounds good Bebe. I love you."

"I love you too Lele."


James spent the next two days just laying in his room without coming out.

But Leo spent hers constantly moving.

By the time Slytherin and Hufflepuff played, the Slytherin Quidditch Team was exhausted from the extra practices.

105-30 final score.

Hufflepuff won.

Leo didn't save a single goal.

Lily didn't catch the Snitch.

The Beaters kept missing their swings.

The Chasers' passes couldn't connect.

They all around played like shit.

"This is my fault not yours." Leo announced as soon as they entered the locker room. "I got us in trouble. I overworked us. I kept missing goals. And I am sorry, deeply sorry, to all of you."

"Captain it wasn't your fault." Montague spoke up, "We're a team. It's on all of us."

"Win together lose together." Tabitha added onto her boyfriend's statement.

Leo nodded but she didn't believe their words. She would still hold the brunt of every loss on her shoulders. "Well you all deserve a nice long shower and a good sleep. You've worked very hard the last few days and I'm still proud of you."

"Thank you Leo." Lily said hugging her.

"Team hug!!" Dennings said excitedly coming up next to Lily.

Leo kept a smile as the team hugged her and as they all grabbed their things and left the locker room.

"I'll catch up with you guys later, I just have to talk to Hooch!" Leo called out as they headed out the door. As soon as it shut behind them Leo's
smile dropped as everything hit her all at once.

She lost the Quidditch game.

She practically guaranteed a loss of the Cup.

And she lost James.

Silently, Leo grabbed her broom and went back onto the empty pitch.

She mounted it and flew off towards the hoops and took a seat on the inside of the leftmost one.

She stayed there just staring at the pitch until she felt herself getting tired. She moved too much in her sleep to stay there over night.

So instead Leo carefully got back on her broom and instead flew to the top Commentary Tower and laid down there. Falling asleep as she looked up at the stars. Not a single thought running through her head anymore.

Just emptiness.


Leo groaned as she slowly woke up. And comprehended the fact she was not in her bed.

"WE'RE NOT COMING UP THERE YOU HAVE TO COME DOWN!" Marco demanded from inside the Tower.

Leo rolled to lean over the side causing Bianca and Marco to scream in surprise at seeing her face.

"Hi." Leo said hoarsely.

"Come down love." Bianca said sympathetically.

"Wait first." Marco casted a quick spell. "I had a feeling you probably smelled bad."

"Ugh." Leo said removing herself from their view.

She threw her broom into the room then flipped so her feet were hanging off and swung herself into the room.

"I'm not doing good. At all. So what do you want?"

"To talk to you about what happened?" Bianca replied hesitantly.

"I don't want to talk about it." Leo sighed, "I'll get over it eventually. Don't worry."

"Leo." Marco said pointedly, "You went from being completely smitten with James to breaking up with him! Then you lost a Quidditch Match!"

"I broke up with him because it is what is best for the both of us. Okay? I'm not the victim. I don't have a right to be upset."

"Yes you do. You absolutely do." Bianca insisted, "Now why do you think it's what is best?"

"Because.... we just...." BECAUSE MY MOTHER ISNT ACTUALLY MY MOTHER AND I'VE WITNESSED MY REAL MOTHER BEING ABUSED MY WHOLE LIFE AND IM TURNING OUT JUST LIKE HER, "I've been asking a lot from him and he keeps giving me it. It isn't healthy."

"Oh. I literally just told him he does that the other day." Bianca replied.

"Well you were right." Leo said reluctantly, "I did it for him. I don't want to take and take and take."

"Lele, you didn't have to break up with him. You only had to talk to him." Marco told her.

"I made up my mind and you won't be able to change it. I don't regret doing it." Leo said bluntly then softened a bit, "But I do miss him."

"Aww sweetheart." Bianca cooed pulling her into a hug. "I guarantee he misses you too."

"That doesn't make me feel better." Leo sniffed trying to stop tears from flowing once more, "I don't want him upset, I still care about him."

"I know Lele." Bianca said as she cradled her head.

