Half Fire & Ice meets Hydra-N...

By EllyAizawa

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This is about a girl named Elly who joins U.A. in Japan a month late. She's a bit shy. But when she first se... More

The Beginning. Chapter 1:
Old Friends and Hero Training with Bakugo. (Gone Wrong.) Chapter 2:
The BIG Question/The Panic Attack. Chapter 3:
The Emotional Talks, and Grocery Shopping Disasters. Chapter 4:
The Truth Comes Out, Meetings, and Visiting Rei Todoroki. Chapter 5:
The Confession, Meltdown Leading to Nezu, and Visiting Tensei Iida. Chapter 6:
Getting to know you, and a Surprise. Chapter 7:
Talks About The Past, and IMMENSE News. Chapter 8:
Cousins??, Tests, and Talks About Adoption Chapter 9:
UA Sports Festival P2, and Court days. Chapter 11:
Hangouts, Encounter Confinements, & A Special Announcement. Chapter 12:
Secrets & Back To America. Chapter 13:
This Is Not Goodbye & Finding Family pt 2. Chapter 14:
Rori Shuzenji, Dorms(+ rules), & Izu's Quirk Backstory. Chapter 15:
Intern decisions & Visiting Tensei again (+ additions). Chapter 16:
The Dorm Chaos Starts & Disabilities. Chapter 17:
Learning 2 Of The Main Problem Children's Past.. Chapter 18:

Discussing the problem at hand, UA SF P1, & Finding Family. Chapter 10:

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By EllyAizawa

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to make this. I got writers block quite a bit plus i'm working on like 4 other ffs and 3 other things that go w/ this ff. Sooo yea. Now on to it! Enjoy! {might have some angst cant remember rn.} Theres def fluff.)

Shota's phone rings.

*"Hello Aizawa speaking."* "I didn't think she'd call so quickly, I guess I'll call Nezu after." He thinks.

*"Ah yes, Aizawa-kun, this is Inko."*

*"Oh, hello Inko. How are you?"*

*"I'm great, thank you. I just heard the news from Izuku. How are you?"*

*"I'm alright. Thanks for asking. I just wanted to know if it's ok if you, me, the kids, and principal Nezu could all have a little meeting about what's going on?"*

*"Of course. Just let me know the time and date and I'll be there."*

*"Alright I'll text it to you after I call Nezu about this situation since he'll have to call in the social worker and most likely her sister will come too."*

*"Ok. No rush dear. Have a good night."*

*"You too."* He says, then, hangs up dialing Nezu's number.

The phone barely rings once before it's picked up.

*"Ah Aizawa-kun. Calling about the adoption situation?"*

*"I- yes..."* "I'm not even gonna ask..."

*"Good, good. Well I've already called her social worker and they're available on Friday after the sports festival and school or on Saturday so tell Mrs. Midoriya and once she gives her answer I'll know no need to message me. Have a good night, Shota try and get some sleep ok?"*

*"Yes, sir. Good night."*

Then they hang up. Aizawa then tells Inko who agrees to the Saturday date and now he's making sure that Elly's going to bed.

She's talking with Shoto when Aizawa says, "Alright problem children you gotta hang up. It's time for bed."

She pouts with her ears down and her tail flat and she gives him the puppy dog eyes.

"That's not gonna work on me, nice try." He says.

Then she shifts to her neko form and gives him the kitten eyes.

"I-" He looks away. "No. Just no. How dare you use one of my weaknesses against me."

She laughs as Nessa walks in.

"What's going o-" She pauses. "Ooohh~ I see." She smirks. "Tsk tsk tsk little sister."

Todoroki is still on the phone just sitting there trying not to laugh loudly.

"Ok kiddo if you don't hang up I guess I'll have to tell Vince you can't talk to him~!" She teases.

~"What?! Ok. Ok!"~ She signs to Nessa then looks back to Shoto and signs, *~"Sorry Shoto I gotta go."~*

*"Alright see you tomorrow."* He smiles then hangs up.

"Good now try to sleep, kid. By the way, you two, Nezu, Inko, and Midoriya and I are gonna have a chat with your social worker on Saturday."


"This'll be a giant mess..." Nessa says.

"You're absolutely correct. Well goodnight problem child." Shota says and kisses Elly's forehead.

"Night my Scorpius Light."

~"Night sis. Night dad."~ She signs, then they turn out the light and leave.


After they got to the living room.

"So really how bad have her night terrors been? When she sleeps that is..."

"Pretty bad actually... I had gotten her some therapy with our school guidance counselor Hound Dog. He says that she's progressing. Slowly but still. I know one of the night terrors she had was actually about you. And the funny thing is; after we got her to open up about it you texted."


"Most times she does her counseling with Shoto. He had usually gone after lunch but ever since her first session they usually go together. They're so inseparable. She's also close to Midoriya, Jiro, and Tenya."

"Yea she gets attached easily and quite quickly I might add if she trusts them. She always can seem to read someone like a book. In fact when I first introduced Vincent to the family she immediately went to him. And she was like 3 I think. And at that point she was EXTREMELY shy. So that surprised everyone."

He chuckles. "You seem to have a way with kids. You'll be a great mother."

"Th-thanks Sh-shota-k-kun..."

"No problem and you can drop the kun."


"Tell me more about how she's with people."

"Hmm... ok. I remember this one time that me, her, and Vincent were out walking in the park. I believe she was no more than 6 or 7. And there was this ice cream truck and Vince went to get ice cream for us while we waited and I didn't know it at the time but there was this guy following us. And while we waited he tried to take us. He said 'Hey little girls can you help me find my kids? I lost them playing hide and seek.' And without thinking I replied 'Sure mister.' But I guess she had gotten this bad feeling about him and started to yank me away towards Vincent. I just thought she was excited for ice cream so i told the man, 'Sorry she's just really excited for the ice cream my friend is bringing. Let me go get it and we'll help you look.' And as we started walking off he grabbed me and covered my mouth. I saw her turn white as a ghost then look like she was gonna hurt him. She tried but she was still trying to figure her quirks out so instead she ran to Vince and dragged him our way and Vince used his glitch and trapped the man in a hypnosis and made him let go. From that day I learned to read her face and body language VERY carefully."

"Wow!" He says shocked and amazed.


💙💜🐺🐾 (T.S to the next morning.)

Hizashi comes banging on the door with Nem and Ten behind him.

"I don't think that was a very good idea uncle and plus it's rude."

He just shrugs as Vanny opens the door with Shota trailing behind with Elly.

"Oh, Hizashi, Nemuri, Tenya!" She says.

"Can you move Vanessa."

"Sure Shota."

She moves back and he goes to the door, pulls Tenya in then slams the door in Nemuri and Hizashi's faces.

Tenya and Vanessa just look bewildered.

"Uncle, that wasn't very nice!" Tenya scolds.

"I don't care, they woke me up at like 5:00 in the morning and I can't blame you since you seem to have been dragged here."

"I- well you're half correct. It's 6:00 A.M actually."

And as soon as he said that Shota and Elly's alarms go off.

Shota sighs. As he walks towards his room he says, "Fine. Let them in but tell them that they have to cook breakfast for the next week."

As for Elly she already has her phone so she had just stopped the alarm as soon as it started.

Tenya opens the door and tells them exactly what Shota said.

"That's fine, I wanted to make something anyhow." Nemuri says.

"Would you like any help?" Nessa and Zashi ask at the same time.

"Sure. Zashi, can you help me cook and Ness if you could set the table?"

"Sure." Vanessa smiles.

"Of course, what're we makin' Nemi?

"I'm sorry we disturbed your sleep." Tenya says to Elly.

~"It's ok."~

"Were you able to get any sleep?"



~"No, not much."~ She signs, staring at the ground.

Tenya hugs her.

"Wanna vent about it?"

She breaks the hug and signs, ~"No, I'm fine, thanks."~

Finally Shota comes back.

"Took you long enough. What'd you do, fall asleep?"

