Natsuki Subaru's story in Gen...

By Fumo_Kokushibo

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We will see Natsuki Subaru's (Lolimancer) new adventure in Gensokyo. will he get a good life around terrifyin... More

Natsuki Subaru
Start of the Adventure
Chewed Remains
A Single Spot of Sunshine
Death of the Mind
Love Is Hidden Behind Your Eyelids
Childish Recklessness
Hakugyokurou & Yuyuko Arc
Hakugyokurou & Yuyuko Arc Chapter 2
Hakugyokurou & Yuyuko Arc Chapter 3
Thank You
Hakugyokurou & Yuyuko Arc Final Chapter
Secret Deal

Understanding, Love, And Natchuki Subawu

948 23 100
By Fumo_Kokushibo

He made a bath, It was night, and no one was coming, Subaru was so bored, that he decided to sleep until someone woke him up, he lay down on his bed and started to sleep, a few minutes later Flandre came to his room to let him know they were done talking.

Flandre: "Subaru! oh... he's sleeping."

Flandre came closer to his bed, she looked at the Subaru, she was going to wake him up but the bed was looking comfy, so she decided to sleep too, Flandre opened the blanket and got in, she warped her arms around Subaru and started to sleep.



???: "I was wondering why they are late."

Subaru heard a voice, he started to wake up, he rubbed his eyes and looked at the voice, Remilia, Sakuya, and Patchouli were looking at Subaru, and Remilia sighed.

Remilia: "I bet Flan just joined you while you were sleeping."

Subaru looked at himself and saw Flandre hugging him, she was also awake now.

Patchouli: "Flan, don't just join him while he's sleeping, that's wrong."

Subaru: "Flan-chan? why didn't you wake me up?"

Flandre: "It's not my problem, the bed looked comfy, and Subaru hugged me too! That was a good hug! I want again, and he seems to like hugging me, hehe."

They switched Target to Subaru now, Subaru could see the anger Patchouli, she was angry now, and Subaru could feel the different type of magic aura, which was bad, why did Flandre say these words and make them angry?

Subaru: "Eh? P-Patchy-sama? Sakuya I need to back up here!"

Sakuya: "Huh?!"

Sakuya is not smiling, she's trying to hide her anger, but her aura is not, and her eyes slightly changed to red, Subaru can feel the danger and anger, he is in danger, and this is bad, he needs to avoid death, is this all because of Flandre?

Subaru: "o_o" 'Oh boy... I'm dead...' "Wait! Wait! isn't it a natural thing to hug something in your sleep?"

Sakuya: "First time hearing this... is this true, Patchouli-sama?"

Patchouli: "Hmm... I don't think it's true."

Patchouli answered while smiling, these two are getting along, Subaru's chances are running out, Subaru looked at Remilia, that was his last chance, last chance to get away from this without punishment.

Remilia: "What? Don't look at me, I'm not a child."

Flandre: "But isn't onee-sama hugging her pillow and saying, Subar-"

Remilia: "F-FLAN!!! No more on this topic! Subaru, Go and pick a teapot and come to the balcony!"

Subaru sighed in relief, he was just saved by Flandre's words, but also he was in danger because of Flandre, anyway. They all started to leave the room, and Subaru followed them until they were near the kitchen, he stopped at the kitchen and made tea, took the teapot, and started to walk to the balcony.


When he is on the balcony, he puts the tea in the cups and serves them.

Sakuya: "Follow me, Subaru, we are going to clean the main hallway." Sakuya is acting normal as if nothing happened in the Moriya shrine, at least that's what she should do for now, and also Subaru is acting normal, Subaru is somewhat overcome by the kiss, but he is slightly started to understand they are acting somewhat different when it's about Subaru, more deadly.

Subaru: "Okay."

Subaru started to follow Sakuya, when they arrived in the main hallway, Sakuya stopped time and got the cleaning stuff, and gave it mop to Subaru.

Sakuya: "Clean the floor while I am cleaning the ceiling and ceiling lamps, Dea- Subaru."

Subaru: "Understood!"

Subaru started to clean the floor, it felt weird to clean in the stopped time, well, he can't be grouchy about his job because he is a servant, that was what Subaru picked, he is not regretful, a few minutes later he dones with his task.

Subaru: "Alright, floors are cleaned!"

Sakuya: "Good, now clean the windows." She said while cleaning the ceiling lamps carefully.

Subaru: "Okay!"

Subaru took a cleaning cloth and started to clean the windows that were in the main hallway, there were a lot of windows, and this was not going to be easy, Sakuya joined him a few minutes later, and they cleaned the windows.


Subaru didn't know how long they had been cleaning these windows, Subaru was sweating and started to get tired, it's been a long time, how was Sakuya still not even dropping a single sweat? well, she is used to this job, unlike Subaru. After a while, they are done with the task finally.

Subaru: "Finally!"

Sakuya: "Finally? Finally what? we still didn't clean the kitchen."

Subaru: "What?! I will die!"

Sakuya: "If you have enough energy to speak, then you sure have the energy to work."

With that Sakuya held Subaru's hand and started to drag him with her, Subaru was lying about being tired, he was extremely tired, he was probably working for hours, thanks to his trained body, he was still able to stand, but Sakuya planning to use his energy until he cannot even walk, they arrive the kitchen.

