his hoddie

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Salish woke up one winter morning, shivering from the cold that had seeped into her room overnight. She glanced over at her husband, who was still fast asleep, blissfully unaware of the chilly temperature. A mischievous smile played on her lips as an idea formed in her mind. Quietly tiptoeing towards the closet, Salish carefully opened the door, trying not to make a sound. She rummaged through the clothes, her fingers grazing over the familiar fabrics until she found what she was looking for her husband's hoodie. It was a soft, worn-out grey hoodie, slightly oversized for her petite frame. With a glance back at her husband, Salish slipped the hoodie off its hanger and slipped it on. The fabric enveloped her like a warm embrace, instantly chasing away the cold that had settled in her bones. She couldn't help but giggle softly at the thought of her husband's reaction when he woke up to find her wearing his beloved hoodie.As she made her way back to the bed, Salish couldn't help but notice how the oversized hoodie made her feel even more connected to her husband. It carried his scent, a comforting blend of his cologne and the faint aroma of his morning coffee. It was as if she was wrapped in his love, his warmth, and his presence, even when he was still asleep. Climbing back under the covers, Salish snuggled closer to her husband, careful not to wake him. She marvelled at how the hoodie seemed to bring her closer to him, even in his slumber. It was a simple act, wearing his hoodie, but it held a deeper significance for her. It was a symbol of their love, their shared moments, and the comfort they found in each other's presence. As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Salish watched as her husband stirred awake. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and wide. As he looked over to see his beautiful wife Salish wearing his hoodie. Salish smiled at him. Oh, you so beautiful. The love they shared for each other was unmatchable.

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