We Met Again ~ KNJ FF

By Namjin_spark124

120K 8.9K 1.9K

"To hell with you and your pretentious love, Namjoon! Just leave me alone, will you?!" you shouted, your angr... More

| CHAPTER 10 |
| CHAPTER 11 |
| CHAPTER 12 |
| CHAPTER 13 |
| CHAPTER 14 |
| CHAPTER 15 |
| CHAPTER 16 |
| CHAPTER 17 |
| CHAPTER 18 |
| CHAPTER 19 |
| CHAPTER 20 |
| CHAPTER 21 |
| CHAPTER 22 |
| CHAPTER 23 |
| CHAPTER 24 |
| CHAPTER 25 |
| CHAPTER 26 |
| CHAPTER 27 |
| CHAPTER 28 |
| CHAPTER 29 |
| CHAPTER 30 |
| CHAPTER 31 |
| CHAPTER 32 |
| CHAPTER 33 |
| CHAPTER 34 |
| CHAPTER 35 |
| CHAPTER 36 |
| CHAPTER 37 |
| CHAPTER 38 |
| CHAPTER 39 |
| CHAPTER 40 |
| CHAPTER 41 |
| CHAPTER 42 |
| CHAPTER 43 |
| CHAPTER 44 |
| CHAPTER 45 |
| CHAPTER 46 |
| CHAPTER 47 |
| CHAPTER 48 |
| CHAPTER 49 |
| CHAPTER 50 |
| CHAPTER 51 |
| CHAPTER 52 |
| CHAPTER 54 |
| CHAPTER 55 |
| CHAPTER 56 |
| CHAPTER 57 |
| CHAPTER 58 |
| CHAPTER 59 |
| CHAPTER 60 |
| CHAPTER 61 |
| CHAPTER 62 |
| CHAPTER 63 |
| CHAPTER 64 |
| CHAPTER 65 |
| CHAPTER 66 |
| CHAPTER 67 |
| CHAPTER 68 |
| CHAPTER 69 |
| CHAPTER 70 |
| CHAPTER 71 |
| CHAPTER 72 |
| CHAPTER 73 |
| CHAPTER 74 |
| CHAPTER 75 |

| CHAPTER 53 |

990 101 30
By Namjin_spark124

"Is it paining a lot?" 

You had your eyes closed and was leaning back on the passenger seat of your brother's car... 

After having an eventful lunch, you guys were heading home now....

when you came back from the store, your demeanor was changed ...you were pissed and annoyed, angry 

For the reason, which only you knew 

The annoyance was so visible on your face that even Yoongi had to ask you what happened ...for which you only answered "I'm having a headache"

Yoongi hesitated to accept your reason, because the annoyance was clearly not from headache...

You guys bid farewell to your professor and sat in the car ....by the time when your car crossed the convenient store again .... you saw Namjoon 

He was still standing there looking straight in your eyes 

His eyes were soft while yours held a rage ...that glaring continued until .... you adverted your eyes and concentrated ahead on the busy road 

You needed to get your mind off him 

You let out a small 'hmm' when your older brother asked about your headache 

Yoongi sighed lightly and brought his right hand to your head, giving it a light squeeze

Opening your eyes, you saw him gently massaging your forehead while driving the car with his left hand

'It is not safe to drive like that'

You gently held his wrist and laced his fingers with yours settling them on your lap

 "Brother, drive first, then your special head massage" You sternly stated and clutched his hand 

"Hah! are you underestimating my multi-tasking?" He raised his eyebrows playfully ...and smirked 

"Yes" you answered monotonously and closed your eyes again


He was about to give you a counter comeback when the Tablet installed in the car ranged, you saw the call was from 'Finance first floor'

"Who names contact like that?" you exclaimed in confusion 

People save the contact with the actual names and here is your brother saving names with their floor they work on

