Collection Of Short Stories A...

By iceheartgoldsmile

361 21 38

Just a collection of fun short stories, from war to friendship! More

He asked for war
Just one night
Drowning lover
She is
Daddy's girl
Being helpful
Two random fun shorts
Possessive royalty side story
Possessive royalty side story 2
Safe Haven
Freezer burn
Death over capture
Gone master
Appropriate reactions to common tropes
The Vronto, A rare treasure
Spared by the beast
Heidi the slave
The tragedy of the Yoro clan
Good and evil
Under threat
Mouse girl
Captive test subject
Fox mistakes

alpha cheese and the mouse shifter

5 1 4
By iceheartgoldsmile

I squeaked, moving quickly backwards. My breath catching in my throat as I heard movement around me. Harsh brown eyes glared into my wide ones, even his hair seemed harsh, combed perfectly, yet somehow keeping a nice curl to it.

"What are you doing in our territory?" He asked, his tone emotionless and calm. That's how I know he's on the verge of deciding to kill me. The other footsteps slowly closing in as I tried moving away, slowly backing up.

"I... Didn't- I'm very sorry, I didn't realise this was your territory" I squeaked, my voice breathless and hard to hear, yet I knew he did. His eyes flickering up behind me, the sun making the brown of his eyes more honey like.

"Didn't know? I am not an idiot, girl. I can tell you're a shifter." He growled, his voice raspy and definitely showing more calm anger then a lack of emotion now. I felt about to piss myself, I'd just ran for hours, now I'm too tired to keep going. Maybe I could just shift and hide in a hole-

I backed into a hard, warm surface, my heart flickering through my chest, feeling it through my back. I choked back a gasp and slowly turned my head to look behind me, making sure to keep the main one in my view. Standing taller then me was another man. Fluffy brown hair, with cold grey eyes. I jumped forward and eyed him cautiously. How did he sneak up behind me?

He seemed unfazed by my surprise while the others slowly moved closer. It's a real threat now, they are ready to wipe my life from this world. I spent all this time running, is this really how it all ends? Death by accidentally intruding on a territory?

"I'm not a threat, nor a spy. I promise" I said as calmly as I could manage, which wasn't very calm, but it didn't nearly show off the level of fear going through me. Though the small squeak I made at 'promise' was almost embarrassing. "I have poor smell, I was born without smell" I rambled, which is the truth. Ever since I was a baby, I could never smell a thing, it made it hard on me.

"You're not a good liar" he informed me, I don't know what he meant by that, if he's suspicious of me being out of breath, then he needs to find other ways of reading lies. I know I'm shifty eyed, what does he expect when I'm surrounded?

"You're not good at seeing lies" I grumbled, quickly covering my mouth, mentally screaming at myself. "Sorry, sorry, this is just very stressful" I mumbled. I hate this, a wolf shifter would be easier at keeping their cool, even the cats are good at looking calm and collected. That might be why he looks more suspicious now, his eyes narrowing.

There's a reason my type of shifters are hardly heard from, keeping away from all the chaos in small villages, hidden somewhere. Being easy to startle and stress is not a good thing to be around these guys, not that I can't bite back when needed.

"Not good huh? You're as jumpy as a rabbit on hunting night. You seem plenty suspicious to me" he said, returning to his emotionless calmness. I bit my lip, and looked around, how do I get around this? Saying I'm a mouse shifter is a recipe for disaster. They could use it against me very quickly.

"Of course, I wasn't expecting to be surrounded all of a sudden, I'm startled" I stated, my breathing settling. I straightened my back a little and brushed my light brown hair out of my face, trying to meet his eyes more confidently, yet at each crunch of a leaf or stick I flinched and tensed up.

"Apparently this girl says she's not spying on us. Who here believes her?" He chuckled, his gaze going along all of the grinning faces, everyone seemed to find it amusing, some even letting out laughs. His gaze landed behind me and his smile turned to a frown, his eyes glimmered with interest.

"Really Chris? You believe her?" He asked. I was about to turn before freezing and closing my eyes, sniffing sounded by my ear as I held back a squeak, managing to make an even more pathetic squeaky sound. A low snicker sounding in my ear.

