The Mafia Man's Trophy [On Ho...

By Iamfeminine

99.8K 3.3K 396

Warning: [+18] Explicit | Mature Content "Once I fucked you mia cara...that was it for you." • • • There are... More

Copright & Prologue
Chapter 01.
Chapter 02.
Chapter 03.
Chapter 04.
Chapter 05.
Chapter 06.
Chapter 07.
Chapter 08.
Chapter 09.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chater 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40.
chapter 41.

Chapter 42.

704 23 4
By Iamfeminine

One Week Later

What is a man to do when all around him is the stink of blood, misfortune and the heat of angry red flames licking eagerly at his skin?

What is a man do to when the weight of being the harbinger of death weighs heavily on his shoulders?

Yes, what is a man to do-when his rivals dare to challenge him, to take from him what is rightfully his?

Indeed, what is a man to do?

"We'll find her, I know we're close..." A soft voice tinged with determined malice pipes up next to me, and I cast a lingering gaze on the woman who comes to stand by my side silently.

Sighing deeply I turn my gaze back to the building engulf in angry red and orange flames infront of me, and I grit my teeth pensively.

"Not close enough..." I mutter under my breath before turning to walk away.

It had been a week of nothing but bloodshed and death, and still Carlile refused to return Kylie to me.

It was driving me insane, and I was slowly losing my grip on reality as I grappled with the reality of losing her to him.

I felt like I was playing right into his hands, and it sent me up the wall. I was tearing up an entire city looking for her-setting fire to businesses and slaughtering anyone who stood in my way, while he hid himself away from the fued happening just outside his door.

I was under pressure, and slipping. I couldn't function knowing that she was in his traitorous clutches, and it brought me to my knees just thinking about what she's has had to endure.

Over the course of forty-eight hours the number of deaths had increased, bodies were piling high, and the streets had grown increasingly dangerous.

I was in a very volatile state of mind, and they knew, he knew. The war was between Carlile and I, but the others were on edge.

Everyone was tensed, but no one was brave enough or willing to engage in the war that Carlile had started when he kidnapped Kylie.

Cowards. All of them.

But I knew, I'd find her. With, or without their help.

Three Days Later
At the Estate

Death. Blood. Fire.

Three days had passed, and still Carlile remained adamant about coming clean and returning Kylie to me.

The old fool.

Blood curdling screams raise from the throat of the man sitting nailed to a wooden chair infront of me-screams that were raw, unhinged, pained.

His vocals mirrored the turmoil that's been coursing through me for the past several days. With no sleep, and barely anything to eat, I was teetering voilently on the edge of madness, and even though I could sense the concern and worry oozing off of Dimitri and Giovanni, I couldn't bare the thought of stopping in my quest to find my beautiful girl.

"Dominic..." A familiar voice mutters behind me, but I ignore it. Feeling anger and angst flair inside me at the raspy, gravely, old voice.

"Why are you here?" I bite out forcefully, pushing the knife deeper into the man sitting before me and twisting it savagely, hearing his scream scratch at my brain like a feral animal.

"I'm here to help you look for her." He mutters coolly, and I grit my teeth pensively before turning to stare at him with blood shot eyes.

"Why? You obviously don't care what happens to her." I mutter quietly, a dangerous edge to my voice as I rake my gaze over the man standing unphased by my words.

"How can you say that with a straight face?" He asks, and I turn to face him fully, my fists clenching and unclenching tightly by my side as I struggled against the urge to attack him.

"She made you promise not to leave, when she was at her most vulnerable." I breathe darkly, my voice trembling as I take a threatening step towards him.

"And what did you do?" I grate out in accusation, narrowing my gaze at him.

I watch as his jaw ticks pensively, a flicker of remorse flashing behind his hard, indifferent gaze before being replaced with a look of arrogant nonchalance.

"Say it." I growl fiercely, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and forcefully dragging him towards me as I glared into his familiar blue eyes.

"I had my reasons for leaving." He mutters in a placating tone and I shove him away from me.

I could barely stand to look at him in that moment. Not only had Raphael betrayed Kylie's trust, he had turned his back on me when I came under attack from the others.

"I bet you fucking did." I grunt out angrily before brushing past him forcefully to return the bloodied knife in my hand to the table in the corner of the room.

I glance over at the man nailed down to the wooden chair, he was barely awake but I was satisfied, atleast I had gotten answers. I was much closer to finding Kylie than I was last week and this was progress.

"I spoke with Carlile." Rapheal pipes up, and my spine stiffens. My gaze darkens at his words and I grit my teeth in irritation.

"You did, what?" I snarl viciously, turning to glare at him over my shoulder, my body trembling with barely suppressed rage.

"He wants to come to a peaceful truce." Raphael mutters carefully, keeping a watchful gaze on me, and I still at his words.

"A truce?" I whisper quietly, feeling like a cold bucket of ice was dunked above my head. Raphael takes a step towards me, and faster than I could react, I had a 99 mm pointed to his head, stopping him dead in his tracks.

"Your a friend of the enemy...?" I breathe shakily, gripping the gun tighter in my hand as my gaze darkens further and I turn to face my father with the gun pointed to his head.


"Don't you dare say my name." I snarl viciously, gripping the gun tighter.

I suddenly hear the door of the basement fly open.

