Thaw out a Second Life

By Ein-Usagi

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A month after the incident with Victorious META, Tirpitz lives her second chance in life free of another ego... More

Prologue: Start of an Obstacle
Start of Atonement
Struggle to Lie
A Sister's Concern
Doubting a Life
Day of Festivity
The Other Bismarck
Heart of the Beast
Distorted Blizzard
Weighing a Choice
Trust and Distrust
Black King, Red Fox
Raging Blizzard
Calm after the Storm
What Comes after the Blizzard
Choices in Life
Hunter and Prey
Ice and Flame Once Again
An Older Sister's Promise
Pinpointing a Bait
Beginning to Unravel
To Set in Motion
Nothing to Hide
To Face the Truth
Weight of the Deception
Even Deceit Must End
Once and For All
Life Goes On

Lingering Inner Conflict

101 3 4
By Ein-Usagi

The weather is suitable for a relaxing morning walk, but it appears only Victorious is enthusiastic and cheerful about it. This is obvious with how Tirpitz groans in annoyance and frowns looking at Victorious dragging her against her will.

"You're cooped up in your room.....again! The day is perfect for a walk, you know!"

Victorious heavily pants as she continues to drag Tirpitz by her sleeve since the latter is actively refusing to do as she pleases this time.

"I don't want a walk....." Tirpitz complains and sighs afterwards
"It's no fair you're spending more time with Alabama!" Victorious keeps dragging her
"You're like a jealous child"
"I'm not jealous!" Victorious quickly denies
"Why are you getting angry? I'm just sparring with Alabama"
"I know that......but I feel like you're avoiding me"

Fully annoyed by Victorious throwing a tantrum again, Tirpitz stops in her tracks to prevent Victorious from dragging her away further.

"Tirpitz, ever since the issue was resolved a month ago, I felt like you've been putting me at an arm's distance"

Fortunately enough, Victorious speaks calmly again and gently loosens her grip on Tirpitz's sleeves. As if to soften Tirpitz's unpleasant mood and invoke any form of pity from her, Victorious' tone is a gentle and soft one.

"You're always on guard when around me......and you look at me like a stranger....."

Victorious holds her hand together behind her back and slowly twists her hips much like a child seeking love and affection. This isn't Victorious' normal behavior but her attempt to draw Tirpitz's attention and stop her from avoiding the topic.

"We're longtime friends, aren't we?" Victorious takes a step forward
"Yeah....." Tirpitz responds a bit nervously
"Then why are you looking at if you're not there at all!"

Frustrated in her own terms, Victorious catches Tirpitz off guard by grabbing collar and pulling her close to her face.

"Are you still the same person as before?" Victorious' grip tightens

The question only reminds Tirpitz how Victorious is perceptive of her personality since she's the first person she ever called a friend. Each day they spend together is a precious moment for Victorious, so her memory doesn't fail on how Tirpitz acts and speaks when around her.

"Did I change that much.....?" Tirpitz's voice nearly shakes
"It's like not all of you is there when I'm with you"
"......." Tirpitz lowers her gaze
"Now I'm wondering if I know the real you" Victorious bites her lower lip
"I don't like it's like you almost see me as a stranger"
"You....." Tirpitz widens her eyes

Victorious looks at Tirpitz directly in the eye, the former's gaze on the brink of tears. Meanwhile, Tirpitz briefly recalls how the Victorious she knows once acted the same - a caring and emotional friend. Even the way they smile, laugh, and frown in worry is nearly identical. It's an aspect Tirpitz has nearly forgotten since what's etched in her memory is the one who made her suffer.

[We'll always be together, right.....?]
[I'm scared of you suddenly leaving......]
[.....because I feel like you'll stop one day.....]
[That you'd just give up.....and disappear......]
[Please don't leave my comrades did.....]
[I don't want to lose an important friend......]

The memory forced itself even after Tirpitz actively refuses to remember it. To be specific, it's a buried memory that she could barely recognize as existent.

(That's right. This isn't my Victorious.....and this is just the result of a life I've robbed off.....)

