VegasPete : Chess Room (The W...

By Alanaavatar

298K 13.9K 7.8K

This fanfic is a sequel to the fanfic The Way You Taste. Vegas and Pete must enter a secret meeting called 'C... More

1 - Déjà vu
2 - Swarm of bees
3 - Unexpected
4 - At last...or almost
5 - Heavenly Devilish Blend [NC18+]
6 - Surprise Box
7 - Room 1004 [NC18+]
8 - White King
9 - Save your ass
10 - Seeding doubt
11 - Hide and seek [NC18+]
12 - Watermark
13 - Phong
14 - An unexpected visit
15 - Old Love
16 - A price tag
17 - Before the storm [NC 18+]
18 - From ashes, from broken pieces.
19 - My boyfriend
20 - Pernicious doubt - part 1
21 - Pernicious doubt - part 2
22 - Pernicious doubt - part 3
23 - Truths among lies
24 - Salty tears [NC18+]
25 - One step ahead
26 - Dead end
27 - Three moves
28 - Two brothers, one goal
29 - Family orders
30 - KARMA
31 - Taipei
32 - Tiny drop
33 - Andy's Night Club
34 - New piece of the puzzle
35 - Take a shower
36 - Profaning the holy [NC 18+]
37 - Take a move
38 - Stupid girl
39 - Wednesday
40 - Smart moves
41 - Holy love
42 - Special Room [NC18+]
43 - Dangerous [NC18+]
44 - Breeding you [NC18+]
45 - Cramp [NC 18+]
46 - White Bishop
47 - Why?
48 - The Chess Room
49 - The Queen Position
50 - The Auction
51 - High Bids
52 - Irreversible withdrawal
53 - The Devil inside
54 - Remember me [NC 18+]
55 - Betrayal
56 - Chumphon Island
57 - You brought death
58 - Louder than bombs
59 - Fenghuang (The Phoenix)
60 - The White Clan
Warning: ArmMacau side story
61 - Declaring war
62 - I bring the pain like...
63 - Burning desire [NC18+]
64 - Once you're mine, there's no going back [NC18+]
65 - Old belt and wild sex [NC18+]
67 - The necklace [NC18+]
68 - For the one I love - part 1
69 - For the one I love - part 2
70 - For the one I love - final part
71 - Protect your children
72 - Black Dragon - White Phoenix [The End]
Side Story - Chapter 1 - Afternoon Tea
Side Story - Chapter 2 - Pete
Side Story - Chapter 3 - My best friend
Side Story - Chapter 4 - Let's go out on a date
Side Story Chapter 5 - On a date
Side Story - Chapter 6 - Temptation
Side Story - Chapter 7 - Jealousy
Side Story - Chapter 8 - Morning Sex
Author's Note
Side Story - Chapter 9 - Red Queen Revealed [The End]
Biu's Infinity series!!
Infinity series on Youtube
I BEG YOU ALL: Support Biu on June 4th, not BOC
Happy B-Day Biu!!💙
Social media harassment

66 - Cheating [NC18+]

4.2K 156 104
By Alanaavatar

Vegas's POV

It scares me to see a single tear roll down Pete's eyes as he stares at me coldly...

"If I'm all you need...why did you cheat on me?!"

"Cheat on you?!" I remove his arms from around my neck. "I never cheated on you, were suggested to think like this...but it never happened..." I scan his eyes, but they look empty "Don't you believe me?!"

"How can I ?!..."

"How can you...?!"

I release Pete's wrists from the belt.

Then I stand up and remove the chain attaching my leash to the ceiling.

"What are you g..."

"Take it." I hold out the chain for him.

"What do you mean with this?!"

I open Pete's hand and place the chain in his palm, closing it. Then I kneel on the floor across from Pete sitting on the bed.

"This chain is attached to my leash. Do what you want with me. Kill me If you want...I'm your as you pleased."

This is my turn to speak coldly to him.

"Are you going to behave like you're being wronged?!"

"You chose this fucking plan, Pete! You chose to stop loving me!" I hold his head firmly in my hands and look deeply in his eyes. "But I've never stopped loving you...and I definitely never cheated on you." I feel a mix of resentment and sadness.

Pete stares at me.

His face is impassive though.


Suddenly Pete jumps to his feet and pulls the chain forward hard.