"She's no spy. I believe that. Besides, she should have been able to smell that she has shit on her foot" Chris stated, stepping away from me. I squinted open my eyes and looked at him uncertainly, I slowly lifted a muddy foot and looked up at him, slowly wiping the foot on the grass in disgust. I thought I'd stepped in mud by the river bank.

"You do have the best nose here, I didn't even pick that up. She really can't smell. Disgusting. Hunters, let's take this stranger to the main area, she still trespassed. Nobody leaves or enters my territory without my permission" He grumbled, I gulped and felt the others close in.

I walked quickly behind the leader and Chris. Both seemed very cold and honestly, I don't want to get on their bad side further then I am. The ones behind me were talking, laughing to each other, I was far to anxious to look back at them.

Through the trees, a small town took shape, several odd houses surrounding a tall one, all made of strong materials. Wooden frames with stone foundation. I lowered my head, feeling like a criminal as faces turned to look at me. They could be heard talking amongst themselves, all while I was led to the tall building.

"Hunters, you're all dismissed. Think we can take care of the jumpy lady." Spoke the leader firmly, the group quickly dispersed, I could feel a cold sweat settle on my skin, still following the two into the building. "Where should I have her? There's some spare rooms with locks" asked the leader.

"Devon. I think the basement one, the one Julie and her pet went for quarantine, she can't smell after all" stated Chris. Basement? That's better then a higher room. Devon laughed at Chris's words, is the room that bad? I hope they aren't risking me being sick. I flinched at a hand on my shoulder and was led down some stairs. It was dark and musty, a long hallway with doors along it, reaching the last door.

Straw lined the floor and a bed was set aside, clean and tidy. I was expecting it to be dirty, even the straw was fresh. Why would Chris pick this one? Is there somehow better rooms? This is perfect for what I am, but I guess they consider it unappealing. Devon chuckled and patted Chris's shoulder.

"Get our- guest comfortable. She'll probably be here for a while, if I let her live long enough" chuckled Devon, walking out and away. I could hear his shoes harshly hitting the concrete until it went silent.

"Hurry up into the room" commanded Chris, he didn't raise his voice, yet still I flinched. He snickered and crossed his arms. I walked to the bed and sat down, looking around carefully.

"Will he really kill me? It was a mistake, honest! I'll leave without trouble and not talk about it. I need to keep moving" I said, trying to plead with him. He shook his head.

"No. Your food will be delivered later, I'll get you working around here. You'll be doing service for the pack. As long as I can convince Devon, sit tight for now. Besides all that, I want to know who the scared mouse is running from" he chuckled shutting the door behind him. I clutched the bed and was frozen in shock. Mouse? Does he know? Or is he just insulting my nervousness?!

My head swirled and I could hear the world creaking and tapping naturally. I've noticed dark basements have a certain noise to them, people say they have a smell, yet I wouldn't know. The straw was pleasant against my sore feet. I hadn't been given a chance to even put shoes on when I was told to start running. Betrayed by the closest person to me. I almost fell into a spiral of the dark and gloomy memories, yet snapped myself out, wiping my eyes and laying on the bed.

I needed so badly to rest my body. At least they gave a bed to me, it's a pleasure after running for so long. Yet everytime I closed my eyes, I could feel those eyes glaring holes into me. I could feel the pain of the hatred, could feel my broken heart shattering to smaller pieces. Making me feel small, making me want to shift and hide forever in a burrow, but that is not what I do, I hate giving up. I didn't give up when I was tossed aside and I won't give up now. They'll have to let me go, running isn't an option, I won't have someone else after me. I'll convince them that I am not a threat.

Easy. Right?

A loud bang startled me and I opened my eyes, sitting up quickly and breathing rapidly. The door was open, there was a foldable table beside my bed with a plate and glass. Perspiration dripped from the cold glass and the food was steaming, I'm surprised I was given good things, the vegetables and chicken seemed well cooked.

At the door stood... Chris, that's what I believe his name was. His grey eyes scanning me, making me uncomfortable as I tried to eat the soft vegetables. My stomach twisted from the nerves, yet I took a deep breath and continued. I took the time to examine him through the corner of my eye.