Tirpitz separates the two sides of her. Her first life is full of bitterness and regret, but it's what shaped her thoughts and actions, making her the way she is now. As for her second life, it's something she consciously separates as her "possession". The guilt hangs over her, haunting her like a shadow even if she knows her current state is the result of saving at least one rather than losing both.

(I'm lying to Victorious and she's fully immersed in everyone else. Her affection is the same as ever......but how would she look at me in the face of the harsh truth?)

Unknown to Tirpitz, her inner thoughts surfaces, clouding her focus with anxiety and fear.

(No. I can't think like this right now......because you chose to save me rather than watch both of us go down. It's who I am now, but I can't help but separate myself.....)

Right before Tirpitz could be swallowed by conflict brewing in her mind, Victorious holds her from the back of her head and pulls Tirpitz close to her chest. There is no worry or fear in her heart as if the sense of comfort has always been a part of her life.

"You were shaking and couldn't hear my voice. I didn't mean to make you anxious or anything. It's just that I'm worried you're shouldering something on your own again....." Victorious softly explains
"You're not worried I'm not the same friend you always cared about?"

Tirpitz wants to hold her but keeps both of her arms by her side, still treating Victorious as not the friend that's always been a part of her life.

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I'm worried you're hiding your problems from me again" Victorious tightly wraps her arms around her
"Ever since you got thrown in jail for trying to kill Bismarck, I got worried that my Tirpitz will stop existing and you'd become someone unrecognizable"
"......" Tirpitz frowns when she feels her heart stings
"Don't leave me behind again, okay? I thought you'd just leave me after you went to fight my META version"
"I won't leave you behind......"

Tirpitz tightly closes her eyes, unable to bear the stinging in her chest. Rather than plain darkness, she catches a glimpse of the other "her" standing in light snow. She could only see the back, but her instincts recognize her even from a rear view and the snow hindering the scene.

Don't throw away your life.....and leave her behind this time. You can save this life from your same mistake.....

That other Tirpitz is much like an echo, expressing the lingering thoughts even if the actual person is long gone. The echo lightly turns her head to the side upon noticing Tirpitz and briefly smiles as she reminds her.

(To think my life would turn out to as someone else. This is what I decided when I woke up in this form, but I'm wavering like a lonely child) Tirpitz gently pulls herself away

Tirpitz is aware there's no other choice as the wisdom cube within the body only persisted for so long because of her. Rather than allow the body to fall along the wisdom cube, the original one chooses to keep on living as someone else.

"Tirpitz?" Victorious touches Tirpitz's cheek

Tirpitz jolts the moment Victorious' soft hands presses against her cheeks. It's unusual for Tirpitz to be anxious and afraid, so Victorious attempts to reassure her that she isn't alone or at least she could lean on her.

"I keep saying I learned to accept it, but why do I keep doubting my existence?" Tirpitz takes a deep breath
"Did something happen again?" Victorious is only confused at her words
"Victorious, I'm still the friend you've always known, right?"
"O-of course! You've always been my beloved icy blockhead. We're humans too, so it's normal to feel anxious and get worried"
"I see....." Tirpitz accepts the response
(I can't help but feel as if something's different from her. There's this nagging feeling that Tirpitz isn't actually herself every time I see her behave differently than usual)

Victorious forces herself to hide her doubt and fear after seeing Tirpitz being swallowed by a dread she couldn't understand. This is the first time Victorious witnessing Tirpitz being detached to herself as if she doesn't recognize herself and perhaps even loathe herself.

(Why is it that my heart is suddenly anxious? Something is wrong.....but what's wrong exactly? Tirpitz is still the same one I've always known.....but what is she hiding from me this time?)

Even after Tirpitz eases her worry, Victorious couldn't ignore her instincts since Tirpitz is someone she has known for a long time as a dear friend. She refuses to immediately jump to conclusions, but her mind and heart couldn't ignore the anxiety towards Tirpitz.

"I don't like seeing you down, dummy. Why don't we get something sweet? Like pudding, crepe, or parfait!" Victorious shakes her head and returns her cheerful smile
"I.....made you worry again, didn't I? Then you choose where we'll go grab something to eat" Tirpitz gently smiles
"Cake it is then!"