"Ugh!" The tension makes me unbalance and prop myself up with my hands on the ground.

Pete wraps the chain around his left hand and pulls it up, making me stand in front of him.

I feel my neck hurt from the sudden movement.

He pushes me onto the bed, making me sit up.

Unexpectedly Pete sits on my lap, facing me, holding tight to the chain attached to my leash in a way our lips get close.

"Be my pet then..." He mutters before kissing me wildly.

His sexy voice takes over my senses.

My hands hug Pete's thin body desperately until they rest on his buttocks. I squeeze to feel the bulk of his flesh in my hands.

Pete slightly lifts his body and sensually moves to where I most desire.

His mood waves from shy to daunting...probably because of that bizarre treatment he went through to despise me to his bones...

But can he despise me at all?!

"Ride me, babe..."

A beautiful moan comes from his mouth...

Pete's POV

I feel confused. I know it was all planned...but I can't avoid this distrust I feel for him...

Those painful memories feel so real...

"Ride me, babe..." His voice, burning with desire, bewitched me to do what he wants... or rather, what I want?!

"Ugh!" At the sharp pain I stop, willing to give up...

But I see a dangerous glint in his eyes before Vegas pushing me down once more...

"You haven't even started and you're already panting like this, my love?!" Vegas uses his soft, teasing voice with me.

I firmly grip the chain around his neck, riding him like he would never expect.

"Pete...fuck...ah...I don't wanna lose you..."


Assistant Lee's POV

"Close your eyes, Pete. Let the drug flow through your veins until reach your brain... your memories."

"Excuse me, assistant Lee...but do you have to speak to me like a witch doing a spell?!"

"Do you want my help or not?!"


"Pick a memory...any and Vegas...but choose one that is not quite certain if its good or not..."


"Go as I say...! Are you thinking of something?!"


" order for this to need to think of a reference...a woman you trust..."

"Why a woman?!"

"Because I'm a woman and I'll be talking to you... you will listen to my voice while thinking of that person..."

"My grandma?!"

"Do I sound like a grandma?!"

"Hmm...I can't think of many options..."

"Pretend I'm your mother...You will listen to your mother's voice..."

"I don't remember her voice."

"So this is going to work perfectly because its's my voice!! Now close your eyes again and get that memory from you and Vegas..." 


"You are going to remember it a little different after this session..."

"Different how?!"

"Different like hating him..."


Pete's POV (his real memories; original lines from Chapter 59 - Fenghuang (The Phoenix) are in Italic.)

Vegas grooms himself again in front of the mirror while I undo my tie.

"I'm going to a party."

"We just got back from one!"

A business partners party full of repulsive and snooty people.

"I'm going to meet some friends... you better stay, Pete. You won't feel comfortable..."

"More rich friends?!"

"Very rich and powerful...I'm going to discuss some business with them."

"Can't you discuss those things at the office?!"

"I wish I could, but good deals are done at clubs, Pete..."

"So I'm going with you. I don't want you to go alone."

"I have a bunch of bodyguards to go with me, Pete. Don't worry."

"I see..."

"Hey..." Vegas turns to me "What's going on, Pete?!"

"Nothing..." I turn my face to the side.

Vegas sighs.

"I don't want them to see you, alright?!"

"I understand..."

Vegas is ashamed of me...

"No, you don't understand."

Vegas goes to the closet and get back with a set of clothes.

"Wear this."

"What is this?!"

"You're going with me."

"Wearing this?! This is a raincoat."


"It's not raining."

"So what?!"

"So why do you want me to wear a raincoat in a club?!"

"This is so obvious, Pete!"

"Yes! It's obvious you don't want anyone to see me!"

"If you already know it!"

"...yes...I know it."

"Where are you going?!"

"Sleep with Venice."



Vegas' POV (at a club – his real memories)

"Whose funeral?!"



"Pete is mad at me."

"Again?!What have you done?!"

"Why am I always the one doing something wrong?"

"Because you're the devil here, not him."

"Pete wanted to come along with me."

"And why didn't you bring him? Tonight wouldn't be a problem...just a bunch of mobsters getting drunk and doing business with us. Nothing he could not see."

"I told him to come..."


"He got mad at the outfit I picked out for him."

"Let me guess, something big and ugly."

"It was just a coat!"

Porsche raises his right eyebrow at me.