He stood tall, possibly something over 6 foot, with a rounded face and hair tied back in a ponytail. He did have a beard growing in, dark hairs showing along his chin, his shirt sweaty and grey, like he'd been doing excercise. Strong arms but not thick, I'm certain he could definitely pick me up and toss me away with ease.

The flavourful food now finished with the cool water being taken in by my grateful, thirsty body. Coolness swirling through me like my relief. Chris moved and I turned to look at him quickly, he picked up the dishes and folded up the table. He eyed me carefully, leaving seconds after and letting the door slam shut by itself.

With a relieved sigh, I stretched my sore and cramping body. I guess I needed that rest, even though it seemed to be only for a few hours, so I lay back down, another day should hopefully give me more time to figure out how to get Devon's approval for me to leave.

The morning brought nothing but an early awakening. Something loud banged and I scrambled up, looking around to see Chris at the door, he stood beside another wolf shifter. They were a short female, her stance confident and her black hair going down her back in a braid. She had her arms crossed and was scrutinising me with lovely blue eyes.

"Sandra. This one will be helping you with laundry, make sure she doesn't scurry off. Tell her to do whatever and enjoy a break, you deserve it" spoke Chris, Sandra turned to Chris and smiled.

"You're ever so kind to me. You and Devon have been nothing but saints to me" she said. Chris nodded with a smile of his own, his eyes slowly scanning me again. It made me nervous, like he was trying to figure things out about me. If he found out, I don't know what he'll do with me, I've been told mouse shifters smell like wolf shifters, like some kind of survival feature. I'm not afraid of being sniffed out.

"Wake up. Make her work her best Sandra, I trust you will" said Chris, I hadn't been asleep, I guess I may have been to distracted in my thoughts. He seemed pleased with Sandra's agreeing nod and turned, walking away smoothly. Sandra watched him, then turned to me.

"Hurry up, it's laundry day. Actually, you stink, go shower and I have some clothes you can borrow, I'll start splitting the washing by colour" she stated, I couldn't argue with that, I felt disgusting with sweat and mud on me. Pretty sure I need to scrub my foot clean of the shit from yesterday. I stood and followed her to a bathroom and she left me alone as I looked for the body wash and hair wash.

All I need to do is a good job and they'll see that I am not a threat. Sandra seems nice, she must be the main house maid? It does happen from what I know, though normally the whole pack takes turns. The water was cool against me and I scrub at my skin, trying so hard to scrub the burning eyes I could feel through my back, why won't it go away! I scrubbed until my skin was pink and sore, my hair smooth and wet.

I stepped out to see a fresh towel and some clean clothes. I hadn't even noticed her come in, she moves so quietly, almost like Chris. The clothes were simple, some black trousers, a red shirt and some underwear. Everything was slightly big on me, but not enough to be annoying and constantly slip down.

I tightened the strings on the trousers and left the room, Sandra was standing waiting for me. Without a word, she grabbed my wrist and walked me to a different room, the hallway was simple, wooden flooring with a red rug. The laundry room had a simple tiled look with multiple machines lined up.

"I've sorted the colours. They are all piled in front of each machine. I'll get breakfast here while we wait for the washing to finish" she told me, leaving the room quickly. I didn't have time to respond or ask questions, the door slamming shut and she was gone. I looked back at the piles and sighed, searching for the detergent and filling the machines with clothes.

I started the first rounds and stood awkwardly, holding my hands behind my back and watching the machines rumble to life. Definitely loud in the room, I couldn't hear my own thoughts, which is pretty good considering that my thoughts have been nothing but unhelpful.

"You got them all on? Perfect. Come along, breakfast is ready" she rushed. I nodded, having not even heard the door open, I was beginning to think she's part ghost. She hurried me along to a dining room which was empty, two plates of eggs and bacon sat waiting. I ate the nicely cooked food calmly as she seemed unhappy with something.

"What's your name? You know I'm Sandra" she finally said. Is she just shy and trying to work up the courage to communicate?

"Oh, I'm Katie." I stated.

"You a rogue to? I was for a couple years, Almost died from a snake bite, Devon let be apart of the pack as long as I proved myself" she explained. Is it backstory time already? I don't think many people I've met start off by saying they almost died.

