Cheating on You (✓)

By zeta_epsilon

23.4K 682 376

- Slow updates - Short chapters - it's just a title but doesn't mean there will be a lot of cheating Please... More

Christmas special chapter
special chapter 1


369 15 3
By zeta_epsilon

"good morning!"
Dra. Salvador says greeting Jungkook that just woke up. He's making coffee for himself and hot chocolate for his wife when the doctor knocks a few times and opens the door

Jungkook turns and greets her good morning asking if she would like to have some coffee but the lady smiles shaking her head softly. She's holding a record in a file clip walking to the side of the bed..

"No, thank you.. I had my breakfast..  have some results here but first I wanted to talk to her" she points to Taehyung that is sipping on her cup of hot choco. Jungkook kisses her whispering

"I'll be right outside.. love you!"
He take his leave and closes the door but he couldn't contain his emotions and sits in the bench just outside the room. He wanted to stay and know what they will going to talk about but he's trusting her. He leans his back trying to relax when Mrs. Kim came seeing him seated there


Taehyung says voices wavering.. she doesn't know why she wants to talk to her alone. She starts to worry about her condition. She knows she just having simple symptoms of pregnancy because she is for almost 3 weeks now and now facing a doctor like this scares her

"Relax... You're fine, I want to talk to you because I think you're expecting a baby, right?"

Taehyung sits properly fidgetting her fingers. Thinking about a lot of things. Is she here to burst her bubbles of being pregnant?  just to tell her she's truly sick and being pregnant is just a thing in her head. The doctor get the cup out of her hold

"Am i?.. i took a lot of pregnancy test just to make sure but i didn't know I will end up here.. I want to surprise him myself but things happened out of my control and now..."

"That's why i wanted to talk to you first because i don't want to spoil your surprise and be the one to announce it to him"

Taehyung has glossy eyes looking at her and she smiles nodding her head giving her hope

"congratulations, you're a month pregnant, your results are just fine but don't tire yourself.. eat on time and please avoid stress, we just have to do a monthly checkups from now on and take few vitamins for you and the baby"

Taehyung cries...
"I thought you will tell me that I'm being delusional about my pregnancy and feels this weird things"

The doctor laughs at her

"we are women, we know our body.. you're not imagining things.. you're truly pregnant"
The doctor hugs her and the door opens. Mrs. Kim can't wait anymore and hearing her daughter cry in her bed makes her open the door

Mrs. Kim came seeing his son in law sitting outside the room doesn't settle her well but Jungkook tries to calm her but as a mother and a doctor herself, once they talk alone with their patients she knows there is something wrong. She leans to the door trying to hear what they were talking but the only thing she heard is her sob

"Tae, what's wrong?"
Mrs. Kim asked walking to her, she face the doctor waiting for answers

"She's just fine.. I'll come back later, I will just sign her discharge slip"

Jungkook follows her mother in law and hold her. Taehyung wipes her tears smiling to him

He calls and she hugs him in the waist leaning her head to him

"what's wrong.. why are you crying, does she said something else aside from that? Please tell me.. "

The doctor hears it and stops to answer them

"she's totally fine, she's a little bit tired and stress, that's all but she's doing good and i need her to stay healthy" she winks at her and take her leave closing the door. A nurse come and check the dextrose. She's preparing to take it off of her

"I'm glad that you're alright sweetie, just follows the doctor's advice okay?"

Taehyung nods but her tears is not stopping. Jungkook's hold on her tightens.. he knows there was something she's not telling them. He saw how the doctor smiles and winks at her

He sits on the side of the bed and kisses her tears away a few times before asking her again..

"Tell me love, why are you still crying.."

"I'm just happy... I want to go home, I don't want to stay here for another hour Jungkookie.. let's go!"

