The Blessed (Book 3)

By Xiaozhu14324

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Author: Yan Ruo You Ya Translator: Guy Gone Bad Status: Ongoing Book 1 chapters 001-200 (immortalgege watty a... More

301. Things About the Wedding (2)
302. Old Saying: A Son Would Forget about His Father after Having a Wife (1)
303. Old Saying: A Son Would Forget about His Father after Having a Wife (2)
304. Betrothal Gift; Fight for the Throne? (1)
305. Betrothal Gift; Fight for the Throne? (2)
306. Sow the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind (1)
307. Sow the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind (2)
308. The Wedding Ring (1)
309. The Wedding Ring (2)
310. Receiving their Marriage Paper; Lord Magistrate Asks to See You (1)
311. Receiving their Marriage Paper; Lord Magistrate Asks to See You (2)
312. Ling Wen's Sorrow; Incorrigible (1)
313. Ling Wen's Sorrow; Incorrigible (2)
314. Try on the Wedding Dresses; The Wedding Ring (1)
315. Try on the Wedding Dresses; The Wedding Ring (2)
316. Moving Little Red Envelops (1)
317. Moving Little Red Envelops (2)
318. The Wedding (1)-Special Wedding Gift (1)
319. The Wedding (1)-Special Wedding Gift (2)
320. The Wedding (2)-A Warning in Advance (1)
321. The Wedding (2)-A Warning in Advance (2)
322. The Wedding (3)-Furious Lord Six (1)
323. The Wedding (3)-Furious Lord Six (2)
324. The Wedding (4)-Chu Yunhan and Yan Xiaoming (1)
325. The Wedding (4)-Chu Yunhan and Yan Xiaoming (2)
326. The Wedding (5) Had Someone Behind the Back; Those Things Before (1)
327. The Wedding (5) Had Someone Behind the Back; Those Things Before (2)
328. The Wedding (6) The Little Buns Took the 'Revenge' (1)
329. The Wedding (6) The Little Buns Took the 'Revenge' (2)
330. The Wedding (7)-Perform the Wedding Ceremony (1)
331 . The Wedding (7)-Perform the Wedding Ceremony (2)
332. The Banquet; Something Happened Again (1)
333. The Banquet; Something Happened Again (2)
334. One of the Chief Plotters; Revealing his Identity (1)
335. One of the Chief Plotters; Revealing his Identity (2)
336. The Imperial Family's Prestige (1)
337. The Imperial Family's Prestige (2)
338. An Eye for An Eye (1)
339. An Eye for An Eye (2)
340. Destroy Ling Chenghua (1)
341. Destroy Ling Chenghua (2)
342. The Wedding Night: Part One (1)
343. The Wedding Night: Part One (2)
344. The Wedding Night: Part Two (1)
345. The Wedding Night: Part Two (2)
346. Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow; Moneybag (1)
347. Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow; Moneybags (2)
348. Let the Enemies off in Order to Catch Them Later (1)
349. Let the Enemies off in Order to Catch Them Later (2)
350. The Pains About You Can't Get The One You Love (1)
351. The Pains About You Can't Get The One You Love (2)
352. Rebirth; The Once Blood(1)
353. Rebirth; The Once Blood(2)
354. The Appointment (1)
355. The Appointment (2)
356. Shadow Guards; Cooperation(1)
357. Shadow Guards; Cooperation(2)
359. Guessing; Zeng Shaoqing's Request (2)
360. The Sentiment of Departure(1)
361. The Sentiment of Departure(2)
362. School Thing; Hanling School? (1)
363. School Thing; Hanling School? (2)
364. New Plan to Make Money (1)
365. New Plan to Make Money (2)
366. Uncle Zhang, Can You Fly?(1)
367. Uncle Zhang, Can You Fly?(2)
368. The Naรฏve and Pure Little
369. The Naรฏve and Pure Little Black-bellied Thing (2)
370. Lord Six Acts Badly?; Go Back to the Palace! (1)
371. Lord Six Acts Badly?; Go Back to the Palace! (2)
372. Less Calculation, More Sincerity (1)
373. Less Calculation, More Sincerity (2)
374. The Only Empress (1)
375. The Only Empress (2)
376. Lessoned by His Son Again (1)
377. Lessoned by His Son Again (2)
378. Business; Plan for the Honeymoon (1)
379. Business; Plan for the Honeymoon (2)
380. Hot Pot; Little Foodie (1)
381. Hot Pot; Little Foodie (2)
382. A Series of Arrangements; Yuan Shaoqi (1)
383. A Series of Arrangements; Yuan Shaoqi (2)
384. Obstructive on Purpose? Centesimate! (1)
385. Obstructive on Purpose? Centesimate! (2)
386. The Exam (1)
387. The Exam (2)
388. Open A New Branch of Baiyunge
389. Finishing the Examination; Yuan Shaoqi's Identity
390. Poor Yan Yi
391. Get Listed! Here Comes the Imperial Edict
392. One Is Unbelievable Than the Other
393. Receiving the Imperial Edict; A New Level of Being Shameless
394. Someone! Beat him!
395. The Little Buns' Birthday (1)
396. The Little Buns' Birthday (2)
397. The Little Buns' Birthday (3)
398. Special Birthday Present (1)
399. Special Birthday Present (2)
400. Wang Family and Wang Family Broke the Ice (1)

358. Guessing; Zeng Shaoqing's Request (1)

338 20 0
By Xiaozhu14324

The Blessed Chapter 358

“It should be something in the past year. His condition is getting worse and worse. The imperial doctor’s diagnosis was that he was too worried about then national affairs and some chronic disease caused by cold. A few months ago, when he heard that Shengrui went missing, it was said he even vomited blood. But he hid it, so few people knew. We found it not right and let my mother to submit the token asking to see that hag, and knew it from her mouth. During the past few months, be it male or female concubines in both the East and West Palace, no one has had a chance to see him. The head of the imperial hospital was serving by his side in Yongfu Palace. So I guess his condition isn’t optimistic.”

