In the Shadow of Power - Hogw...

By CaptMarvelous

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Alayna Donellan is finally attending Hogwarts starting as a fifth year, but she gets more than she bargains f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 25

66 4 0
By CaptMarvelous

"Bombarda!" Natty shouted the spell and despite the distance they stood from the camp, Alayna watched as the spell struck one of the poachers right in the chest and sent them flying head over heels. The rest watched in shock for a moment before turning to where the spell had originated. Most of them began charging up the hill at them although one remained in the camp and began fighting back immediately. Alayna was so shocked herself that Natty had cast a spell at that distance that she almost forgot she was supposed to be adding her support once the poachers ran up the hill. 

"Diffindo!" Alayna shouted, catching one of the poachers across the chest before ducking behind a tree as a spell came flying from the poacher that had remained in the camp. Natty was trying to take care of that one, leaving the rest to Alayna. The one she had struck fell to the ground screaming, rolling down the hill a little while the rest tried their best to run up the hill. Two others were still huffing their way towards them. 

One of them was falling behind and instead of trying to continue, decided to stand where they were and cast at them. Alayna stepped out fully from behind the tree and cast Protego to deflect their spell. She wished she could direct the deflection so they would hit other enemies. Perhaps it was something to ask Professor Hecat about later. Instead, she cast her own spell at the poacher closest to them around the same time Natty cast towards the one in the distance. The poacher Alayna cast at was so focused on climbing the hill and watching her steps that she only had time to look up before being slashed across the chest by Diffindo.

"Nice work, Alayna!" Natty cheered her on. It was short work to take care of the last poacher who, upon seeing his other comrades fall, turned to run back to the camp. He tried to protect himself along the way, but with two against one he stood no chance.

"I don't see anyone else in the camp," Alayna commented once all of the poachers had been knocked out. No sign of Archie either, which was concerning.

"You're right. Maybe they took Archie somewhere else?" Natty suggested. "Let's go take a look anyway. There might be other clues and evidence in the camp we can use." Alayna nodded and the two girls carefully ran down the hill, maneuvering around the unconscious poachers and into the camp. 

The camp itself felt pretty empty besides the tents that had been erected. There were no cages full of magical creatures or crates of supplies stacked in or between them.

"Where is everything?" Alayna asked out loud. Natty pulled back the entrance flap to one of the tents.

"Alayna, over here!" Natty shouted and waved her over. When she joined the girl at the entrance to the tent and looked inside, she saw more than what she was expecting. Rather than a space the size of, well, the tent, she was looking into merely an entranceway to a much larger space within. "They're using an Extension Charm." Alayna had never heard of such a thing before, but she could understand what that meant just by the name alone. Somehow, the poachers had made the tent bigger on the inside using magic. Which meant there was likely a whole lot more inside.

"They must have taken Archie in here then."

"My thoughts exactly." Natty held back the flap of the tent to allow Alayna to enter first and then followed after. The flap fell behind them, blocking out the natural afternoon sunlight and casting them into dim light. Alayna blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the darker light. 

The interior didn't look like what one would expect to find inside of a tent. It looked more like a fortress. Wooden structures made up the interior, almost like they were fortifying the otherwise flimsy exterior. As Natty and Alayna moved further in, they could see that here was where the poachers were keeping their prizes. They entered a large chamber onto a platform overlooking a pit within. Lining the room were cages, some with magical creatures and some still empty. In one of the cages in the middle of the room was a young boy: Archie.

Natty tapped Alayna on the shoulder to draw her attention to a wooden staircase leading down along the edge of the pit. Nodding, Alayna followed after Natty to the lower level as quietly as they could. They ducked behind a stack of supply crates that had also been piled up in the chamber.

"We have to get him out of here," Natty whispered. Thankfully, Harlow was nowhere in sight. Alayna didn't want to run into him, but there were still a number of poachers keeping an eye on the kid, presumably until Harlow decided what to do with him.

"Only one way out." Alayna raised her wand to indicate her plan. Natty raised her wand in solidarity and then moved to the other side of the crates so they could both jump out in different directions and surprise the poachers.

"Diffindo!" Alayna jumped out from behind the crates and sent the spell slicing in the direction of one of the poachers. They barely had time to react before the spell was cutting into them and the man fell to the ground. Natty jumped out too and took out one of the other poachers. Four more turned in their direction. One of them, a woman, looked a bit tougher than the others. She was quick to fire off spells at both Natty and Alayna forcing them to protect themselves rather than continue to attack. Not only that, but the other poachers soon joined in so that it seemed that their surprise attack had been turned on them and they were being forced back instead.

Alayna ducked behind an empty cage to gain some cover from the barrage of incoming attacks. She couldn't keep protecting herself forever and never attack back. Eventually, she would tire out and be unable to do anything. The poachers were sure to have more stamina than she or Natty. Especially the one woman that looked like their boss. She was quick with her spells.