Few more minutes and her friends comes one after the other. They want to know her condition but Taehyung stay quiet and only repeats what the doctor said but Jungkook is not convinced. He needs to know and he will ask her again and again

Jimin came and she got the opportunity to tell him and asks him again for a favor

She signals him and he's fast to sit beside her

"Would you buy me a cake for later? I want a cake.. a salted caramel cake with a dedication on it? I want to have it before we go home"

Jimin smile sheepishly and winks at her

"Anything for you Tae baby"

Taehyung slips a note on his hands and Jimin takes his leave. Jungkook comes to the room from the releasing area holding her permission to discharge and he got suspicious about him

"Where he will go?"

"I asked him to buy me a cake"
Taehyung simply says sitting on a couch this time. Her things are already packed

"We can go home now.."
He said that makes her panics. She grabs her phone and sent him a message to Jimin and hopes he will see it

"Do we need to wait for him or..."

"No, I want to go home.. i told him to just deliver the cake at home"

Jungkook stops and stares at her

"wait! We can buy the cake you wanted on the way home.. do you really want that cake that much? Tell me if you want something to eat.. you know I'll buy it for you!"

Taehyung squeezes his cheeks making his lips pout and kiss him

"stop sulking.. I want him to get it for me"
Jungkook holds her carrying her up from the couch

"fine.. I just want to be the only one to get the things you like"

"oh, my hubby is being extra thoughtful huh!"  She teases after she yelps from carrying her

"am i not being thoughtful these days? I'm sorry... "

Jungkook hides his face on her neck ashamed. Maybe Taehyung thinks he's not her priority, he got busy at work and often forget things but that doesn't mean he stops taking care for her and now she's asking Jimin to get the food she likes to eat just because she thinks she's just disturbing him

"Tae, let me be the one to take care of you.. you wouldn't need to have Jimin to get everything you need.. I'm your husband, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry if I'm not being a good husband for you"

Taehyung wiggles out of him and Jungkook puts her down. She hugs him tight and cups his face, she didn't mean to make him feel he's not doing his job as her husband..

"What are you saying? You're being good to me.. you're taking care of me, you big baby.. stop crying"
Taehyung doesn't know if she's going to cry with him or laugh at his antics, he's being a baby again

"I'm sorry" he said again and Taehyung kisses him

"Stop.. just stop it okay? I'm fine.. the Doctor said I'm just tired that's why i fainted and i need a lot of rest Daddy"

Jungkook didn't catch it and kissed her more holding her tight. They didn't even notice Jimin standing there at the open door holding a box of cake

"Ehem.. "
Jimin's fake cough to get their attention. They pull back and look at him. He forwards a box of cake to her and Taehyung knows he didn't read her message to him. He leaves them closing the door behind

"He really got it for you.. i should be the one to buy it"

Jungkook pouts more and Taehyung takes off the cover of the box showing it to him but he's too busy sulking to understand

"Stop sulking Daddy" she repeats and shows it to him, Jungkook glances at her still frowning shift his eyes on the cake

'for you my love and soon to be daddy' 

he reads with a design of mittens at the bottom of the word daddy

Jungkook holds it and looks at his wife, his doe eyes widens shifting to her and to the cake for a few times, his jaw drops when he realizes what it means

Taehyung gets the cake out of him and puts it on the table. Jungkook is a little bit shaken up tears flowing in his eyes

"The fuck! Love!" He holds her on the shoulder and pulls her more to him, hugging her tight then pulls back and carefully holds her in the waist

"Tell me it's real! Jeon Taehyung! You're not kidding me right! You're... You are! Oh my God! This is... I didn't expect any of this! I thought you were sick. That i made you sick for not taking good care of you and this! This is"

Taehyung nods crying with him

"I wanted to surprise you but you've gotten busy with work and I didn't expect that I'll faint that day.. Jimin was.. he was helping me preparing it for you but

"You fainted because of tiredness, and stress, you're being jealous and you saw us when she slipped and falls on me but you didn't say a word. You kept your feelings from me. I know, I'm at fault, I didn't tell them I'm married, that I have a loving and beautiful wife and.. and, oh my God.. I didn't realize what you must have felt when all you were doing was to surprise me with this wonderful news!"