"Nemuri~." He warns in a dangerous tone. "You're already on thin ice with me this morning. Don't. Let it crack."

Vanny quietly chuckles to herself from the ice reference since she, Vincent, his brother, and their childhood friend love to ice skate.

~"Hey i have a question."~

"Hm? What is it, little listener?"

~"Are we allowed to change our hero names?"~

"Yea as long as it's finalized before internships end." Nemuri says. "Why'd you ask? Do you want to change yours?"

She nods. ~"Yea, I realized that HydraRoxy™ sounds to similar to Hydroxy. So I was thinking of changing it to just Roxy."~

"That can work, I like it!" Nem says.

"Nemuri, pay attention to the food before you burn it."

"Yea, yea, chill Sho."

"Hizashi, what is your plan with Hatsume-san?"

"Did you just rhyme?" They all question.

"I-" He sighs and facepalms.

"Not on purpose, leave me alone and tell me what's gonna happen."

"No can do Sho!"

"Hizashi~ You're also on thin ice with me this morning. I suggest you be careful. My patience is extremely thin right now."

"Aw cheer up Sho! Hey, maybe breakfast will get you in the mood!"

"Speaking of which, it's finished~." Nem says.

"Good. I'm hungry."


After they all sat down and got everything adjusted and served.

"So how's the situation about the adoption going to go Shota?" Nessa asks.

"Well on Saturday you, the kids, Mrs. Midoriya, Nezu the social worker and I will have a discussion on how we found this information out." He says directing that to Nemuri and Elly. "And when and how the first court date to take care of this is. And you will most likely have to be present in court seeing that even though you cannot adopt you can still have your say in this."

"Sounds confusing and honestly scary."

"It is."

"I have a question, will we get to come to court for support or anything like that?" Tenya asks.

"Well yes. But you and the rest of the group may be called up as witnesses or anything else along with Hizashi and Nemuri."

"What for exactly?"

"Well the first reason is on how you found it and to show that you watched her find it however it was. And the second for you, Nemuri, and Hizashi, is like if they ask if I'm a good person, have I ever done anything to a child or whatever they ask. Nezu will probably also have to come since they also check background info and to see if I'm being too harsh on the students or whatever. All you have to do is be honest."

"Mmm... I see. Quite a lengthy process."


"Do you think they'll try to get Tensei to come, uncle?"

"Most likely but he can't because of medical reasons. But if they want to badly enough they'll figure a way. Like video calling or something."



Later it's time for them to go to school.

"Alright time to go. Vanessa you get to come today. Nezu let you have a special pass he'll give to you later." Shota says.

"Mmm ok." she replies.

As everyone rushes to get their things minus Elly and Tenya, Lily appears.

"Hey Elly!"

~"Hi."~ She signs smiling.

"Umm... pardon but, who are you talking to..?" Tenya asks as Vanny and Nemuri make their way to the door.

~"Oh, sorry Ten. I was talking to my ghost friend Lily."~

"She's still around?!" Vanessa asks, shocked.


"Elly, can I help you today? I mean I am technically part of your quirk? I can gather a few others to help as well."

~"I don't know if that's aloud I'd have to ask dad."~

"Ask me what?" He questions as he and Zashi also reach the door.

As they walk out she responds; ~"Lily wanted to know if she can help in the Sports Festival along with some others since technically they are part of my quirk."~

"I see no problem with it but we'd have to ask Nezu. In my opinion it's not much different than Dark Shadow with Tokoyami."


"I'll gather some of the others just in case. How many should I bring?"

~"Three or four."~

"Alright. See ya later."

~"See you."~


When they got to the school.

"Oh good you're all here!" Nezu says cheerfully which makes Vanessa and Shota shiver.

"You must be Vanessa Rini Sora." (A/N: FunFact or FF/t™, Rini is Japanese for little bunny. Don't use google translate, it won't work.)

She looks at him shocked then looks at Elly. She feels like she's in major trouble since she hasn't been called by her full name in years.

She looks back at the mouse man and bows while she says, "H-hai, I a-am."

No need for bowing miss Vanessa. I am the principal of UA high, Nezu. It's a pleasure to meet you." He says, offering his hand- erm... paw.

"Y-you as well Nezu-kun." She answers back while shaking his paw. (A/N: i re-wrote that part after the 'while' like 4 times trying to get the correct wording...)

"Great. Until the sports festival later today you will be working with class 1-A. The sports festival won't happen until three o'clock. Here is a pass so you can be present inside the school without the alarms going off or the teachers thinking you are a threat." He smiles widely and creepily while handing her the pass with a lanyard attached to it.

"O-ok..." She says and hesitantly takes it and puts it around her neck.

Tenya and Elly are just wondering what they witnessed while Shota sympathizes Nessa.

"Now you can come meet the rest of the staff! I have something to do though so I'll see you all around later." And he walks off.

"He terrifies me." Nessa whispers.

"Yes, well he has that effect on everyone to one extent or another except for Recovery Girl. She seems to be the only one that scares him." Shota answers back.

"Enough standing around let's go to the teachers lounge!" Hizashi says enthusiastically.

They all go to the teacher's lounge.


Once they get there.

"Guys! Meet Vanessa! Elly's sister." He says introducing her.

They all give some sort of greeting.

"H-hello." She smiles, honored to even be in a room with pro heroes.

Just then Mei Hatsume knocks on the door.

"Come in." Snipe says already knowing.

"I just finished it!" She looks over and sees Elly.

"Oh great, you're here! I need you to come with me to make sure all my adjustments are correct!" She says smiling proudly and excitedly.

~"Sure?"~ Elly signs with a confused look.

"Oh you use sign language right! That's cool. I'm learning about it in my spare time."

"Perhaps I should come to be a translator?" Tenya offers.

"Sure! The more the merrier! Let's go!" She says already leading them.

Elly looks between Aizawa and Snipe.

Aizawa nods.

"Don't worry you'll be perfectly safe. I made sure to help her when she built it." Snipe replies.

Then Tenya pushes her so they can catch up to Mei.

"I'm Mei Hatsume by the way in case you didn't know! You can just call me Mei though! I already know who you both are; Your Elly and Tenya if you don't mind me saying. I'm so glad you get to use one of my babies!!"

Elly looks up at Tenya with a confused look which only only replies to with a shrug.

"I don't mind at all." He says answering her question about the first name bases.

"Great! Also we're here!" She says opening the door.

And immediately they were met with all sorts of things but next to a half blank wall stood a wheelchair equipped with all sorts of things.

"I couldn't put as much as I wanted on this since I only can use the bare minimum so you'll be allowed to participate but it should still do wonders!"

~"Wow! It looks amazing Mei!"~ She signs.

"She said it looks amazing. I have to agree."

"Thank you! Now if we can just get you in this wheelchair so we can make sure everything is good."

Tenya then proceeds to pick her up from one and places her in the other.

Mei then puts the seat belt that was installed in it.

"I put this as a safety precaution of course."

And she goes on to explain all the other things. And they took it for another test drive to make sure that Elly knew how it worked.

~"Thanks Mei. I think that I have the hang of it."~

"She said thanks and that she thinks she has the hang of it."

"No problem! It was honestly so fun to make!"

Elly smiles.

"Well you two should head back. You can come pick up this one after or keep that one just lemme know what you decide later."

Elly nods and does a sort of bow.

Then they head back to the teachers lounge.

"Ooh~ That looks cool!" Nem says.

"It's all techy!" Hizashi states.

"I don't think that's a word Zash..." 13 says.

"Actually it is." He says pulling up google and showing her.

"Ok. Whatever." She laughs.

"I'm taking a nap before I have to teach those demons before the festival."

"You always sleep." Vlad says.

"What do you expect from an underground hero who usually works at night since I teach in the day." He asks rhetorically, zipping up his sleeping bag.

Elly's phone dings.