About the emperor’s physical condition, both Yan Shengrui, who had been missing for several months, and Chu Yunhan, who had been on the run for three years, were in no position to say anything, so only Zeng Shaoqing could answer this question.

“Vomiting blood?”

To hear those sensitive words, Ling Jingxuan subconsciously thought of other possibilities. If it was commonly ulcer or respiratory disease, one would be likely to vomiting blood, or he had been beyond remedy now, but he thought those were all not quite possible, for the former one, if it was something like stomach ulcer or respiratory disease, it was impossible that the imperial doctor couldn’t find it. As for the latter, it had been a few months ago of him vomiting blood, if he had been beyond remedy, he should have died already now, how could he still hang in there? But as long as he was some kind of serious disease, he could never have survived for three months after vomiting blood. Of course, that was under the premise of general circumstances. Before seeing him in person, he dared not jump to conclusions.

“What are his pathological signs?”

Another possibility was that he got poisoned. Those who could have the chance to poison the emperor, except those few of them, he really didn’t know who else. At least, before Chu Yunhan resumed his position and Seven (Qi) was conferred as the crown prince, he couldn’t die.

“Are you suspecting that someone poisoned him?”

Yan Shengrui turned to look at him. Under the eyes of Zeng Shaoqing and Chu Yunhan were stained with a little bit of shocking feeling. It was not that they had never thought of such possibilities. But, who was so bold to have poisoned the emperor? If this was confirmed true, it should be kind of slow poison. And…that’d be sad. Maybe he was not a good husband, or a good father, but at least, to the civilians, he was a good emperor.

“It’s possible. Yunhan, if you can win his trust after going back, you let Seven take a detoxifying pill from me and feed him using some warm water. And observe it the next day if his symptoms decrease. He should have been poisoned. If not, maybe I overthink things. But remember, you can only feed him one, enough to alleviate it, but do not cure him, and you can’t tell him about it, in case someone may sink or swim and kill him.”

Curing him would be more troublesome. The main reason was he didn’t think that the present Yunhan would like to sleep with him. If that was the case, he’d only let him hang in there. And he only deserved to live sickly.

“Well, I will try to find a way, but, in case that it’s really some chronic poisoning, the one who poisoned him should be someone by his side. If we don’t tell him, I’m afraid…”

Chu Yunhan slightly frowned. He personally thought that he should tell him, so as to win more of his trust, which would be more convenient for him, wouldn’t it?

“Are you nuts? If you tell him everything, he’d definitely investigate it thoroughly. The one who is behind it should either be a concubine or a prince. And he would definitely put that person even his/her family to death. After he grows old, it is possible that he’d think that you played them off against each other on purpose. All emperors are incredulous. So we have to be careful. Besides, if you tell him the truth, he’d gather all doctors in the imperial hospital to cure him. By then, he’d get fully recovered. Do you want to share him with all those people in the harem? No emperor has a true heart for anyone. Yunhan, whether you ever loved him or not, don’t beg for a true heart from him. Or you’d be the only one who gets your heart hurt. You are still young. Why waste your good days on that kind of person?”

Maybe only the spectator sees things most clearly, or maybe Ling Jingxuan was too smart. He would always think things in a very long run, and also see things more deeply than others. Of course, those words were only some advice as a friend. Whether he liked hearing it or not, he had already said it. He was that kind of person. If he loved the emperor, then don’t take those words to his heart. And he shouldn’t cry and complain before him some day in the future. He hated people who had no brains and refused to listen to others’ advice most.

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Chu Yunhan fell in silence. If you asked him whether he loved the emperor, no! Be it in his previous life or this life! In his heart, the emperor was like his elder brother. They could always be courteous to each other like guests and treat each other with courtesy, but they could never be so sweet like Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui.
“Yunhan, I think what he said makes sense. You should listen to him.”

For fear that he might say things like he had feelings for the emperor, Zeng Shaoqing quickly echoed Ling Jingxuan, that pair of coquettish fox eyes were like hiding thousands of words. Even a blind person could tell. Pity that the one who was supposed to see it chose to turn a blind eye.

“Well, you’re right. I’ll see what I can do.”

Silence was just a moment. As he looked up, Chu Yunhan already formed a smile at the corner of his mouth. Zeng Shaoqing was already drowned in it. Yan Shengrui couldn’t help throwing him a scornful glance. But Ling Jingxuan showed great interest. Yunhan was like dull in relationships. It seemed that it’d be a long road to go for their Lord Six’s relationship thing.


The intent coughs called back someone’s attention. Yan Shengrui gave him a filthy look, “Lose no time for the blacksmith thing. After the New Year, I’ll send those weapons to the boarders in person.”

“So what do you want for privately forging weapons?”

Coming back to his sense, that pair of fox eyes already resumed the consistent shrewdness. As long as they went into this subject, Ling Jingxuan and Chu Yunhan came out. He nearly had forgotten about it.

“Not privately, just doing some experiment, Jingxuan has worked out the forging method of quality steels. So I plan to forge a batch of knives first and then take them to the boarders to try. If workable, I will report it to my imperial elder brother and ask him to allocate funds to purchase the forging method.”

Chapter end

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