"Why am I so fucked up?" Leo's voice cracked as the gates to her emotions came crashing down.

"You are not fucked up." Marco said rubbing her back.

"I am." Leo sobbed into Bianca's shoulder.

"Now why would you think that?" Bianca asked pulling back to look into her eyes.

"I-.... I don't know." I do know.

"Well that's concerning." Marco said.

Leo wiped the tears off of her face, "I want to go take a bath."

"Okay sweetie." Marco said sympathetically, "I'll walk you there and B can go get your stuff form the dorm."

"Okay." Leo agreed as he led her out of the tower.


"James. You need to get out of bed. We start practicing tomorrow for Ravenclaw. I expected you to be working out new strategy nonstop." Fred demanded.

"I have strategy worked out. I did it yesterday when I woke up." James grumbled.

"You're still waking up at 6? You're insane." George said appalled.

"Wake up at 6. Quick run. Write out some strategy. Go back to bed." James said as he rolled over to smother his face in his pillow.

George pulled it out so his face would fall onto the bed. "Outta bed! Now! You are not allowed to be sad over a girl."

James turned to look at him, "I love her man. I never told her but I do. I love her."

"Jamey..." Fred said sitting next to him, "You need to go out and show her what she's missing, not stay here and pout. Fight for her."

"I'm not fighting. I can't. If she were to reject me again I wouldn't recover." James sat up in his bed.

"But Jamey-,"

"-No buts. She made up her mind. If she changes it then it's on her. Chances are I'll fall for her all over again, but right now I just can't."

"Okay." George said softly, "Then what can we do to help? Because we can't just let you lay here all day again. We gave you the last two."

"Then I want to go eat."

"Then let's go eat." George agreed as he helped pull James out of bed.


"Isn't this nice?" George asked as they sat down in the Great Hall.

"It's whatever." James sighed as he grabbed a glass of milk off the table.

"You're still the same old James drinking milk. That's something." Fred tried to joke, but was cut short as James pulled a flask out of who knows where and poured it into the milk.

"James is day drinking." Fred said observationally, "The week of a Quidditch Match."

"Andres!" George yelled across the Hall as the Slytherin entered, "Over here now!"

Andres left Scorpius's to go and sit next to James, "What's up? And why does James look like that?"

"Leo broke up with him?" Fred replied obviously.

"What?? When was this?" Andres asked in shock.

"Thursday." George replied.

"She must not have told Scorp because he didn't tell me." Andres responded genuinely, "That must be why she played like shit yesterday. It's unlike her."

"Hey I'm still right here guys, so can we not talk about this until I've finished two more glasses of milk." James asked annoyed as he chugged the rest of his spiked milk.

"He's drinking at 12pm?"

"The week of a Quidditch Match." Fred repeated.

"Oh fuck." Andres said impressed. "Why did she break up with him?"

"I haven't been brave enough to ask." George answered looking back at James who poured more alcohol into his fresh glass of milk then took a swig of straight liquor before putting it back into his pocket.

"James-," Andres began.

"-Bullshit reasons. Absolute bullshit reasons. Saying shit about how she was selfish and I'd do anything for her and that was toxic and she was pissed about quidditch and... I just.... Fuck I'm too sober still."

"Okay." Andres said cutting him off by grabbing the glass from out of his hand. "You are definitely not doing too good right now."

"What gave that away." James scoffed as his eyes drifted to the entrance of the Great Hall.

Leo walked in with Bianca and Marco and their eyes instantly connected. James looked away first, and he could feel Leo's eyes burning a whole through his head. "Fuck this." James said as he grabbed a sandwich off of the table and stormed out of the Hall's back entrance.

Andres, Fred, and George followed where his gaze was to see Leo across the room who watched stoically as he left. She wiped a tear from her face as she sat down at Slytherin's table.

"Fuck it." Fred said standing up and marching over towards the table.

"Oh no no no. Fred!" George called out behind him as she quickly got up to follow.

"What the Hell Malfoy?!" Fred exclaimed as he towered over her.

"Fred." Bianca said with a voice cold as ice.

