addiction 》minsung

By ChickenYoongleSoup

176K 7.5K 6.7K

"Are you trying to tell me that you read books about you and Minho?" In which Han Jisung discovers fanfiction... More

28 - The End

27 - Seungmin Special

2.6K 138 78
By ChickenYoongleSoup

because apparently some of you thought he was dead for half the book <3


The hesitant words floated across the pitch black room. Jisung often used the whisper to test the waters, to make sure none of his secret plans could be foiled.

If anyone was awake in that room, they would have seen the dim glow of Jisung's phone screen light up the corner of the room. He had done this for a few days now, his confidence building with each undiscovered night.

Unfortunately for the unaware rapper, his roommate was nowhere near asleep.

As they often were, Seungmin's eyes remained cemented open and his head shook with every squeal that escaped Han Jisung's ridiculously loud mouth. He thought about sitting up, probably giving the kid a heart attack, and telling his roommate that he knew about all the things he did when he assumed everyone was asleep.

He thought about many things, plenty of fun facts he could share.

He recollected the first night that Jisung had unknowingly woken him up with his flailing about. Seungmin had gotten up the next morning, bent on beating his roommate for keeping him up, but the unsupervised phone left on his pillow kept the Kim at bay.

Seungmin always was one for mysteries, and the question of what Jisung was so fascinated by was invigorating to him.

That was the first piece of the puzzle.

While Seungmin hungered for a multi-day hunt for clues, a treacherous journey of sleepless nights and endless questions, Jisung's carelessness shot his dream quickly, execution style.

Running late for their full and busy day, Jisung had raced around the dorms, mind going every which way. Seungmin had walked into the bathroom to check his hair, but his eyes wandered from the mirror to the unlocked phone left open on the countertop.

Seungmin could see why his roommate was so tardy, he had spent his morning reading instead of being productive.

He read a few paragraphs, recognizing some all too familiar names, but the story wasn't really his thing. The way the author had portrayed some of the characters felt off, reminding Seungmin of Chan's loving, yet reprimanding style of speech instead of their own. Other than that, it was almost too realistic, something that pricked his curiosity.

He set the device back on the counter, just in time as Jisung rushed back into the room, eyes wide as he remembered the hidden treasures he had mindlessly left behind.

"Did you look at that?" Jisung interrogated, but the words were slightly incoherent from the toothbrush half hanging out of his mouth.

Seungmin examined his ridiculous roommate, gaze traveling from his innocent eyes to the minty foam escaping his gaping mouth. He could lie to Jisung and it would be so, so easy.

"No." Seungmin had stated simply, his believable nature and his roommate's naivety doing the rest.

"Ok." Jisung had shrugged, accepting the answer and moving to finish his morning routine. Seungmin had just walked away, taking the secret with him.

Night after night, he tried to sleep, but Jisung's romantic notions refused to let him. Some nights he would read quietly aloud, gushing over particularly juicy passages. He wasn't alone, there were many times that Seungmin walked past him and Changbin huddled together, discussing some dramatic scene. The Kim felt as if he knew all twists and turns of the narratives without ever reading any of them himself.

He couldn't escape it. He was a magnet and Jisung's hidden life was shards of metal, constantly flying towards and smothering him.

Unfortunately for Jisung, his reading history wasn't the only piece of information he kept poorly hidden. Seungmin caught wind of more treachery a week or so later.

It first came with Jisung muttering not very quietly to himself about Minho. Along with that, the obvious avoidance, and the even more clear longing, it wasn't very hard to piece things together.

He thought for a while that the rapper's feelings may have been one sided, but while Minho was endlessly staring at an oblivious Jisung, Seungmin was watching him do so.

They were so obvious, he wanted to scream his knowledge every night at dinner.

Everywhere he went, that was all he saw. Early mornings, the two would be passed out on the couch, tangled in the dim light. Seungmin heard their whispers and hushed giggles late at night, their shared false confidence that they were hiding everything so well.

How they didn't know that he knew was mind-blowing to the Kim. Were they blind to his near constant presence? It seemed that every time they were feeling romantic, they flocked to Seungmin's personal space. Did they never question who had thrown a blanket over them when they woke up pretzeled together? Did they just not care?

He was just glad that he was a good person, because he suspected that sooner or later someone would discover them together, a storm of trouble lurking on the horizon.

So when a hiss of a whisper slithered across the dark room, calling Seungmin's name, he went still, his breath slow. He considered sitting up, confessing it all, but his loud roommate had left him with a severe lack of sleep, and he was too tired. He let his eyes close, practically feeling Jisung's trepidation disappear, replaced with confidence as the phone light lit up the room.

Plus, it was fun to have all this knowledge, something that only he knew about.

So while Seungmin knew he could do significantly better, if Jisung could keep a secret, so could he.

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