✓ | The Borrowed Identity (Fa...

By abyssofwendy

33.7K 1.3K 49

A skilled lieutenant detective met her end while solving a murder case involving the most influential politic... More

TBI 00: Prologue
TBI 01: Beginning
TBI 02: Identity
TBI 03: Beneath
TBI 04: Consensus
TBI 05: Mission
TBI 06: Rage
TBI 07: Damsel
TBI 08: Tail
TBI 09: Figure
TBI 10: Protect
TBI 11: Tear
TBI 12: Uphold
TBI 13: Truth
TBI 14: Cargo
TBI 15: Commander
TBI 16: Bounty
TBI 17: Curse
TBI 18: Hunt
TBI 19: Voice
TBI 20: Support
TBI 21: Whole
TBI 22: Maybe
TBI 24: Remember
TBI 25: Hesitation
TBI 26: Deal
TBI 27: Phoenix
TBI 28: Sacrifice
TBI 29: Banquet
TBI 30: Promise
TBI 31: Begging
TBI 32: Longed
TBI 33: Moment
TBI 34: Deep
TBI 35: Scarce
TBI 36: Journey
TBI 37: Farewell
TBI 38: Destiny
TBI 39: Mermaid
TBI 40: Negotiate
TBI 41: Adelaide
TBI 42: Chosen
TBI 43: Pirates
TBI 44: Threat
TBI 45: Plot
TBI 46: Epilogue
Afterword + Series #5

TBI 23: Darling

373 19 2
By abyssofwendy

[ Chapter 23: Darling ]

Selene | Selvy

I timidly stepped out of my room, facing the three men who were waiting for me. My gaze was fixed on the floor, avoiding their stares and the possible judgment that awaited me. Nervously, I fiddled with my fingernails, feeling a wave of self-consciousness wash over me.

"How do I look?" nahihiyang saad ko. I couldn't bring myself to meet their eyes just yet.

"Gorgeous!" exclaimed Admiral, his enthusiasm evident in his voice. "As usual, Selene, you look stunning in that pale blue outfit."

"You're beautiful, Selene," Lutch added, his words filled with genuine admiration.

Curiosity piqued, I slowly lifted my head, my eyes cautiously meeting their gazes. Their expressions matched their words, their faces lit up with genuine appreciation. I realized that they had insisted I dress up and wear formal attire, similar to what Valan was wearing, because we were attending a special gathering.

It was a birthday celebration, and they believed that I would look even more radiant in elegant clothing rather than my usual plain shirt, pants, and slippers. Their effort to make me feel special touched my heart, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for their thoughtfulness.

Valan was the only one invited, but he was given a plus one card. Lutch and Admiral will use their shapeshifting abilities to get inside, and although they look like waiters right now, they seem to have other options.

A faint blush painted my cheeks as I mustered a shy smile. "Thank you, both of you. I appreciate your kind words and for encouraging me to dress up," I said, and slowly diverted my attention to the third person inside this suite. "How do I look, Valan?"

I turned to Valan, my heart pounding in my chest as I awaited his response to my question. His expression remained stoic, and I couldn't decipher his thoughts.

"How do I look, Valan?" I repeated, hoping for a more detailed answer.

"Still the same," he finally replied, his voice devoid of any emotion.

A mix of disappointment and confusion washed over me. I had expected a more elaborate response, perhaps a compliment or an acknowledgment of my appearance. But his simple words left me wanting.

"Did I hear him stutter?" Lutch chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I heard it, too," Admiral added, joining in the playful banter.

Valan's gaze shifted, a hint of irritation crossing his face. "Don't get me started," he warned, his tone laced with a hint of frustration.

Though his response was curt, I couldn't help but detect a flicker of something beneath his composed exterior. It sparked my curiosity, making me wonder what was really going on inside his mind. Perhaps there was more to his reaction than met the eye.

Hindi ko na pinagtuunan ng pansin ang nagsisimula nilang bangayan at tinuon ang aking mata sa salamin. Dahan-dahan akong lumapit at pinagmasdan ang aking sarili. There is remarkable evidence that the differences of clothes can truly make a person different in every aspect.

