𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐬

By kiikiisaidfuckyou

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𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗜 𝗦𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗹. More



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By kiikiisaidfuckyou


Kataleya and Dejhari held hands tightly as they walked into the venue. Kataleya was so nervous because she would be not only telling her friends and family about her pregnancy but she would also be revealing the gender. She didn't know what she was having and was so on edge to find out.

She looked around at all of her friends and family who were screaming and cooing at the two. Everybody thought they were having a anniversary dinner considering their announcement of two years was coming up the next day. Dejhari just looked at them unimpressed as they recorded.

"Why you not smiling?" Kataleya asked rubbing his hand with her thumb anxiously. She was nervous on his thoughts of the whole thing because she didn't plan anything. It was all Demaya and Treasure. She just told them that she wanted to wear white.

"Cause these people recording me." He said lowly into her ear before kissing it. She hugged him as everybody watched them interact. She felt like it was weird but the party was for them. "Come on."

They ended their conversation due to Kataleya being pulled away from him by Treasure and Demaya. She mingled with a few of her guests before being approached by her mother with Kaneeya in tow.

Kaneeya wore a white dress with sandals. She had a small white bow at the top of her hair and a ponytail at the top. She had a small purse going across her body.

"Hi nene!" Kataleya said grabbing her hand as she cheesed at her. "I love your outfit, Pretty girl."

"Pretty!" Kaneeya responded as she held her hand on her hip. She walked away towards Dejhari and his family who were talking amongst themselves as they drank and watched around the restaurant.

"So why we really here?" Mario asked approaching Dejhari as he talked with his uncle. He looked over at Mario and shook his head. He hadn't talked to Mario since the incident that occurred at his house. He was lost for words at how fast the whole thing escalated and was disappointed in his friend for not helping.

"For the reason y'all got invited." He said keeping it short before sipping on the flute glass of champagne. He scanned the room as he held his glass close to his chest. He watched as his family interacted and even laughed. He was happy to see positivity.

"You still mad about that lil shit? The shit ain't even have nothing to do with us. That was girl shit." He said with a deep frown. He didn't want to be at odds with him. He knew how Dejhari was when he had a issue with something and he felt like it wasn't even that serious.

Dejhari shook his head. Before he could respond, Marcus approached the two with his daughter in his arms. He held her close to his chest as he smiled at the two men. "You see my seed?" He questioned as he pulled the blanket back so they could get a better look at the small infant as she slept.

"Why is she here? Ain't she only a few weeks old?" Mario asked causing Dejhari to laugh. He couldn't believe his brother had brought his child out so soon. They were at an event which meant there would be a lot of people which also means that germs will be everywhere. "You bold."

"She good." He said fixing her socks. "We building her immune system. Watch she never get sick."

Mario looked over at Marcus with a side-eye as Dejhari shook his head. He knew his brother didn't know much about parenting and neither did he but he atleast knew not to bring the baby out until she's atleast a month old to prevent her from being sick. She was too new to be at the event.

"Only a dumb ass would bring a fetus to a venue infested with germs and drunk men." Cruddy said as he approached them. Dejhari and Mario couldn't help but laugh as he looked down at the baby. "What's her name? She so pretty!" He cooed.

"Say my name is Imani." Marcus said moving her hand up and down causing her to stir in aggravation.

"Watch out," Cruddy said. "You annoying my potential daughter. This why we gotta go to Maury now."

Mario and Jammo busted out into laughter as Marcus mugged him. They thought it was hilarious considering there was a very small chance that Imani was Cruddy's child. Maya promised Marcus that he wasn't but there was never a test to confirm or deny.

"You think that shit funny when you look goofy." Marcus said mugging him as he wiped the slob from Imani's chin. She was now woke and looking around at all the people with wide eyes. The laughter was weird for her so she wanted to see what it was all about.

"You look goofy," Cruddy clapped back. "Bringing a newborn baby out that you never got DNA tested. She's too young to even be out here right now. Unfit ass back up father."

"You lucky I got my baby cause on soul I'll beat the shit out you right here right now." Marcus spat causing Dejhari to look at the two. He wasn't even paying them any mind. He was more so focused on watching Kataleya as she walked around the venue talking and laughing. He didn't even notice them arguing.