"Dominic!" A familiar voice calls out to me and I stiffen. "Chloe, you should be with the others!" I grate out forcefully without taking my eyes off my father.

I hear her shuffle forward, and resting her hand on my shoulder, she squeezes it tightly.

"We've found her." She mutters and I stiffen at her words.

"What?" I breathe, the air getting knocked out of my lungs.

Chloe drops her gaze to Rapheal before moving to stand infront of him, protecting him from the gun in my hands.

I grit my teeth at this, and my hand trembles.

"Put it down..." she mutters quietly, keeping her hardened gaze on me. "And listen to what I have to say." She mutters forcefully, and my gaze flickers behind her to observe Rapheal who was watching me closely, and I pull my gun back before tucking it in my waist.

"What do you mean you've found her?" I ask coldly and Chloe swallows hard before glancing over her shoulder at Rapheal.

"Carlile, he-he reached out..." She breathes calmly, her eyes flashing darkly as she peers over me.

"He sent a messenger." She says coldly before turning slightly to peer over at Rapheal. "I don't know what you did, but it worked." She mutters before stepping forward.

"Let's go." Strutting away from us with her back rigged, I watch her walk away silently, unable to breathe as Raphael brushes pass me to follow after her, his face stoic and emotionless.

Gritting my teeth hard, I follow after them, leaving behind the stink of blood and heat in the basement.

As we enter the massive foyer of the mansion, I come face to face with three of Carlile's most trusted enforcers. Felix, Kenzo and Guts.

My blood boils under my skin as I stare across the men, standing unprotected in my home and I have to hold back from lashing out at them.

Dimitri stands to the side, unmoving. His eyes black with barely concealed rage and disgust. Giovanni stands before them, arms crossed over his chest and his legs parted, his chin tilted upward as he stares down at the three men standing before him.

"Where is she?" I growl, my voice pitch black and deathly as the spoken words leave my mouth.

Kenzo shifts uneasily, blinking over at Guts and Felix before clearing his throat to speak.

"She is being held hostage at Carlile's Bel-air mansion in Boston." He pipes up, his voice feigning calm as he glances over at the men again.

"We tried to reason with him. He went too far this time." Felix pipes up, aiding his brother and I tilt my head at them.

"Boston?" I grate out, stalking closer to them.
"So all this time, I was tearing up New York, he moved her-under my nose, to Boston?" I snarl, getting in Kenzo's face, my eyes flashing a dangerous red as my blood begins to boil underneath my skin.

I grab him by the throat, sinking my finger nails into his trachea until it breaks skin, and the room stops breathing.

"You will take me to her." I growl under my breath as I watch his face quickly turns a sickening shade of purple. He nods, wheezing in my arms as he claws desperately in my hand.

"Kill them." I grate out as an order, lifting my gaze to the Felix and Guts, and they both step back, their eyes jumping around frantically to land on my father.

"Rapheal!" Guts call out apprehensively, sweat breaking out across his forehead. "You can't let him do this! You had a deal with Carlile, no more bloodshed in exchange for her location!" He roars angrily, his eyes flashing darkly as he glares over at my father.

I turn my glare to Rapheal, seething and my grip tightens further around Kenzo's throat as his gagging and thrashing begin to weaken as the last reserves of his oxygen is begin squeezed from him.

Rapheal drops his blank gaze to me, and shoves his hands into his pockets before shrugging nonchalantly.

"Unfortunately, The godfather cannot be reasoned with once he gets like this." He mutters carelessly, and I grin madly at him, my blood lust sweeping through me as I turn my gaze back to the two men.

"Now," I snarl lowly, dropping Kenzo's limp body carelessly to the ground, just as Dimitri and Giovanni pull the triggers-their guns having been raised and aimed at the men since my first order to kill.

The explosions go off, their limp bodies falling to the floor as bullets lodge between their eyes execution style, and I glance up in time to catch Chloe turning her gaze away from the scene, her teeth gritting tightly.

She always despised this side of the mob. The side that was bloody, and dark-but even she was used to it, and knew it was necessary.

When the news had reached her back in St. Lucia about what had happened to Viktor and Kylie, it was no use getting her to remain in the country.

She was back in New York the very same night, throwing herself into the search for her bestfriend. She knew of the dangers, she knew how ugly it could get, she was born into it, she was born into this.

So when she came home to help, just like Kylie had done, I had no choice but to let her join in the hunt, even though I wanted to protect her and the other women in out family.

Stubborn, cold and hard headed, just like the rest of us. That's the only reason why she's survived so long. She might have seemed like a kept Mafia princess to those on the outside looking in, but her father was one of the fiercest enforcers in the mob, and the top ranked consiglier among the rest of the families.

Chloe was a tough motherfucker, and she knew how to hold her own. Letting her join us was the easiest choice I never had to make. She wanted Kylie back, just as badly as I did, and she wanted retribution for Viktor too, it made her wrath all the sweeter to watch.

Dimitri walks over to unzip his pants, and piss in Kenzo's blueish-gray face, and the man sputters and coughs, waking up after having fallen unconscious from me choking him out.

"You, you're coming with us." I snarl, stepping over the sack of flesh as Dimitri, Giovanni, Rapheal and Chloe trail after me.

Leaving behind Kenzo to get dragged out of the foyer by the two of our soliders who stood posted around the mansion.

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