im what

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Salish goes the doctor waiting in the waiting. She neurons so she grab her husband hand. He rubs fingers with his pinky on her hand. She lays her head on him. Then there name get called go in. Mrs wonder the lady  calls out.

They walk over to the lady. Ok follow me. They get the doctors room. Ok take seat. I'm doctor  myers. Ok so um what been your symptoms. Well been sick alone but that it. Ok so I just get a exametion done on you.

After exemption they wait the results. Salush neurons look at nidal  laying her head on him. Nidal rsuring that what ever wrong still love her and thry get through this together like they always have.

The doctor called there name. Ok so um  you are pregnant. What. Congratulations the doctor said. How long. About 8 weeks. Oh my god this crazy.

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