Patiently Waiting For You | H...

By nzcrsm

120K 3.6K 1K

"You are the love of my life," Y/N said. "I love you." "If loving me comes with shame," Hermione brea... More

|| Home
|| What Are We?
|| The Burrow
|| The Quidditch World Cup!
|| The Dark Mark
|| The Goblet of Fire
|| Date
|| Alastor Moody
|| Goblet
|| Jealousy
|| Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire
|| Cedric
|| The Hearing
|| The Crimson's Gone Mad!
|| Sirius
|| Dragons
|| Practice
|| Fight
|| Dragon Preparations
|| The First Task
|| Golden Egg
|| Girlfriend
|| "I Don't Want Your Love"
|| Ballroom Dance
|| Party
|| Entrance Hall
|| "Is She That Good In Bed?"
|| Mudblood
|| Second Task Preparations
|| The Second Task
|| 33. Dress (UN-EDITED)
|| 34. Can I kiss you? (UN-EDITED)
|| 35. How they walk (UN-EDITED)
|| 36. You're beautiful (UN-EDITED)
|| 37. The Yule Ball (UN-EDITED)
|| 38. Mine (UN-EDITED)
|| 39. Am I dreaming? (UN-EDITED)
|| 40. Prefects' Bathroom (UN-EDITED)
|| 41. Mermaids (UN-EDITED)
|| 42. Gillyweed (UN-EDITED)
|| 43. Treasure (UN-EDITED)
|| 44. Last (UN-EDITED)
|| 45. I love you, romantically (UN-EDITED)
|| 46. Mr. Crouch (UN-EDITED)
|| 47. You are no son of mine (UN-EDITED)
|| 48. Cuddles and Kisses (UN-EDITED)
|| 49. Third task (UN-EDITED)
|| 50. Some game (UN-EDITED)
|| 51. The Dark Lord's return (UN-EDITED)
|| 52. Death (UN-EDITED)
|| 53. Bye, bye, Miss American Pie (UN-EDITED)
|| 54. Sentient Energy Manifestation (UN-EDITED)
|| 55. I love you (UN-EDITED)
|| 56. I love you, I'm sorry (LAST CHAPTER)
Author's Note
|| The Yule Ball

|| The Triwizard Tournament

2.3K 81 49
By nzcrsm


The train glided smoothly along the tracks The overcast sky cast a gloomy atmosphere, matching the quiet atmosphere inside the compartment. Hermione was reading the Daily Prophet, while Y/N absentmindedly scrolled through her phone.

"Anything from the Trolley?" The Trolley Witch made her rounds.

Harry and Ron eagerly rose from their seats to purchase some candy. Y/N and Hermione remained seated, both engrossed in the items they held.

Y/N seized the little moment of silence and set her phone aside as she gently reached for Hermione's hand. The Gryffindor kept her gaze fixed on the passing scenery, pretending not to notice.

"'Mione," Y/N murmured softly, their hands intertwining. "I'm sorry."

Hermione continued to stare out the window, seemingly indifferent to Y/N's apology. The silence lingered between them, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety. Was Hermione still upset?

As the train rumbled on, Y/N cast a subtle glance at Hermione's reflection in the compartment mirror. A small, almost imperceptible smile played on Hermione's lips. Y/N raised an eyebrow.

Y/N squeezed Hermione's hand gently, knowing the game she was playing. Leaning in, she whispered in Hermione's ear, "I miss your voice, 'Mione."

Hermione's lips twitched, but she maintained her stoic expression. Y/N continued, "My love?"

Hermione shot Y/N a sidelong glance, a mixture of and mild irritation in her eyes. Undeterred, Y/N intertwined their fingers more tightly and added, "I love you."

Hermione finally turned her head, her eyes meeting Y/N's with a blush on her cheeks. Then turned away again, covering her face with her hand.  The corners of Hermione's mouth twitched, and a soft chuckle escaped her.

"You're so corny," Hermione grumbled.

"You're not mad anymore?" Y/N asked, her hand cupping Hermione's cheek.

"For a while," Hermione hummed. "I just wanted to.. see what'd you do."

Y/N glanced to the side. "Sorry for acting like an idiot the whole day."

"It's okay," Hermione said, reaching to push back a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear. "I love you too."


"What's your type of woman, Y/N?" Ron asked out of the blue, leaning over the windowpane.

Y/N looked puzzled, raising an eyebrow and placing her phone on her lap as she thought for a moment. "Dunno, really."

"I thought you'd say me," Hermione chimed in, a slight wrinkle forming on her forehead, slightly angsty by the fact that Y/N had to think about it.

"Oh, don't start fighting again—just made up, didn't you?" Harry exclaimed dramatically.

"How did you know we fought?" Y/N inquired.

"Maybe because you two haven't been snogging the whole ride," Ron snorted.

"Well," Y/N said, glancing over at Ron. "What's your type of woman, Ron?"

"Uh—" Ron blushed, chuckling.

"You asked me and I answered; only fair you should do it as well," Y/N insisted, cornering Ron with a skeptical smile.