Min Yoongi is one hell of unique man

"Me" Yoongi spoke in the same tone and swiped to answered the call

"Min Yoongi" he answered the call, you observed his tone dropping from warm to a cold one 



 His tone must've brought shivers down the spine to the caller because there was long pause on the other side 

"I-I don't how to say this Mr. Min, we have a problem" A man's nervous voice replied, from his tone it was evident ...what kind of problem would be that

"Someone hacked our servers and stole the taxes...around 12% of the company deposit have been stolen until now-"

You saw your older brother clenching his jaw in anger .... his hand which was laced with you was forming in a fist 

"How did this happen?!" He yelled at his employee in pure rage 

"S-Sir we have no Idea; we have called our hackers they are doing their best retrieving the money- "

"Wait until I get there" Yoongi warned coldly and declined the call

"Stupid fuckers" Yoongi freed his hands from you and messed up his hairstyle ......in anxiousness 

"I have to go Nini, I'll drop you home"

Yoongi Muttered and pressed the accelerator to drop you off...

You wanted to help him, but then you remembered, you don't know a shit about Hacking and finance .... your help was basically useless in this situation

Didn't want to stress him out more, you smiled assuring towards him

"Okay Oppa, let me know if I can help..." you smiled softly 

The car stopped right in front of Min's Villa .... he smiled back softly 

"There is nothing that Min Yoongi can't handle" you chuckled on his confident declaration and collected your bag, opening the door 

"Wait" you turned your head to him, giving him a confused eye

He cupped your face with his both hands and kissed your forehead deeply 

"Whatever is stressing you out Nini, let me know soon hmm?" he whispered near your forehead ...shocking you completely 

How did you even think you could lie to him easily?

He knew that it was not a headache which was stressing you out ......but he won't force you to tell him ....

You smiled one last time and got out of the car 

He immediately drove off to his office giving you a wave 

You smiled gratefully to have a brother like him and approached the main door 

Your hand neared the door knob to open it but it was not opening ......you frowned deeply because as far you remember Jackson should be home right now...

You took out your phone to call him, but then you heard some hushed whispering from inside 

your eyebrows crashed in suspicion, you got near to the door .......hose hushed whispering was more audible now...though you still can't understand it 


A loud shriek was heard, you understood Jackson was inside ......you recognized his voice very well...

"Jax ... I know you are inside open the door right now!" you banged the door with your hand ...

Those whispers got more frequent, your suspicion was increasing 

 you immediately thought the worst 

"Jax open the door You're scaring me!" You banged the door more hardly and waited for him

"Jackson wang I swear-" 

The door immediately opened and the person you saw made you shocked 

"Mark?" You so confused to see your assistant here

"What are you doing here?" you stared at him with pure dilemma and came across him 

"Where is Jax and why are you here-What the fuck!" 

You brushed past him and entered ......and immediately spot Jackson ...sitting on the couch 

But that was not the cause of your surprise cussing .... You did spot Jackson ...but he was all bruised up 

You gasped horrifyingly and approached him instantly dropping your things on the floor 

"W-What happened to you-WHO DID THIS?!" you tried to cup his face, he winced loudly when you touched his face 

"S-Sorry Jax- How did this happen?!" you were getting angry...but were worried too 

Jackson tried to sit while wincing in pain, you helped him and supported him back on the couch .... Mark came running by your side with his already used First aid kit 

Jackson's whole was badly bruised up, especially his cheek .... the cut was very deep like someone jabbed him with a metal or something

His lips were busted and his clothes were tattered 

Tears gathered in your eyes as you saw his condition 

"Mark what is happening...who did this to him?" you looked over your assistant with pleading eyes 

"Miss Y/N, I'm sorry if I knew he would to that to him I would never-"

"WHO DID THIS?!" You dropped the first aid kit aggressively....and held his collars

"Lim Jae-Beom" Mark answered nervously 

"Details" you spat coldly 

"Kim Ju-Kyung's right hand and the only witness of this case

The meek voice of Jackson answered you instead ...your eyes went wide in disbelief .... leaving the nervous Mark on the floor you crouched near Jackson

"W-What" your mouth was jammed ...