"No. I'm not a rogue, I'm just- just me, I had to leave a bad situation" I explained, keeping many details out, her eyes widened slightly and she gave me a pitying look.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I just assumed. You seem like a very strong person for that" she stated, patting my hand and smiling softly. She's pretty and kind, I can see why they'd accept her into a pack, so far she's nothing but positives. I gave a slight smile, not feeling in the mood to return her kindness, she'll probably turn on me to when she finds out what I am. No one wants prey to weaken their group.

"Let's start hanging up the laundry" she finally said after an hour of silence. I looked at her confused before remembering that I am to help her do chores. We reached the laundry room and took out the clean and wet washing, filling in the last dirty loads to the machines. With those turned on, she led me to a new door, washing line was lined from wall to wall across the outdoor area.

Slow and steady we hung the washing, she even began singing some song I've never heard before. A group walked by and one stared at Sandra with a wierd expression, she was ignoring him and tensing up irritably. How did someone manage to irritate someone kind like her?

"Don't leave any creases!" He finally barked out, his tone hard and frustrated, though he had a kind of lisp by the way he examined her. It was gross, he seemed like an asshole.

"Shut up you dick" she snapped back. He moved to approach her unhappy with her comment, a hand harshly on his shoulders.

"Move it, before I beat you down" growled Chris, standing slightly taller then the now startled man. He nodded and hurried off, I stared in surprise. "Girl! Quit slacking" commanded Chris, I nodded and hurried to hang up something new, shocked and uncertain what just happened.

"That was Paul. He's upset because I said I didn't want to date him. Besides you saw him, everyone is certain he's a date rape waiting to happen" she huffed. He did seem pretty lustful and that annoyance was unusual and terrifying with me now understanding him better.

The day was filled with laundry, I thought it'd haunt my dreams. Sandra seemed happy and patted my back with a strong and firm hand.

"You did real good, we'll pick them all off the line tomorrow and for now, let's get some rest" she giggled, I smiled fondly at her. I was not expecting support and kindness after being walked in here like a criminal. I do know why some would want her though, she kind and lovely, plus noone dates within the pack, people leave to find a partner and come back once they're in an official relationship.

She's technically a rogue and a stranger, meaning she's free to be dated by anyone in the pack. She doesn't seem the type to be looking for that though, she seems to just genuinely enjoy helping. I won't be staying here long enough to befriend her, but I do love her company while I am here.

"Dinner is here." Chris said as he opened the door. I watched his tall frame crouch to not hit his head on the door frame. The straw rustled noisily as he carelessly shoved it aside, moving towards me with the foldable table under his arm, a plate in his other. "Surprised with you today. Didn't expect you to not cause trouble, what? Not scampering off? Not trying to run off? Sandra said you didn't refuse to do anything. Your plan is just to get on Devon's good side and leave?" He asked.

He folded out the table as I twiddled my fingers anxiously. "Yes. I promise you, I want to leave as soon as I can. I wont make the dumb mistake of trying to run or sneak off." I stated, determination in a wavering voice as he seemed to stare me down, trying to figure me out. A smirk slowly laced his lips.

"Right. How do you know he won't kill you before that?" He asked. I paused unsure how to answer, he snickered and turned away, leaving the steaming plate of vegetables and steak on the foldable table. "Especially when he finds out your little secret" he added, I jumped to my feet, eyeing his back in new terror, the door closing behind him. I ignored the food as I collapsed back onto the bed, I have two secrets and one isn't as much of a current danger as the other.

If he knows who I'm running from then he could send me back. That wouldn't make sense for Devon to kill me for it, maybe if it makes me an annoyance for him to deal with, yet it'd make more sense for him to send me back. My mouse form though- He would kill me over that, some prey on his land, in his building, touching his food and washing. Judging from what I've been told, wolves aren't very fond of mice, weak links, useless and helpless, no smart leader would let such a weak link damage their image.

Whichever secret he knows, I need to find out, he could even just be trying to psych me out. "Ahhh! I hate him!" I groaned, sitting up and stuffing some broccoli into my mouth, chewing angrily. Frustration bubbling up, I've dealt with so much stupid shit and now I feel like Chris and Devon are the final hurdle, I just need to calm down and be let go. Sandra is good company, from what I've seen at least, having no one close makes me even happier to have someone treat me like I'm important.

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