Jungkook cries more like a baby blaming himself

"I'm stressing you more while you're enduring all of this all by yourself"
Jungkook continues and Taehyung can't do anything but to wipes his tears. She didn't mean to make him cry and blames himself. She never thought Jungkook would feel this way

"Kookie listen to me" she cups his face making him look at her

"you're not stressing me.. it's not you and you're just doing great! You're taking good of me. Please don't think any less. You're always with me whenever I need you, it's me not calling you thinking I'll disturb your work"

"but you're not! You're my priority, your health is the most important thing for me.. I love you Tae and I promise, I'll take care of you more, I'll double it now that you're carrying my baby.. our baby!"

Taehyung nods with tears and kisses him again and again till their parents opens the door to check on them. They want to make sure they were fine when Mrs. Jeon sees the cake on top of the table. Jimin follows them when all of them are already inside

"Oh my God! Is this true! I'm going to be a grandma!" She says voices raised now holding the cake for the others to see. Mrs. Kim take a hold of her husband. Mr. Jeon smiles at her panicking wife and take a hold of the cake

"I should hold this before you drop it"
He teases and put down the cake then pulls her to his side kissing the top of her head

"Mom, dad!"
Jungkook calls. "I'm going to be a Dad!" He shouts turning to them for a hug

"Congratulations son!"
He said pulling him for a group hug

"My baby!" Mrs. Kim says walking to her daughter already crying

"Mom" she wipes her tears and hug her Mom


They were busy wiping their tears and laughs their dramatic asses when the same doctor from this morning knocks on the door before stepping inside

"I believe they already know the great news" she smiles at them

"Congratulations. You're going to be parents, this is the list of vitamins she needs to take and an appointment for the next check up but I guess you wouldn't have to, your Mom is one of the best ob-gyne in the field of this medicine.. take care" she forward a note and Jungkook gets it fast

"Congratulations again and take care of her" she said to Jungkook and he bows at her

"I will... Thank you doctor"

Jungkook smiles despite of red eyes and rosy nose. He turns to his wife and hold her tenderly


They reach home but his parents didn't leave them right away to have a talk. Mr. Jeon wants to make some changes at work and it can't wait, his wife wouldn't leave him in peace until he doesn't take actions on one of his new talents

They sit on the couch and get serious.. Mrs. Jeon prepares a dinner for them at the kitchen

"Jungkook, I think you need to take a break from work to better take care of her or do some work in the office instead away from those idols"
He starts that make his son frown

He wants to have a break from work but money didn't grow on trees for him to pick, he needs to be prepared and save money for his wife and baby.. he wants to be financially stable though his parents wouldn't leave him, not this time that they we're having a baby

He wants to use his own money for his family, for her check up and things to buy and prepare for his angel

"Dad, i would like to have a break but I need to save more money this time"

"I understand but this time no more interaction with those wanna be idols.. a video have been sent to me and I did some investigation about it

"there's a video? about what? Dad, I'm not doing anything with her.. Anna has been so bratty and always clings on me. I'm avoiding her as much as possible but doing things that making my wife jealous"

"yes, I know.. your Mom told me, she wants to take you away from them and gives you different work.. maybe I'll assign you to a boy group instead.. I'll be having an audition next month, you supervise that. I did some investigation and I'm dropping her.. she will no longer debut under our company. The audacity of that girl.. she's planning to make you her husband and be part of the family? As if! she's delusional"

Mr. Jeon shakes his head. She didn't know they will encounter someone like her

Taehyung comes from the kitchen holding a tray of snacks for them followed by Mrs. Jeon that's been calling her

"I told you! I can take care of it"
Taehyung giggles. Serving them food is not a big tasks to do but his Mom is being extra. Jungkook gets it from her

"I'll take care of this"
He put down the tray and make her sit beside him

"Don't tire yourself!" Mrs. Jeon scolds serving them glasses of juice

"But this is nothing mom, it's not that tiring to do" she says smiling, she get some cake and feed her husband

"You will listen to me young lady if you don't want me to get angry.. you're carrying my grandchild. You need to take a lot of rest"

She pouts feeling sad. She just want to serve them and his Mom feels bad for raising her voice on her

"I'm sorry, I just want you to rest"