Sakuya: "Clean the dishes while I am cleaning the around, got it?"

Subaru: "Yes..."

Subaru started to clean dishes, at least he was not doing something tiring.

Sakuya: 'I... I feel like it is more enjoyable working with Subaru.' her cheeks started to get slightly red.

Sakuya was looking at Subaru while cleaning the table, but Subaru felt it, looked at her, and saw Sakuya looking at him.

Subaru: "Hm? Need something?"

Sakuya: "N-no!" She looked at the table and cleaned faster, she flustered a little bit while blushing slightly.

Subaru didn't get something and continued with his task, a few minutes later he finished it, also Sakuya finished her task too.

Subaru: "Finally..."

Sakuya: "Finally? Funny, we still have to clean 18 rooms more."

Subaru: "EHH? WHAT?!?!"

Sakuya: "Just joking, you should see your face."

Subaru: "J-joke...?" *sighs* "You can't imagine how I was scared!"

Sakuya: "I know~ Let's go to the balcony, we are done with our tasks."

Subaru and Sakuya started to walk to the balcony, but time stopped the whole time, it felt weird, how could he work for hours but it was 0 seconds for others?

Subaru: "Sakuya, do you sleep sometimes in stopped time?"

Sakuya: "Yes."

Subaru: "How does it feel?"

Sakuya smirks, looks like she has an idea about that.

Sakuya: "Would you like to try?"

Subaru: "Yes! I would like to!"

Sakuya: "Alright, how about we do it before sleeping this night?"

Subaru: "Sure."

They arrive at the balcony while talking, and Sakuya starts time, Remilia saws Subaru and Sakuya are already standing there, and Remilia can see Sakuya is smiling.

Remilia: "Fast as always, Sakuya, how it was with Subaru, did it feel easier?"

Sakuya: "Yes, it was easier."

Remilia: "Well, I can't say that to Subaru, he looks tired."

Flandre: "Yes, Subaru looks tired!"

Subaru: "I might be tired but I am still Subaru! So, I have still the energy to give you a head pat!" Subaru started to give a head pat to Flandre, and her joy came back, Flandre smiled and blushed a little bit.

Flandre: "Hehe~ Subaru is Subaru!"

After giving a head pat to Flandre, Subaru sat on one of the chairs.

Patchouli: "Tomorrow you have to help me in the library, Subaru."

Subaru: "Alright!"

Sakuya: "He will sleep in my world, he can help you at midnight, Patchouli-sama."

Patchouli: "Oh? That's good to know."

Remilia: "Sakuya, Subaru, you two are free to go the rest, well done today."

Subaru and Sakuya nodded, left the balcony, and started walking toward their rooms, but Subaru had a question on his mind.

Subaru: "Hmm... I don't think I should sleep in the stopped time, that might destroy my day-night sleep circle."

Sakuya: "Yes, you're right, that might be bad for you, but I will sleep in stopped time, that makes things easier."

Subaru: "Alright... wait... isn't that also mean I will sleep in stopped time too?"

Sakuya: "Yes, looks like you don't have a choice."

Subaru: "Eh? Don't you feel sad for me?"

Sakuya: "Nope, go and sleep now."

Subaru: "Okay but cruel!"

Sakuya stopped the time and Subaru walked towards his room, he sighed, not only his mind but also his sleep circle broke, what a cruel world, anyway, he arrived at his room, and he took a bath before sleeping. After the bath he feels refreshed, he lays down on his bed and starts to fall asleep.


Sakuya woke up, and she started the time, Sakuya decided to check Subaru if he woke up, so she made her way to Subaru's room, she arrived after a few minutes, she knocked but no reply, she opened the door and saw Subaru is still sleeping.

Sakuya was going to speak but she stopped herself, she started to blush, looking like she had an idea in her mind, she got closer to Subaru and held his hand lightly, and she started to lean towards Subaru's face...


The door suddenly opened, and Patchouli stepped in, she looked around and saw no one, Sakuya was hiding in Subaru's closet, and she was peeking from the little hole, and she sighed. That was a close one, she was almost caught.

Patchouli: "Hmm... I wonder why Subaru is still sleeping, didn't he sleep in stopped time?"

Patchouli sighed and came closer to Subaru's bed.

Patchouli: "Subaru! Wake up!"

Subaru: "..."

Subaru was still asleep, and Patchouli sighed, she was going to use water magic to wake up Subaru, but she decided that would be so cruel, so she just poked Subaru, and he started to wake up.

Patchouli: "Finally, morning, Lolimancer."

Subaru rubbed his eyes.

Subaru: "Yeah, morn- WAIT! WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!"

Patchouli: "Heh, woke up, sleepy head, we are going to the library."

Subaru: "Okay!"

Subaru and Patchouli left the room, a few minutes later Sakuya left the room, she felt like a pervert who watching Subaru, well, she couldn't reject the fact she was going to kiss Subaru again, she blushed, shook her head and made her way to Remilia.

Subaru and Patchouli arrived at the library.

Patchouli: "There are missing books, I will give you the names of the missing books, you will go and look everywhere in the library to find them" Patchouli gives Subaru a piece of paper that writes books' names on it.

Subaru: "Alright!"