Tirpitz sets aside her worry upon seeing Victorious genuinely wishing to spend more time with her. Something as simple as going out for dessert brings Victorious excitement and joy. It's what Tirpitz doesn't want to ruin while she's still trying to separate the current Victorious from the one scarred in her memory.

"I don't want what happened a month ago to repeat, so don't go being suicidal on your own. I was really angry when I thought you'd get yourself killed, you know" Victorious expresses more of her thoughts from the incident
"I wanted to end it before I drag anyone else further. To put an end to Victorious META is the only way Tirpitz META would leave in peace"
"Even so......I'm your friend and I told you not to fight your battles alone. No matter how difficult it is, I want to be there for you until the very end"
"Don't say that. It's like you'd rather die with me than let me die on my own" Victorious nearly scolds her
"I just don't like not being there for my loved ones. It's scary thinking I might lose my sisters, my fellow Royal Navy ships, and you in the future. I don't want to lose anyone. No one wants that....." Victorious is on the verge of tears and stops on her tracks
"You're the one who's down now" Tirpitz sighs in annoyance
"Even if the future is scary, you should live how you want. That's why I'm not going to waste my life away. My poor decision landed me in maximum prison because I gave in to blind revenge. Don't do something stupid as I did"
"I'm not a big dummy like you, so I'm not ending up in any jail!" Victorious pouts and light hits Tirpitz's shoulders

Treating Victorious like a child, she repeatedly pats her in the head, making Victorious fume since she views it as Tirpitz not taking her seriously.

"I'm serious! There's no way I'd do something stupid unlike you!" Victorious keeps hitting her
"Yes you are"

Tirpitz is deliberately teasing her just to see Victorious throw a tantrum and even retaliate childishly.

Iron Blood headquarters......

As per a direct order, Neumark hands over the results of Tirpitz's last check-up to Bismarck, nearly compiled in a black folder. It's supposed to be just the two of them, but somehow Friedrich der Grosse is standing nearby, intensely observing them both.

"Surprisingly, the results.....are normal"

Only when Bismarck receives the folder on her hands and opens it widely that Neumark comments on the filed results.


Bismarck straightens herself and raises an eyebrow, puzzled at Neumark being confused and nervous at the same time.

"Oh my, were you expecting something is wrong with Tirpitz?" Friedrich der Grosse speaks out curiosity
"It's more like......Tirpitz feels off. she was a different person when she woke up one month ago"
"Considering she nearly died, a META version of her possessed her, and fought Victorious META to the death, it's natural it would change her in some ways" Bismarck relaxes her back on her chair
"I've observed little Tirpitz and I don't see any point for concern. Although she's a bit chatty and expressive now" Friedrich der Grosse views it positively
(That's not Tirpitz.....)

Neumark believes it's only Tirpitz's behavior that's changing, but her thoughts are repeating what her instincts have sensed. She couldn't get rid of it as it flashes moments of her observing Tirpitz's expression. It's less calm and relaxed - more of distrust and indifference.

"You're overthinking, Neumark" Friedrich der Grosse waves it off
"I understand you've known Tirpitz for a long time and interacted with her, but I believe my sister is just living her second chance of life" Bismarck faintly smiles
(Why am I the only one who can notice?)

Neumark tightly clenches both of her fists out of frustration, believing the two are oblivious or perhaps too trusting. There's nothing running in her mind but the fact Tirpitz's gaze is far different than she last remembered.

"You're right. Tirpitz might have just changed her view in life....."

Knowing the two are oblivious in her perspective, Neumark begrudgingly gives up on the topic and pretends to calm down.

"What should be important right now is Tirpitz is confirmed to have remained stable. Tirpitz META is no longer there to further damage her wisdom cube and attempt to integrate it" Bismarck faintly smiles
"Just take it easy, Neumark. I know you're worried about Tirpitz, but I'm sure everything is normal"
(Normal how? All I could feel up a stranger and someone dangerous)

Neumark swallows her breath, forced to keep her suspicions to herself after it becomes obvious Bismarck is completely relaxed. To a repair ship like Neumark, she believes in her instincts and doesn't simply brush them off.