"Diffindo!" Alayna peeked out from behind the cage and cast at the poacher on the left. Natty was still struggling out in the open, she needed to give her support before she got injured. The spell slashed across the chest of the poacher and he stumbled back, falling into a crate that shattered under his weight. The boss turned her attention Alayna's way, forcing her to duck back behind the cage to avoid the spell flying her way. Instead of trying to peek out from her hiding place again, Alayna began to move. The poacher was probably watching her location now and would fire as soon as she poked her head out, so she inched around the cage along the outer edge of the pit keeping to the cover as she went. She could try to get behind the poachers and flank them, but there were gaps between the crates and cages that risked her being seen.

Rather than attempt that, Alayna continued to peek from behind her cover to fire at the poachers. Then she switched locations sometimes moving left, sometimes moving right to keep them on their toes. It was just enough chaos to keep the three remaining poachers from focusing on Natty. Now they had to watch their backs and keep an eye on Natty, which also left the Gryffindor opportunities for attack.

The tides turned swiftly once more and Natty and Alayna together took down two more poachers leaving only the boss lady left standing.

"Come out here and fight!" she shouted, sending a blast of Confringo towards the crates she'd seen Alayna duck behind. The wood exploded and splintered around her, forcing her to cover her face to protect herself. She felt the splinters scratch at her skin as they flew around her. Well, if it was a fight she wanted it was a fight she would get. Alayna stood up and stepped out into the center of the pit. There was a brief pause in fighting as they all faced off, wands raised, waiting for someone to make the first move.

"Two students broke into our camp," the lady laughed. "Wait until Harlow hears about this."

"Perhaps you should not underestimate us," Natty replied. "Bombarda!" Natty was fast, but not fast enough to hit the woman before she threw up Protego. However, the woman was not fast enough for the follow up attack that Alayna sent her way in perfect timing with Natty's own strike. A blast from Confringo sent her flying across the space and into a pile of empty cages where she lay limp.

"I think it's over," Alayna huffed. Natty was the first to run over to the cage that Archie was in and unlocked the padlock keeping it closed.

"You're safe now," she spoke soothingly. "Your mother is very worried about you."

"Thank you...that man called Harlow. He killed my father," Archie spoke sadly. Natty and Alayna shared a sad look. He knew what had happened then.

"It's alright, Archie. We won't let him get away with it, but first we should get you safely back to your mother," Alayna reached over to place a hand on his arm, bending over a little to be closer to his level. The poor child had been through so much.

With Archie safe in their hands, the girls quickly exited the tent and escorted the boy back to the arms of his mother in Lower Hogsfield. As soon as he saw her outside their home in the hamlet, he ran to her.

"Oh, Archie. My boy," Mrs. Bickle looked at Natty and Alayna with fresh tears in her eyes. "Thank you for bringing him back safe."

"Of course, Mrs. Bickle. It was the right thing to do," Natty responded. Alayna beckoned her to step away to give the two a few moments to themselves.

"I'm glad Archie is safe now," Natty sighed as they looked out across the lake.

"And it does seem he saw what happened...he could still be in danger if that's true," Alayna pointed out. Harlow might not give up so easily if he was worried that Archie could give evidence against him.

"You're right. I wish there was something more we could do to help."

"Short of posting a watch over their house, there's not much we can do."

"We should at least tell Officer Singer. She might be able to do something, maybe she could help arrange for them to travel elsewhere for the time being." There was a chance the two of them could leave the valley for a time while the case was being built against Harlow.

Alayna and Natty returned to speak with Mrs. Bickle as Archie went inside of their home.

"Archie tells me that some of my husband's friends might be in danger too. If only he hadn't gotten involved in all of this..." Mrs. Bickle sniffed and wiped at her cheeks.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Alayna asked. "Who are these friends?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Rabe and Mr. Philbert, Archie says. They've all been involved with Harlow in one way or another. But you've done more than enough. The last thing we need is that monster coming after you." Alayna bit her cheek to keep herself from mentioning that Harlow and Rookwood were technically already after her. She appreciated the sentiment though. Plus, she knew Natty was going to ignore Mrs. Bickle's advice as well.

"We're sorry about your husband, Mrs. Bickle. Please, stay safe," Natty said.

"Thank you, we will." Mrs. Bickle turned to head inside to be with her son leaving Alayna and Natty alone once more.

"I'll look into those names she mentioned. If nothing else, we should at least warn them that they might be in danger," Natty said as they walked away from the hamlet and back to the castle.

"Agreed. I hope we can avoid another casualty because of people like Harlow and Rookwood," Alayna nodded.

They were mostly silent on the way back, ruminating over how they could possibly take down Harlow when he was willing to go to such lengths to avoid the law. Alayna felt the same way about Rookwood and Ranrok too. She had no idea how she and Professor Fig were supposed to stop them, especially since the Keepers weren't much help either. At the castle gates, the girls said their goodbyes and Alayna returned to her room to prepare for her evening of astronomy. At least she felt good knowing they had managed to rescue Archie before any more harm could come to him.