Ice Prince ❄️ 🤴🏻🔥 7:00 A.M:

-"Hey I just arrived in the classroom. Are you here?"-

Snowflake 👻💧😺🐺 @ 7:00 A.M:

-"Yea. I'm in the teacher's lounge w/ almost everybody including Tenya and minus the principal. I'll be there ina bet."-

Snowflake 👻💧😺🐺 @ 7:01 A.M:

-"*bit* sorry autocorrect."-

Ice Prince ❄️🤴🏻🔥 7:01 A.M:

-"Ok. & its fine."-

~"I'ma go see Shoto."~

"Ok." Hizashi and Nessa says.


When she gets there.

"Hi Snowflake. How are you? Also did Mei make that for you?"

~"Hi. I'm ok. You? And yes."

"I'm also doing ok. I bet it was an interesting experience to meet her."

"It was. But it was also fun. And Ten helped with the interpretation."

"Well I'm glad. Are you scared for the festival?"

~"Yea but, I know I have you and the others by my side even if we're competing against each other."'


~"Oh!"~ She exclaims.

"What is it?"

~"I almost forgot to mention; My sister is coming to help with our class for today. It was principal Nezu's idea."~

"Ah, ok."

Soon enough some of the class starts trickling in.

"Elly! Shoto!" Mina says excitedly as always.

~"Hi Mina."~

"Hello." Todoroki says.

"You guys ready for the sports festival?!"

"I suppose so."

~"I guess."~

More students are coming in. Some are talking about the festival, others about normal things.

Mina goes to talk with others while Tenya and Momo join them.

"We're still visiting your brother on Wednesday, correct?" Shoto asks.

"Correct. And both of you to your mother on Sunday?"

Shoto nods.

"So how's everyone doing?" Momo asks.

"Ok." Shoto says.

"Excellent, thank you." Tenya comments.

~"I'd be lying if I'd say I wasn't nervous."~

"Understandable." Momo says. "But I'm sure everything will be fine." She smiles.

"Thanks. How are you by the way?"

"Great. Thanks."

Now Aizawa comes in.

"Everyone sit at your seats!" He says with red eyes and hair and scarf floating.

"Hai sensei!" They all chorus rushing to their seats.

"Good. Now for today I'll be having an assistant teacher. You all know her sister."

At that most of the class starts murmuring.

"Quite!" He says. "Now I'll let her in but DO NOT overwhelm her with questions or her sister once you find out. Got it?" He says sternly.

"Hai sensei!" They all say.

"Great." He turns his head to the door. "You may come in now."

And at that Vanessa comes in.

"Wow she's pretty!" Some of the girls say.

"How old are you?" Kiri and Kami ask.

"Are you single?!" Everyone knows who asked.

Tsu slapped Minneta with her tongue.

"Uh, Hello everybody. Um... firstly, thank you. Second, I'm 18. Third, no I'm not. I have a boyfriend. In fact we actually have a child on the way." She finishes.

"Wow!" Some of the class gasps.

"Do you know the gender yet?!" Mina asks way too excited.


'What's your name?" Sato asks.

"Who's sister are you?" Toru asks right after.

"I'll answer that in a two in one. I'm Elly's sister and my name is Vanessa Sora."

The whole class- minus Elly's group for the big project- is shocked and surprised.

"What's your quirk?" Someone asks- that wasn't Midoriya for once-.

"It's called HydraGlitch." She says and quickly explains how it works with a small demonstration.

"Oohh!" Some chorus.

"How come your quirk is quite different from hers? Do either of your parents have a glitch quirk? Minneta asks, completely forgetting they don't have parents.

"E-ermm... N-no..." She says kinda sadly even though she didn't like them she still loved them.

Shoto glares at him.

"What?! I'm just curious, chill Todoroki."

"That wasn't the point, grape head!!" Bakugo shouts, making Elly's ears pin against her head.

"Anyways... I'm not quite ready to tell you why our quirks are different and I don't think she is either."

"That's fine. Otherwise that wouldn't be very manly- er and womanly of us since it wouldn't be respecting privacy!" Kiri states proudly.

"Thank you."

They start to ask a bunch of questions to both Elly and Nessa making Vanessa unable to answer since they come too fast and making Elly start to have a panic attack.

Shoto is the first to notice shortly followed by Momo, Jiro, and Shota.

Shoto gets out of his seat and kneels next to her.

"Hey, hey, hey. Can you hear me?" He asks gently.

She nods a bit.

"Ok good. Now, I need to know, are you having a panic attack?"

She nods a bit again as Momo and Jiro also come up. Momo starts to rub her back as Jiro tries to find her calming station.

Shota's hair and scarf float while his eyes turn red.

"Quiet!" He says sternly. And the whole class stops talking now noticing Elly.

"Hey Elly, can you try to focus on just me Snowflake?"

She looks into his eyes.

"Ok very good Snowflake. Now how about we do some breathing hm? Just follow me. It'll be the 5 5 5 pattern. Ok?"

She nods stubbly.

So they breathe in for 5, hold for 5, then exhale for 5.

"Good job. You're doing so good. Let's do it a few more times."

They do it a few more times.

"Fantastic job Snowflake." He kisses her forehead.

"Do you think you can tell me what caused it? You don't have to, I just want to help. Ok?"

"T-too-o m-mu-uch-ch t-talk-kin-ng a-at o-on-nc-ce a-an-nd l-lou-ud-d..." She stutters.

"So you were too overwhelmed?" Momo asks softly.

Elly just nods. Still trembling a bit.

"Here, why don't you listen to my calming station." Jiro says, slowly putting the headphones on Elly's ears and playing the music at a soft volume.

Elly clings to Shoto and he just smiles and pets her head.

"Thank you, you 3." Shota starts.

They nod.

He gets a text from Nezu.

"What could be so important for him to-" He mumbled and then stops himself.

"Could you four go to Nezu's office. And no you're not in trouble."

"Hai sensei." Momo said.

And then she and Jiro started to walk to the door as Jiro holds it open and Shoto pushes Elly and they leave.

"Most of the rest of you- I'm only wording it like this for the fact that there are a few other quiet and or good kids- I'm highly disappointed that you didn't listen to me. When we're all back to school on Monday you WILL be running the track 10 times. Understand?"

Some groaned, some outright complained, but Shota wasn't having any of it.

He activated his quirk. "I said; Understand?!"

"Hai sensei!" They say terrified.

"Good. And just remember I know exactly who did what, and don't think that just because it's a large class that I don't or won't pay attention. So don't try to fake anything."

"Hai sensei." They say again.

"Good. Now I'll start the lesson."

They all looked relieved at that.

"And Minneta?" He says.

"Y-yes sensei?"

"Five extra laps for you for hitting on Sora-San."

"What?! But-" He was cut off.

"Do you wanna make it ten?" Shota warns in a dangerous tone.

"No sensei." Minneta deflates.

"Good, cause you'd've also gone to go see Principal Nezu when the other four come back." At this Minneta looks terrified but says nothing. "Just remember something for now, most of you are on this ice this morning. I was already in a bad mood since Nemuri and Hizashi decided to bang on my door at 6 in the morning. But they got their punishment and the rest of you will get yours."

And with that he starts the lesson.


When they reach Nezu's office Momo went to knock but it opened.

"Come in, come in."

Elly gently took the headphones off and handed them to Jiro.

Jiro stopped the music and closed out the app and put her phone in her pocket and the headphones around her neck.

During that time Nezu went and got a tray of tea he now set down on his desk in front of them.

"Please, sit, have some tea. Especially you, Elly." He says motioning to the chairs and tea.

They all do as told.

"Sir not to be disrespectful, but how come you called all of us here?" Kyoka asks.

"Because I can my pup. And plus you all needed to take a break from a stressful environment for a while before going into another possible stressful environment such as the Sports Festival."

Kyoka nods.


"Sora-san." Shota says, turning to his temporary assistant.

"Hm? Yes, Aizawa-Kun?"

"Could you give these to the students?" He says pointing at a stack of papers.

"Oh, sure!" She smiles. She picks them up and uses her quirk to make them seem like they're floating then glitches them to the kids like teleportation

"Did someone get extra and or someone not get one?"