"Y'all need to chill cause both y'all look dumb." He said looking at the two men who were mugging each other. He didn't understand why they were so busy arguing about whether or not they were the father of Imani when they could've just gotten a test done. He didn't even understand why they went as far as arguing over Maya when she didn't care about either of them.

As the party went on, Kataleya and Dejhari mostly stayed separate. Everytime they tried to make their way over to each other someone from their family would push them into a conversation.

"Can I have everyone sit down at their tables please?" Kataleya said into the mic catching everyone's attention. Everyone started making their way towards their tables. "And somebody tell my man to come here because I can't find him."

"He outside!" Deniya responded as she made her way towards the exit. She opened the door and leaned outwards to see Dejhari, Jammo, Mario, Cruddy, and Gleesh all standing around each smoking their own blunts. They were talking and laughing as if they were outside on a block and not at an event.

"Ma, the blunt almost gone so you gon have to wait till I roll up again." Jammo said looking at his mother who was looking at the five with her arms folded.

"It's a whole event inside and y'all out here smoking," She said shaking her. "And Dejhari, Kataleya wants you. She calling you on the mic and all."

He sighed and put the blunt out. He was already tired of being at the event. He didn't like all the people, attention, and most of all he couldn't talk to his girlfriend. Everytime he tried somebody was pulling her away from him which irritated him more. He knew Kataleya was going to get overwhelmed soon which made him on guard. He was ready to go home.

He walked into the party and noticed everyone sitting at their tables as Kataleya sitting at their table alone. She was just sitting there talking with Demaya with a deep frown on her face. He sat down next to her and moved his chair closer to her so he could touch her stomach. She pushed his hand away and continued her conversation without acknowledging him.

"I'm scared." She said looking at Demaya with sad eyes as everybody talked amongst themselves. She was planning to announce her pregnancy but she afraid of being judged, talked about, and questioned about her decision. She was starting to think it was a bad idea to say anything. "I should've stayed private about this."

"All these people here wanna see you do well and will be so happy for you. Nobody here will make you uncomfortable purposely or chastise you for this." Demaya said touching her arm. "We're almost done."

"Just relax." Dejhari said into her ear. "I'm right here."

Kataleya was happy to hear Dejhari near considering he was her comfort zone. She did have a little attitude about him being away from her for so long but she understood that it was apart of throwing a party. You can't be under your man the whole time.

"Ok everybody!" Deniya said into the mic as she stood in front of the table where Dejhari and Kataleya sat next to each other. They watched as his mother interacted with the guest as they all laughed. "My son got him a wife yall!"

"I know that's right!" Treasure yelled causing everyone to laugh. Kataleya just sat back and breathed slowly to prevent herself from a panic attack. She was nervous to announce her pregnancy. She felt like everyone was going to judge her because she was judging herself.

"I'm gonna give the mic over to the couple. They got some shit to say." She said handing the mic over to Dejhari who was leaning on Kataleya's shoulder and rubbing her sides as she sat there cuddled up with him. They both looked over it completely.

"We thank yah for supporting our relationship and just accepting us both into the family. Especially, you Ms.Lewis. I know it may seem easy but I just wanna say thank you to everybody for showing us love and respect." He said, they all cooed. "Everybody know I really love my girl so it's not nothing that I have to say that I don't say to you on a day to day basis. I'm happy I met you and you let me make you mine. This shit weird so Ima just let you talk."

He handed the mic over as Kataleya laughed at him. She knew he felt uncomfortable expressing himself in front of everybody considering he'd never done it before. He enjoyed keeping things strictly private between them. He didn't like attention or opinions.

"My man loves me." She said into the mic touching her chest as she blushed. She was so happy that they could be so in love without being embarrassed. People didn't know what happened between them and she really appreciated that. "I love you more and I'm so happy that we can just be together without all these people in our business. I love our privacy. You're my safe space."

