Hetalia meets countryhumans

By Graham-Crunch

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DISCONTINUED this book has been officially discontinued but has a rewrite with called "Hetalia meets country... More

A expecting visitor
Nice to see you again!
The first three
welcome to a new world
Ears of a cat And Eyes black like the night
Character designs (not an update)
こんにちは ! (Kon'nichiwa)
Italy's Dream.
Talking with a german
Breakfast with americans
Spending time with new friends
Spending time with new friends (Part 2)
Prussia's warning
A threat on the beach
Oni wrócili...Oni Wrócili...Oni Wrócili...
The curse of the axis
The spirit world
Axe muderer?
Not a chapter...
Ludwigs help
Midnight thoughts
No magic
What do you know
The prisoner
Born to die


97 5 3
By Graham-Crunch

Hey... it's been a while huh, 

I'm not going to give an excuse, I left discontinued a year ago when I fell back on Fanfic writing and to be honest, I only ever planned half the story which made me make careless mistakes and plotholes that I was never going to discuss further on (for example America's glasses). After a while, it felt more like homework than writing for fun. I looked back on the chapters noticing multiple errors and things I wished I could change because I didn't have a solid plan, after that I left. 

I reread this fanfic and started a rewrite now that my writing has improved and I have a more clear vision of where I want this fanfic to go. I will be publishing chapters one and two sometime next month as I already have 8 drafts ready that cover the events from chapter one ( A expecting visitor) to 13 (Spending time with new friends) and hopefully, further next month when I publish.  

But before I go I want to leave you all with the first chapter of the rewrite and maybe some of you can give me suggestions on any nations you want to see more of in the rewrite. For now, I leave you with this. 


The Offer

(a rewrite of a expecting visitor and Nice to see you again)

Friday October 4th, 2019
Arthur Kirkland


That is the only word I can think of that would perfectly describe these world meetings. Germany has not even called the meeting to start and things are already going wrong. To only list few as I walked into the room I was greeted by New Zealand desperately trying to escape one of Australia's pets that he brought with him, according to him it was a Huntsman spider a species that are notorious for entering houses and cars.

You know some people say that it was cruel of me to make Australia into a prison when I found him, yet it was nearly impossible for anything else due to all of the natural wildlife living on his land. Australia then ran after New Zealand trying to retrieve the spider but I'm hopeful that he doesn't.

With the spider came all the spider webs that it made around the meeting hall. While I walked to my seat I had to force down a chuckle as I saw the Netherlands stuck to the wall with Belgium and Luxembourg handling the web to break their sibling free. My breath dropped down my throat almost choking me as I heard a glimpse of their conversation, something about getting a blow torch and with that, I sped up to my spot.

I placed my suitcase on my table Organizing them in the subject order that we will be reviewing today, we would be speaking on marine life, Air pollution, trade threw Europe, trade with North America and then small political debates.

From the corner of my eye, I had the grace of seeing one of Hungary and Romania's many fights. I can't say much about that without sounding hypercritical with the many fights me and France have had, but if I had to pick a side then I would route for Romania.

He, I and Norway really must figure out a way to have more nations see the power behind the dark arts.

Then there were the 3 nuisances of the apocalypse. "Hey! S'up?" America said sitting in the chair next to mine, his tone reminding me a bit of Hong Kong who was playing on his computer with Iceland "Not much the usual I suppose" I responded believing it was a satisfying answer. "Nope wrong, s'up means "what's up?". Look up. What do you see?" That made me stop, wrapping my brain around the information. With all of my time and conversations with Hong Kong, I remembered him specifically telling that "s'up" meant "what is up" as in "How are you doing?" Nonetheless, I gave him his answer "The ceiling I guess?..". He grinned. "Made ya look" and with that, he jumped out of his seat as if he was being chased, to say I was unimpressed was an understatement.