"No Miss. Sora-San!" They say.

"Alright, good."

"Now that you all have your packets, work on them quietly. By yourself or in a group. I don't care as long as you aren't loud. I'm taking a nap."

"Hai sensei." They say, used to his sleeping by now.

"Only wake me up if someone is-" He pauses.

They say it with him.

"Bleeding, dying, seriously sick, or injured, or if there's a fire. Or some emergency of sorts, or Nezu."

"Good." He says and Ness looks somewhat shocked and Shota zips up his sleeping bag and flops to the floor drinking a juice pouch first.


About 20 minutes later Shoji hears something. He uses his quirk to make sure then says,

"Someone wake up Aizawa sensei. Principal Nezu's on his way with the others.

Bakugo gets up seeing as he's closer to Shota's location and bends down and pokes Shota's face while saying,

"Oi! Old hag! Wake up!"

"What is it Bakugo?" He says groggily while his eyes are still closed.

"Principal's on his way." He says and sits back down.

Shota gets up and steps out of his sleeping bag.

Nezu comes in with the other four trailing behind.

"Oh, I hope we didn't wake you Shota." Nezu says genuinely.

"I wasn't really asleep yet anyhow."

Nezu nods as the four take their spots.

"You can work in groups or by yourself, I don't care." Shota said to them.

They nodded.

"I'm guessing you wanna talk?" He asks his boss who only nods and leads them both out.

Once the door was closed Nezu started talking but in a hushed tone.

"Before the pups came in I was doing a bit of my own research on Elly and Midoriya's family."

"Of course." Shota says, prompting him to go on.

"Well I found out that their grandmother used to have O. F. A. and that it had passed down without Yagi or Izuku knowing it since neither of them had really mentioned her. Yagi only refers to her as his master."

"What?!" Shota whisper shouts surprised. And in the back of his mind still raging about what Yagi did.

"Yes, and that Mrs. Midoriya was the last one in the family to have any contact with her. Besides that, it was Yagi. Her eldest son had little to no contact and died quite some years ago as I'm sure you know, and her youngest son completely cut off all contact even when she did manage to reach out to him he ignored her."

"Hmph." Shota huffs thinking. "So do we tell the problem children and blond idiot number two or let them figure it out?"

Nezu smirks and has a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"I think you know the answer my dear pup."

Shota sighs, roughly rubbing a hand down his face and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Problem children better figure this out quickly." He grumbles and Nezu laughs sadistically which is so loud everyone hears and just stares at the door and windows and Shota with a shiver down his spine.

"Anything else or is that it for now?"

Nezu stops. "That's it for now. By the way, Zashi should be here any second." He says, then walks away as Hizashi comes running down the hall.

He stops a few inches from Shota and greets him.

"Hey Shota!"

"Not. Now Hizashi. You, along with Nemuri and most of the demon class, are still on thin ice." He says. Then whispers, "I recommend being extra cautious, she had a panic attack earlier."

"The poor darling." Zashi whispers back.

Shota opens the door to all of them staring in that direction.

"Stop staring demons. It's rude even if Nezu is sadistic." He says stoically.

"Does he always call you all that?" Nessa asks.

They all say something along the lines of; "Yep/Yea/Pretty much so/Couldn't have it any other way." That last from Shota himself.

Vanessa laughs a bit, shaking her head while next to Kaminari, who needed some help.

"Did everyone get to finish their packets?" Hizashi asks.

Most answer, "Yes!" But some answer, "No!"

"Alright little listeners, that's fine you can just keep working while I talk with Sho!"

Tenya and Izuku are helping the ones that came in late while Nessa tries to explain and give examples of the importance of what being a good hero could be to Kaminari, who had been struggling to find something to put down even though his mom is a hero he doesn't get to see much of her so he doesn't really understand.


After a bit longer everyone had turned in their packets and now it was officially time for English.

"Alright, listeners, are you ready?" He asks enthusiastically without shouting.

Some of them had said something while others just waited.

"Alright then. Today we'll be finishing the short story and doing some more analysis on it. And finding the main moral of the story and some textual evidence to back it up. Nothing too hard."

The class sighed in relief.

"And when we're done you can talk or go on your devices. Ok?"

"Ok Yamada sensei." The class said in unison.

The class went smoothly, only taking about 15 of the 50 or so minutes that was left.

Nessa walked over to Elly's little friend group and crouched down in front of her.

"Hey my Scorpius Light. You feeling any better?" She asked softly.

The younger sister nodded a tiny bit.

"That's good. Still don't feel like talking though?"

Elly shakes her head.

"Hmm... ok. Ok a scale one to ten how are you feeling now? Remember 10's the worst."

Elly nods then contemplates thinking about how she really feels. ~"7"~ She signs.

"Is it because of the sports festival?"

"She nods again."

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do fine."

Just then Vanny's phone chimes.

"Hm?" She looks at it.

💛Vincent (Vince) 🐇 @ 10:19 A.M:


❤️🥺Vanessa (Nessa)🤗🐇 @ 9:19 P.M:

-"Hey Vince. What's up?"-

💛Vincent (Vince) 🐇 @ 10:19 A.M:

-"What does the Sports Festival start?"-

❤️🥺Vanessa (Nessa)🤗🐇 @ 9:19 P.M:

-"Umm... I think for here at 3:00 and for you 2:00"-

❤️🥺Vanessa (Nessa)🤗🐇 @ 9:20 P.M:

-"Are you planning to stay up till 2 a.m and past to watch?"-

She frowns at her phone.

Elly gives her a confused look.

💛Vincent (Vince) 🐇 @ 10:20 A.M:

-"Why not. It's Friday & plus I don't have work tomorrow."-

❤️🥺Vanessa (Nessa)🤗🐇 @ 9:20 P.M:

-"Vince you sure? I can just record it for you and show you when I come back home."-

💛Vincent (Vince) 🐇 @ 10:20 A.M:

-"Of course plus it's no big deal... Love~"-

He sends smirking to himself.

Vanny blushes so much and ends up dropping the phone but Shota catches it with his scarf.

"What's with you people and dropping your phones?" He asks but not really annoyed as he makes his scarf put it on Elly's table.

"Th-thank-ks Sh-shot-ta..." Vanessa manages to spit out.

Shota just snorts.

Elly looks at the phone to see what could've possibly happened.

She shakes her head and pulls out her phone and takes a pic..

🥺Little Okami🐺 @ 9:20 P.M:

-"Wow~ Vincy you broke Vanny. Look;"-

🥺Little Okami🐺 @ 9:20 P.M:

-Sent one image.-

💛Vincy 🎮@ 10:20 A.M:

-"Pffft 🤣 She's as red as a tomato. Good to know I still have that effect from far away too."-

🥺Little Okami🐺 @ 9:20 P.M:

-"Yep. 🤣"-

Ness finally recovered and looked up at her sister.

"What'd I miss?" She asked.

🥺Little Okami🐺 @ 9:21 P.M:

-"Looks like she's back to normal. I should let you two talk. Ttyl. 💙💜"-

💛Vincy 🎮@ 10:21 A.M:

-"Alr ttyl Little Okami. 💛"-


"Ok... Imma just take my phone and go somewhere else for now." And so she does what she said.

"Feeling better?" Izuku asked.

~"Yes. Thanks. Also, is your mom coming to watch you?"~

"Well neither of us are quite sure but we hope so."

She nods.

~"Well Vanny would cheer you on just as loud."~

"So would my parents." Kyoka says.

"Th-thank-k y-you both! And you know I'm glad I get to meet more of my family and that we found each other. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Elly nods. ~"We're all family."~ She signs while looking at them all.

"Agreed." Everyone says.

"But how do I fit exactly? Since Izu, and Ten are your cousins and Sho is your boyfriend.

Elly lets out a small hum. "I didn't really think about that. Just that you're family."

"She could be your other sister." Shoto says.

Elly nods.

"Oh, that's confusing since we are kinda like brother and sister but also you and me Elly."