Subaru started to check the floor, but he couldn't find any missing books, he decided to check the shelves but still got nothing, he started to look everywhere, a few minutes later he saw a girl with a black witch hat.

Subaru: "Marisa?! What are you doing here?"

Marisa: "Hehe... Just stea- borrowing some books ze."

Subaru: "That's stealing..."

Marisa: "What? It's not stealing ze, you guys can have it back when I'm dead, I am just borrowing them until I die."

Subaru: "Still the same, stealing."

Marisa: "Heh, do you think you can stop me ze?"

Subaru: "Hah, look like I have to use my ultimate spell card."

Marisa: "Ultimate spell card...?"

Subaru: "Yes, it hurts my pride as a man, but I have to use it, get ready to take this Marisa!"

Marisa: "!?" Marisa takes a step back.

Subaru: "Spell card of prideless man "PATCHY-SAMA HELP ME!!!" Heh."


Marisa heard footsteps and looked back and saw two people.

Patchouli: "So, you were the reason for the missing books, or should I say the person who stole the books?"

Sakuya: "How lucky me, I was just bringing tea to Patchouli-sama, and heard Subaru's scream for help."

Marisa: "I wasn't stealing ze! I was borrowing!"

Sakuya: "How about simply giving up and accepting the defeat?"

Marisa: "Heh, why would I ze?"

Patchouli: "Because if I don't get tired, I won't get an asthma attack, and luckily Subaru can take our fatigue."

Marisa: "Eh? Subaru? You traitor!"

Subaru: "Traitor? I am working here!"

Sakuya: "I'm sure you don't want to see Patchouli-sama without a limit? do you? Ah, and of course add me too."

Marisa: "Ghh... I accept it, damn it ze!" Marisa puts the books back while angry.

Sakuya: "Good, and for your punishment, you have to take Subaru to the human village, we are getting out of tea stock, he will buy tea."

Subaru: "Eh?"

Marisa: "Really? I mean, Hmph! I accept it ze, because Subaru is my friend."

Marisa held Subaru's hand and started dragging him to the library exit.

Patchouli: "Don't make us regret our choice, witch."

Marisa turned her head back and made a smug smile to Sakuya and Patchouli. And left with Subaru.

Sakuya: "This witch!" Sakuya said angrily, looking like she already regretted it.

Patchouli: "I can understand. How can we forget that witch was our enemy, what a shame."

Sakuya: "Ah, really... I let my guard down. I will make this witch learn what is the meaning of this."

Sakuya and Patchouli smiling devilishly, they are planning something for Marisa. Meanwhile, Subaru doesn't want to hop on the broom again, but he has to hop on that broom.

Marisa: "C'mon hop on, we don't have all day ze."

Subaru: "Okay..." Subaru prayed for his balls and sat the broom, it was still painful. His future generation is in danger if he keeps sitting on this broom.

Marisa started to fly to the human village, she was expecting a hug from Subaru as he always does but there was no hug, Marisa turned her head and looked at Subaru.

Subaru: "Heh, I guess I get used to your speed."

Marisa: "You used to my speed...? THEN LET'S SEE ZE!" Marisa smirked and went flying at full speed.

Subaru: "YOU CRAZY WITCH!!!" Subaru's hands started to get slip from the broom, he quickly hugged Marisa to not fall.

Marisa: "Heh." Marisa felt the embrace of Subaru, she got what she wanted. Wait, isn't this abusing his weakness? Well, this is Gensokyo, strongers always can do whatever they want.

Subaru: "Heh? I WAS GOING TO FALL!"

Marisa: "Congratulations, you didn't fall but hugged me, pervert lolimancer ze."


Marisa: "What? I am not a thief, I am just borrowing things. I reject the thief but you didn't reject the pervert lolimancer ze. Heh."

Subaru was going to explode from Marisa's tease, but they eventually arrived at the human village before Subaru could say something. Marisa hops off the broom with Subaru, she starts to think something and completely ignores what is Subaru saying.

Marisa: 'Why i am feeling so happy? Because of Subaru? Is he really making me this much happy? is this love? I can't understand... but I want to spend more time with Subaru, w-what is this feeling?'

Subaru:  "Marisa, let's go, I don't have much time."

Marisa: 'If I am in love, shouldn't I express my feelings? What if he doesn't like me? i-it makes me sad to think about that... n-no I can't let that happen...'

Subaru: "Hey, Marisa!"

Marisa: 'b-but he might love me too, he hugs me... and nice to me, d-does he loves hugging me? Well... I can't reject the fact I loved this...'

Subaru: "Marisa... are you okay?"

Marisa: 'Oh right! I maybe should borrow him too? like I'm borrowing some books, and that might work... no, he only would hate that, what should I do? but I'm sure he loves me too, maybe I should let him show his emotions to me. He would put his hand behind me and pull me close to him, we would be really close, he would start to express his feelings... and he would say "Marisa... you are my little magician who stole my heart, please accept my feelings, I love you so much!" and I would say...'

Marisa: "I love you too." She said this out loud, she didn't understand she said this, she was thinking in her imaginary world.

Subaru: "...Huh...?"

Random villager 1: "My, my, what a confidante girl, she expressed her feelings!"

Random villager 2: "Say yes, young boy!"