"I understand....." Neumark clenches her fists again
"Anyhow, is everything in the report? I wish to be sure Tirpitz is in perfect condition" Bismarck clears her throat
"To fight?"
"No. Not primarily to fight.....but to simply live without problems"

Briefly distracted, Neumark finds herself genuinely surprised that Bismarck is personally concerned as an older sister and not just the fleet leader.

"Don't be surprised. Bismarck asked for even the smallest details because she won't stop worrying whether there's no underlying or extensive side effects in Tirpitz" Friedrich der Grosse proudly chuckles
"I'm just glad your relationship with her has improved" Neumark is genuinely relieved
"That aside, from your report, the output of her wisdom cube improved. In fact, it appeared to be reconfigured slightly similar to modernization" Bismarck shys away from the topic
"To be specific, her capacity just improved. This does improve combat capabilities, but it can't be called a retrofit. Her condition returned to its prime prior to nearly dying more than a year ago"
"I see....."

For a moment, Bismarck curves a warm and gentle smile on her lips after hearing Neumark confirming it herself. It's obvious to both Friedrich der Grosse and Neumark that Bismarck only wishes to confirm that Tirpitz is indeed healthy. Being stronger is just a bonus to it, unlike the past where she would be more focused on the performance.

"At the worst scenario, I planned to have Tirpitz undergo the same retrofit I did. I had it confirmed Tirpitz can undergo the procedure since our capacities are nearly the same and has equal potential as sister ships" Bismarck gently closes the folder
"As a repair ship and the one mostly attending to Tirpitz, her wisdom cube was tainted with an actual META ship. There's an eight percent chance this will strain her wisdom cube again" Neumark quickly opposes Bismarck
"I don't intend to force her....again. It's a backup plan I have in case she endangers herself for the third time"
"That's true....." Neumark awkwardly scratches her cheek

There's no denying Tirpitz wouldn't mind getting killed if faced with a formidable enemy due to her lingering desire for a worthy fight.

"By the way, how did Graf Zeppelin manage to convince Tirpitz for a medical check-up. I thought you would have dragged her by yourself" Neumark is serious with her second statement
"I actually would have done that but Tirpitz said she would like to know her current condition"
"......" Neumark lowers her head
"Is there something wrong?" Bismarck tilts her head
"I just thought how living with a conscious META gave problems to Tirpitz, but it made her incredibly stronger. The ice she unleashed was lethal to anyone who isn't a META or an Arbiter"
"Still, it's a harrowing experience. The cold is ruthless and horrifying because you can survive it but you can never escape from it" Friedrich der Grosse describes poetically
"I heard that before: The fallacy of living and non-living"
"Truthfully speaking, the power of her META version is incredible but the origin of that power isn't worth the risk. Tirpitz META was someone who couldn't stay dead and so the cold around her stagnated her undeath state"

Bismarck faintly grunts upon remembering when Tirpitz META first manifested in Tirpitz's body. It's when Tirpitz freezes nearly half of the base and causes frostbites to kansens who are caught in the cold. A vengeful ghost moved the body of her sister and tried to kill her.

"I won't let it happen again....."

Bismarck takes a deep breath, to ease her growing worry as she couldn't forget how a deceased META nearly took over the body of her sister. Neither of the three are sure how the META disappeared without living a trace but they're all silently and mutually relieved they're free of one vengeful ghost.

A day later.....

Surprisingly enough, rather than being with Victorious, Tirpitz is having casual tea time with King George V. Tirpitz isn't admiring the colorful garden around her paired with stone statues and figurines much like the garden of a noble. Then there's the intricately prepared table setting, but she couldn't speak much as elegance and style has been a part of King George V.

