Freiheit | eren x levi

By Euphyrus

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After a horrible and unforgettable accident has occurred to prince Eren, he is forced to trust almost no one... More

Act 1: Jäger
Act 2: Ehre
Act 3:Lügen
Act 4: Flucht
Act 5: Trainieren
Act 6: Schmerz
Act 7: Warnung
Act 8: Geliebt
Act 9: Konflikt
Act 10: Rache
Act 11: Schwache
Act 12: Krieg
Act 13: Kampf
Act 14: Schwierigkeiten
Act 15: Geheimnis
Act 16: Wahrheit
Act 17: Hassen
Act 18: Folter
Act 19: Traurigkeit
Act 20: Vergebung
Act 21: Geburtstag
Act 22: Bussel
Act 23: Schützen
Act 24: Lieblos
Act 25: Wunsch
Act 26: Bereiten
Act 27: Achtung
Act 29: Schlacht
Act 30: Schuld
Act 31: Allianz
Act 32: Freiheit

Act 28: Weglaufen

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By Euphyrus

"Be safe, don't get yourselves killed and be kind to strangers but if they seem threatening, don't be afraid to punch them on the spot if needed," Hanji told both Eren and Levi like a concerned mother. She was escorting them to the horses outside and her eyes looked a little glassy like she might cry any second.

"Whatever, four eyes," Levi said as he rolled his eyes.

"Also I'll be sure to send a bird if I have any important news," she added. "Hopefully good ones."

"Got it," Levi replied impatiently.

"Oh and keep Eren safe!"

"Of course."

Eren smiled and perked up at the mention of his name.

The sky was gloomy and dark that day and the cool wind weaved through their hair gently. The weather wasn't the best, but it didn't really matter anyways. A lot of soldiers and Erwin were seeing them off, saying small wishes of luck and goodbyes. A lot of them refused to meet Eren's eyes, maybe because he wasn't really a part of them or maybe just because he was The King's love interest. It didn't really bother him, by now he was already used to these kind of things.

He too would understand if he were ever in their position.

"Good luck, Your Majesty! Hopefully everything and everyone will be chill when you come back," Hanji said. "Oh and don't die!"

Levi cracked a small smirk. Dying was the last thing that was on his mind.

They got on their horses as Eren felt a giant pang of guilt deep within him. He wasn't sure if Armin knew he was going but he was leaving him again. He just felt bad that Armin came along despite all the risk and trouble just to make sure his prince was alright, but it was waste now that he wasn't a prince anymore and was running off with Levi.

He shook his head, he would remember to send his apologies and gratitude when he comes back. They started running off and didn't even look back once because that would make the both of them feel a little sad.

The wind blew fiercely on their face and the faint sun glistened down on them behind the pale, thin sheet of clouds above their green hooded heads. Their horses galloped at incredible speed and Eren felt as free as a released prisoner.

They zoomed towards the horizon and soon into the unknown.


They were past the borders now even though they didn't go through the giant gates but it was pretty obvious since it's been hours, in fact almost a day. They didn't do any walking but Eren was exhausted and his ass was sore from sitting on the horse for way too long.

The sun was already setting but he didn't want to complain, he had to trust Levi and he was sure that he was being taken far away from any of the three countries now; maybe even beyond that. It was getting dark and it made it even creepier that they were in the middle of a spooky looking forest.

"Eren?" The King called out as he looked over his shoulder.


"We're going to be resting for tonight. You look like shit and you look like you're going to faint," Levi told him.

"Thanks for your concern," Eren mumbled back.

Levi tugged at the reins and his horse skidded to a complete stop, neighing loudly and bowing its head. Eren's did the same and they jumped off, stretching their legs and slightly patting their sore bums. It was a cold evening and it was dark; Eren wasn't so sure if Levi even had a plan anymore.

"We can't go into a town right now, it's far too risky at the moment for two complete strangers to show up at such a dark hour like this," he said as if reading Eren's mind. "I'll take first watch while you sleep on the quilts."

"No way. I'll take first watch," Eren protested.

"Don't be stubborn, Eren, you look like you haven't slept in a million years."

"I'm fine," he persisted. "You don't look so good yourself, you sleep first."

"Eren," he said firmly.

"Levi," he told him back.

The short king took a few steps forward, approaching the taller male and aggressively grabbed the collar of his jacket so that they were both looking each other. He stood on his toes and yanked at his jacket so that their lips would meet, which was very unexpected.

Eren had to no clue what the hell was happening until their lips were open but it was already way too late to stop it. He felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs and he felt weak to the knees that he started to shake; that was what The King's kisses did to him. His eyes were fluttering close as if life was literally being sucked out of him.

Levi's hands moved to the nape of the taller male's neck while the other firmly held on to his waist. He nipped and licked at Eren's lower lip which always made him shudder and groan.

"Levi," Eren moaned in a slurred voice, "what are you doing?"