~"Oh yea that's true..."~

"You can be 'The Triplets'. Tenya says.

"Deal!" Kyoka and Izuku both say at the same time.

Elly just nods.

"I call dibs as the oldest!" Kyoka said.

"But I'm the oldest!" Izuku whines.

"And I'm more responsible!"

Kyoka snorts. "We'll see about that Zuzu. We'll see."

Tenya face palms and mumbles, "What have I started?"

Shoto pats his back.

"How should we go about telling our family?" Izu asks.

"Simple," Kyoka starts. "We do it before the sports festival so we know if they're all here. More so your mom Izu but still. Then we'll have Tenya wrangle them up-"

"Why me? I just met Mrs. Midoriya and I don't know your parents or even what then look like."

"Because- I said so. And plus my mom looks like me and my dad kinda looks like Present Mic sensei."

"Can we see a pic of them Kyo?" Izu asks.

"Sure!" She pulls out her phone.

"Wow- it's uncanny how much your dad does look like Present Mic sensei!!"

"Told you~!"

"Maybe they could be-" Shoto was cut off by Elly's hand in front of his mouth.

He looks at her.

She shakes her head.

He sighs dejectedly and moves her hand.

"Were you going to say, related? Cause I think I'd know if I was related to Present Mic. At least I don't think so. Aw man! Now you got me questioning it!"

Shoto smirks. "Then why don't we ask him and later you can ask your parents to see if they have the same answer?"

She thinks about it.

"Are you really thinking about this Kyoka?" Tenya asks.

"I mean yea. Now I have to ask for research purposes."

"I'm pretty sure we would have met sooner. And plus we are literally doing a research project on our families."

"I know we are but still. And if it is true he could be hiding the fact to keep us safe so we wouldn't've necessarily met sooner."

Tenya sighs.

Jiro raises her hand. "Present Mic sensei, can I ask you a question for research purposes?"

"Sure little listener." He says walking up to her with Shota following. "What's the question?"

"Well before I ask, don't blame me. Blame Shoto. It started with one of his theories again."

"Here we go again." Shota grumbles.

"Well shoot for it." Hizashi smiles brightly ignoring Shota.

Jiro takes a deep breath and says, "AreYouRealatedToMyDad?!" Fast enough it was hard to understand.

"Woah there sweetheart slow down."

"She takes another deep breath and exhales before asking again but this time slower, "Are you possibly related to my dad?" Her face flushes with embarrassment as she glares at Shoto.

Both Hizashi and Shota are taken aback as they look at each other.

"Well I don't have any siblings except the siblings I formed from friendship. But, I never knew my cousins... So, there could be a possibility... But, I guess that's just something you'll have to find out on the nightmare project that Nem's making y'all do."

"Also," Shota starts. "How did this subject even come up?"

"We were talking about our families and one thing led to another and we saw a picture of Kyoka's parents and how her dad looks similar to uncle Zashi and then Shoto-" He cuts himself off. "I think you understand."

Both of them nod.

Shota closes his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose and lets out a long exasperated sigh.

"How much do you guys wanna bet that she's related to Mic sensei?" Izu asks.

"You can't just-" Kyoka was cut off.

"How about one thousand yen." Todoroki says more than asks.

"Deal!" Izu says.

"You should not be doing this!" Tenya says chopping the air."

"You know what, I'm in. Make it fifteen hundred." Shota says.

Hizashi sputters. "Wh-wha- Sh-sho-!?"

"Me, and Todoroki will try to get the rest of the class in on this and you can try to get the rest of the teachers." Izu says to Shota who only nods, already pulling out his phone.

"Yea we need some drama in our lives that's not life threatening. Nezu's gonna love this. A wise thing to do is to not go against him, but maybe he doesn't even know." Shota says texting the teacher group chat.

"So what's gonna happen with the money whoever the winners are?" Izuku asks.

"We'll decide that for later along with the loser's punishment but this has to be solved by the end of the nightmare project plus a day or so to make sure everything is accurate and for when you present." Shota answers, smirking at his phone.


Most people were convinced quickly to join in for both Class 1-A and the staff.

The only ones who hadn't agreed nor disagreed were Zashi, Elly, Ten, and Kyo. Even Tensei got in on it.

"Now how are we gonna convince them to join?" Izu asks his teacher and Todoroki.

"Don't worry I have a way to get Hizashi to join. You both just worry about Elly and Jiro. I'll handle Tenya." Shota replies.

"I get Elly you get Jiro?" Shoto asks.

Izuku nods.


After some time the other 4 gave in to joining.

For Hizashi, Shota assured that he didn't have to cook for the whole next week but for 3 days instead.

For Tenya he promised that the money would go to something good.

For Jiro, Izu promised to buy her a new pair of headphones.

And Shoto promised to do whatever Elly wanted after the talk on Saturday.


Once Shota knew everyone was on bord, silenced the class with a glare with his quirk active.

"Now that I have your attention; Yaoyorozu," He looked at the girl who nodded "Could you make two jars for me?"

"What kind sensei?"

"Any kind that's not see through."

She nods and start recalling the formula in her mind.

"Elly or Midoriya, do you have any extra paper and markers or pens?"

Elly had pulled out an empty notebook while Izu pulled out some markers.

"Good, I only need one paper cut into two."

Momo had just finished making the jars, getting up to give them to him.

Elly had the cut paper lying on her desk and Izuku with his markers.

"Right now out of all of you I've seen with handwriting there's a few with great penmanship, but Tenya I want you to write what I want."

"Of course!" He says standing up from his spot next to Momo and chopping the air.

"Good. On one paper write 'Related' and on the other write 'Not Related' Both with capital 'R's' and with a capital 'N'."

Tenya nods, setting to do that.

"Make it colorful." Jiro says to him.

He tilts his head then shrugs.

"Sero could we borrow a few small pieces of tape?" Shota asks his tape dispensing student.

"Alright sensei!" He says already getting it prepared.

When Tenya was done he gave the markers back to Izu and the paper to Shota and Sero stood there with tape on his fingers.

Shota carefully took the tape rolling it so the sticky part was on the outside before placing each piece in the corners of the papers.

He then carefully tape the papers to the jars as Sero sat down. When he was done he had bent over and pulled something from his boot.

Most of the class and Nessa looked confused as Tenya and Hizashi shook their heads.

"What are you doing Mr. Aizawa?" Mina asked.

He didn't answer, instead lifted said knife above the jars and violently stabbed the lids and created a slit in each lid.

The class plus Nessa all looked taken aback from the unexpected noise and momentum.

He put the knife back in his book and looked at them.

"Now who wants to put in the jar first?" He asks smirking.

That only led to chaos from most of the class with them yelling "Oh! Oh! Me! Me! Me first! No ME!" And so on and so forth.

Shota uses his quirk.

"You know what? Everyone get in a line. But Todoroki you're first since it was your theory."

They all get in line.

Todoroki puts in his yen to the 'Related' side then turns around to look at Uraraka.

"Uraraka, which side would you like?"

He asks.

"Hmm... the 'Not Related'. She answers bubbly. He nods and puts in more yen but to the opposite jar.

All the students go with a good portion choosing they are. Kyoka was was the last promptly making a show in front of her teacher into the not jar and pouting.

Then Hizashi went making a similar show.

Shota snorts.

"Would you like to join Sora-san?" He said.

"Minds well. It'll be fun and Elly can tell me the results when it's over since I won't be here by that time."

She chooses the 'Related' side followed shortly behind Shota choosing the same.

"On lunch I'll take these to the other teachers and tell you who said what."

"Hai!" They all say.


Some time later Nemuri came in ready for her class.

"Hello kiddos!" She said.

"Hello Kayama sensei!" They responded back.

Before she started she put her yen into the 'Related' jar. Giving a wink to both the class and Hizashi.

"Would anyone like to share a bit even if you're not done?" She asks.

Elly and Izu look at each other then after a second shake their heads both agreeing that the info they found about who each other are should be a secret.