"You don't get to fucking cry right now!" Fred continued, "That man is the fucking victim not you! He's barely left his room and is currently trying to get drunk to numb the pain you've caused- and you're the one who I've seen gallivanting around the castle without a care in the world. So shut the fuck up!"

Leo stared at him as tears threatened her eyes, but she held them back and only nodded.

"That's it? Not gonna defend yourself or anything?" Fred scoffed.

"You told me to shut the fuck up. I was only listening." Leo replied bitterly as she reached for a plate but Fred swatted her hand away.

"Apologize to him! And tell him why you actually fucking did it! He deserves that!" Fred insisted.

"Talking to him is not going to help him understand that I did it for him." Leo started as Scorpius listened in curiously, "Okay? I'm not good for him. He deserves better, and before you say that isn't my decision I'm telling you that I made the decision anyways. James can hate me. It'll be easier for him to hate me. So let him."

"You little-,"

"-James wouldn't want you doing this and you know it." George scolded cutting him off. "Leo I'm sorry we just get defensive of James when we see him looking this shitty but that is no excuse to be screaming at you."

"I deserve no apology George. Everything Fred has said is nothing I haven't said to myself. So if it's any consolation, I'm not gallivanting around nor am I trying to be the victim. I'm just... existing right now." Leo said carefully, "So please just take care of James and make sure he's okay. Please."

"We don't need you to tell us to. We already planned on it because we actually care about him." Fred replied angrily.

"That's it Fred. A word." Bianca said standing up and grabbing his arm to pull him to the side.

"He'll be okay." George said reassuringly to Leo, "Will you be?"

"I'm not the concern here. He is. And whether or not he agrees, this is seriously good for him."

"For him, but not for you?" Marco asked, speaking for the first time since Fred came over.

"I'm not good in relationships. So not being one is good for me as well." Leo said mulling over her words, and she must've said the wrong ones because Scorpius stood up.

"Leo we need to have a talk." Scorpius demanded.

"Shit." Leo mumbled to herself, "Okay." She agreed giving an awkward smile to George. "Let me know if there's anything that I can like do to help him. If I need to avoid all common spaces I will. Just let me know."

"I will." George nodded as Marco gestured for him to sit down at the table.

Leo passed Fred and Bianca's argument as she followed Scorpius out of the Great Hall, but could tell Scorpius wouldn't be happy if she stopped to try and intervene.

Scorpius led her into an empty classroom, took seat, and just waited for her to speak.


"...James and I broke up." Leo said finally interrupting the silence.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scorpius demanded.

"I dunno." Leo mumbled.

"Is it because it was for a stupid reason?"

"It isn't stupid." Leo said defensively.

"I'll be the judge of that."

"...My mum called me the other day." Leo said softly.

"Oh shit." Scorpius said suddenly sympathetic rather than pissed, "What about?"

"Her and Rob broke up, that's the guy she was dating over Christmas. The bad one from when I was younger."

"Okay." Scorpius nodded.

"Apparently dad threatened him and scared him off."

"Good for dad."

"Yeah." Leo said with a slight laugh, "After that she told me she was getting help. But not from a therapist or anything, no, she was going to a psychic to fix her aura that turns good men into abusive monsters... And she wanted to give me the number so I can go there too. Because she always tells me I'm just like her. I thought her she just silly. But as I was fighting with James on Thursday it hit that she was actually right. Not about the aura shit, but about how her and I ruin good men. And James is the best. I didn't want to stay long enough to ruin him. So I let him go."

"Oh... So it was for a stupid reason then? Because Leo you surely do not actually believe you are capable of turning James into someone who would abuse you? That is about the stupidest thing I've heard so of course it came from Cynthia."

"Don't talk about my mum like that." Leo said softly.

"Leo, You are not capable of turning James into a bad person. Period. So go tell him what happened and apologize."

"I can't Scorp. I'm eventually going to end up riling him up and causing his to lash out just like I did to Rob and I can't do that to him I can't."

"Why are you more worried that he is going to become a dick than you are for your own sake if he does?"