"From the last three weeks we have been tracing him down until this morning Mark found him" Jackson winced .... you picked up the distorted first-aid kit from the floor and sat beside him

"Weeks ago, I heard his name from Hoseok's mouth.... he was...talking on the phone to somebody telling them to find him, I got my suspicions so I cross-checked ......and got a Jackpot " Jackson winced again when you pressed his wound hard 

"S-Sorry ...." 

Jung Hoseok was related to all this? he knew about all this?


You laid Jackson on the couch and started to treat his wound carefully 

"Lim Jae-Beom or Jay-B is my mother's distant brother " Mark added cautiously 

You looked at him with a raised eyebrow and slight anger 

You were angry because Mark was untouched .... assuming he was with Jackson ...why didn't he save him?

"When Mr. Wang asked for assistance, I thought of my uncle right away. Within two days, we set out to find him, and this morning, we succeeded... " Mark sat near you and started treating Jackson too

"He's been Ju-Kyung's right hand for more than 10 years; He knows all about his business .... from Illegal weapon dealing to drug supply .... everything..."  Mark continued 

"Kim Ju-Kyung Killed Byun Baekho in front of him ...." Jackson muttered weakly 

"Ju-Kyung killed almost all the witnesses of this Murder except one .... just because Jay-B was good at hiding ...." Jackson continued 

"W-Why did they killed him?" You asked 

"Baekho saw them shipping drugs to the warehouse ...he recorded that all ......hence, Ju-Kyung actually not only Ju-Kyung .... Kim Taehyung was also a partner in Baekho's murder..."

You gasped loudly and stared at your bruised best with shock

You already had some suspicions of Ju-Kyung murdering Baekho but never thought his son would also be a part of this ....

You were surprised how clean Taehyung's name was in this case ......not even previous police records mentioned his name anywhere....

"L-Listen to me Y/N ...this Ju-Kyung and his son Taehyung are dangerous .... they can do anything to survive .... They have a mafia under the name Vipers ....and Kim Taehyung is their leader ..." Jackson sat up immediately when you were trying to make him comfortable without any word 

"From Russia to Europe they supply weapons and drugs everywhere..." Jackson rambled 

"They will do anything to keep their business alive ......They could harm anybody or kill anybody if that guarantees their mafia"

'Remind me How did I got myself here...'

Your mind was fogged with anxiousness and worry, anxiousness for this case to complete and worry for your family 

When months ago, you took this case .... you innocently assumed this lawsuit to be a normal murder ...or accidental killing case 

But after hearing all this Mafia, drugs and illegal weaponry network .... Your heart shuddered in fear ...

"D-Did that Jay-B guy did t-this to you?"

You shuttered poorly with your rising anxiety and gave him a Teary eye...your heart clenched witnessing his whimpering self ...

You loved him getting all happy and weird .... but this .... broke your heart 

"Jay-B is short tempered ass, he told me everything but with a little pain" Jackson whispered and tried to ...chuckle

Witnessing his causality, your blood boiled with anger 


You clenched you jaw and stood up 

"Jackson, he tortured you! who told you to visit that psychopath without telling me?!" your voice roared in the silent villa...

Something flashed in his eyes .... Jackson stood up abruptly 

"I am NOT a child Y/N!" Jackson enraged eyes met yours...he pointed his finger to you

"I am not that useless to even help my best friend!" He exclaimed 


Was he constantly considering himself to be useless...? 

Where did you lose this friendship .... that you failed to recognized his depressive thoughts?

Was all the time Jackson was thinking like this?

A deep frown formed on your face.... you took some shaky breaths ....