Marisa: "Eh? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! THAT WAS NOT A CONFESSION, I WAS JUST THINKING SOMETHING... GHHH... FORGET WHAT I SAID! T-THAT WAS... UHH... KUHHH!!!!" She flies away fast and leaves Subaru alone, in fact, she just broke her speed record.

Subaru just didn't understand what just happened. What even she was thinking? Subaru shook his head, a classic day in the Gensokyo, there is no logic in this place, he wouldn't understand her even if he was tried, well, he can't reject the fact he is NEET and weird too, maybe this is why he is suited in the Gensokyo.

Subaru made his way to the store and buy tea, the problem was that he was alone, and he needed to walk back to the mansion, he sighed and left the village while carrying bags of tea. Well, he is in vampire disguise, he hoped to not see a youkai.




As he kept walking, he heard a girl's voice, he looked towards the voice, he saw a girl who was talking with a dead frog, she had wavy, green, short hair and dark green eyes, wearing a black hat with a yellow ribbon around it. A closed, purple "third eye" is positioned over her heart, with cords wrapped around her torso and attached to each of her ankles. She wears a yellow shirt with diamond-like blue buttons and a dark green collar. The skirt is also green with a faint flowery pattern but is lighter. Her socks are black.

(I hope she doesn't destroy this story.)

Subaru looks at the frozen frog, it's already dead and looks at the girl who is speaking with the frog.

Subaru: "Why are you talking with a dead frog...?"

???: "Hm? Oh, hi mister~ Mr. Frog said it's so cold, I was trying to help Mr. Frog."

Subaru: "... You can't help something is already dead..." 'What the hell is she saying? Great, another crazy loli.'

???: "Hmmmmmm... How are you able to see me, mister?"

Subaru: "Uhh... why wouldn't I be able to see you?"

Koishi: "Hehe, did you hear that mister? Mr. Hat said you are so funny and interesting, my name is Koishi Komeiji, who are you, mister?"

Subaru: "I am Natsuki Subaru, the butler of Scarlet Devil Mansion, but why are you still outside at this time?"

Subaru still has a common sense of thinking, a normal person would not even care about a youkai, well, Subaru is Subaru.

Koishi: "Hm? Why shouldn't I?"

Subaru: "Well, it's dangerous, isn't it? Even for a youkai, you gotta be careful, and what about your family? They would get worried. Even if your family doesn't care about you, you should take care of yourself."

Koishi: "Y-You are worrying about me...? Thank you Nii-san"

Subaru: "Nii-san?!"

Koishi: "D-Don't you want me to call you like that..." She said with puppy eyes, making a cute pose that Subaru couldn't resist, Subaru tried his best but it was useless, she was just too cute. Koishi won and Subaru lost, Subaru sighed.

Subaru: "Okay... you can call me Nii-san..."

Koishi: "Yey! Nii-san, you're a human right? I can understand!"

Subaru: "Eh? Really? how did you find out?"

Koishi: "Heh, I can understand if my Nii-san is a human or not."

Subaru: "You're good with words, aren't you!" Subaru started to give a head pat to Koishi, she smiled and felt warm, that was her first head pat, and she felt truly happy and loved, Mr. Hat was right, and Koishi quickly hugged Subaru.

Koishi: "Hehe~"

Subaru: 'She is like Flandre, childish and cute. Well, can't reject the fact I am cool, Heh. I can easily handle this loli.'


Koishi is not letting go of the hug.


Her hug started to get more tightly and more as time passed.

Subaru: 'I take back! She is not like Flandre! I made a mistake! I can't handle this loli!!!'

Subaru: "Hey... I remember now, I have to visit Yuuka and-"

Koishi: "No! Don't leave me..."

Subaru sighed, he understood now, and Subaru gave another head pat.

Subaru: "I am not going to abandon you, I am just a little bit busy if you tell me where you live, I promise I will visit you, okay?"

Koishi: "Yeyy! Promise, right? I live in the underworld, just don't forget to visit..." Her voice started to get shaky, she sure didn't want to lose the person who could love her back.

She could no longer be hated, but neither could she be loved, this time, she met a person who could see her and even love her, she didn't want to lose Subaru.

Koishi: "Okay?"

Subaru: "I promised, I can't break my promise, can I? Don't worry, I will visit you."

Koishi: "Mhm! I love you Nii-san~ see you later!"

Subaru: "See you later." Subaru waved his hand as he started to make his way to the Garden of the Sun, it was still night but thanks to his vampire disguise, it was fine, he was not long away from the human village, so, he just arrived at the Garden of the Sun in a few minutes. 


Yukari: "Hmm, I need to break his body, and after that the soul, that way I can play with him, oh I found something to make things interesting. Fufufu~ Let's call this "Nightmare mode" for him, I can't wait to see his reaction, no, I want to see the Residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion's reaction to that."

Ran: "What should I do, Yukari-sama?"

Yukari: "Fufu~ I will do it, Let's say I will simply give him more lifespan~"

Ran: "..."


He started to look around, everywhere were sunflowers, he saw a house in the distance, and he started to walk towards the house, he was following a path that was not covered in sunflowers, and as he got close to the house, he saw Yuuka is sitting on the chair, she gets up and smiled, waved her hand to Subaru.

