Helping Aurora

By AdoringlyFlorence

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When you turn 16, you are matched with your forever person. Aurora is matched with both Scarlett and Olivia... More

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By AdoringlyFlorence

For Liv. I think you'll like this one 🩵


Olivia smiles slightly as she finishes setting up the large roll of paper and paints in their back yard, wiping off her hands on her pants before heading back inside to grab Aurora.

As a treat whilst Scarlett gets some much needed work done, she'd set up a messy play activity for her and their little one to do. She'd told Scarlett about it this morning whilst lounging in bed together, and the woman had readily agreed, eager to have a few quiet moments to herself.

She knew her wife loved their little one, but Aurora was in her I only want mama and her boobies stage right now, and it was making it hard for her to get all of the necessary things done; such as chores and work.

Of course Olivia had tried her best to help around the house, but her efforts were somewhat in vain considering Scarlett would follow just behind her with a sleepy Aurora on her hip claiming you're not doing it right.

So she'd come up with this; a temporary distraction for the baby so mama could get done what she needed to get done.

"Are you ready to play?" Olivia grins as she steps into the kitchen, greeted with the sight of a diaper clad Aurora settled on Scarlett's hip whilst the woman wipes off her face from lunch.

They'd had pasta. It was messy business.

The little one grins, reluctantly allowing herself to be handed over to her mommy. Olivia gives her padded behind a soft pat after situating her onto her own hip.

"Should I have a bath ready in an hour?" Scarlett asks as she pulls her hair back into a claw clip in preparation to tackle the dishes.

Olivia shrugs as she begins backing out of the kitchen and towards the back yard, "Make it two my love."

"Aye aye captain," Scarlett winks as she walks over and places a gentle peck to the corner of her wife's lips. Olivia immediately returns the affection. "Be good for mama pumpkin." Scarlett leans over slightly and places a kiss to Aurora's forehead.

Aurora pouts when she realises her mama wasn't coming with her, but Olivia was quick to distract her with a gentle bounce as she carries her out into the yard.

"Look baby," she coos, easing herself to her knees with the little one on her lap. Aurora furrows her brows inquisitively as she leans forward to dip one of her little fingers into one of the little containers, her mothers eyes widening when she immediately tries putting it in her mouth.

"No no, this isn't for eating," she coaxes the little hand away from its destination, earning herself a quiet whine of dismay. "Oh I know munchkin. But this is for painting. Watch mommy." Olivia demonstrates by dipping her own finger into the same paint Aurora had, swiping it over the paper leaving a blue mark in its wake.

Aurora's eyes light up at the action, mimicking her mommy as best she could. In the end, her uncoordinated self more or less just ends up hitting the paper, but Olivia didn't have the heart to redirect her when the little one lets out a happy giggle before shoving her whole hand into the pot.

She pulls it out, the appendage now dripping with blue paint, and Olivia watches as she inspects it for just a moment before she claps her hands together effectively splattering paint everywhere.

Including over her mommy.

Olivia blinks in surprise, but says nothing, eager to see what her little one was going to go next.

Aurora smacks her hands together a few times before climbing off of her mommy's lap and onto the paper. She sits on her diapered behind, looks at her hands again, blinks once as if to finalise her thoughts before slapping her hands all over her legs torso.

She then looks up at Olivia with a proud grin on her face as if to say, look mommy.

Olivia raises her eyebrows in surprise as her lips quirk up into a fond grin.

"I see. Are you making yourself into a Smurf?" As an afterthought, she grabs the hair tie off of her wrist and pulls the little ones hair up into a messy bun.

Aurora grins and kicks her legs in response, accidentally knocking over the pink paint set just by her left foot. Before Olivia could reassure her that it was okay and that it was only an accident, Aurora slaps her hands down onto the large pile of paint once again sending the colourful liquid flying everywhere.

She then crawls away from Olivia, leaving small pink handprints in her wake. Although Olivia hadn't exactly intended for their messy play to go this way, she couldn't find it in her to be disappointed. Aurora was distracted, and was having fun. What wasn't to like?

"Come back here you messy little bug." Olivia climbs to her feet and grabs their little one by the underarms before she could make it to the grass, earning herself a happy laugh in response.

After setting Aurora back down -this time, in between her legs so she didn't try and make a break for it again, she reaches for the paint they had yet to use and dumps it out into a pile in front of them.

Aurora's eyes light up at the sight, and Olivia manages to close her eyes just as she slams her hands down. She feels the paint splatter all over her body and face anyway, and she rolls her eyes with a soft laugh as she reaches around Aurora to get messy too.

An hour quickly passes, and both she and Aurora were absolutely covered in paint, the little one more so than her. There wasn't an inch of clear skin, other than a tiny spot just above her left eyebrow. It was definitely a sight to behold.

