✓ | The Borrowed Identity (Fa...

By abyssofwendy

33.7K 1.3K 49

A skilled lieutenant detective met her end while solving a murder case involving the most influential politic... More

TBI 00: Prologue
TBI 01: Beginning
TBI 02: Identity
TBI 03: Beneath
TBI 04: Consensus
TBI 05: Mission
TBI 06: Rage
TBI 07: Damsel
TBI 08: Tail
TBI 09: Figure
TBI 10: Protect
TBI 11: Tear
TBI 12: Uphold
TBI 13: Truth
TBI 14: Cargo
TBI 15: Commander
TBI 16: Bounty
TBI 17: Curse
TBI 18: Hunt
TBI 19: Voice
TBI 20: Support
TBI 21: Whole
TBI 22: Maybe
TBI 23: Darling
TBI 24: Remember
TBI 25: Hesitation
TBI 26: Deal
TBI 27: Phoenix
TBI 28: Sacrifice
TBI 29: Banquet
TBI 30: Promise
TBI 31: Begging
TBI 32: Longed
TBI 33: Moment
TBI 34: Deep
TBI 35: Scarce
TBI 36: Journey
TBI 38: Destiny
TBI 39: Mermaid
TBI 40: Negotiate
TBI 41: Adelaide
TBI 42: Chosen
TBI 43: Pirates
TBI 44: Threat
TBI 45: Plot
TBI 46: Epilogue
Afterword + Series #5

TBI 37: Farewell

295 17 1
By abyssofwendy

[ Chapter 37: Farewell ]

Selene | Selvy

Our journey of love had only just begun, and yet the weight of the pressing matters at hand cast a shadow of worry over us. Time seemed to slip through our fingers like grains of sand, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency to savor every precious moment with Valan.

As we walked around the hallway, the sun casting a golden hue over the world around us, I stole glances at his captivating face. His eyes, filled with a mix of determination and longing, mirrored my own emotions. We were both acutely aware of the challenges that awaited us and the limited time we had together.

"I wish we could freeze this moment," I whispered, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Valan squeezed my hand gently, his touch providing a much-needed anchor amidst the uncertainty. "I know, but let us make the most of the time we have. Let's create memories that will sustain us through the trials ahead."

A wistful smile played on my lips as I leaned into his side, finding solace in his presence. We continued our walk, relishing the beauty of the world around us and stealing stolen glances filled with unspoken words of love and longing.

With each passing day, our hearts grew fonder, and the need to cherish every stolen moment became more evident. We carved out pockets of time, stealing kisses under the moonlight and sharing laughter amidst the chaos that surrounded us.

The Banquet is near its end, time is ticking. His impending leave is about to arrive. Although the weight of our responsibilities weighed heavily on our shoulders, our love blossomed and thrived. We found solace in each other's arms, finding strength in the knowledge that we were in this together.

As the days slipped by, our love deepened, and the inevitability of our impending separation loomed ever closer. But we refused to let the worries consume us. Instead, we focused on building a foundation of trust, understanding, and unwavering support.

Together, we vowed to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that our love was resilient enough to withstand the test of time. We held onto each other, determined to make every moment count, cherishing the love that bound us together. For even in the face of uncertainty, we found solace in our love, and it fueled us to keep moving forward. Our journey was just beginning, and we were ready to face whatever lay ahead, hand in hand, hearts intertwined.

The weight of responsibilities settled heavily upon us as we sat in the peaceful ambiance of the palace garden. The scent of chamomile tea filled the air, providing a comforting backdrop to our conversation.

"Dion is leaving tomorrow," Miracle spoke with a hint of melancholy, sinking down onto the cushioned seat. This spot, a favorite of Frencia's for leisurely picnics, offered a momentary escape from the demands of our roles. "Deferas seems close on the map, but the journey itself takes months. I, too, am leaving for Finburgh to resume my duties—Miracle's duties."

A sense of understanding passed between us as we both grappled with the weight of our respective family responsibilities. While mine seemed to bear a heavier burden, Miracle's own struggles were not to be dismissed.

"You're right," I replied softly, taking a sip of my tea. "We are bound by these family responsibilities, each with its unique challenges. I am determined to bring an end to the conflicts that have plagued our families for far too long. That is why Valan and I are heading to the West."