Yuuka: "My, my, you finally decided to visit me, I was thinking about crushing your head if you were not coming for a few days more~"

Subaru: "Haha... Wait! That's not even funny!"

Yuuka: "Yes, because it's not a joke."

Subaru: "Uhh... sorry, I was busy."

Yuuka: "I forgive you, come here, sit, and I will put tea."

Yuuka took a cup and put the tea on the table, Subaru sat on the chair, but the chair he sat on was broken because one of the fairies (9) was made of this, as Subaru sat, the chair started to fall apart, Subaru tried to hold something before fall, he holds Yuuka's hand, but Yuuka wasn't ready for that, and she falls with Subaru too, Yuuka tastes something tasty, she slowly opens her eyes and saws her lips are pressing to Subaru's lips, Yuuka fastly get up with the really blushed face.

Yuuka: "My, what a pervert!"


Yuuka: *sighs* "Relax, Subaru, I know you didn't mean to do that, i know you are not a pervert, i can understand you, you are really caring about your loved ones, don't you? You're trying your best, and I would like to drink tea with a man like you."

Subaru was not expecting an answer like that, he was waiting for a deadly attack from her, but she touched his heart with words.

Subaru: "Yuuka, thank you so much, if there was no one in my heart, you would easily take the first place."

Yuuka: "Fufu~ That only means I just need to take the first place, doesn't it?"

Yuuka is slightly blushed, she is actually kind, Subaru was not expecting to Yuuka is a kind person, he was expecting something like Yukari (Gap hag) 

Yuuka: "Oh, and why do you carry this big bag of tea?"

Subaru: "We are out of tea stock, that's why they sent me to take tea."

Yuuka: "I see, you're not lying about you're busy, you should go before making that vampire and maid go crazy because you're late, Hmph, I allow you to leave for now."

Subaru: "R-Right... I forgot about that..."

Subaru got up and was about to leave, but Yuuka gripped his arm tightly.

Yuuka: "Do not forget to visit me, or you'll face something more horrible than death. Don't let me do that to you."

She lets go of Subaru, who is scared by the sudden threat.

Subaru: "Y-Yes... I won't forget!"

Yuuka: "Good, see you later."

Subaru waved his hand and left the garden of the Sun and made his way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he didn't want to see them angry.

Subaru: "Man, I can't be everywhere at the same time, I am just a regular guy, now I have to visit Yuuka again, and I have to visit the underworld. What a day, I meet with crazy loli, and why does everyone act weird? Can't they be normal? Well, I can't say I'm quite normal, Ahh, I want to go to my room and take a good rest."

???: "If I were to show up, that would be bad, doesn't it?"

Subaru remembered this voice, he turned to the voice in horror, it was Yukari, Yukari didn't give enough time to Subaru think or act, She hit Subaru's heart with her palm, Enough to make Subaru fly a few meters away, Subaru quickly gets up, he didn't feel any pain at all, but it felt weird to his whole body, he felt weakened.

Yukari: "Feel honored, I give you a gift. You owe me!" She said with a crazy smile on her face, she opened a gap and left Subaru alone with many questions.

Subaru: "Tch, hitting someone's heart and saying a gift, what a sick joke..." His voice is somewhat tired. What did she do? it was not painful, but she did something definitely.

He started to walk towards the mansion.

Subaru: 'What did Yukari do to me? She definitely used some kind of magic, but what did she do? The only thing I feel is tiredness at this point, not even pain or something, hmm... what did she mean by gift? I'm just getting more questions as I think more. Well, look like time will show what did she do to me.'

Subaru arrives at the Mansion while he is thinking. Meiling was sleeping, and he just passed the gate without making noise, he got inside the mansion, sighed, and put the bag of tea on the ground, but he felt something was holding him, he looked down, it was Flandre.

Flandre: "You're late, Subaru!"

Flandre started to drag Subaru toward the balcony, but she didn't let him explain.


They arrive at the balcony.

Flandre: "I found him, Nee-sama."

Remilia: "Aren't we late, Subaru?"

Subaru: "Sorry, I visited Yuuka, I was promised her."

Remilia: "You visit that youkai without my permission, hm?"

Remilia: "I will let you get away this time because we have a bigger problem."

Subaru: "What is it?"

Patchouli: "I'm sensing danger from the underworld, no wonder this will be an incident, it's something dangerous."

Remilia: "I want you and Sakuya to go and solve this whatever is this incident."

Subaru: "Can't we just let Reimu solve this incident?"

Remilia: "I can't let this to Reimu, it's dangerous. I know, you want to sleep, I will let you rest for one day after solving the incident."

Subaru: "Okay..."

Sakuya: "Let's go without losing time if you want to earn rest."

Subaru and Sakuya left the mansion, Sakuya held Subaru's hand and they started to fly, this was the first time Subaru would see the underworld, They passed a big hole, but a girl stopped them, she had wavy blond hair and green eyes, and her skin appears to have a pale chartreuse tint to it. She wears a dress that resembles the traditional dresses of Iran's nomadic people, the top is brown with purple borders, with a white criss-cross pattern and a pink sash. The bottom is blue and purple with a white criss-cross pattern and black with criss-crossed red strings hanging on the bottom edge. She has a pink scarf tied around her neck and pink puffy arm socks

Parsee: "Who are you, humans? i am Parsee Mizuhashi, and... wait... You two are holding each other's hands..."