"A raincoat...but an expensive fashionable one!"

"Why do you do this?!"


"Hide him from everyone."

"Isn't it obvious?!"

"Is it?!"

"It should be! I mean...think how many times he was kidnapped already."

"Should I add you to the list as his most frequent kidnapper?! Pete was a bodyguard! A damn good one. Why do you worry so much?!"

"You don't understand. This is just too stressful."


"I don't trust anyone around him. Least around these kinds of people." I look around us.

"We had a business dinner tonight...with Pete together...and everything was fine."

"Not really..."

"Why not?!" Porsche looks at me, intrigued.

"That client over there." I point a tall foreign guy. "He said Pete's smile was beautiful."

"Is it a lie?!"

"Why would a man praise other man's smile, Porsche?!"

"You're paranoid."

"Whatever...Pete is not going to see him again anyway."

"Is that why you didn't want Pete to come?! Not to meet with a client who praised his smile?!It was not his butt!"

"Of course not."


"Not just one. All of them."


"That other guy...the Italian...he touched Pete's hand..."

"He was just taking a glass of wine Pete was offering him."

"Can't he differentiate between a glass and a hand?!He smiled lewdly to Pete."

"He was just being polite..."

"Since when there's politeness when a man looks greedily to your lover?!"

"Pete offered him wine..."

"Are you implying that Pete flirted with that asshole in front of me?!"

"Of course not! I'm implying they were only being polite to each other! Like...those are our clients!"

"I recognize a predator when I see one. Besides, his business partner...the Russian, followed Pete to the restroom."

"What happened in the restroom?"

"Of course nothing happened in the restroom! What a stupid question. I didn't let Pete enter that restroom. He had to pee at home."


"They are going to die soon, anyway."

"What do you mean?!"

"I just asked Nop to schedules their deaths for tonight...after the club..."


"It'll be quick..." I look at my watch " more than half an hour. After sorting this out, I'll go home."

"Are you telling me you are going to kill three of our clients just because they praised or inadvertently touched or went to the same path as Pete?!?!"


"You can't do this!"

"I'm not asking for permission. I'm just letting you know."

"Are you going to kill every client that meets Pete?!"

"If I have to..."

"You can't be serious..."

"Can you see me laughing?!"


"I can't help it. Any glance to him makes me anxious and I have to solve it my way."

"Just take more of Dr. Top's pills!"

"Some anxieties can only be solved with blood."

"This obsession is a disease, you know?!"

"Not a disease...a condition."

"Whatever the name, you have it! Something is deeply wrong with you!"

"Not that I care. It'd be so much easier if Pete could stay at home like..."



"Will you hold him captive again?!"

"I wish, but he will get upset...and deny having sex with me."

"Is this your top concern?! Not his mental health?!"

"Pleasure helps with mental I care to make Pete happy the whole night everyday. Can anyone accuse me of not caring about Pete's happiness?!"


"Besides, I like seeing his cute face blush when I thrust...."

"Oh man...stop..."

"You're just jealous."

"Of what?!"

"I taste the most delicious and sweet delicacy at home everyday...and you..."

"Me what?"

"You have boring chicken soup Kinn"

"Are you comparing Kinn to chicken soup?!"

"Maybe with just Japanese boiling water and plain rice..."

Assistant Lee's POV

"My head aches so much..."

"That's the effect of the memories settling down...keep your eyes shut,'re still dreaming..."

Pete's POV (his real memories; original lines from Chapter 59 - Fenghuang (The Phoenix) are in Italic.)

Pills are not enough to alleviate this ongoing pain in my head.

I keep tossing and turning in's four in the morning.

I can't sleep.


The bedroom door opens.

I can smell smoke and booze from afar.

Just like most of days when Vegas comes from business parties.

I shrink deeper into the immensity of our cold bed...hidden by the darkness of the room.

I want to black out.

But I can't.

Suddenly I feel a cold hand running through my body.

"Pete..." Soon I feel the weight on my body. He fits between my legs...kisses my neck." I know you are awake... are you still mad at me don't refuse me...?!"

"You're drunk...get a shower..."

"I'm not drunk."

"What is this smell?!"

I try to push him away with my hands.

Vegas sniffs himself.

"Maybe gasoline..."

"Gasoline?!Why gasoline?!"

"Nothing important..."

