To Cute Couple

By alexwhit134

9.9K 34 3

Salish 22 and Nidal 21 They are married and have a YouTube channel where making vlogs is sometimes challengi... More

flight cute
beach vlog
crying in my sleep prank on husband
part 3
getting my husband to get food at 2am
beat the sitgiam
fell down stairs prank
what going on with salish
tell salish family
telling Nidal's mom
jiji reaction
neshans and juju reaction
protective husband
careing husband
husband control my life for 24 hours
husband been pregant 24 hours
baby shower
i fell ugly
pregancy rhinitis
i why
the lot box
my body weak
nightmare terror
cuddled up
we all need someone to lean on
those eyes
sweet 2
Snowy days
welcome home
his hoddie
to hold onto them tightly and never let go
happy birthday
tranquility even in there sleep
switch lives
drunk wife
prank gone wrong
what wrong my love
theme park
moment of love and support
loving partner
grown stronger with ever passing day
cold days with tranquility
constant comfort
love like this
figement of her imagination
im what
aftermaths tw
aftermaths 2 TW
shattered TW
makeshift pad
prank gone emotional
deep tw sh
"im cold"
never take love for granted
you will be
thoughtfulness and compasion
baby bump
Pregnancy can be a challenging journey

turly meaningful

38 0 0
By alexwhit134

Salish and Nidal had always been a loving couple. They respected each other's independence and trusted one another completely. So when Nidal told Salish not to wait for him and to go to bed, she knew he meant it. However, Salish couldn't help but wait for her husband to return. She missed him and wanted to spend some time with him before going to sleep. As the minutes ticked by, Salish found herself engrossed in her book. The story was captivating, and she couldn't put it down. The characters came to life in her mind, and she was transported to a different world. The hours passed, and Salish didn't realize how late it had become. She was so absorbed in her reading that she didn't even notice when she drifted off to sleep.When Nidal finally arrived home, he was surprised to find Salish fast asleep on the sofa. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his beautiful wife, peacefully resting. He knew she must have been waiting for him, despite his instructions. Nidal gently picked her up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom. He tucked her into bed, making sure she was comfortable and warm. As he watched her sleep, he couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a loving and caring wife

The sun slowly rises, casting a warm glow through the curtains of the bedroom. The room is filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the soft sound of birds chirping outside. The next morning has arrived, bringing with it a sense of calm and tranquility. As   salish wakes up in bed, she takes a moment to gather her thoughts and reflect on the day ahead. She knows that there are tasks to be done, responsibilities to fulfill, but for now, she allows herself to simply be in the present moment.She turns her gaze towards her husband, still peacefully sleeping beside her. His face is relaxed, his breathing steady. In this quiet moment, she feels a deep sense of gratitude for the love and companionship they share. She curls up closer to him, wrapping her arms around his warm body. The comfort and security she feels in his embrace is unmatched. It is a reminder of the strength and support they provide for each other, even in the face of life's challengesAs she lies there, hugging her husband, she can't help but feel a sense of contentment and peace. The worries and stresses of the world seem to fade away, replaced by a feeling of serenity. In this moment, she is reminded of the importance of cherishing the simple joys in life. The warmth of a loved one's touch, the comfort of a shared space, and the beauty of a new day dawning. These are the moments that make life truly meaningful.

  One sunny morning, as the birds chirped and the gentle breeze rustled the leaves, Salish and Nidal embarked on their daily chores.Salish, a diligent and hardworking woman, took pride in her ability to manage the household tasks efficiently. She would wake up early every morning, ensuring that everything was in order before the day began. Nidal, her loving husband, admired her dedication and often joined her in completing the chores. As they worked side by side, their laughter filled the air, creating a harmonious atmosphere.However, as the day progressed, Salish began to feel a wave of exhaustion wash over her. The tasks seemed never-ending, and her energy levels plummeted. She pushed herself to continue, not wanting to burden Nidal with the additional workload. But Nidal, ever observant and caring, noticed her fatigue and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.Salish," he said softly, "you have been working tirelessly all morning. It's time for you to rest. Let me take care of the remaining chores."Salish hesitated, torn between her desire to complete the tasks and her need for rest. But Nidal's reassuring smile and unwavering support convinced her to listen to her body. With a grateful nod, she made her way to their cozy bedroom, where she could finally relax and rejuvenate.