Miracle's eyes reflected a mixture of admiration and sorrow. "You have always been strong, Selene, carrying the weight of your lineage with grace and resilience. It is a heavy burden to bear."

I nodded, understanding the truth in her words. "But your own journey hasn't been easy either, Miracle. Your past transgressions may have concluded, but the shackles of your history still confine you."

We sat in a brief moment of shared understanding, the weight of our responsibilities hanging heavy in the air. It was a silent acknowledgment that no matter the differences in our paths, we were united by the common thread of duty.

"Responsibilities," we uttered in unison, the word carrying a weight that words alone couldn't express. With a shared sigh, we acknowledged the challenges we faced and the sacrifices we had to make.

But in that moment, amidst the shadows of our duties, we found solace in each other's presence. The understanding and support we offered provided a glimmer of hope, reminding us that we were not alone in our struggles.

As we sat there, contemplating the paths that lay before us, a renewed determination burned within me. I would face the challenges head-on, not only for the sake of my family but also for the possibility of a better future for all.

The tea grew cold in our cups, but the warmth of our connection remained, forging a bond that transcended the weight of our responsibilities. Together, we would navigate the trials ahead, drawing strength from one another as we pursued our shared goals.

And with that resolve firmly in our hearts, we rose from the garden, ready to face the journey that awaited us. Our paths may diverge, but the connection we forged in this moment would endure, reminding us of the strength that lies within when we support one another in the face of adversity.

After talking to Miracle, I find my way towards the Queen's chamber. The Queen's concern was evident in her eyes as she processed the gravity of my plan. She hesitated for a moment, grappling with the potential repercussions of keeping Valan in the dark. However, she understood the necessity of my decision.

"Are you sure about this, Selene?" she questioned, her voice laced with worry. "You're not going to inform him? What if he discovers your intentions and tries to stop you?"

I took a deep breath, my grip tightening on my hands as I met the Queen's gaze with unwavering determination. "I ask that you keep this between us, your Majesty. Valan is already burdened with the weight of the land's conflicts. It is only I who can address the matters that lie beneath the sea."

The Queen's expression softened as she comprehended the strength of my conviction. She knew that this was a battle I needed to face on my own, without compromising Valan's focus and endangering him further.

"I want to confront my own uncle without placing anyone else in harm's way," I declared, my voice steady and resolute. "I am prepared to fight this battle alone."

The Queen nodded, acknowledging the gravity of my decision. "I understand," she murmured, her tone filled with both respect and concern. "I will ensure that Valan remains focused on Sigrid's fleet, giving you the opportunity to confront your uncle. This is your trial, Selene. Whatever lies ahead, be ready, be brave, and never let it define you."

Her words resonated deep within me, fueling the fire of determination that burned within my heart. I knew that this journey would test my strength and resilience, but I was prepared to face it head-on.

"Thank you, your Majesty," I expressed my gratitude, bowing respectfully. With a renewed sense of purpose, I turned to leave, ready to embark on the path that lay before me.

As I walked away from the Queen's presence, I carried her words with me, a constant reminder of the challenges that awaited. I knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but I was resolved to face it with unwavering courage, knowing that I had the Queen's support and the belief in my own abilities.

With each step, I grew more determined to confront my past, face my uncle, and forge a future where the sea and the land could find peace.

The last person I visited was Frencia, she's in her study room. She's been engrossed with pottery making ever since she saw a pottery contest during the Banquet Celebration. As I arrived, the room was filled with clay, broken pots, and sticky floors.

"Frencia?" I seek her presence. "I want to bid goodbye. Valan and I are going to the West the day after tomorrow."

"Okay! Enjoy!" her voice was behind the divider who I went in to look at. There she is, still making— perfectly her pot.

"Want some help?" I asked.

"Nope, I got this all under control—"

She couldn't finish her words and the pot she's making ruined. I couldn't help but chuckle at Frencia's reaction as her carefully crafted pot met an unfortunate fate. She looked up at me with a mix of frustration and amusement in her eyes.

"Dang it!" she exclaimed, letting out a sigh of disappointment. "I've been working on this for hours, and now it's ruined."

