cold days with tranquility

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Salish shivered as a gust of wind swept through the house.  sending a chill down her spine. She wrapped her arms around herself, desperately trying to keep warm. Winter had arrived early this year, and the biting cold seemed to seep into every corner of their humble home.

Her husband, Nidal, had always been her source of warmth. His love and care had shielded her from the harshest of winters. But today, Nidal was away, filming for his YouTube. Salish missed him dearly, yearning for his comforting presence.

As the hours passed, the cold became unbearable. Salish rummaged through their small closet, searching for something to keep her warm. Her eyes fell upon Nidal's thick, fur-lined coat. Salish hesitated for a moment, knowing that he loved this coat, But the cold was relentless, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

With a heavy heart, Salish slipped into the coat. Its warmth instantly enveloped her, providing solace and comfort. She felt a pang of guilt, knowing she had taken something so precious from Nidal. But the cold had clouded her judgment, and all she could think about was finding respite from the biting winter.

Salish felt a mix of embarrassment and guilt, but she couldn't bring herself to take it off. The coat was a reminder of Nidal's love, and she clung to it as if it were him.

As the day wore on, Salish's guilt grew stronger. She knew she had to make amends for her actions. With a heavy heart, she returned home, still wearing the coat. She sat by the fire, waiting for Nidal's reaction.

He then got home to find her wearing his coat. He looked over at her and smiled. Oh, Salish my love. She looked up. I'm sorry nidal it is so cold there was nothing else. No, it's fine I dint want you to freeze to death. You sure? He then went upstairs then came back downstairs with a big blanket. He wrapped her in it. Salish heart melted at the loving care of her husband. A room was full of tranquility when they looked into each other eyes it was true pure love not like one in films.

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