Ron shifted uncomfortably, choosing his words carefully. "Well, someone with a bit of fire, you know? Fiery long hair, maybe some freckles, and, um, eyes that catch your attention—like, different colors, maybe."

Y/N smirked, catching the subtle description. "Sounds intriguing. What'd house do you want her to be?"

Ron stammered, "Oh, you know—maybe Hufflepuff, they're quite nice."

Harry interjected, "What's with the sudden interest in types, Ron? Got your eye on someone?"

Ron's cheeks turned even redder as he attempted to deflect. "Nah, just a general curiosity, that's all."


"They still don't know who conjured it?" Y/N inquired, leaning over to peruse the Daily Prophet. "Was there no security?"

"There were loads—according to my Dad," Ron chimed in, munching on a piece of candy. "Happened right under their noses; that's what worried them so much."

Y/N shifted her gaze to Harry, observing him scratch his scar once again. "It's hurting again, isn't it?"

"I'm fine," Harry reassured.

"So," Hermione interjected, glaring over at Y/N. "When will you bother writing a letter or sending a text to Sirius and Amaryllis?"

"What for?" Y/N asked.

"For what you saw in your nightmare," Hermione stated matter-of-factly.

"I saw a man cast a Death Eater spell," Y/N deadpanned, running her hands through her hair. "That's it. I don't see anything significant enough that I'd need to tell Sirius and Mom."

"Just tell them, Y/N," Hermione ordered, giving Y/N an unimpressed glare.

Y/N attempted to protest, "But—"

"No buts," Hermione cut off sternly, leaving no room for argument.

"But Hermione, it's not like it's a big deal," Y/N insisted, raising an eyebrow.

Hermione sighed, her expression unwavering. "Y/N, we're talking about Death Eater activity. It is a big deal, Sirius and more so your own Mom deserve to know."

Y/N crossed her arms, a stubborn glint in her eyes. "I can handle myself, 'Mione. I don't need to burden them with every little thing."

Hermione's gaze softened, and she spoke with a touch of concern, "It's not just about you, Y/N." 

"Fine," Y/N huffed, then glanced over at Harry. "Take out your quill and paper."


Y/N and the others stepped off the train, ensuring they hadn't forgotten anything in the compartment before exchanging satisfied thumbs-up. A line of a hundred horseless carriages awaited them outside the station. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Y/N chose one and hopped in.

The rain poured down, thoroughly soaking their clothes and belongings. Y/N silently thanked both the heavens and her foresight in selecting a waterproof bag to protect her electronics.

"Y/N," someone tapped on her shoulder.

Y/N turned around, greeted by the familiar face of her younger sister. "Agil!"

"Just wanted to say hi," Agil grinned from the side of the carriage, accompanied by a few friends holding umbrellas.

"You look quite dashing," Y/N snorted, noticing Agil's longer hair, in contrast to her usual short bob that she got before every school year started. "Your hair—?"

Agil smiled, glancing briefly at Ron before turning her gaze back to Y/N. "I wanted to try something different."

"It suits you," Y/N nodded, and she thought she caught a hint of a blush on Agil's cheeks.

"Thanks," Agil said rather shyly. "Just wondered if you wanted any umbrellas? Hagrid's handing them out, but I think you might have missed them so I grabbed some for you."

Y/N grinned, "Thanks."

"See you at school," Agil bid, waving as she and her group boarded their own carriage.

Y/N reciprocated the wave and redirected her attention to her own friends. Hermione rested on her shoulder, while Harry unfurled the umbrella Y/N had handed him. Y/N couldn't help but notice Ron's face—wait, was Ron blushing?

"You okay?" Y/N inquired, raising an eyebrow at the unmistakable flush on Ron's face.

"Yeah," Ron replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"You look red," Y/N observed.

"I'm—it must be because of the rain," Ron dismissed, shrugging his shoulders.

Y/N grinned playfully, "Sure."

Ron stammered, clearly flustered, "I-I, erm, maybe it's just... the humidity?"

Hermione lifted her head from Y/N's shoulder and cast a knowing glance at Ron. "Ron, you're terrible at hiding things."

Y/N joined in the teasing, "Come on, Ron. You can tell us anything."

Ron sighed, realizing he was cornered. "Alright, alright. It's just... Agil's hair. I mean, it's longer, and she looks different, but in a good way, you know?"

Y/N and Hermione exchanged amused glances before bursting into laughter. "Looks like Weasley has eyes on my little sister!" Y/N teased, nudging him playfully, her voice loud enough that Agil could hear.

"Shut up," Ron mumbled, but a sheepish grin betrayed his embarrassment.

The carriage continued its journey through the Hogwarts grounds, the rain beginning to let up. The horseless carriage carried them through the damp and misty grounds of Hogwarts. Despite the rain, the castle loomed majestically ahead, its towers obscured by the thick clouds. 


Y/N hoisted her drenched robe from the bottom up with mild disgust as it dripped with rainwater. Scowling slightly, she took a step in line, facing Professor McGonagall, who had her wand at the ready.

"Raise your arms to the side," McGonagall instructed, tapping Y/N's bicep.

"I can't, Professor," Y/N groaned dramatically.

"And why not?" McGonagall asked, staring at her blankly.

