jiji reaction

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Nidal and salish knocked jiji house she let I'm hugged them both. We have something to tell you

"What is it, Nidal?"

"Salish is pregnant!" Nidal exclaimed.

Jiji's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's amazing news! When did you find

Jiji jumped up in the air and hugged her brother. "Congratulations, Nidal! I'm so happy for you and Salish. You're going to be parents!"

Nidal beamed with pride. "I know, it's incredible. We're both so excited and a little nervous too, to be honest. We've got a lot to learn before the baby arrives."

Jiji nodded. "I'm sure you'll both do great. You're going to be amazing parents."

Nidal smiled at his sister. "Thanks, Jiji. It means a lot to hear you say that. Salish and I are looking forward to this new chapter in our lives, and we're grateful to have your support."

Jiji hugged her brother again. "Of course, Nidal. I'll always be here for you and Salish, no matter what. And I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew!"

Nidal grinned. "Me too, Jiji. Me too."

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