The Blessed (Book 3)

By Xiaozhu14324

34.4K 2K 16

Author: Yan Ruo You Ya Translator: Guy Gone Bad Status: Ongoing Book 1 chapters 001-200 (immortalgege watty a... More

301. Things About the Wedding (2)
302. Old Saying: A Son Would Forget about His Father after Having a Wife (1)
303. Old Saying: A Son Would Forget about His Father after Having a Wife (2)
304. Betrothal Gift; Fight for the Throne? (1)
305. Betrothal Gift; Fight for the Throne? (2)
306. Sow the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind (1)
307. Sow the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind (2)
308. The Wedding Ring (1)
309. The Wedding Ring (2)
310. Receiving their Marriage Paper; Lord Magistrate Asks to See You (1)
311. Receiving their Marriage Paper; Lord Magistrate Asks to See You (2)
312. Ling Wen's Sorrow; Incorrigible (1)
313. Ling Wen's Sorrow; Incorrigible (2)
314. Try on the Wedding Dresses; The Wedding Ring (1)
315. Try on the Wedding Dresses; The Wedding Ring (2)
316. Moving Little Red Envelops (1)
317. Moving Little Red Envelops (2)
318. The Wedding (1)-Special Wedding Gift (1)
319. The Wedding (1)-Special Wedding Gift (2)
320. The Wedding (2)-A Warning in Advance (1)
321. The Wedding (2)-A Warning in Advance (2)
322. The Wedding (3)-Furious Lord Six (1)
323. The Wedding (3)-Furious Lord Six (2)
324. The Wedding (4)-Chu Yunhan and Yan Xiaoming (1)
325. The Wedding (4)-Chu Yunhan and Yan Xiaoming (2)
326. The Wedding (5) Had Someone Behind the Back; Those Things Before (1)
327. The Wedding (5) Had Someone Behind the Back; Those Things Before (2)
328. The Wedding (6) The Little Buns Took the 'Revenge' (1)
329. The Wedding (6) The Little Buns Took the 'Revenge' (2)
330. The Wedding (7)-Perform the Wedding Ceremony (1)
331 . The Wedding (7)-Perform the Wedding Ceremony (2)
332. The Banquet; Something Happened Again (1)
333. The Banquet; Something Happened Again (2)
334. One of the Chief Plotters; Revealing his Identity (1)
335. One of the Chief Plotters; Revealing his Identity (2)
336. The Imperial Family's Prestige (1)
337. The Imperial Family's Prestige (2)
338. An Eye for An Eye (1)
339. An Eye for An Eye (2)
340. Destroy Ling Chenghua (1)
341. Destroy Ling Chenghua (2)
342. The Wedding Night: Part One (1)
343. The Wedding Night: Part One (2)
344. The Wedding Night: Part Two (1)
345. The Wedding Night: Part Two (2)
346. Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow; Moneybag (1)
347. Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow; Moneybags (2)
348. Let the Enemies off in Order to Catch Them Later (1)
349. Let the Enemies off in Order to Catch Them Later (2)
350. The Pains About You Can't Get The One You Love (1)
351. The Pains About You Can't Get The One You Love (2)
352. Rebirth; The Once Blood(1)
353. Rebirth; The Once Blood(2)
354. The Appointment (1)
355. The Appointment (2)
356. Shadow Guards; Cooperation(1)
357. Shadow Guards; Cooperation(2)
358. Guessing; Zeng Shaoqing's Request (1)
359. Guessing; Zeng Shaoqing's Request (2)
360. The Sentiment of Departure(1)
361. The Sentiment of Departure(2)
362. School Thing; Hanling School? (1)
363. School Thing; Hanling School? (2)
364. New Plan to Make Money (1)
365. New Plan to Make Money (2)
366. Uncle Zhang, Can You Fly?(1)
367. Uncle Zhang, Can You Fly?(2)
368. The NaΓ―ve and Pure Little
369. The NaΓ―ve and Pure Little Black-bellied Thing (2)
370. Lord Six Acts Badly?; Go Back to the Palace! (1)
371. Lord Six Acts Badly?; Go Back to the Palace! (2)
372. Less Calculation, More Sincerity (1)
373. Less Calculation, More Sincerity (2)
374. The Only Empress (1)
375. The Only Empress (2)
376. Lessoned by His Son Again (1)
377. Lessoned by His Son Again (2)
378. Business; Plan for the Honeymoon (1)
379. Business; Plan for the Honeymoon (2)
380. Hot Pot; Little Foodie (1)
381. Hot Pot; Little Foodie (2)
382. A Series of Arrangements; Yuan Shaoqi (1)
383. A Series of Arrangements; Yuan Shaoqi (2)
384. Obstructive on Purpose? Centesimate! (1)
385. Obstructive on Purpose? Centesimate! (2)
386. The Exam (1)
387. The Exam (2)
388. Open A New Branch of Baiyunge
389. Finishing the Examination; Yuan Shaoqi's Identity
390. Poor Yan Yi
392. One Is Unbelievable Than the Other
393. Receiving the Imperial Edict; A New Level of Being Shameless
394. Someone! Beat him!
395. The Little Buns' Birthday (1)
396. The Little Buns' Birthday (2)
397. The Little Buns' Birthday (3)
398. Special Birthday Present (1)
399. Special Birthday Present (2)
400. Wang Family and Wang Family Broke the Ice (1)