The pale blue dress I wore hugged my figure elegantly, its fabric adorned with intricate patterns and embellished with sparkling crystals. The off-the-shoulder design added a touch of allure, revealing a hint of my collarbones and highlighting the gentle curve of my neck. The dress flowed gracefully, cascading down to my feet, and with each step, I felt a soft, ethereal sway as the fabric trailed behind me. The silhouette accentuated my curves, accenting my figure in a way that I rarely experienced.

As for my hair, I had opted for an intricate bun, meticulously arranged to complement the elegance of the dress. It was adorned with delicate hair ornaments, twinkling like stars amidst the dark night sky. The bun kept my hair neatly in place, allowing my features to take center stage.

The ensemble exuded a sense of sophistication and grace, reflecting the special occasion of the celebration. Though I felt slightly out of my comfort zone in such finery, I couldn't deny the allure and beauty that emanated from the carefully chosen attire and the meticulous styling of my hair.

"Okay, may curfew kayo ha," saad ni Lutch na siyang dahilan kung bakit ako napabalik sa realidad. "Uuwi tayong lahat bago mag-alas dyes ng gabi."

"I already put a barrier around the Count's house," Valan assured, his voice steady and confident. His words washed over me, bringing a sense of relief to my anxious mind. I nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for his efforts to ensure our safety during the event.

"There are also troops patrolling around the area, so feel free to loosen the tension on your shoulders, Selene," he added.

I let out a deep sigh, allowing my tense shoulders to relax at his reassurance. The weight of the impending occasion seemed to lift slightly, replaced by a flicker of excitement mingled with nervous anticipation. Valan's presence beside me was a comfort, and I glanced at him, seeking his guidance and support.

Lutch's voice broke through the moment, his playful tone laced with a hint of mischief. "Curfew is at 10, enjoy the night, love birds!" he exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I couldn't help but smile at his teasing remark, grateful for the lightheartedness it brought to the situation.

We left the suite in a hushed silence, our footsteps echoing softly in the corridor. The weight of the upcoming event pressed upon me, and I found myself reluctant to break the tranquility with conversation. The nerves danced in my stomach, and I didn't want to exacerbate them by engaging in idle chatter. As we arrived at the manor, the sight of the bustling crowd inside only intensified my unease.

"Crowd..." I whispered, my voice barely audible above the hum of voices and music.

"Breathe," Valan murmured, his warm breath tickling my ear as he leaned in closer. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine, momentarily distracting me from my anxieties. "I'm sorry for bringing you here, but I have to speak with a Commissioner. It's the perfect excuse to avoid being paired with their daughters."

"I understand," I replied, my tone dry. "I just hope no one approaches me."

A hint of amusement laced Valan's voice as he responded, "With your beauty, I don't think that will be a problem."

I could sense his grin, even though I couldn't see it, and a blush crept onto my cheeks. Despite my nerves, his words managed to offer a small boost of confidence. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself, and reminded myself that I wasn't alone in this unfamiliar setting. Valan's presence by my side provided a sense of reassurance and comfort, and I felt a glimmer of excitement mingling with my apprehension as we stepped into the vibrant throng of guests.

As expected, the attention of the ladies in the room seemed to gravitate towards Valan, rather than the actual celebrant. Their eyes followed his every move, and it felt as though we were under a spotlight as we were escorted to our seats. The intensity of their stares made me squirm uncomfortably, aware that I was the object of their curiosity by association.

"Why are you talking to the commissioner?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"For diplomatic reasons," he replied swiftly, his tone evasive.

I remembered that he had his own mission concerning the missing villagers and the growing threat posed by Sigrid's plans to capture me. "Is Sigrid not connected to the missing people?" I probed further, hoping to glean some information.

"No, it's a different matter," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of frustration.

I couldn't help but recall the group of individuals that Valan and his team had captured on the day the werehorse attacked. They had mentioned something about a lord, though I wasn't sure if it was a nickname or a literal title. I wondered if their investigations had yielded any results.

"Did your investigations yield any leads?" I asked, my voice tinged with anticipation.

"Yes and no," he sighed. "We have made some progress, but we are still trying to crack the location and unravel the full extent of their involvement."

Guilt washed over me as I considered the burden Valan already carried. The thought of asking him to accompany me to the palace instead of the General felt selfish and unfair. He had his own responsibilities and pressing matters to attend to, and it wouldn't be right to burden him further.