"What?" Leo asked softly.

"You pretty much keep saying that you're going to turn James into an abusive asshole- that's all fine and well for a moment here, let's believe it- so if that were the case, why wouldn't you be more concerned for yourself than for him? He's the one who'd be doing the abusing not you." Scorpius explained forcefully.

"... Yeah you're right forget about it." Leo said as she looked to the ground.

"No Leo. We need to talk about it. You never want to talk about it." Scorpius urged.

"What is there to talk about!" Leo replied frustrated, "My mum was abused! Okay! There we go we talked. A guy I was seeing slapped me. Ares would intimidate me and threaten me. That's all there is to say about it."

"No it isn't Leo. You can talk about how it makes you feel. How it is the reason you act like this now. Or simply just an example of what happened because you never want to speak about it and you need to!"

"Okay fine!" Leo exclaimed annoyed, "Here's a fun anecdote from childhood. When I was nine my mum was dating Rob. She has servants and shit when she's staying at her house in America but when she's over here she doesn't usually have a maid so she washes the dishes herself. She had already washed them before Rob came home so he wouldn't be mad. But little old nine year old me decided to put my used cup in the sink, not thinking a thing of it. And Rob came home. He saw it, and I watched as he hit her. I had never watched before that day. So there you go Scorp. I've talked about something."

"That's why you always wash the dishes you use at home then I presume?"

"What?" Leo asked startled by his response.

"Anytime you finish a dish you always wash it straight away. Dad and I used to joke you were OCD... but it's because of that isn't it?"

"I mean... I dunno... I never really thought about it." Leo stuttered out as she tried to think back to when she started doing that.

"And now you're breaking up with James because of the shit with them too." Scorpius continued. "You have PDASTD or whatever the muggles call it. You're traumatized Leo."

"No I'm not." Leo denied shaking her head.

"Yes you are. Period. So what happened with James to trigger you or whatever they say?"

"... He said I was driving him insane."

"Okay? You drive me insane all the time."

"Yea but... it was something Rob said once." Leo replied as it dawned on her that Scorpius was right.

"We seeing the problem here?"

"Maybe." Leo said softly. "So what, you think I should go get back together with James and just go 'whoops I'm delusional and you said something triggering and I thought I was going to turn you abusive?'"

"No I think you made the right decision breaking up with him." Scorpius replied honestly.

"Really?" Leo asked a bit relieved.

"Yes. You need some intensive therapy before dating James."

"Yeah... I know." Leo admitted, "That's why I never made a move for the longest time ya know. You and Bianca and Marco all told me to get with him but I didn't. Because I knew I wasn't ready. But for some reason on New Year's I just didn't care anymore. I wanted him so fucking badly. I ignored the fact that my mind wouldn't be able to take it because my heart was just screaming so loudly."

"We can call dad. Get you into therapy. Maybe one day you and James will find each other again." Scorpius said supportively.

"I think I may have messed that one up a bit too badly." Leo replied pessimistically.

"He still cares for you Leo, I'd bet anything on it."

"Exactly. And I care for him too much to hurt him again. I might not show it as aggressively as he does, but I really just... I am- I was- ya know... head over heels or whatever."

"You're definitely not the 'shout it to the world type of person' that he is, but I know you have feelings for him."

"You think he knew too right? I don't want him to think I was using him or anything..." Leo said drifting off as she realized the hypocrisy in what she was saying. Insisting that she was alright with him hating her and then wanting him to think he loved her was wanting to have her cake and eat it too. "Never mind it doesn't matter. I just want him to have as smooth of a transition into moving on as possible. It's the least I could do."

"Leo I don't give a damn about James healing. You're important to me right now not him."

"Well he's important to me right now so if you care about me then you'll prioritize him as well!" Leo insisted.

"Then I'll make sure Dre is checks in on him and everything, but you're my sister."

"Fine. That'll work." Leo agreed.

"Let's call dad."

"Oh joy."


casa amor is going on in love island right now THE DRAMA lemme tell ya

love ya <3

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