Then it was time for nuisance number 2. He wasn't here. Which is why he's nuisance number 2, Italy's lunch was here but no Italy. If anybody knew why he wasn't there it would be Germany who was sitting at the edge of the table only 5 seats away from me, "Germany, any reason why Italy is not here" Germany took a second to listen followed by his head hanging down low looking down at the table severely disappointed. "According to Romano he came here for the meeting but got tired again so he went back to the hotel to have his "siesta" or something like that and left his lunch".

He explained pinching the bridge of his nose annoyed with the Italian. I sat back down sharing Germany's signature annoyed face waiting for nuisance number 3 to intervene...

and waited...

and waited.

France was sitting on the other side of the table facing me, too busy biting at his nails to even notice my presence there. He seemed unsure of something, I know France had been specifically hand-picked for some kind of "special job" that was involved with this meeting but it honestly couldn't be anything too important. Was he rethinking his shade match or if he should have had the tablecloth be of an eggplant colour instead of the raisin one being used right now? Oh poor him, doesn't he know there are more important matters than a tablecloth colour! I truly wonder what's gotten his knickers in a twist.


It was Time for the world meeting to commence, Italy finally chose to join us as Bulgaria and Austria calmed Hungary and Romania.

I hadn't noticed this before until Lichtenstein told me but according to her Austria had crawled on a shelf to try and escape the huntsman spider. We didn't get him down until she pointed out another much much smaller spider next to Austria when he promptly screamed and jumped down from the shelf. And "what about Australia's spider?" you may ask, well by the sad mopping look on his face when he entered the meeting hall I'm guessing he will be attending some kind of spider funeral soon. Germany called everyone to their seats except the Netherlands who was still stuck to the wall.

"Now I believe everyone is in their seats, I will be passing a speech to Greece who, as we all know, is hosting today Greece please take the speech" Greece then stood up about 15-17 seats on the other side of the table away from me. "Oh...alright, thank you for coming, I hope the hotel we gave you is good, if not...yeah... we're going to start with marine life for 3 hours then air pollution for another 3, we'll check on our trade threw Europe were non-European nations will get an early break. This discussion will be around 2 hours long before we let go for a 55-minute lunch, resume with trade with North America for 2 hours and small debates that will be around 1 hour and 30 minutes, in total bringing this meeting to about 12 hours and 25 minutes but there is an announcement at the end that we need everyone to stay for. Instead of a brief summarizing like we usually do, we sent out packets to every nation with a combination of the summaries so we'll be following alphabetical Olympian order so... Albania will you please take the lead."

Mine and every nation in the room's shoulders slumped down at the time, 12 hours and 25 minutes with an extra 10 minutes for some sort of special announcement.

Of course, we've all had worst but it didn't change that the time for these events was still bonkers.


Well, there we had it, 12 hours and 25 minutes of a world meeting also known as 745 minutes or 44700 seconds and half a day. The day had been so long that many nations forgot about the special announcement that was set for us. Nations like Denmark and China had stood up to leave but were reminded by the ones close to them that they had to stay.

Greece stood got up again in front of his chair flattening the wrinkles out of his coat, everyone knew that Greece falls asleep during each world meeting which is why he hates hosting so much. He needs to stay awake to make the announcements and call each nation to speak without forgetting any. The eye bags under that made his face heavy and were bringing him down struggling to keep his eyes open. "For our special guest would like to welcome another that we all know very well, please give a warm welcome to one of the 9 muses Clio, muse of history" I perked up.

My back went straight and the pencil snapped in my hand.

Clio... Clio was special to every nation as she isn't regular she's one of the 9 muses in Greece's Greek mythology, the only non-nation that nation could put their trust in. Finding another immortal being like her was impossible, and helped many of us with dark time's in our history, set the path to our history with victories and losses, heartbreak and love she's been there. It's a plus that our relationship with her is that of good old friends not political, a good break from the stress of existence.

As the door opened we could see her there waiting for us. Clio's face was round with a nose that pointed down and large dark brown eyes, her hair was a crimped dark brown that went all the way down to her hips. She wore a basic white T-shirt and black tights and jeans sorts.