I feel his hands pushing my pants down...

The sound of his zipper echoes in the room.

"I know you want me inside you, Pete..."

I do...I really do... Vegas hasn't been looking for me in bed for so long...

"Spread your legs, babe..." He bends my knees and lifts my legs up.

My heart is racing.

Even though he's in this state, I want him to desire me too.

He buries his face in my neck as pushes himself against me.

There's no preparation.

Rough and wild, he thrusts into me hard.

"I want to see your beautiful face, Pete..." He reaches the lamp. "Keep moaning to me, babe."

Vegas holds my wrists over my head and increases the thrusts.

"What's that on your neck, Vegas...?!I see blood stains on his neck and chest as far as the neckline of his shirt allows me to see.

"Is that blood?!Are you hurt?!?!"

"Don't mind this, Pete...uh...fuck...this is so are clenching me so hard, huh...were you missing me this much?!"

"Whose blood is this?!" I feel unease. "Stop it." I try to move but he holds me tighter.

"Don't spoil the mood, Pete...haa...ngh..."

"Were you attacked?!?! Damn...stop it!...let me see if you are hurt!"

"Nobody attacked me, Pete. But I had to do it."

"Do what?!"

"You're careless, Pete..."


"Stop being nice." Vegas seems angry.

He takes his old belt out of the drawer and straps my wrists to the headboard.

"Ah...Vegas...w-wait...ah...uh...Let me go." I say with a broken voice.

"You are my only love,'ve always been."

"Vegas... what happened?!"

"Ah... Pete... "He tightens his grip on my waist as he pushes me harder. "You love me, right?! I'm the only one in your life, right?! Say it"

"Why are you like this?!

"Say that you love me. Say it."

"...I love you..."

"Say it again."

"...I love you..."


I feel Vegas body shudder as he reaches his climax. He moves his waist a couple of times before completely stopping.

That odd feeling of his warm liquid flowing out of me makes me feel hot...but I'm too worried with him to concentrate in pleasure.

Vegas sweaty forehead touches mine. I feel his thumb rubbing my lips before he kisses me tenderly.

"If you love me, why do you want to leave me?"

"Where did you get this nonsense from?!"

"Why do you want others to see you?!"

"I don't want anyone to see me...but If you are ashamed of your friends seeing you with me, I'm the one asking you why you want stay with me..."

"I'm not ashamed of you! Never! And what friends do you refer to?! Friends that look at you as eating you alive?! Friends like those that where here before...?! I won't let anyone lay hands on you, understand?! Not hands...not eyes...not even breath the same air as you, Pete."

"Is that why you didn't want me to go out with you?! Don't bring bad memories back, Vegas...nothing bad happened before...nothing bad will happen don't have to worry this much, okay?! Don't strain yourself like this." I give him a warm kiss.

"Even clients look at you in a way I want to pop their eyes off. Why do you need to be like this?!"

"Like what?!?!" I'm confused.

"Irresistible..." He frowns at me.

"I appreciate it, but you are being delusional about me..."

"Delusional even when I see Kinn hovering around you?!"

"Khun Kinn?!When?!I hardly see him!"

"I don't like when you lie to me, Pete." Vegas says coldly.

"Uh?! I think you're confusing Porsche with me...I'm not like that. Nobody sees me the way you're saying. I'm nobody's object of desire, Vegas... sorry... your lover is just ordinary. It doesn't even make sense you are being jealous of me when... it was me who should be worried about losing you..."

I remember what happened previously to Vegas coming back home. If he knew...

Pete's POV (Pete past memories – at the club)

"I'm sorry, son...I can't let papa go out alone...even if he doesn't want me with him, I must see if he is okay until I find a bodyguard do protect him. I'm going to follow him." I kiss Venice's forehead and ask Aunt Erika to take good care of him while I'm out. She knows how to keep a secret. Before leaving, she hands me a brand-new gun.

"Take it, Khun case you have to use it, it won't be tracked down. Its serial number was modified."

"Thank you, Aunt Erika. I hope I don't have to use it.

"Khun Pete...I recommend you come back before midnight, Cinderella..."

I laugh.

"I'm not sure about Cinderella, but I surely don't want to turn into a pumpkin." I wink to Aunt Erika and leave.

In the garage of the Mansion, a row of supercars is ready to be used.