"Don't restrict her, she knows what she's doing and she will take her rest if she's feeling tired, right Tae?"
Mr. Jeon says siding at her daughter in law. Taehyung nods and smile at him

"Yes, dad.. i will"

"See.. there's nothing to worry about. She's fine and she's doing great"

Jungkook kisses her forehead and stares at her, they finish discussing about work and leave


They were settle in the bed for the night when Jungkook lays beside her but instead of facing her, he leans to her belly and talks to his baby

"Hello baby... Are you feeling okay, Don't be stubborn and don't hurt mommy alright?"
Taehyung giggles feeling his breath on her skin, she pull down her shirt and hold his face

"Come here you big baby!" Jungkook laughs and kisses her tummy all the way up to her neck and cheeks

"I love you momma Tae"

Jungkook didn't stop kissing her till he reaches her lips. Taehyung couldn't stop a moan to slip out her lips

"Kookie.." she holds him tight on the nape looking at him with hooded eyes

"Tae, stop making that noise.. you making me hard"

Taehyung moves back and look at him

"What if I don't?" Jungkook dives to her neck again giving her more hickeys, slipping his hand and plays with her breast

"Then I guess our baby wouldn't mind if?"

"yeah right... He wouldn't mind"
Jungkook hears it and pull back

"how can you say our baby will be a boy?"

"because I want a boy!" She laughs kissing his nose

"but I want a girl" he whines and continues to touch her making her feel good till Taehyung realize he already naked under him

They make love and Jungkook has been so careful for her. Jungkook falls asleep after he make sure Taehyung is fine, he can't help it but to get rough on her because she wants it

"I love you" he whispered to her but didn't get a response. She's sleeping deeply



Taehyung is holding his hands tightly laying in a single bed of their clinic. Her loose shirt is tucked up showing her belly. Her mom puts a clear cold gel on her tummy and opens a machine.. it's time for them to know the gender of the baby but her Mom put on a speaker and they both flinched  when they heard a sound from it

Mrs. Kim started to do her job smiling wide facing the monitor

"What is that?" Jungkook asked with glossy eyes. The sound is something like a marathon

"that is your babies heartbeat.. they are healthy"

"they?" Taehyung says repeating her words. She's starting to cry also. Hearing the heartbeat while the baby is still inside of her makes it feels amazing, she can't put a word to describe it

"Yes... Let see.."
She moves the stick on her belly and push it a little, clicking some buttons taking pictures and it printed out. She moves the monitor for them to see and draw a circle

"This one is a boy, and this..." She moves the stick again and points it

"She's shy.. she doesn't want us to see her"  her Mom laughs

"It's a twins!"
Jungkook stands and leans to his wife kissing her on the lips tears rolling down on his cheeks

"Thank you love for giving me these angels!"

Her Mom finishes the check up and clean her tummy. Jungkook gets the sonograms of their babies

After a few reminders, Jungkook take her on a date. He's so happy he treats her like a princess

"Are you tired of walking? Do you want to go home?" He asked after they scroll inside the mall after a lovely lunch

"I'm fine.. i just want to see few clothes for the baby"
She points to a boutique for infants and Jungkook feels excited again

"Of course!"


Taehyung lays on the couch feeling sleepy when she feels that she seems floating. Jungkook scoops her carrying her to their room

Jungkook carefully lay her in bed kissing her forehead. He ends up buying a lot of clothes for their babies when Taehyung plans is to buy just a pair for the twins. She needs to stop him before he could buy the whole boutique

Taehyung laughs when Jungkook starts telling everyone in the store that they'll having twins

"I'm so excited to see you both"
Taehyung hears her husband talking again their babies, he's whispering to them. She giggles and Jungkook knows she's awake again

"I love you and I think I wouldn't get tired of telling you how much I love you" he kisses her on the side of her face

"I love you.. you and our babies are my treasures. We will take care of this family"
Taehyung nods getting emotional again and Jungkook is so used to it. She sobs hugging him and Jungkook holds her close

"thank you.. thank you for everything Jungkookie"




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