Parsee: "How lucky... look at that two happy couple, I am jealous... so jealous..."

Subaru and Sakuya looked at Parsee as if she was crazy, well, she was crazy.

Sakuya: "Move away, we are-"

Parsee: "Shut up. Even a maid gets a boyfriend while I don't have one? WHAT KINDA JOKE IS THIS? GHH... GIVE ME THE BOY OVER THERE! NOW!! I WILL TAKE HIM FROM YOU!!!"

Subaru: "What the..."

Sakuya quickly pulled out knives, Her eyes changed to crimson color, and she was definitely angry but also slightly happy because they got called "couple", but still she wouldn't let her do something to Subaru, no matter what.

Sakuya: "I won't let you do that, weirdo!"

Parshee and Sakuya started to fight, and Subaru was only watching, well, Parshee is strong but not strong for Sakuya. Subaru noticed Sakuya was more aggressive than usual, looks like when it's about Subaru, Sakuya becomes serious. In the end, Sakuya won.

Sakuya: "Do not get close to Subaru again, or I won't be forgiveful like now."

Yuugi: "Ahahahaha! Forgiveful you say? What are a vampire and a human maid doing here? Oh, isn't that Subaru? Haha! Aren't you the boy who drank with Suika? i am Yuugi Hoshiguma, let's drink!" Yuugi has long, straight blonde hair, red eyes, and a single red horn coming out of her forehead. She wears a white, short-sleeved shirt with red trim at the cuffs, neck, and bottom and a dark blue semi-transparent skirt with red highlights and trim. Her wrists and ankles are manacled, with short, broken chains attached to the manacles.

Subaru: "No way!"

Yuugi: "C'mon, don't be like that, let's drink!"

Sakuya: "Sorry, we are in a hurry."

Yuugi: "Hahaha, I see, I simply should make you drink with me when I see you next time."

Subaru sighed, they handled it without fighting. Sakuya and Subaru continued on their way, it got hotter as they got close to the person who made this incident.


While walking, Subaru saw a red cat, Subaru never saw a red cat in his life.

Subaru: "A cat! Red cat! Sakuya, can I pet this cat?"

Sakuya: "Hmm... you can try."

Subaru got closer to the red cat, and the red cat looked at him with curious eyes, Subaru leaned into the cat and started to pet it, and the cat purrs in return.

Sakuya: "Hmm, I don't think that's a normal cat, Subaru."

As Subaru looked at Sakuya, the red cat turned into a girl, she had black cat ears and dark red eyes, with fiery red hair styled into twin braids and adorned by black ribbons at the top and bottom of the braids. She wears a black decorated dress with green frills.

Sakuya: "See, the cat turned into a cat."

Subaru: "You mean cat girl?"

Rin: "I can't believe you find out, good job, vampire and human maid, I am Rin Kaenbyou."

Subaru: "You're the one who making this dangerous thing?"

Rin: "No, I was already beaten by Reimu."

Subaru: "Oh, I see, Reimu is ahead of us, do you think we still need to continue, Sakuya?"

Rin: "Well, half true, she beat me but she went from the wrong path."

Subaru: "Then the true path is inside that Mansion?" Subaru pointed to the Mansion behind Rin.

Rin: "Well, if you want to learn, get in."

Sakuya: "Seems like we don't have another choice, let's go, Subaru."

Sakuya and Subaru got inside the mansion, and they looked around, it looked like Scarlet Devil Mansion but it was not that big or designed, Subaru looked around and saw he was already separated from Sakuya, which was bad for Subaru.

???: "Oh no, I lost Sakuya, I don't know what to do if I saw a Youkai, I don't want to use Return By Death, it's painful, wait... what is this? Why do I hear my thoughts, Hey! stop it!" The girl said Subaru's thoughts, she has short, purple hair with a black hairband and purple eyes. A red "third eye" is positioned over her heart, with cords running to her head and wrists. Wears a blue shirt with yellow heart buttons, a pink collar, a pink skirt with a faint flowery pattern, and pink slippers.

Satori: "Who i am? I'm Satori Komeiji, mistress of this mansion. Hm? How did I read your mind and still reading? I can read mind and heart."

Subaru: "That feels weird! Where is Sakuya?"

Satori: "Ah, and you thought of your ability, I'm quite curious, its name is Return By Death huh, time to read it."

As Satori started to read Subaru's ability, Satori's smug smile started to fade away, she couldn't believe her eyes, was this even possible, she saw every brutal way to die and feel the pain, is this can even bearable? her face is in horror and pain, this is not an ability but a curse, she just can't believe this, getting eaten alive by the protector of the Human village? burned alive 27 times by an immortal girl? working even if his mind and soul are corrupted and tired, how heavy is Subaru's pain? No one can understand Subaru but Satori, she felt great sadness. Satori finally speaks.

Satori: "S-So... sad..."

Subaru: "Did you read my ability...?"

Satori: "Yes... I wish I hadn't read it..."

Subaru: "I..."

Satori: "No need to talk, Subaru, i can feel how you feel, i can understand you, this is not an ability but a curse. Tell your curse's name, Subaru."