Meanwhile, Salish's loving husband, Nidal, had just finished his own tasks for the day. He had noticed how exhausted Salish was and decided to check on her before retiring to bed himself. As he entered their bedroom, he saw Salish lying there, looking pale and worn out. Concerned, he approached her and gently asked if there was anything he could do to help.Salish, with a weak voice, expressed her desire for something sweet to lift her spirits. She longed for the taste of fresh strawberries with chocolate on top. Nidal, understanding the importance of small gestures in showing love and care, immediately left the room to fulfill her wish. He knew that bringing her s treat would not only bring a smile to her face but also provide her with a momentary escape from her exhaustion.In no time, Nidal returned with a plate of beautifully arranged strawberries, each one dipped in  melted chocolate. The sight of the delicious treat brought a glimmer of joy to Salish's tired eyes. She gratefully accepted the plate from Nidal and devoured each bite, feeling the sweetness of the chocolate and the freshness of the strawberries rejuvenating her weary soul.

Nidal and Salish both sat in bed, snuggled up together, watching a movie. Nidal held Salish close, their bodies intertwined, as they immersed themselves in the captivating world of Titanic. The room was dimly lit, with only the soft glow of the television illuminating their faces. The sound of the movie filled the air, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement.As the movie began, Nidal and Salish found themselves transported back in time to the grandeur and tragedy of the Titanic. They marveled at the opulence of the ship, the breathtaking scenery, and the intricate details of the costumes and set design. The story unfolded before their eyes, drawing them deeper into the lives of the characters and the events that would ultimately lead to the ship's demise.Nidal held Salish tightly, feeling a mix of emotions as the movie progressed. They laughed together at the playful banter between Jack and Rose, their hearts swelling with joy at the blossoming romance. They held their breath during the intense moments of danger and suspense, their pulses quickening with each twist and turn. And when the ship finally met its tragic fate, Nidal and Salish couldn't help but shed a tear, their hearts heavy with the weight of the loss.

Salish woke up in the middle of the night with an intense craving for pickles. It was 2 am, and her husband was fast asleep beside her. Determined to satisfy her craving, she mustered up the courage to ask him if he could get her some pickles. At first, he refused, but Salish knew just how to persuade him. With a pleading look in her eyes, she managed to convince him, and he finally agreed to get her pickles.

Salish was sitting in the car, patiently waiting while her husband Nidal went to fetch her a jar of pickles. It was already 2 am, and the late-night craving had struck her with an undeniable force. As she sat there, her mind wandered to the moment when Nidal would return with the precious jar in his hands. The anticipation was building, and she couldn't help but imagine the taste of those tangy, crunchy pickles.Finally, Nidal emerged from the store, clutching the jar of pickles tightly in his hands. Salish's face lit up with a smile as she saw him approaching the car. She eagerly reached out to take the jar, her mouth watering in anticipation. However, as she tried to twist open the lid, she realized that it was tightly sealed. A sense of frustration washed over her as she struggled to open the stubborn jar.Thankfully, Nidal came to her rescue. With a gentle twist, he effortlessly opened the jar, revealing the tantalizing aroma of the pickles. Salish's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she took her first bite. The combination of the tangy vinegar and the crisp texture of the pickles brought an instant wave of satisfaction.

Salish had a really bad headache while laying in bed with her husband Nidal at 3am. The pain was so intense that she couldn't bear it any longer. She decided to get out of bed and go downstairs to find some relief. Nidal, concerned for his wife, woke up to find her missing from their bed. Worried, he quickly got out of bed and followed her downstairs.When Nidal reached the living room, he found Salish sitting on the floor, holding her head and crying. He could see the agony in her eyes as she struggled to find some respite from the throbbing pain. Nidal's heart sank as he realized how much his wife was suffering. He knelt down beside her, gently placing his hand on her back, offering comfort and support.
he knew he had to do something to help her. With gentle care, he lifted her in his arms and carried her back to their bedroom. He laid her down on the soft pillows and covered her with a cosy blanket. He then went back downstairs to get her a glass of water. 

The argument began innocently enough, with a disagreement over what movie to watch that night. Salish wanted to watch a romantic comedy, while Nidal preferred an action-packed thriller. Normally, they would have easily compromised and found a movie that suited both of their tastes. But on this particular evening, both Salish and Nidal were feeling tired and irritable, which led to a more heated exchange of words.As the argument escalated, Salish could feel her frustration mounting. She could sense her anger getting the better of her, and she desperately tried to rein it in. But suddenly, in the midst of their heated discussion, Salish felt a sharp pain in her nose. She instinctively reached up to touch it, only to find her hand covered in blood. A nosebleed had seemingly come out of nowhere, leaving Salish stunned and Nidal immediately concerned.In that moment, the intensity of the argument dissipated. Salish and Nidal quickly put their differences aside and focused on taking care of Salish. Nidal rushed to get tissues and a glass of water, while Salish sat down to regain her composure. The sight of her own blood served as a stark reminder of the importance of their relationship and the need to prioritize their love and understanding over petty disagreements.

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