The following day, Alayna returned to her dorm after breakfast to find a note waiting for her on her desk. It was from Professor Fig asking her to visit him at her earliest convenience. She knew exactly what it was about even though that was all the note said. He wanted to return to the map chamber. Alayna took a deep breath to steel herself for what was to come. Completing another trial would bring her closer to finding out the secret the Keepers were keeping, but she still hated the idea of having to prove herself. She just hoped there wouldn't be another giant knight to fight at the end of it.

"Professor Fig?" Alayna knocked on his office door as she opened it. Expecting him to be at his desk, she was surprised to see him stand from one of the chairs by the fireplace.

"Alayna, come in. I assume you got my note then?" he asked. He didn't invite her to sit down, another sign that they wouldn't be staying in his office long.

"Yes, I understand we've given Lodgok ample time to return with information, but-"

"But, you're not too keen on going back to the map chamber and completing another trial," Professor Fig finished for her. "I had a feeling that would be the case. Ranrok may be growing ever closer to his goal though while we sit around and do nothing."

"I know, which is why I am only reluctant to go not unwilling. If it must be done then let's at least get it over with," Alayna sighed. 

"Don't worry, you can let me do the talking," Professor Fig offered and gestured for her to lead the way out of his office. They navigated through the castle back down to the dungeons where the entrance to the map chamber was. Alayna grew more nervous with each step, especially as they began to descend the staircase. 

The map chamber looked the same as ever, with two of the large paintings across the space filled with the images of Percival Rackham and Charles Rookwood. They both turned to them as they approached.

"It's been a while," Percival Rackham greeted them. "Do you have any news?"

"Not much, I'm afraid. We made a goblin ally whom we enlisted to find information for us, but we've yet to hear back from them unfortunately. We're unsure what happened to them," Professor Fig spoke while Alayna stood quietly beside him, staring at the ground.

"That is unfortunate..." Charles Rookwood murmured.

"But I grow increasingly concerned that Ranrok continues to work towards his goal while we are unable to progress," Fig pointed out. "I hoped that our attempt to gain information would satisfy you for now that we could continue the trials."

"What do you think, Charles? Gaining information on Ranrok does sound to be troublesome, we may have to be content with what we know," Percival Rackham asked his companion.

"Indeed, I would have liked to know more, but with his distrust of wizardkind it would be hard to get close yourselves. I applaud your attempt at making an ally in a goblin, but I do think we can move on with the trial now." Charles nodded and as Professor Fig and Alayna turned to the map in the floor they saw another light emerge.

"I know that place!" Alayna exclaimed when she saw where the light was. "That's near Feldcroft."

"Rookwood Castle, to be exact. I will meet you there, but do be careful. I have seen and heard goblins wandering about there," Charles Rookwood warned.

"I told you there were tons of goblins in Feldcroft," Alayna said to Professor Fig as they left to begin their journey to Feldcroft.

"And I did believe you. Once again Ranrok knows where the trials are. I wonder what exactly it is he is looking for at these places?"

"Maybe we'll find out once we get there. Sebastian mentioned that they were digging for something," Alayna told him. "Speaking you think we could ask Sebastian to come along with us? He's a good dueler and I know he'd love a chance to get revenge on the goblins."

"I appreciate the sentiment, Alayna, but as I've said before I would rather not get others involved in this." Professor Fig's tone suggested that there was no room for discussion, but Alayna had to try.

"I know...but he does know about what's been going on and I figure we could use all the help we can get in making our way into Rookwood Castle."

"Hm, I think we can handle it ourselves, but on the off chance that I think we might need back up, perhaps we can enlist young Sallow's aid." Alayna took it as a small victory. It would be good to have a backup plan as well in case getting in by themselves proved too difficult.

With Professor Fig, traveling to Feldcroft took no time at all. Once they stepped outside of the castle grounds, he was able to apparate the two of them to the hamlet's outskirts. Being the first time Alayna had apparated, however, she found it to be a wildly unpleasant experience wholly unlike the teleportation she experienced through ancient magic. She much preferred their portals and weird mirror doors to apparating. Her stomach felt like it had been tossed into a jar and shaken around. It took all of her effort to keep herself from throwing up in a bush nearby. Even traveling by portkey hadn't been nearly as disorienting. She was definitely glad that she wouldn't have to learn how to do that herself until later.

"Are you alright?" Professor Fig checked on her as they landed.

"Just give me a minute." Alayna covered her mouth, as if that would help prevent her from spewing out her breakfast. After a few minutes, the nausea passed though and she felt better. Professor Fig had stepped up on a small hill to survey the area.

"That's the castle over there," Alayna pointed out as she joined him. "Sebastian said that's where all the goblins come from, so it's sure to be heavily guarded."

"Hm, it does appear that way. It will be tricky to get inside, we must be very careful." Alayna nodded in agreement, she'd already fought plenty of poachers yesterday. She'd rather avoid another fight today if she could. The two of them carefully made their way across the rather open expanse to the castle under the cloak of Disillusionment in the hopes that no one would spot them making their way to its gates.

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