"Which one should I choose...?! I'm in a hurry. Ah!"

His Ducati.

Have I mentioned how much I hate it?!

For reasons known only by me...

I get on the superbike and carefully start the engine....

Why is this shit not working?!

"This bike is locked."

"FUCK!!" I jolt at the voice that speaks close to my ear.

"Sorry, Phi!!" Macau raises his hands and looks at me with regret. But soon his gaze becomes intrigued. "Why are you on my brother's Ducati acting suspiciously?! I thought you hate it."

"I do...but..."

"Never mind, Phi." Macau fiddles with the motorcycle's control panel. "Hia locks his superbike so I don't ride it. But I know how to unlock it. Hold on a sec."

He deftly starts the expensive motorcycle.

"Something tells me this is not the first time you do it..."

Macau takes a helmet and puts it on my head.

"We have our little secret." He winks at me. "But, hey...don't scratch it, brother checks his bike every night."

He points me to a cloth and a product to make the bike clean.


"Don't forget to clean the wheels too." Macau explains diligently.

"Alright. Thank you, Macau!"

"Drive safe, Phi!"


As soon as I park his Ducati, Nop grabs my arm.


"Khun Macau warned me to not let Khun Vegas see you...what are you doing here, Pete?!"

"I'm just taking a look."

"Please don't do this with me, Pete! Khun Vegas is going to kill me if he finds out you came here alone! Unprotected!" Nop cries while pulling the hem of my jacket."

"Don't be so scared, Nop! He won't even notice I'm here!"

"Seriously?! With that raincoat you're wearing, everyone will know you're here! It's not even raining Pete!"

"Tsk! I told Vegas this is weird outfit...asshole..." I toss Vegas' raincoat away. "It won't take long...I just want to check if he is okay, okay?!"

"Why don't you talk to him?!"

"No! He can't see me here."

"Okay...Try this."


"Pretend you're Clark Kent."

" worked with superman, right?!"

"Yeah...yeah...let's hope Khun Vegas is stupid Louis Lane and won't recognize you either even living ages with you..."

"How do I look, Nop?!"

"You look like a bodyguard."

"I guess it suits me well then."


Nop and I slip into the club unnoticed.

Where do we go now?!

"Let's go to the VIP area. There's a private dancing floor there." I point to Nop.

When we arrive at the entrance to the VIP area, security guards stop us. They recognize Nop, Vegas' head bodyguard, and let us through without any problems.

"Shit...Khun Vegas is calling me..." Nop beckons me to stay quiet... ["Yes...oh...okay...right...okay, sir.."] Nops glances at me...["...understood."]

"What did he say?!"

"He asked me to schedule some tasks..."

"What tasks?!"

"Business as usual...uhh...I have some errands to do, better go..."

"No...I just want to check on him first...then I go. You go do your errands."

"I can't leave you alone."

"I wait for you here."

"Okay..." Nop checks his watch... "Don't go anywhere without me, okay?! I'll be right back".



I look around until I see Vegas sitting elegantly on a couch with a glass of wine in hand. A bunch of well-dressed guys chatter cheerfully around him and Porsche. Some of the foreign ones were with us in a business dinner earlier...but I could not even say hi...Vegas kept me from talking to them. All I could do was try to be helpful and serve them some wine.

Maybe he was afraid I could embarrass him or something.

Since I'm not one of them.

Although they are probably all young and powerful mobsters there... Vegas and Porsche exude a self-confidence that makes others just gravitate towards them.

I often accompanied Khun Kinn to meetings like this...people just stopped to admire him and listen to him speak.

Would you feel like me, Khun Kinn, as worthless as I do if you saw your lover shine beside another one?!

Would you feel this envy to the point of thinking of shooting your best friend straight in the head and throwing his body in that point in the deep ocean where only whales and sharks can swim?!

Yeah...that's me when I'm alone with my thoughts...

That's me when I want to set fire to this whole club and burn all the twinks looking at Vegas with greedy lustful eyes.

I'm not nice.

I just don't have the guts to be this evil.

Although...sometimes...I feel I do.



"Damn...why are you holding your gun?! Is there any problem?!"

" was just a reflex to something..."

"Bodyguard reflex...hard to lose..."

"Yeah...this is almost a tic." I hand the gun to Nop "Please...keep it for me..."