I stepped closer to her, surveying the scattered clay and broken pieces around the room. "Seems like you've been busy," I remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Frencia gave me a sheepish grin, wiping her hands on a towel to remove the excess clay. "Yeah, I've been trying to improve my pottery skills. It's more challenging than I thought."

I picked up a small shard from a broken pot, examining it for a moment before placing it on the table. "Pottery takes patience and practice. It's all about finding the right balance of shaping and molding the clay."

She nodded, understanding my point. "I guess I still have a lot to learn."

"Well, you've got a natural talent for it," I reassured her, offering a supportive smile. "And I have no doubt that with more practice, you'll create some amazing pieces."

Frencia's eyes lit up with a newfound determination. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely," I replied, taking a step closer to her. "You have a creative spirit, Frencia. Don't let a small setback discourage you. Embrace the process, learn from your mistakes, and keep pushing forward."

She smiled gratefully, appreciating my encouragement. "Thank you, Selvy. I needed that."

As we stood amidst the remnants of her pottery mishap, I realized that our time together was coming to an end. Valan and I would soon be embarking on a journey to the West, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown.

"I came to bid you farewell, Frencia," I finally spoke, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Valan and I are leaving in a couple of days."

Her expression turned solemn, a mix of emotions crossing her face. "I'll miss you, Selvy. It won't be the same without you around. I will miss nagging you the most."

"I'll miss you too," I admitted, my voice filled with genuine affection. "But I know that we'll see each other again. Our paths will cross once more."

Frencia nodded, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Until then, take care of yourself, Selvy. Stay strong and remember, no matter the distance between us, our bond as sisters remains unbreakable."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I embraced her, cherishing the warmth of our sisterly connection. "I promise, Frencia. I'll carry our bond in my heart wherever I go."

With that, we parted ways, each of us embarking on our own journeys. As I left Frencia's study, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension for the adventures that awaited me in the West. But no matter what challenges lay ahead, I knew that the love and support of my newfound sister bond would always be with me, guiding me through the uncharted waters of my destiny.

"You seem happy, care to tell me?"

I arrived back at my chamber and Valan was waiting for me inside. His armed immediately snaked on my back and pulled me in for a forehead kiss. It has been his favorite thing to do since the past week.

"I bid an early farewell," I uttered.

Valan slowly nodded after what I said, then he let me go. "I will let Lutch stay with you once we arrive there."

"But, I want to be with you," I said.

"You know I have to confront Sigrid's fleet."

"But, I can fight with you," I insisted.

"We already talked about this, and that decision was final, Selene." Valan's words struck a chord within me, and I felt a mix of frustration and understanding. Deep down, I knew he was trying to protect me, but my desire to stand by his side was strong.

"I understand your concerns, Valan," I replied, my voice tinged with determination. "But I want to be there for you, to fight alongside you. We've faced challenges together before, and I believe we're stronger when we're together."

Valan's expression softened, his eyes filled with love and concern. He cupped my face gently in his hands. "Selene, I know how capable you are, and I admire your strength. But this battle is different, and I need to focus on leading our forces against Sigrid's fleet. I can't afford any distractions or worries about your safety."

I sighed, my shoulders slumping slightly. Deep down, I knew he was right. Valan had a responsibility to protect our people, and allowing me to be in the midst of the conflict would only serve as a distraction.

"Okay," I finally conceded, albeit reluctantly. "I'll trust your judgment, Valan. I'll stay behind with Lutch."

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Thank you, Selene. I appreciate your understanding. I promise to return to you safely."

I nodded, a mix of emotions swirling within me. As we stood in each other's embrace, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for the man before me. Valan was not only my love but a true leader, willing to make difficult decisions for the greater good.

"Take care of yourself, Valan," I whispered, my voice filled with love. "And remember, I'll be waiting for your safe return."

He held me tighter, his touch providing comfort and reassurance. "I will, Selene. I won't rest until we've overcome this challenge and can be together freely."

With that, we shared a lingering kiss, a moment of shared love and determination. As we prepared to depart for the West, I watched him with a mixture of love and longing. Our journey was far from over, I always knew our responsibility might be aligned, yet there is still a border between our lives.


are very much appreciated, thank you!

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