"I lifted heavy weights the day before, and my body's so sore—" Y/N began, purposely pestering the older woman.

"Arms up, Crimson!" McGonagall interjected, letting out a heavy sigh. "Unless you'd want house points deducted from Ravenclaw before the feast has even begun."

"Just a joke, Professor," Y/N said cheekily, sending her a playful-apologetic stare as she raised her arms to the side.

"Exaresco!" McGonagall incanted with a flick of her wrist.

Instantly, Y/N's robes were no longer dripping wet. McGonagall shot her an unimpressed look, ushering the girl over to the front door to join the others in the Great Hall as she dried off more students.

Y/N was ready to head towards the Gryffindor table when she heard McGonagall call her, as if the professor already anticipated her move. "Stay at your own table, Y/N!"

"I missed you too, Professor!" Y/N exclaimed from the other side of the room.


"I'd like to make a few announcements," announced Dumbledore as he stood at the podium. "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well."

"What is this about?" Y/N said, but she was more so talking to herself as she yawned, wanting nothing more thant to crash at her dorm and go to sleep.

"Dunno," a random girl shrugged.

Y/N glanced over her shoulder, noticing a girl with straggly, waist-length dirty-blond hair and a dazed, dreamy look on her face. "Who're you?"

"Luna Lovegood, nice to meet you!" Luna introduced with a smile.

"I've never seen you before," Y/N said, raising an eyebrow, then it clicked—she was one of the girls Agil was hanging around with. "I know you! You're Agil's friend, aren't you?"

"Yes," Luna said plainly.

"Nice to meet you?" Y/N said uncertainly, a bit put off by the way she spoke.

"You're quite popular. I've heard a lot about you," Luna replied. Y/N smiled awkwardly, a bit off put as the girl maintained unbroken eye contact, but she turned her focus back to Dumbledore.

"The Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore declared. "The Triwizard Tournament brings together four schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete."

"If chosen, you stand alone," Dumbledore warned. "These contests are not for the faint-hearted—but more on that later!"

Dumbledore continued, "Now, let's welcome our esteemed guests from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Ilvermony The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Durmstrang Institute!"

The Great Hall doors gracefully swung open, revealing a group of students from Beauxbatons entering with an elegant dance-like movement. Clad in exquisite blue uniforms, they moved with a fluid grace, accompanied by the soft tinkling of music that filled the air.

Among them, a blonde-headed girl with striking features met Y/N's gaze and sent her a wink. Y/N instinctively raised her hand to her cheek, feeling it warm, before offering a weak smile and glancing to the side awkwardly, Luna giving her a curious look.

"What a big woman," Luna's voice cut through Y/N's flushed moment, her eyes focused on the Headmistress.

"That's a bit harsh," Y/N commented, and Luna simply shrugged.

Y/N looked over her shoulder, seeing Hermione from the Gryffindor table glaring at her. Y/N shot her a confused expression before she saw Hermione's gaze direct over at the same blonde-headed girl that winked at her.

"Sorry," Y/N mouthed.

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked away.

"And here, from Durmstrang Institute!" Dumbledore announced, and another set of doors opened to reveal students in striking red robes, entering with disciplined precision. Their presence exuded an air of strength and determination.

"Is that Viktor Krum?" Aurora snorted from the other side of the table.

Y/N briefly locked eyes with Aurora; their friendship hadn't been the same, a shift since the incident and the subsequent lies. Y/N felt a sense of bitterness, not just towards Aurora but also Seraphina and Sophie for believing her. She chose to keep her distance, partly to avoid them and partly due to her own worries about Hermione's potential jealousy.

Aurora looked away, and Y/N studied her for a moment, noting subtle changes. She, too, averted her gaze and focused on the show the Durmstrang boys were putting on, letting out a subtle chuckle at their theatrical performance.

"Now," Dumbledore's voice echoed through the room. "Ilvermorny, The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

The Great Hall doors swung open once more, revealing students from Ilvermorny, their entrance like a cheerleader dnace. Y/N's attention shifted from the performance to the newcomers, looking at their red-blue uniforms.

As the Ilvermorny students made their way to the front, Y/N caught sight of a girl with a jet-black bob, exuding an air of confidence. The girl's back was turned to Y/N, hiding her face from view. She proudly wore the Ilvermorny uniform, adorned with the distinctive colors of her school.

Suddenly, the girl with the black hair turned around, meeting Y/N's gaze for a brief moment. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the face all too well. She tensed in her seat, lips parting and eyes widening.

"Evangeline?" Y/N breathed, unable to tear her eyes away from the girl, looking at her as if she couldn't believe she was real; but much to her dismay—she was.

The edges of Evangeline's mouth curved into a smirk that stretched from ear to ear—an almost cunning expression that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. It was a smirk that brought memories of the past rushing back.

As the feast continued, Y/N found herself staring blankly at her plate, her attention diverted from the festivities and the rest of Dumbledore's speech about the Triwizard Tournament. Students from the other schools settled into their seats, and they tried to say "Hi" but Y/N could only give them a blank stare.


Evangeline Silverthorn played by Alice Pagini

A/N : shes hot dont lie

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