I don't feel myself in my right mind to be armed.

"Are you done looking at him yet?! Please...go home, Pete...I keep my eyes on him for you."

"Okay, Nop...I'm leaving..."


"Nice coat."

"Uh?!Khun Kinn?!"

Khun Kinn surprises me on the way out of the club as I put on that raincoat.

"Are you leaving, Pete?!"

"Uh...yes...almost midnight..."

"Alone?! Where's Vegas?! Does your 'Papa' let you stay out late at night?!"

"Haha...uhhh...Vegas is inside..."

"Is Porsche with him?!"

"Yes...they are talking to some business partners...some friends..."

"Right...I think I'm going inside..."

"Uh...can you pretend you haven't seen me, sir?!"

"Why?! Vegas doesn't know you are here?!"

"We kind of had an"

"But you came anyway..."

"Just to check on him..."


"I don't trust his safety to anyone...I mean...I don't want to sound ungrateful since Khun Korn sent bodyguards to the Minor Family but...uh...I feel at ease when I check his safety myself."

"Is that the only reason?!"

"Sure...what else would it be?!"

"Okay, Pete..."

"Thank you, Khun Kinn."


Nop's POV

"Send a car to follow him until home." Khun Vegas tells me without taking his eyes off Pete and Khun Kinn.

He stomps on his cigarette butt angrily.

"Yes, Khun Vegas."

"And Nop..."


"Don't think I can't keep Pete chained in my room for eternity and you hanged in the Dungeons for a lifetime, as short as it can be."

"Yes, Khun Vegas."



Vegas' POV

"Pete...fuck...ah...I don't wanna lose you..."

"ah...ngh... it's me who should be worried about losing you...uh..."

Pete looks at me with teary eyes...

His memory is back.

"It will never happen..." I stop him from moving and hug him tight. "It will never happen..."

"That's exactly what you said to me that night..." he said sniffing a little.

"I shot some bastards that night because of you, Pete. I would have shot Kinn if it was not for Nop reasoning with me for a couple of hours why I should not do it."


"I saw you at that club talking to Kinn. You lied to me. You went to that club to spy on me...but talked to Kinn instead. If you were there for me, why talk to him?! I got mad. I got really mad. I even burned a car to vent my anger."

"That gasoline smell and smoke..."

"I was so sure I was going to chain you to our room again and never let you out... I was so close to locking us in there and throwing the key down the toilet, Pete."

" haven't done that..."

"Just because of your sad expression when you said that you were the one that should be worried about losing I thought...If I make you fear losing me, I will not lose you..."

"You made me jealous on purpose?!"

"Not really...I had to meet Porsche to discuss our plans to destroy Uncle Korn but...deep down...I wanted you to miss crave for me when I used to spend many nights working late...I made it hard for you..."

"I missed you so son of a bitch!"

"Porsche said I'm too sick in my head to be this obsessed with you...but I feel complete being obsessed with you, Pete... I'm capable of everything to keep you with me. Don't ever doubt that."

"Even hurting me?!..."

"Even hurting us both."

"This IS sick."

"Have you stopped loving me?!"

Pete stares me with his puppy eyes.

He removes the leash from around my neck.

I'm surprised what he does next.

"What are you doing...?!"

Pete puts the leash around his neck and gives me its chain to hold.

He lays on the bed, resting his angelic, innocent face on the bed and raising his hips up lewdly.

I narrow my gaze.

The pleasure that vision gives me makes my mouth water and my cock harden with lust.

I feel a deep desire.

"Are you sure about this, Pete?! You're just too tempting... I won't stop at a single round..." I caress his back and his soft round butt.

I spit some saliva to wet his sweet hole...

"Cum inside me and I'll tell you a secret, babe" Pete says teasingly.

His mood is different.

"What secret?!"

"A naughty one."


Porsche's POV

"Hey!! Hey you!! I have a lot of money! Let me out!"

"It's useless. They won't answer you."

"That he going to kill us?!" Casting freaks out.

"I don't know."

"Khun Kinn won't come to save you, Phi?!"

"I don't know Yin. How about your brother?!"

"I don't know where he is..."

I'm locked in a dark cell with several Vegas ex-lovers for almost a week now.

Pete did it.

He locked us all.


Author's note:

I hope it is not too cofusing.

Thank you all.

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