Mina decided to raise her hand.

"Yes Ashido?

Well I found out that my great-grandma actually had a mutation quirk. She had blue skin with a Dragonfly quirk. She had wings and her skin was tougher than normal."

"Very good Ashido. Anyone else?"

Eijiro raises his hand.

"Yes, Kirishima?" Midnight points while saying it.

"One thing I learned is that my grandfather on my dad's side had come from Argentina."

"Ooh~ Very nice. Anyone else?"

No one raises their hand.

"Alright then. Go ahead and get started for today."

"So who should be next to start investigating, Todoroki, or Iida?" Izuku ponders.

"Iida can go first, I don't mind." Shoto says stoically.

"Are you sure Todoroki?" Iida asks sternly while chopping the air.

"Yes." Shoto says monotone once more.

Elly pulls out her laptop and goes to her specific search engine and searches Tenya's family.

She finds something and turns it around to Tenya who reads it and then re-reads it aloud.

"Hm, while it is true that Todoroki, YaoMomo, and I know each other and no doubt our parents it is quite intriguing to learn that our three families have known each other for generations." He says pushing his glasses up.

"Hm." Todoroki hums.

"Hey, does anyone want to come over to my place after the sports festival?" Jiro asks.

"Sorry, but I have some things to do." Iida said.

"No thank you. I have to go home after." Todoroki says.

"It's alright guys. Izu, Elly?"

"U-uhh I don't know if I can but I don't think it'll be too much of a problem." He says.

"Well I hope you can." Jiro responds with a smile.

He smiles back. "I'll probably have no trouble since mom probably won't be home till late  afternoon tomorrow if it goes how she told me." Izuku says in his mind.

~"I don't know. I'll have to ask dad and Vanny."~

"Well then let's ask!" Izu and Jiro say with excitement.

Jiro takes the handles of the wheel chair and starts to push her towards the desk where the adults are talking and Izu walks next to Jiro.

Aizawa looks up. "Yes, problem children?" He asks.

"We were wondering if Elly can come over to my place after the sports festival!" Jiro asks, hopeful and excited.

"I don't see the problem if your parents and Sora-san are fine with it."

"My parents are!"

"I suppose so. I don't see an issue either and it's nice my sister has gained some more friends." Vanny says ruffling her hair.

Elly whines.


Time passes and it's now lunch time.

"Problem group stay behind. You know who you are."

Shota says casually.

Elly, Shoto, Tenya, Kyoka, and Izuku stay as the rest of the class files out.

Once everyone was gone, Shota said, "Alright follow us to the teacher's lounge."

"B-but sir wh-what about our food?!" Izuku says panicking.

"We have food Problem Child number one."


"It's best not to argue with Sho. He's still mad about this morning." Hizashi says.

Izuku deflates while he and Jiro, and Shoto share a look then look at Tenya and Elly.

Tenya decides to busy himself unlocking the wheelchair not looking at them purposely and Elly stares at the ground.

They can both feel the other's eyes on them.

But they all follow their teachers with Vanny talking animidly with Shota as Nem and Zash talk with each other.

All five kids are quiet except for the music lowly coming from Jiro's headphones.

Once they reach the teacher's lounge Shota heads straight for the fridge while Hizashi goes to make coffee and Nemuri goes to the pantry.

"Ah, young heroes and Sora-san! What brings you here?" All might asks, his voice booming which make both Elly and Jiro wince.

"Uncle brought us here." Tenya replies.

"I see young Iida!" All Might says loudly yet again and again Jiro and Elly wince.

Shoto places a protective hand on Elly's shoulder and Izuku hugs Jiro and Tenya stands in front.

"Yag-" Shota stops himself. Trying not to seethe. He still wants to punch the man for the incident that happened with Bakugo. "All might." He says sternly trying to ground himself for Elly's good rather than anyone else. "Could you. Keep. Your voice. Down?" He asks getting more and more angry and breaks the sentence into four parts so as to not yell himself.

"Hizashi places a hand on his shoulder as Snipe gets up and gets ready in case something happens.

"So sorry. I did not realize I was being too loud."

Shota almost shot the man a glare but decided it wasn't worth his time as he hands some of the food to the kids.

"Eat." He says.

"Hai sensei." They say softly.

Nemuri hands Shota the coffee from Hizashi and said man releases his grip but still stays next to him..

"Well I must be going. See you later, young heroes." And with that he left.

Shota scoffs plopping on the couch.

"Are you ok Aizawa-Kun" Nessa asks.

"Just peachy. And drop the Kun. And Problem lot-" He pauses looking at them and more so Jiro and Elly doing a once over before staring at the ceiling again. "Drop the sensei. I said that was for class only. I never said anything about the teachers lounge."

"Hai." They say.

Shota takes a long sip of coffee and as he looks up he sees something in the vents and signs, "Nezu" and pointing.

Zashi readies himself from Nezu's drop down.

And just as expected, Nezu drops onto Hizashi's shoulder.

"Hello everyone!" He says in a cheery voice.

Some greet him verbally while others just nod going back to eating and grading or planning.

"Nice to see you pups here." He says looking at the quintuplets.

They nod.

"Oh, and Shota?" He says turning to the man who only barely cracked an eye open. "You shouldn't hit your co-workers even if they deserve it."

Shota closes his eyes, scoffing before taking another long drink. He takes that as more a suggestion rather than a demand. Which it is. Otherwise the mouse with the intellect that's greater than a human would've said 'You can't' rather than 'You shouldn't' but he'll take what he can get.


Nemuri decides to remind the other's of the 'Related' and 'Not Related' jars and put a paper with a line down the middle with 'R' written on the top left and 'NR' written on the top right and told them all to put their names on the side they chose.

Again most chose the 'Related' side making Zashi and Kyo pout.

Elly had finished her lunch quickly and sketching some of the hero's. She was currently working on 13.

Kyo looked over her shoulder. "That's a great sketch of 13."

Elly nods slightly. "Th-thank-ks K-kyo-o..." She said quietly.

"Hey Elly." Izu calls now that he's done as well and pulls out his own notebook.

She looks up tilting her head.

"Who're you drawing next?" He asks a smirk on his face.

She tilts her head further and flips to the page labeled 'Snipe' and shows him.

"Oh, Snipe sensei is next?"

She nods while raising an eyebrow.

"How about we see who can draw him the fastest but also the most accurate?" He prompts.

She thinks about it for a second then nods and looks at Tenya who was listening.

"Did you want me to start the countdown?" He asks.

She nods.

"Ok. After three." He looks at them both. "One." He says now looking at Izuku. "Two." He looks at Elly. "Three." He says watching them both go.

They both start immediately after Tenya said three. Neither of them wasting time and looking determined to beat the other."

Shota shakes his head with a small fond smile as Nessa also fondly smiles.

"Who should the judge be to see who is more accurate?" Shoto asks plainly.

"We'll let that be Nemi since she has a keen eye and is always keeping up with everything." Zashi says.


Five minutes passed and Elly was the first to finish.

"Times up. Sorry Midoriya-Kun." Tenya says.

"That's ok. I was almost done with the last details anyhow.

"Alright let me see those sketch books kiddies." Nem says holding out her hands.

They both tentatively give them to her.

She scans over them both. Then looks at Snipe for a minute and then back to the sketchbooks for another minute or two.

"The winner is~" She says drawing out making both teens anxious as they play with their hands. "Is~" She says again.

"Please just tell us!" Kyoka pleads.

"Elly!" Nemuri says cheerfully.

Said girl looks surprised.

"Good job Elly!" Izuku says.

"Y-you t-to-oo." She says barely loud enough.

Nemuri hands them back their sketchbooks.

"May I see?" Snipe says walking up behind the group of teens making both Elly and Izuku jump and the other three exchange glances.

Elly and Izuku look at each other then look to Snipe.

"S-sure Snipe sensei." Izuku says with a small smile.

Elly nods hesitantly.

They both give him their books.

"These are incredible kiddos." He praises.