"Testing your physical state," he murmured against his mouth and sucked a little on his lip.

"What are you trying to prove?"

"I'm trying to prove how tired you really are. You're trembling, Eren."

"We're in the middle of a forest, you perverted asshole and you decide now to act this way?"

"Yes," he cooed and pulled back, biting lovingly on his shoulder and neck.

"Will you please stop?"

"I won't stop until you faint," he replied and went back to kissing his lips again. He was a little rough than usual but that was the point.

He was showing on mercy on this point and almost reached that level of ripping off Eren's shirt until he stumbled and fell but luckily Levi caught him in time.

"Surrender to me, fool," The King teased.

"Screw off," Eren replied as he attempted to push him away weakly and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. "You caught me off guard."

"Whatever. I'm doing first watch, now go to sleep, you little shit," Levi said as he tossed him a stuffed bag that seemed to be packed with things like quilts and blankets.

"Fine," Eren finally agreed stubbornly. He hated that he had no choice. "'Night."

"I'll wake you if anything happens."

"Okay. Also, I'm going to kick your ass if you surprise me like that again," Eren added with a yawn.

"I don't keep promises," Levi chuckled.

"I hate you," Eren said sarcastically.

"And I love you. Now go to sleep."

Eren dumped all the bag's contents onto the ground and arranged them. He went to sleep as soon as his eyes closed as Levi watched him closely. He mentally told himself that it was creepy of him to be watching a younger male sleeping but he couldn't resist the urge; looking at this boy was enough to cause him happiness that could last days and maybe weeks. This boy was too much.

He couldn't really believe that he once thought he wanted to kill this precious creation of a man. He sighed quietly as he grinned wistfully at where Eren was snoozing off. He really did have great regrets when he hurt him but he figured that's what love and denial did to a person; it made them do a lot of stupid things.

He was frustrated yet pleased with himself.


The first thing Eren did when he woke was punch Levi in the stomach, making The king grunt as his hard fist made contact with his skin.

"You were supposed to wake me up, you moron," Eren hissed angrily. "Instead you let me sleep the whole damn night when we were supposed to switch at some point."

He was glaring at him but even so, Levi had a very smug grin on his face and besides, he wasn't feeling very tired at all.

"Hey, don't be mad-"

"Well I am mad! How do you think I feel about this?"

"Calm down, Jaeger. It's no big deal because I don't feel tired anyways. Just think of this as a returning favor."

"A returning favor of what?" Eren questioned.

"Sleepless nights in the dungeon," The King said and Eren could have sworn that his eyes grew a little more darker.

It was morning but it was too dark as if it were evening because of all of the trees surrounding them. It wasn't a very bright day, but it wasn't like it mattered anyway.

"We should get going," Levi said, breaking the intensity that formed between the two in a small amount of time.

"Yes, sir."

They didn't take too long to pack and this morning was awfully awkward for some reason; maybe it was because of the fact that they were finally alone together changed their attitudes and atmosphere. Before long, they went on their horses once again and traveled towards unknown land filled with many risks and dangers.


Honestly Eren had no idea where they were going and he sure that Levi didn't really know either. His butt started to feel sore again. It was already late afternoon and all that he could see was just trees, trees, bushes and more damn trees.

"Where are we going anyway?" Eren finally asked after hours of silence.

"Somewhere that they probably wouldn't imagine finding us. Maybe an abandoned village or another forest," he answered with a click of his tongue.

"That sounds so savage," Eren replied.

"Yeah well I'm trying to do anything in order to keep you alive, shitty brat."

"You flatter me," he commented back sarcastically.

They continued on and it was pretty boring; the only thing that made Eren not died of boredom was the scenery of the sky. It was the color if a hazy looking orange melting into the now dark, celestial sphere. Was this the same sky that his mother and Mikasa could possibly be looking at now? Were they wondering where he was and what he was doing at this exact moment?

He was really feeling selfish and spoiled and he couldn't really fathom his situation right now. What would happen once they settle down for while? Would they not participate in war? What was the whole point of hiding if he was going to fight for Sina anyway?

Was Levi being a coward just because he cared about Eren's safety but honestly he wasn't afraid for himself, he was scared for the sake of Eren.

Which angered him in many ways.

Was he being a heavy burden?

"Eren," Levi called out to him, "I'm doing this because I want to. I don't like this ugly situation but it's what I choose," he finished as if reading his mind.

"I see..." Eren trailed off.

"You need to understand that I'd do anything for you, okay?"

"Hmm mm," he murmured. He was actually quite flattered. Levi didn't say things like this when he first met him, which means he found the soft, gentle part of him that wasn't cold and dangerous.

He managed to tame the beast of Sina.



this was a filler chapter in a way i am so sorry

this was a somewhat terrible chapter i aM SO SORRY

well school is finally out so expect more updates!

this fic will be ending soon...this will be fun

~Your Friend Takeshi

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