391. Get Listed! Here Comes the Imperial Edict

336 20 0
By Xiaozhu14324

The Blessed Chapter 391

“How did you do in the exam, Jinghan? My parents told me that you have already finished the exam, or I would have been there for you.”

Sweeping away the previous formality, Ling Chenggui happily took hold of his hand. The uncle and nephew were almost of the same age, more like brothers. Lady Wang also wore a rare smile, saying while moving forward, “Chenggui, you are back. Come sit and have a cup of hot tea. It’s some good tea Jingxuan entrusted someone to bring back from the prefecture. I can’t tell where it is so good. You can help me.”

“Hmm, thank you, sister-in-law.”

Ling Chenggui nodded happily, then sat down with Ling Jinghan. Ling Chenglong also invited others to sit. Now, it would never be their turn to sit in the main seat or seats in the middle. Of course, they also dare not have any objection. Because of the free school thing, this family already became the big benefactor of those people in the nearby villages. Who wouldn’t show their respect on seeing them? So they never dare put on airs before them now.


Ling Yun came up to pour him a cup of tea, Ling Chenggui couldn’t help blushing. Facing Ling Jingxuan’s surprised look, Ling Chenggui made a please gesture.

“Oh, OK, OK…”

After all, they were not so familiar, so Ling Chenggui still performed a bit reserved. Ling Jingxuan found it amused, so he just walked away, leaving him and Ling Jinghan to have some small talk. They had lunch at Yuehua manor. After noon, people all began to look a bit anxious. Ling Chenglong and his wife kept looking out now and then, can’t even keep their feet in their boots.

“My lord, ma’am, listed, listed…”

As they were looking forward to it with eager expectancy, Lady Yang ran in from outside. Already forgetting her manner, she said cheerfully, “Congratulations, my lord, ma’am, Young Master Han is listed! He is a tongsheng now!”


Lady Wang got up, so excited that she accidentally knocked over the tea on the table. But she didn’t notice that the others were also excited, especially her parents, after all, that was their grandson.

“Congratulations, Jinghan is really something!”


“You have a real capable family. Chenglong, good for you!”

“Brother-in-law, sister, congratulations, Jinghan, well done!”

People of the full room congratulated them. Even those servants and maids also came to kowtow to congratulate them. In an instant, the whole room was filled with people’s talking and laughing. But no one noticed that, compared with others, Ling Jinghan didn’t perform that excited, or even a little down. Lady Yang only said he got listed, but didn’t say if he topped the list, which was different from his expectations.

“Where’s Gengniu? Why hasn’t he come in yet?”

Glancing at his younger brother who was clearly not in the mood, Ling Jingxuan suddenly opened his mouth to ask. As he asked, the whole room quieted down. And then Lady Yang remembered something, so she hurriedly moved forward and said, “I nearly forgot! The one who came to report the good news is a fellow from Xinyuan. And he said the magistrate and a lot of officials are on the way here, saying that they are here to announce something called edict. I couldn’t quite catch it. Only asking us to make preparations quickly.”

“Damn! Why didn’t you say that earlier?”

Ling Jingxuan’s face sank and he sprung up. “Dad, mom, aunt, you take my grandpa and grandma to change some new clothes. The imperial edict will be here soon. Shuisheng, you go pick up the little masters from school. Shuiling, go call Brother Han and Yangzi, let them get dressed and come over. Zheng Da, Zhou Er, place the livestock and tributes! Remember, make some room in the middle of the table for the imperial edict!”