Elly ducks her head while her bangs fall over her face. And Izuku splutters out a thank you.

Both of them sporting matching embarrassed blushes as he hands them back.

Vanny snaps a photo of Elly's with her in the pic not paying attention and sends it to Vincent with the caption, 'Elly and our new found cousin did a little race to see who could draw the fastest and and most accurate of Pro Hero Snipe. This was her's.'

"Hey Midoriya-Kun." She asks.


"Is it ok if I take a pic of you holding the sketchbook to show my boyfriend how well you did?"

"U-uh su-ure. But what ab-bout Elly's?" He asks.

She takes the pic as he smiles. "I already got her's." She says sending the pic of Izuku and his drawing captioned, 'And this was Izuku's.'

~"Sneaky."~ Elly signs to her sister.

She just sticks her tongue out in retaliation.

"Careful or I'll pour hot coffee on your tongue." Shota warns her like he did Elly.

"No thanks. I prefer cold flavored coffee." She says emphasizing the flavored part.

Shota rolls his eyes.

Shoto smirks looking pointedly at Elly who is aggressively making sure she looks anywhere but him.

"Speaking of coffee and the smug look on Todoroki's face, that reminds me; What happened before training that day when you randomly yelled at Todoroki-Kun?" Izu asks.

Elly's eyes widen.

Todoroki's smirk grows as one forms on Jiro's face.

"Should you tell them or should I Snowflake~?" He teases.

~"No one is!"~ She signs.

"Aww why not?"

~"I don't want to live through that again."~

"But you're cuter when you're flustered." He teases more.

"Y-you s-stol-le M-MY dri-ink-k!"

"Technically, Snowflake, it's mine. I paid for it did i not?"

~"I told you, you didn't have to!"~

"Right, and I told you that yes you're right I didn't HAVE to I WANTED to. But still I paid for it so~" He trails off.

Her face turned as red as Kirishima's hair and she hid her face in her hands while the three teachers and Nessa laughed.

"That- that makes more sense now..." Tenya says slowly.

Izuku starts to crack a laugh.

Soon enough everyone in the little group but Elly are laughing.

She whines.

Vanny totally didn't take a video of them assuming there would be some tea and drama behind the story then share it with Vincent.


The rest of the day was both chill and also nerve wracking.

The class was all talking about how they're both excited and nervous.

"I think I might be sick from all this nervousness." Ochako says looking decidedly green.

"This is exciting! Kirishima says, pumping his fist in the air.

~"I think I might have an anxiety attack."~ Elly signs truthfully.

"Well we most certainly don't want or need that." Tenya starts. "How about we all just take some deep breaths and think of good things, peaceful things."

Elly nods following along with his breathing.


A little bit later Shota says, "Alright brats, it's time to change into your gym uniforms so come up and collect them.

After everyone collected them the class went to go change but stopped when they saw a crowd sound the door.

"What's everyone doing here?" Kaminari asks.

"They're scoping out the class cause we're the ones that went up against the villains and they wanna see who's the competition dunce face!" Bakugo yelled.

They tried to get past but they wouldn't let them.

"You know;" One kid with lilac hair and eyes spoke up. "GenEd kids can be transferred into the hero course and visa-versa." He says.

Bakugo growls. "Outta the way extra!" He demands.

"My, my, what's going on here class 1-A~?" Someone familiar to Elly says.

"Is someone getting defensive~?" The voice says again prompting her to finally look up.

"N-nei-eit-to-o!?" She asks surprised.

"Now who-" He stops himself looking down. "Elly?" He says just as shocked.

He pushes past the crowd pulling Kendo behind him.

"What is it now Neito?" She asks, annoyed.

For once he's speechless and he points down.

She follows his finger to find Elly at the other end.

"Elly? Is that you?"

"I-its-suk-ka?" She says voice trembling more.

Itsuka goes to her and picks her up in a hug with Neito joining.

"I-I m-miss-sed y-you b-both-th!" She crys happily wrapping her arms on both their necks.

Shota in that time with Zashi and Nem had gotten the rest of the crowd to leave along with most of 1-A leaving the five major problem children Monoma and Kendo.

Kendo puts her back down as Monoma asks, "What happened to you sweet Peppermint?"

She looks down. ~"Training accident. I should be able to start walking with crutches soon though."~

"Who did it?" Neito says with a fire in his eyes though he keeps the rest of his face calm.

~"Don't worry Blondy. I'm fine."~

"But-!" He was cut off.

"Itsuka, Neito, is that you?" Nessa asks.

"Ness?!" They both shout in unison, shocked more.

Elly's ears go back.

"Sorry, to ruin the little reunion but, how do you know each other?" Shota asks.

"We were childhood friends and went to the same elementary, but when middle school started Elly got separated from us and had to go to a different one." Kendo replies smiling bitter-sweet.

"I see." He replies.

"Well, sorry but we gotta go Peppermint. Bye Ness." Kendo says."

"Maybe one day we can hang out, but until then, see you both later." Neito says.

~"Bye Blondy, bye Ginger." They both leave.

"What's with the nicknames?" Shoto asks blandly.

~"Well we always used to call each other that. I'm of course Peppermint since I love them, Neito is Blondy cause of his hair, and Itsuka is of course Ginger cause of her hair and plus she likes the smell of actual Ginger."~ She signs quickly.

"Cool." Izuku says.

"But we should hurry. And get. Going." Kyoka says, tilting her head with every pause of emphasis.

"Right!" Izuku says.

"Let's go then." Shoto says.

"We'll be waiting with the other listeners ok?" Hizashi asks.

"Alright uncle." Tenya says and Jiro takes hold of Elly's wheelchair and leads her to the girls locker room while the boys go to their side.


When the five of them finished since they were the last they met back up.

"You remember the plan, right Tenya?" Jiro asks.

"Yes, I am to find your parents and Mrs. Midoriya and bring them."

"Thank you for not including my father in this." Shoto says.

"Now go we'll worry about getting your brother on call which I'm sure one of them are already doing." Jiro says and they all go back with the class minus Tenya of course.

After Shota spoke with everyone on where they and their parents could sit he let them all find their parents.

Tenya came back with Kyoka's.

"Sorry Midoriya, I couldn't find your mom."

"That's alright, I figured she wouldn't be able to make it anyhow, otherwise she would have been here already and she wouldn't want to be late."

"Kyoka my baby." Her father Kyotoku says picking her up and hugging her.

"Dad~! She complains, making her mother Mika laugh.

"Alright, alright, let her go now Kyotoku." Her mom says.

He lets her go and she hugs her mom.

After that she said, "We five have some things to tell you all though most of you already know about one part." She says looking at her teachers, her parents, Nessa, and Tensei through the phone screen.

"What is it, little listener?" Hizashi asks.

"Well we wanted Izu-kun's mom here as well but she couldn't make it. But, we've all decided to be more than friends and be family. As most of you know, Elly and Shoto are dating." She starts and Nessa and Nemuri nod. "Well I should probably start by doing quick introductions on everyone."

Her parents nod.

"So, this is Tenya and his brother Tensei Iida." She gestures to them. "This is Izuku Midoriya." She ruffles his hair. "This is Shoto Todoroki." She looks at him. This is Elly and her sister Vanessa." She pets Elly's head and points to Ness. "And you already know who my teacher's are."

Mika and Kyotoku smile.

"So we've decided that me, Izu, and Elly will be siblings."

"More specifically triplets." Izuku says then adds; "And I'm the oldest and most responsible."

"No your not!"

"Yes I am!"

And they keep bickering as Shoto puts his hands on Elly's ears.

"Can both of you please quiet down?" Tenya says sternly, chopping the air.

Tensei and Nemuri chuckle as Shota pinches the bridge of his nose.

They stop.

"Anyways;" Kyoka continues after they both stuck their tongues out. "And Tenya is the cousin since he's basically already Elly's so he also becomes mine and Zuzu's. And so that's that."

"That's so sweet!" Nemuri says nearly squealing.

"Looks like I gained two more siblings." Nessa says.