Tears were bundling in your eyes and were ready to fall any seconds 

"I know I am useless, because you were working your ass off in that cabin while I was busy with my shit feelings!" His cheeks got damped with tears ......your knees got weak looking at his venerable state 

"No....No Jackson-"

"Don't deny the facts Y/N ......I was really no help...you were suffering with those threats alone..." He mumbled 

so, that is where these thoughts came ....

He must've saw your messages ...from those thugs 

 This was the reason you never showed those messages to him ...he overthinks a lot 

"Does that justify that you will go to that psychopath alone?... did you even think what would happen if something happened to you? .... YOU COULD'VE DIED!"

"At least I would be helpful..."

Silence broke in the Min foyer .... you stared at him completely stunned .... Mark was awkwardly sitting nearby Jackson with his head down in shame...

"What happened Jackson? ......how did you forget ...that I care for you? If something happened to you...... How would I live?" you whispered and cupped his face 

"You forgot you were my ball of Sunshine ...did you? ......how did you even-" You wanted to curse, so badly but his tears and puppy face was your stop 

"I-I'm Sorry....I wanted to help you" He whispered ...

You sighed in relief that nothing serious happened to him and kissed his forehead 

"Please involve me in such fiascos next time if its good or bad ...we'll deal with it ...together" you smiled and caressed his hairs 

His eyes were still teary ...he hugged you out of sudden ....

10 minutes hence, Jackson seemed to calm down with his sob session .... you carefully questioned him further 

"You said Baekho recorded it all.... Did Jay-B tell you where the camera is?"

Jackson nodded 

"It's in Taehyung's den ...The Vixen's club "

The name was quite familiar because ......why not?

The most defamed celebrity Club of Korea was the place where your evidence was kept .... easy!

"Y/N ...W-We are just two steps away from our victory...Just let me go to that club ...I'll bring that camera-"

"NO!" You repeatedly shook your head with a deep denial face 

"You won't go, Jackson...... What if that lunatic was also there? You won't go, I will"

"No, Y/N how could you-"

"I said I will go Jackson that's it!"

'Vixen's club .... here I come'

"One thing I still didn't get it ......why is only Jackson beaten up?"

"Hyung the things are getting out of our hands!"

A high-pitched scolding voice boomed in that small apartment, the man who seem to be scolding his older brother was standing on the door while his older brother was laying on his bed, without giving a reaction

"I won't" The older one in them spoke with his groggy voice and wiped his drooled face with his hand

"What?!" Hearing his shriek again, that drowsy figure on the bed sat up immediately with annoyance decorating his face

"I said I won't Park Jimin" He glared at Jimin and maintained his annoyance face

Jimin scoffed loudly and approached his bed 

"And why is that, Jung Hoseok!?"

"God, you're annoying"

Hoseok sighed heavily and laid back again on his comfortable bed

"I'm sleepy get the fuck out" he muttered burying his face in the pillow

"Hyung, how are you so chill!? ...It's not working like you planned!" Jimin aggressively stalked towards his bed and snatched off the duvet from Hoseok's face

Hoseok groaned and facepalmed himself

"It is.... everything is working fine Jimin, just wait and watch" Hoseok casually reassured him turned his face to the wall sleeping again

"If you don't wake up this instant Hobi Hyung, I'll handle things in my way!"

Jimin declared before walking outside the room, he turned once again to warn his Hyung once again...

"Hyung I'm serious!" Jimin clenched his jaw and gave him his last chance .... but all Hoseok did was waving his hand carelessly saying 'do whatever you want'

"Fine then...."

Jimin got out of his room and took out the phone 

He tapped for few second before nearing the phone to his ears 

[Hello....Joonie! You said you wanted to meet me. Is this the right time? Okay! I'll be there in 10 minutes.... >

'I won't let Hobi Hyung destroy my hard work '



phew...here's an update beautiful!

was that too predictable? Jimin and Hoseok? let me know please ...

yes...these banners are made by me again! .... drop some love for them too ;)

I lob you ❤️

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