A series of orders down, except Ling Jinghan and Ling Jingpeng who had known it already, others were still having no idea what was happening. After quite a while, Ling Chenglong stammered, “Jing…Jingxuan…what is going on?”

Why does the imperial edict come out of the blue? They were all so scared that they couldn’t move.

“Dad, I’ll explain it later. You go make preparations now. When receiving the imperial edict, we got to take a bath, change some clean clothes. Ling Yun, Xiaosui, go serve the ma’am and others get dressed.”

The reason he didn’t tell them at the beginning was that he didn’t want them to be freaked out or what. Originally, he planned to tell them after the list was released today, never expected that…Damn! Why did it come at such a time?


After all, Ling Yun had ever served in a big family, she looked a lot calmer than the others. Plus Lady Zheng and Lady Lan also came to their sense. So they surrounded Lady Sun and Lady Wang to leave. And under Ling Jinghan and Ling Jingpeng’s lead, Ling Chneglong and Old Lord Wang also left to change clothes, leaving the village head and others standing there awkwardly, not knowing whether to stay or leave. For the whole life, they had never seen what an imperial edict looked like. Of course they wished to stay to get some blessing for His Majesty. Although they were all wondering in their heart how Ling Jingxuan could be so capable that even His Majesty knew about him. But, apparently now was not the time to inquire about it.

“Jingxuan, how about us…”

Receiving the signaling from other elders, the village head could only toughen his scalp and move forward. Ling Jingxuan turned to throw them a look. He meant to ask them to leave directly, after all, he was already not on the pamphlet in the ancestral hall, so he was also no longer a member of Ling family. The imperial edict was for his, he had the right not to let them receive it with him. But, when his eyes swept over at that ‘little rabbit’ on one side, thinking about his relationship with Jinghan, the expulsion order that was nearly to slip out his mouth got swallowed back, “Please go back to take a bath and get changed. Anyone who is late for the imperial edict would get beheaded, you know.”

“Yes, yes, we’ll go get changed right now.”

Hearing him, the village head knew they got the chance, so he hurriedly told others to go. Ling Jingxuan helplessly shook his head. Seeing that Yuan Shaoqi was still standing there, he slightly frowned, “Those eunuchs aren’t supposed to know you, are they?”


Hearing that, Yuan Shaoqi suddenly popped out his eyes, and then remembered the identity of Yan Sungrui, looking a bit relieved, “Since you know who I am, why let me stay? Aren’t you afraid to offend my father by sheltering me?”

Before, every time he ran out, it was those officials who secretly reported it to his father, so this time, he chose to go to the countryside. But unexpectedly, in such a place that even birds wouldn’t poop, he would have met the well-known Prince Sheng, it looked like he had accidentally came to his crown princess’ place. If Ling Jingxuan pointed things out, he should have already run away. But, now even if the duke came in person, he would never leave, because he found a ‘treasure’ here. Whatsoever, he’d take him back.

“You signed a five-year indenture with me. It’s as simple as that. Even your father has to obey the law.”

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Ling Jingxuan carried his hands behind him, wearing a total reasonable look. Yuan Shaoqi was slightly stunned, suddenly he laughed, “I finally know why he tries to hide you, and also understand why a Killing God on the battlefield will become such a tender man for you, Ling Jingxuan, you really have your special places.”
Would those ordinary people have the balls not even to put the duke in their eyes like him? Few people could be ranked as the duke relying on their outstanding military exploits.

“I’m really flattered. It’s nothing compared with you. You haven’t answered my question.”

Don’t want to waste time with him on this kind of thing, he still had to prepare for receiving the imperial edict, besides, the little buns would come back soon.

“Now that you know who I am, you must also know that I am only an illegitimate son. How am I supposed to have the chance to see anyone from the palace?”

Yuan Shaoqi shrugged his shoulders sarcastically. Many people in the capital knew that the duke’s biggest son had an illegitimate son, who might inherit the title one day, but few people knew him, let alone the grandees in the palace.

“Well, then I’ll leave things like the red envelops to you. You should how to do it, shouldn’t you?”

Nodding, Ling Jingxuan also didn’t stand on ceremony with him. The eunuch and those soldiers escorting them, they all required for red envelops. He was not clear of the exact number. He planned to ask Yan Si, but now, he could save it. The childe from the duke’s mansion, even if he was incapable, he should know such basic things.