Subaru: "..."

Satori: "I know you want to tell it, but nothing will happen, i know you're scared, i know no one can understand you but me, Subaru, trust me."

Subaru: *closes his eyes* "i... I can Return By Death!"

He slowly opens his eyes and sees nothing happening.

Subaru: "W-When I die... I go back in time and restart the world..."

Subaru: "I can Return By Death! Return By Death! Return By Death!! Return By Death!!! I died and started again over and over again, I... I... I have been dying... all this time... ever since I came to this world... n-no one can understand me..."

Subaru falls to the ground, on his knees, he cannot stop his tears anymore.

Subaru: "Over and over... all alone... alone this whole time... I... I..."

Subaru: "Waaaahh..."

Subaru is crying, unable to hold himself, he just let go of all of his true feelings was unable to express this whole time, tears following to the ground, Satori quickly hugged Subaru, and pats his head, wiping his tears, but also Satori's eyes are filled with tears too.

Satori: "I know, I can feel, I can understand, it must be really hard, isn't it? no one understood you, a curse that you're carrying, the burden you're carrying... You were lonely, broken, both body and mind, h-how sad... but you still keep fighting because your loved ones, you were can simply give up but didn't, yet no one was able to understand that."

Satori: "You Truly are an Amazing Guy, Natsuki Subaru..."

Subaru: "T-Thank you..."

Satori: "I will always support you, Subaru, even if you are left alone or betrayed, I will be with you."

Satori: "I feel like that maid might kill me if she saw you crying like that, you don't want to let anyone learn your ability, right? Go and wash your face, let's talk more when we have free time. You can talk to me whatever happens, I will always listen to you."

After Subaru gets into the bathroom to wash his face, Sakuya arrives in the main hallway, and Satori is there too.

Satori: "Ah, I am Satori Komeji mistress of this Mansion, welcome, Sakuya. Hm? Ah, Don't worry nothing happened to Subaru. My, my, You care about Subaru, thinking about him this much."

Sakuya: "Enough! I can't trust you, if something happened to Subaru, you would wish to be dead."

Satori and Sakuya start to argue because Sakuya does not trust this mind reader, she might do something to Subaru, as they talk more, Sakuya starts to understand nothing happened to Subaru, but still doesn't trust her. She might be the person who is behind this incident, a few minutes later Subaru joins them, and Sakuya holds Subaru's hand tightly and sighs.

Satori: "Ah, seems like one of my pets is out of control, she is avoiding me, if you want to stop this incident, you two have to beat down her."

Subaru: "Do you mean the Rin, that red cat?"

Satori: "No, my other pet, her name is Okuu, she become so powerful, that's the problem."

Sakuya: "I see, we should simply beat her and stop this incident."

Satori: "We? I think you can handle this fight but what about Subaru? Do you think he can handle this too? What will you do if he dies? it's better if he stays here with me."

Sakuya: "i..."

Satori: "See, you're hesitating, he should stay here with me until you solve this incident. And h-"

Sakuya: "NO!"

Sakuya pulls Subaru closer to her.

Sakuya: "I won't let anybody take Subaru away from me, he is with me, no matter what. I will beat down anyone who stays in my way."

Subaru: "Sakuya..."

Satori: "My, looks like you made up your mind, then good luck with Subaru."

Subaru: "Sakuya, I didn't know you were caring about me this much!"

Sakuya: "s-shut up... i'm only doing this because Remilia-sama said, Hmph." Sakuya said while having a blush.

Satori: "Fufu, I see, I see, because of Remilia, hm?" *winks at Sakuya* "Fufu, after leaving the mansion, follow the left path." 

Subaru: "Ah, and where is Koishi?"

Satori: "She is not here, I will let her know you were here."

Subaru and Sakuya left the mansion, and they started to follow the left path. The thing is Subaru is getting more and more tired, it's not because of sleep, but because of Yukari, after she hit Subaru, Subaru started to feel tired, and it's getting worse, his body screams for sleep. The air started to get more hotter, which was bad for Subaru's tired body.

Subaru: "It's really hot..."

Sakuya: "Yeah, it's at least 40 or 45 °C. Subaru, you seem tired, are you okay?"

Subaru: "Yeah... don't mind about me, we just need to solve this incident..."

Sakuya: "... You're definitely more than tired, we need to solve this incident fast."

Sakuya starts to fly faster, and Subaru starts to sweat because of the hot air, it's unbelievably hot, his vampire clothes aren't get affected by temperature but his face and hair are affected, which makes him enough to sweat and feel the hot, it's normally okay but this is not a normal temperature.

Sakuya: "We're close, I can feel."

After a long way, they saw a girl, she had long dark brown hair. Wears a white short-sleeved shirt with a red "eye" in the center, a short green skirt, and a green hair ribbon. On her right arm, she wears a device reminiscent of a nuclear control rod. She also wears a cape that's white on the outside and a starry pattern on the inside; the cape is kept aloft by her black wings. Her right foot is encased in congealed matter, representing the "elephant's foot" of Chornobyl, a mass of cooled radioactive material and glass. Her left ankle is orbited by electrons.

Subaru: "Uhh... I feel like she is the final boss..."

Okuu: "Final boss? What's that? I am not the final boss, I am Okuu!"