"I heard it went well. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here having tea with me" King George V takes a bite off a macaroon
"How did you manage to get my wisdom cube to appear Iron Blood equipment that is" Tirpitz admits her curiosity
"Hmm? I simply copied and registered the signal the normal wisdom cube would emit - to be specific, yours. Take it as pasting a hole - you wouldn't realize there's a hole just by looking until you personally touch it"  King George V wags her index finger
"Except you made me wear these wretched restraints"

Tirpitz lifts her right arm and rolls up her sleeve a bit to display a bracelet similar to the metallic cuff Iron Blood had her wear in the past. It's thinner and lighter, barely unrecognizable as a restraint and more of an accessory locked around her wrist instead.

"It wasn't easy porcuring it from Bismarck META. That little invention simply fools the eyes of a machine, so it doesn't work with deep scans or state of the art radars" King George V warns her
"Is this even metal? It's too light" Tirpitz shakes her arm
"Something like that. If it's actual metal, a magnet would have pulled that in"
"As long as it's not too obvious"

Tirpitz rolls back her sleeves and resumes drinking the tea that's still mostly full.

"How did you get acquainted with my sister? The Bismarck I know and still hate" Tirpitz changes the topic
"Hahaha. Still blunt with your feelings, huh"
"You know the story already when she blasted me a month ago and sent me to the ICU upon returning home"
"I'm not stupid, but why agree and cooperate with her?"
"I have my reasons. I'll tell you how I was actually caught off guard and intrigued when she decided to show herself after immobilizing me"

King George V is eager to narrate the entire story herself since she could still remember lying on the surface water when a familiar but wartorn figure appeared right before her. It's impossible for her to ignore the figure in black uniform and the enormous metallic beast that faintly roars behind her.

"Me aside, you should stop having inner conflicts and doubts when you're with Victorious. Your emotions will give you away" King George V waves her hand holding a biscuit
"Victorious sees me so well that she could figure out if I'm nervous and cautious"
"She is practically your best friend since she's the only person you're completely relaxed with.....or at least the dead version of you" King George V nibbles on the biscuit
"......" Tirpitz lightly freezes the nearby plants
"I'm not insulting anyone"

The ice and cold air quickly dissipates matching Tirpitz removing her darkened expression and tense glare.

"Speaking of that, don't freeze anything just because you're upset. To everyone, Tirpitz lost that ability alongside the META. Not to mention, you're supposed to be calm, quiet, and gentle"
"Do you always talk this much?" Tirpitz isn't hiding her annoyance
"This is my point. You're not someone who had enough of humanity's affairs and bitterness at the world"
"You're saying that it's easy to be someone else. I have her memories, but I can only view them not as my own"

Tirpitz lightly taps the side of her head and briefly recalls moments not belonging to hers. While she relieves those experiences, she feels detached to them as if she's only watching from someone's point of view.

"I'm afraid to get used to this life so I have to remind myself who and what I am every day" Tirpitz reluctantly admits
"Why is that?"
"There's no way I can I only stole this body"
"I'd say you need a therapist, but I don't think you can outright tell anyone you're a META version in the body of the normal one who's been dead for a month"

King George V shakes her head, somewhat frustrated there's no one else Tirpitz can freely speak her thoughts and be given advice to relieve herself of the ever growing worries.

"You should relax once in a while"
"I know! How about you and Victorious attend the upcoming Sakura Empire feast. It's open to all nations"
"Too many nuisances and too much noise" Tirpitz rejects the idea
"Hahaha. I don't think you can refuse since I told Victorious and she's eager to drag you.....whether you like it or not" King George V gives a thumbs up
"I don't like those foxes. My last visit there and Akagi is eyeing me like a prey to be put down"
"That's just how Akagi is. She's cautious of outsiders when she's not even a dog. Well, she can be a rabid fox" King George V reassures her
"Still, beasts like her..... aren't to be underestimated. Especially if said beast has experiences with deceit and lies......."

The knight is relaxed and even cheerful of the idea, but Tirpitz remains cautious and reluctant. More than anything, she doesn't want to attract attention and have more people observing her every move. Just a while ago, being slightly upset causes her to reveal a bit of the ability only the META version possessed. It's normal for King George V, but to the others it would be highly suspicious.

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