"I understand that you're busy," I said softly, trying to push aside my selfish desires. "The General will take me to the palace, and I don't want to add another problem to your plate."

Valan's gaze softened as he looked at me, a mix of confusion and regret in his eyes. "I apologize, Selene," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety while you are in my care."

I released a flat smile, and didn't push through the matter any longer. Moments later he left to talk to the commissioner, and I was left alone with Admiral, who had assumed the form of a child. It was initially shocking, but given his mischievous nature, I quickly recognized that it was indeed Admiral I was conversing with.

"How does it feel to be back as a child, Admiral?" I teased, unable to resist poking fun at his current transformation.

"Quit doing that," he grumbled playfully. "I tried shapeshifting into a nobleman, but I ended up being swarmed by a horde of eager ladies. I attempted to become an old man, but that punk already had his fair share of fun with the older ladies too."

His words elicited a burst of laughter from me. "Where is Lutch?"

"He's probably happily engaged in conversation with the celebrant," Admiral replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "He chose a good person to shapeshift into, I must say."

Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but inquire about the fate of the person Admiral had assumed the form of. "They're somewhere peacefully sleeping," he answered nonchalantly, grabbing a piece of cake and devouring it with childlike enthusiasm.

I shook my head in amusement, marveling at the whimsical nature of our current situation. It seems like we don't have any problems and just enjoy the evening.

"I need some fresh air," I told Admiral, who simply nodded in understanding. Leaving his company behind, I made my way to the nearest terrace and let out a deep sigh of relief. The weight of the formal attire I had been wearing for hours was starting to take its toll on me.


Lost in my thoughts, I was startled when an unfamiliar voice broke the silence of my secluded sanctuary. I turned around to find a man dressed in regal attire, holding a glass of champagne, his eyes fixed on me as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Excuse me, do you know me?" I asked, mustering up the courage to hide my nervousness at engaging with a stranger.

"You...look beautiful," he said, his voice barely audible. "And alive." His words sparked a surge of curiosity within me. This person seemed to recognize the true owner of the body I currently inhabited. Could he be someone who knew her well?

"I... don't know who you are, I'm sorry," I replied, trying to mask my confusion. "Perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else."

He seemed to understand my explanation, his gaze softening. His hair was an unusual shade of green, and his eyes were a deep violet. It was an odd combination, but it suited him in an intriguing way.

"I am Parch," he said, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "We used to play tag together."

I furrowed my brow, the name not ringing any bells in my fragmented memory. "I don't remember you at all, I'm sorry."

He quickly dismissed my doubt. "I highly doubt that," he replied with certainty. "But it's good to see you safe, Selvyna."

"Actually, my name is Selene."

He doesn't seem to buy that thought. There was something about him that unsettled me, an air of danger that emanated from him. I instinctively knew that I didn't want to get entangled with him any further.

"Parch!" a woman's voice suddenly called out. "You lost sight of the target, didn't you? I can't find him—" Her words trailed off when her gaze fell upon me, and her mouth fell open in shock. "Selvy...?"

I stood there, my confusion deepening as I wondered how these two strangers knew me.

"I am—" I began, but Parch swiftly interrupted, diverting the woman's attention.

"Lula, one of us has to keep watch on the star. Why are you here?" Parch asked.

"I thought you were the one watching," she replied.

Their conversation seemed to be laced with hidden meanings, using the star as a cover. I realized that there was more to this encounter than met the eye.

Feeling the need to escape, I quickly turned to leave, but Lula's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Selene," she said, her tone sly, causing me to reluctantly face her again. She wore a smirk on her lips as she spoke. "It takes effort to conceal a mermaid's footprints, but I've always known that Selvyna is a virgin. Her scent is strong, and it lingers around you."

I inwardly groaned, desperate to extricate myself from this uncomfortable situation.

"Selene..." Valan's voice cut through the tension, and I felt his hand encircle my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I told you not to wander, my darling."

"I'm tired," I whispered, trying to go with the flow.

"Alright, let's go home," Valan responded, casting a quick glance at the two strangers before leading me away from the terrace.


are very much appreciated, thank you!

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