Subaru: "I think you get it wrong."

Okuu: "Huh? I get it what's wrong?"

Subaru: "You're the one who is Satori's pet, right? Seems like you got so much power, so we have to stop you!"

Okuu: "Eh? Why? I only got nuclear fusion powers."

Subaru: "W-W-WHAT!?!?! NUCLEAR FUSION??"

Okuu: "Yes! And I will just use it on the surface of Gensokyo, hehe."


Okuu: "Don't do what?"

Subaru: "Don't use your nuclear fusion powers..."

Okuu: "Oh, yes! I have nuclear fusion powers, how did you know?"

Subaru: "Because you tell it to me..."

Okuu: "I tell you what?"

Subaru: "About your nuclear fusion powers.........."

Okuu: "Ah, Yes! I have nuclear fusion powers, how did you even know?"

Subaru: "..."

Subaru: "I don't know what to say anymore..."

Sakuya: "... Same..."

Sakuya shakes her head, she gets serious.

Sakuya: "Enough, we will beat you and stop you."

Okuu smirks at Sakuya's threat.

Okuu: "Lord Yatagarasu, the Black Sun. Thank you for giving me your power. My ultimate nuclear fusion will burn up everybody, heart, phantom, vampire, and fairy!"

Okuu started to use her magic bullets, the magic bullets are very big and it's so hot, Subaru could feel if he got hit by those magic bullets, he surely would die, Sakuya and Subaru dodged, and Sakuya managed to counter her by stopping time and sending more knives.

Caution! Caution! Caution! Caution!

Okuu started to make big blasts with magic bullets, that were hard to dodge, Sakuya stopped time and avoided them but still hard to dodge those magic bullets, Subaru was almost going to get hit but he used one of the spell cards that Sakuya gave him, he clears the magic bullets, Sakuya uses this opportunity and sends more knives to Okuu.

Okuu started to fly faster and fire lasers, but it was not as hard as her spell cards, Sakuya and Subaru dodged successfully and Sakuya hit her with more knives.

Caution! Caution! Caution! Caution!

Okuu started to use her nuclear fusion powers, which made the whole thing worse, Subaru was already tired, and he didn't know how much Sakuya could handle. Sakuya and Subaru flew while holding hands, Subaru can understand Sakuya also started to get tired because of this temperature.

Subaru: "We'll be wiped out if this continues like this!"

Sakuya and Subaru used spell cards at the same time, which cleared the way and hit the Okuu but that was not enough.

Reimu: "It would be perfect if a cute shrine maiden saves the day, right? Spirit Sign Dream Seal!"

Reimu used her spell card, Okuu got hit by all of the attacks and she fell unconscious.

Subaru: "You're late!"

Reimu: "What? I saved the day, you should be grateful."

Sakuya: "The incident is solved, we will take our leave."

Reimu: "Why don't you just come to the shrine? there will be a celebration like always after an incident is solved."

Subaru: "I want a good sleep."

Reimu: "You can sleep in the shrine, my shrine is closer than Scarlet Devil Mansion."

Sakuya: *sighs* "Okay, let's go."

Sakuya, Reimu, and Subaru leave the underworld, Subaru just wants to sleep at this point, he doesn't know why but he feels extremely sleepy.


They arrived at the Hakurei Shrine, Reimu allowed to Subaru get into the Shrine, Reimu showed Subaru a bed, Subaru lay on the bed without questioning and slept, as he slept, youkai, fairies, and more started to come to the Shrine, they started drinking sake and celebrate.

(Re: Zero Arc 7 Spoilers ahead!!!)

After a few hours of sleep, Subaru started to wake up to the noises of people, he slept so deeply that he didn't even see a dream, he got up from the bed but fell to the ground.

Subaru: "Huh?"

He was not sick or tired? Why did he fall? his foot had missed the floor entirely as if he had misjudged the height.

Subaru: "Bruh."

Subaru simply didn't believe his legs were short like that. He had been with his body for eighteen years, how did he misjudge the height?

Strangely, compared to last night, everything in the room looks bigger.

Subaru: "Hah?"

His cheeks tensed and his voice quivered, as Subaru touched his face. Gasping at the loud sound of his heartbeat, he crawled, Subaru headed for the mirror that was standing right on the table, he took the mirror and saw his face.

Subaru: "What the hell is this!?"

Looking at what was reflected in the mirror, Subaru muttered in dismay. The mirror trembling in his hand, its reflection was none other than Natsuki Subaru.

But... there he was, young Natsuki Subaru, as a boy around ten years old.

Subaru: "..."

Subaru's throat froze upon his face reflected in the mirror, he is shocked.


Alright, that was the end of the chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed 

7485 words, thanks for the suggestions.

If there is anything wrong with this chapter, let me know.

And if you guys have suggestions, feel free to write them!

if you still didn't get it, Yukari caused this, that Damn gap hag.

Yukari: "Damn gap hag? Hm? My, my, look at that."

Huh? How in the world did you break the

Yukari: "Shh! You're such a rude human, look like I need to give you a lesson."

The writer starts to get dragged into a gap while screaming for his life.

Yukari: "My, my, see you people in the next chapter. Ah, don't worry, I won't do something... much to this writer."

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