After snapping a picture so this bonding moment could be remembered forever, Olivia contemplates the monumental the task of beginning to clear up. Before she even begin to stand however, Aurora was climbing into her lap, a leg either side of her own and begins tugging at her shirt with a small whine.

"What is it pumpkin?" She reaches up and brushes a paint covered strand of hair behind her ear. Aurora simply tugs at her shirt again with another whine, this one louder than before, and Olivia nods knowingly as she gives her diapered behind a soft pat.

"You want mama?" She guesses.

With a grunt, Aurora simply wriggles her way up her mommy's shirt and tugs at her bra. Eyes widening in shock -because whilst it was agreed that she would dry nurse only with Aurora, that had actually yet to happen due to Scarlett being in the middle of producing milk. That doesn't mean she hasn't been thinking about it though. Because she has. A lot.

Without hesitation, she tugs off her shirt leaving her only in her bra. It was one that clasps at the front, so when she undoes it, she was still semi covered and not baring her breasts for the whole neighbourhood to see. Not that she supposes it matters. She was comforting her baby. Simple as that.

An impatient tap to her chest pulls her out of her thoughts, and she looks down to see Aurora looking awfully agitated and close to tears.

"Okay okay. Mommy's sorry." She coos.

After wiping her paint covered mouth off with her discarded shirt, -she didn't particularly feel like getting paint all over her boobs thank you very much- she cups her breast and swipes her nipple over the little ones bottom lip.

Instinct has the little ones mouth opening, and with a guiding hand on the back of her neck, Olivia coaxes her forward allowing her to get both a deep and comfortable latch. Soon, both her nipple and areola were in Aurora's mouth, and the little one was suckling away with droopy eyes, her free hand resting on the breast that wasn't being nursed from.

Her other hand was busy holding the one she was nursing from to her mouth, making sure it wouldn't be taken away.

With tearful eyes, Olivia presses a gentle kiss to the top of the little ones head before beginning to rock them both side to side. She hums too, keeping the sound deep in her chest so it would vibrate against Aurora's ear that was resting there.

Ten steady minutes pass before soft footsteps fill her ears.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" Scarlett, clad in nothing but an old oversized T-shirt and shorts, settles herself down next to them, her lips quirked up into a tender smile. She didn't seem to care that she too was getting covered in paint.

Olivia laughs softly as she gently grazes the pad of her thumb over the shell of Aurora's ear, feeling the little ones suckles speed up for a short second before returning to normal. "I offered to go and get you, but she didn't want to know. Sleepy I think. Passed her nap time."

Scarlett hums as she glances down at their little one, reaching her hand out to trail gently over her moving bottom lip.

"Her latch is good. Feel okay?" She looks up at Olivia who was looking down at their baby like she was the most important thing on earth.

And she wholeheartedly agrees.

"Perfect. Although it is starting to hurt a little." Olivia admits, feeling a little guilty. She wanted to let Aurora nurse for as long as she pleases, but her breast just weren't used to this foreign, repetitive sensation.

Scarlett nods in understanding as she rests her head on her wife's shoulder, "It was like that for me too. But you get used to it. She tends to suckle harder when sleeping for some reason."

Deciding to put up with the pain for just a few moments longer, Olivia reads her head atop of Scarlett's own.

"Nice masterpiece," Scarlett murmurs in amusement a few minutes later as she stares at their little one who was absolutely covered in now drying paint. "Shame we can't hang her up to dry and keep it forever."

Olivia laughs, patting Aurora's behind softly when the little one stirs at being jostled slightly against her chest, "I took a picture. She's all good to go."

Scarlett hums in content before letting out a deep sigh and hauling herself to her feet , "Good. Are you ready to head in? Or should I say, are you ready to clean up whilst I take her inside?"

"I suppose." Olivia sighs, gently unlatching Aurora from her breast. The little one rouses slightly and legs out a quiet cry, prompting Scarlett to lift her up into her arms before patting her diapered behind.

"Shh shh. You're okay baby. Mama's got you." Scarlett coos, holding out her freehand for Olivia as she gives the little one a soft bounce.

Olivia takes it, allowing herself to be hauled to her feet. She reaches down at grabs her shirt, pulling it back on much to her wife's dismay.

"Such a shame." Scarlett retorts with a playful grin as her wife's breasts disappear from view, and Olivia rolls her eyes as she gives the woman a playful smack to the rear end. Scarlett yelps quietly, her lips forming a pout of which Olivia was quick to make disappear.

Olivia then pulls both her wife and baby into her arms, Scarlett making sure to hold a sleeping Aurora close so she didn't wake up fully.

Scarlett returns the embrace, murmuring a quiet,"I love you." into Olivia's neck.

"I love you more."


I adored how this came out, and I hope you guys did too 🤍

Don't forget to comment and vote for the next chapter! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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