“No problem.”

“I’ll leave it to you then.”

Speaking of which, Ling Jingxuan turned to walk away. Only after his figure disappeared in his sight did Yuan Shaoqi make a chuckle and go to be busy with his own thing. The whole family was so funny. But the most interesting one should be Jinghan. Only fourteen years old, already so scheming and poised. Only in two days, he had tricked him a few times, which added countless fun to his life. Such an interesting person, he’d feel so sorry for himself if he couldn’t ‘abduct’ him back as his wife.

But, it seemed he forgot to ask Jinghan’s opinion, didn’t he? Besides, he had the prince and the crown princess as his back. It was like asking for the moon to do that.

Less than a quarter of an hour, news that Ling Jinghan got listed as a tongsheng and Ling Jingxuan’s family was going to receive the imperial edict had spread through the whole Ling village. A lot of villagers went to watch. Unlike before, they dare not come too close. The present Ling Jingxuan was no longer that Ling Jingxuan before. No one didn’t see that the old xiucai’s family already got ruined by him. Now even the imperial edict was coming, then Yuehua Manor would be totally different. That was the emperor’s edict! How big glory that is! Even those wives who liked gossiping behind their back now no longer badmouthed them. This time, they already had no heart to be jealous. With such a family, what do they have to feel jealous?

“Big brother, this time you really did something wrong. Look, Jinghan has been fully recovered. He got listed as a tongsheng for the first time he took the examinations. Maybe next year, he’d get listed as a xiucai or juren. I heard from juren Zhang that Jinghan has great literary talent. Now even the imperial edict is arriving at their home. Only in a short half a year, that Jingxuan everyone looked down upon has earned such a huge fortune. I heard Jingpeng also learns to do business. And the family’s business will all be left to him. See? What a good kid! They are grandsons of our family!”

Feeling overjoyed, the village head also didn’t forget to go to the old Ling family to report the good news. The old lady who finally got a bit better rolled her eyes due to great anger. The old man was also mad, but mad at himself. If it hadn’t been that he had been too partial to his eldest son and third son, and indulged the old lady hurting the second’s son’s whole family’s heart, how would they have ended up like this?

“Ahem…I know what you are saying. But it’s too late. Qicai, stay close with them as much as you can. I don’t have the strength to mend the cracks between us.”

Speaking of which, the old man closed his eyes heartbrokenly. Do you think he doesn’t want to reconnect with them? But, it’s just…every time he thought of that, he couldn’t help remembering his doings to them and really had no face to beg for their forgiveness.

“Dad, look at what you are saying. Chenglong is always your son, and my younger brother. Even if he moves out, so what? We are connected by blood. Can he really leave us aside? Receiving the imperial edict is such a huge thing. He didn’t even notify us. So outrageous!”

Outside, Ling Chengcai who had been eavesdropping suddenly rushed in. Look at his angry face. Someone who didn’t know what had happened between them would think it was Ling Chenglong’s fault.

“You, you, you unfilial son! Get out of here! If it hadn’t been that you fooled me saying that Ling Jingxuan went to tell Shopkeeper Zhao that Ling Jingwei that son of a b*tch is sterile, how would I ever have a problem with them and pushed them to the dead end road? Why didn’t you say that he is your brother by blood then? Get out! Get out of here!”

Hearing him, the old man flew into a great rage, shouting abuse at him. Ling Qicai only frowned there. Is Chengcai possessed or what? Is he still aiming at Chenglong’s family?

“Hum! Even if you don’t consider it for this family, as the big son, I have to do something. Since you can’t get out of bed, I’ll be on your behalf to receive the imperial edict.”

Speaking of which, ignoring the old man’s anger, Ling Chengcai directly walked away. The old man was so mad that he nearly couldn’t breathe.

“Jinghong, take care of your grandpa. I’ll go check things out. Receiving the imperial edict is not a small thing. What someone offends the emperor, our whole family will have to get involved.”

After some simple orders, Ling Qicai chased out, feeling regretted in the heart now. Finally he mended his relationship with Ling Jingxuan a little big and he was willing to hire the villagers and they were all grateful to them. If Ling Chengcai made a scene again now, they…Ling Qicai even couldn’t afford to think of it, only paced up his steps.

Chapter end

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