"That's great kids. Kyotoku says. Then asks, "What was the other thing or things sweetheart?" He asks his daughter.

"Well you know how we're working on that project for Kayama sensei's class?"

Kyotoku nods.

Kyoka gives the evil eye to all her teachers minus Zashi and plus Tens and Ness.

"Would you like it if I told them?" Izuku asks.

Kyoka also gives the look to him.

"Fine." She says.

"Well it started with Todoroki-kun's theory after we saw a picture of you both from Kyo and how much you and Yamada sensei look alike." He says, gesturing to both men.

Mika nods.

And he suggested that you both could be related and so me and Todoroki-kun and even Aizawa sensei started a little wage between class 1-A and the other teachers of whether or not you are. Most of us think you are since Yamada sensei though he said he doesn't have siblings and said he never knew his cousins."

"Wow..." Kyotoku says.

"Would either of you like to join in on this wager?" Todoroki said straightforwardly.

~"You can't just ask that!"~ Elly signs.

Kyotoku laughs. "It's fine kid. I know I'm definitely curious after hearing this. How much is this little wager?"

Elly looked up at him shocked.

~"You know sign?!"~

"How do you think I knew it?" Jiro asks.

She turns to her sister. ~"I don't know! I'm honestly still surprised that anyone besides them;"~ She gestures to the Iida brother's and their teachers. ~"know."~

"It's fifteen-hundred yen." Shota says.

"Dad no~!" Kyoka whines.

At the same time Hizashi whines "Shota no~!"

Both men smile and Kyotoku hands Shota the money.

"Which side of the wager are you on? The 'Relatable' or the 'Not Relatable' side?" Nemuri asks.

"Hmmm... 'Relatable' cause why not."

"Great!" Nemuri says.

"Mika would you like do join?" Kyotoku asks.

She thinks about it. "Fine but I'm on the opposing side." She says giving the money to Shota.

Kyoka could hug her mom for that. But she won't instead she plays with her new little sister's cat ears and listens to the soft purring rumbling from deep inside.

Mika looks at the sight of her daughter and apparently new daughter- to which she doesn't object- and also listens to the low and soft rumble of purrs chuckling.

"What are all of your quirks?" Mika asks.

"I have enhanced physical abilities." Izuku says.

"My quirk is called Engine. Tenya says chopping the air.

"My quirk is half ice half fire. She has 3 quirks." He says, gesturing to Elly then explaining.

"All of your quirks are very interesting." Kyotoku praises. "What about you?" He asks Vanessa.

"Oh I have a half and half quirk as well. Mine is Hydra like Elly's but I can only manipulate water and my other is Glitch." She gives a small demonstration.

"Very nice."

Nessa smiles.

"Sorry if this comes out sounding wrong but, there are 12 of us here and even with one on a video call but I hear thirteen heartbeats." Mika says confused.

Kyo, Elly, and Vanny share a look.

"That- That would be erm... from me..." Vanessa says.

Mika raises an eyebrow.

"Would you like me to explain?" Kyoka offers.

Nessa nods.

"Well Vanessa here is actually having a baby so that's why we hear thirteen rather than just twelve.

"Oh, congratulations."

"Thanks..." She says sheepishly.

Elly gives her a small glare.

"Hey! I thought you were over it!"

~"Mostly. But still many things could go wrong Vanny."~

"Yea, I know, but have faith in me little sister."

~"Not my fault I'm protective. I blame Vincy."~

"Yea true. Especially when he goes full 'British Protective Dad Mode' and doesn't let anyone from his sight." She said doing air quotes.

~"Well the best part from that besides the protection when needed is his voice it's cool and funny even more so when your face turns as red as Kirishima's hair."~

"Whatever." Vanny pouts, crossing her arms and turning her head.

"For someone that's eighteen you sure do act half your age." Shota says.

"Leave me be Shota!" Nessa defends.

"Eighteen, that is young." Kyotoku said.

"I know, I know, Elly still won't let me live it down."

The adults chuckle.

~"Nope not until my nephew is here."~

"Nephew! I say it's a girl!" Vanessa retorts back quickly.

"You mean our nephew." Izuku says.

"I think you mean niece." Kyoka intervenes.

"I have to agree with Jiro, and Vanessa on this one." Todoroki says.

Elly looked offended and Jiro stuck her tongue out.

"I think it would be a boy although it doesn't matter as long as everyone is healthy." Tenya says.

"I agree with Ten all the way I think boy."

"Girl!" Nem and Zash shout.

Shota shoves their heads down like Snape did to Harry and Ron.

"Boy. And it seems we have a new wager." Shota said.

"Ow!" The previous duo whine.

"Well we can figure this one out another time." Shoto says and the others agree.


A few minutes pass and Zashi and Nemi do something stupid again causing Shota to glare at them with his quirk activated.

"How many times do I have to tell you both? You're still on thin ice from this morning. And don't make me up it back Hizashi!"

Hizashi and Nemuri chuckle.

"First rule of your little family group, problem children, is no loud blonds as friends or anything other."

Izuku, Kyoka, and Elly all look at each other.

"You're too late on that I believe uncle." Tenya says.

"Too late for me by the start of the school year." Jiro says, referring to Denki.

~"Too late for me as well by ten years."~ Elly signs about Neito.

"And too late for me for my whole life." Izuku says, referring to Katsuki.

Shota sighs.

"Just never let them all be together in the same place at least. And rule number two, no OVERLY enthusiastic blue or purple heads to ruin your day."

"I think that one is fine, I'm not that enthusiastic. I'm more of a laid back person." Kyoka says.

"Then rule number three." Nem and Zashi start. "No sleep deprived friends that get annoyed too easily and mostly drinks coffee and hits you upside the head."

"I don't think we have that either so we're fine." Izuku says.

"Yea it's all separate. Sleep deprived, check." She says pointing to Elly. "Dark haired, four checks since Todoroki and Elly's hair is only half each." The others nod. "Annoyed easily, check~." She says smugly to Tenya. "Drinks coffee, 3 checks. Me, Izuku, and Todoroki. Hits each other upside the head-" She pauses thinking who's most likely to. "Three and a half. Me and Zu when we play fight Tenya because he's Tenya and Elly every once in a blue moon when she's mad cause I feel she'd do that."

"Oooh~ trust me. She does and will." Vanny says, shuddering a bit.

"Well as long as nobody fits all of those qualifications that's fine otherwise I'd probably turn gray before the school year officially ends."

Everyone laughs.

"I don't know why you two are laughing you're their teachers too."

"Yea but you spend more time with them Sho." Zashi laughs harder.

Shota sighs and Kyotoku places a hand on his shoulder.

"They may drive you crazy but you gotta admit you love them." Kyotoku chuckles.



Soon enough it was time for the sports festival to start.

"Well make sure to cheer all you kids on. Good luck out there!" Kyotoku says.

"Remember it's not about winning, it's about fun." Mika adds.

"Give it your all." Vanessa chimes in.

"HAI!!" They all say.

The three of them go find seats.

"We have to go as well but give it your all little listeners!

"Good luck problem children."

"And have fun!"

"Hai!" They said once more before the adults left.

"Alright, remember guys no matter what happens we'll stick together. When it comes to the Cavalry Battle we should split up since there is four to a team if I overheard Yamada sensei correctly and there's five of us. Unless there's no other choice we should stay split up ok?" Jiro says.

They all agree.

"Good now hands in." She says, extending her hand.

The others follow.

"1! 2! 3! Go~ Family!" They cheer in unison. (A/N: Cringe.)


(A/N: Welp that's chapter 10! Thx 4 reading. Sorry I made it SOOOO long i wanted to 1, make up for lost time. 2, i only want the SF {Sports Festival} in 2 parts so I didn't just stop midway plus i couldn't find a good place {imo} to pause so- Also what do you guys think of Kyoka being Zashi's 2nd cousin? this was like 48 pgs on GD {Google Docs}. Anyways see you next update Bye my WOLVES!)

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