As everyone looked over wide-eyed at her, none of us knew what to do until Romano took the lead by standing and clapping for the girl followed by Russia and then Belarus.

Soon enough she was given a standing ovation by every nation who had brushed their tiredness aside. Germany gestured her to his seat and stood behind the chair as Clio spoke "Thank you all so much for the warm welcome, I know you've all just finished what must have been an excruciating long meeting but today I'm here to talk about a subject and give you details on an offer, this information will not be shared by anyone other then your bosses, no senate, Vice President or worker will have this information shared with them do you all understand?" Whispers went around. It pulled me back on how secretive Clio was being on the subject, on one hand, I didn't mind as long as it wasn't economical, on the other hand, her being secretive and a muse sent a herd of shivers down my spine.

Clio took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. "I'm here to give you all the opportunity to meet other nations, Halloween month is the only month when portal travelling is easiest for us mythological characters and can open doors to new worlds. Normally around this time, I see another world, another world with nations, I find it interesting how different they are to you all but still serve the same purpose but the laws of nations are very different, this is just an offer as I said but do know that you only have tonight to rest on it. Your bosses have all confirmed it was alright except for a few." I could tell that no one knew how to respond, some of them were just digesting the idea of other worlds, this wasn't the best way to introduce the multiverse with the thought of parallel versions of each other...Clio looked around it was clear by her face she knew she was not getting an instant answer.

"I'll give you all time to think but for now I say you all rest on it. If you do wish to join me, you all have my contact information in some form I'll give you the information until then why don't you all get some sleep huh" and with that everyone reluctantly agreed to step out. Every nation squished by threw the door to get home as soon as possible, it was only when Clio left that the tiredness quickly gained again and we all wanted to rush back to the hotel. Threw the crowd of nations on Greece's Hellenic parliament, some were hailing taxis while others had been smart enough to get a rented car a day early.

I waited on the crowd to settle down before getting a taxi myself and observed everyone else.

Hungary had taken her high heels off while hopping on one foot as she did her best to keep her balance, she seemed a bit out of it and her lipstick smudged from being careless while she rested her head on her hand doing her best to not fall asleep. Australia was talking to Greece near the concrete, holding something small inside his hand. The innocent chat that the two seemed to be having was soon turned into something else as Australia looked mortified and Greece grinned. I shook my head at the two, Australia had already been thrown enough today don't you think, give some time to the poor lad. "Hei England," another voice said behind me.

I jumped dropping my suitcase and startling about 5 nations around us who quickly brushed off my fright. I hadn't heard Norway sneak up behind me and the crowd get smaller, I looked around and had Norway follow me to the main road, where we talked while walking. "So are you going to take up Clio's offer," he asked looking up at me at our height difference, "of course I am! This allows us to learn more about the multiverse and finally rub it in other nations' faces that we were right." He nodded looking back in front of him as we both tried to hail taxis coming our way, "I'm going as well it'll give Iceland a chance to get out of the house". I chuckled thinking at Norway's regards to his younger brother, I wouldn't know what it is like to be the one to force your younger brother out of the house instead of not wanting them to leave. A Car finally stopped in front of the both of us.

I opened it letting Norway get inside first as we were heading off to the same place anyway, buckling my seat belt and leaning in front of the driver, "Electra Metropolis hotel please good sir" He nodded and started driving.

Accordingly, to Greece, he wanted to book the King George Hotel but they were all full and he didn't want to cause too much trouble for the people who already made their appointments, I understand his concern but it would have been much easier as the King George hotel was less than a kilometre away.

"So let's review now we know that portal magic and dimensional travel is easiest during October month because of, what I'm assuming Halloween, could it be because of that old legend? The one about the dead visiting during Halloween and so everyone dresses up to blend in with spirits" I say looking back at Norway who nodded along to what I half to say, "it could be... I think I read something about something that could help us and I might have the book with me..." I let out a sigh resting my back on the seat as we both silently agreed to wait for another time to discuss this matter.

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