Everyone cooed at the two as she rubbed the side of his face. They looked into each other eyes without saying a word. Dejhari felt nervous to bring everybody into his business when it came to his unborn child. Kataleya was more so nervous for the questions that everyone would have. Now that she was further along, she didn't want to be questioned about her pregnancy.

"We are having a baby." She said before taking a deep breathe. She watched as some people looked at them in complete shock but others cheered them on. "And today we will be revealing the gender!"

"It's a girl." Dejhari said into the mic causing Kataleya to laugh and push him away. He wanted a girl so bad that he was already planning a back up plan just in case it wasn't. He believed that they would just have another one until a girl came along.

"It's not." She said shaking her head. "DeMaya will help us reveal the gender. So here you go."

DeMaya grabbed the mic from Kataleya with a wide smile. She was so happy to be the one to reveal the gender because she was the only one to know what they were having. She wanted to tell someone so bad but she couldn't because she didn't want to ruin the surprise. Even though, the stress from holding the secret was making her hair fall out.

"I have to get this off my chest because my hair is falling out." She said, Cruddy cracked up laughing.

"BEEN!" He yelled out causing Jammo to laugh uncontrollably. She cut her eyes at the group of men who were in the corner laughing and joking around. Jammo patted Mario chest before telling him to keep it down. He didn't want to embarrass her.

"Ok, so they gonna open this honey pot and if it's Mint Green then it's a boy and if it's yellow then it's a girl!" She said into the mic as Deniya sat the plate down. The honey pot sat in the middle of it with "What Am I?" written on the front of it.

"So we gonna be able to see the shit as soon as it opens?" Dejhari questioned leaning forward. He was now invested because he wanted to see if his baby was a girl or not. He didn't care about the precious little antics that they had going on. "How this work?"

"So y'all are going to put these blindfolds on. And then mix the pot up. Once you open it the smoke will come out and tell us the gender." She explained looking at Kataleya who was frowning at the blind folds. She didn't like being blind folded. She needed to see what was going on at all times.

"Blindfolded?" She repeated as she looked at Dejhari.

"Yeah, come on. We gon be good. I got my gun." He said putting the blindfold over her eyes. He put his blindfold on before clutching his gun that was inside his pants. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't like the idea of being blindfolded either.

"I can't see anything." She said with a pout as she touched around on the table. DeMaya grabbed her hand and helped her mix the pot around.

"Good thing I can shoot with my eyes closed." Dejhari said as he did the same. His hand rubbed against Kataleyas causing him to smile wide. He knew they were close to knowing the gender.

Demaya put the top back on the honey pot before removing their blindfolds. They looked at the honey pot with furrowed eyebrows as everybody looked at them confused. "Ok..so now what?" Kataleya asked.

"Y'all gonna take it off together." She said. Dejhari rolled his eyes because he felt like it was taking forever to get started. He just looked over at Kataleya with a frown before leaning up towards her.

He kissed her cheek repeatedly before kissing her lips. They smiled at each other as he rubbed her side. He wrapped his arm around her waist. She leaned into him and smiled hard as she looked around at her family who were standing around.

They both put their hands on the top of the pot as everyone counted down from 5. Cruddy and Jammo laughed at Jahleel who was having a hard time catching up to the count. "Not your son dumb eshit." Cruddy said leaning towards Mario.

He shoved him away and laughed. He was more so focused on the gender reveal then his own son. Jahleel was going to learn to count so that was the least of his concerns. Even though, Jahleel was two years old.

Kataleya and Dejhari pulled the top off and green smoke oozed out of the pot causing everyone to start screaming in excitement. Cruddy and Jammo jumped around pumping their arms in the air. "I TOLD YALL NIGGAS! I TOLD YALL NIGGAS!" Mario yelled out.

Dejhari just shook his head in disbelief. He was expected yellow smoke. He was expecting a daughter. He didn't mind having a son but he couldn't believe that he was wrong. His head was in his hands as everyone else around celebrated.

"Aw! I told you bae!" Kataleya said into his ear as she hugged him with a smile. He pushed out a breathe and hugged her back as he looked around at all the smiles.

"You look blew." Meena said approaching the couple. Dejhari just shook his head and hugged his sister.

"I thought it was a girl." He said, Kat laughed.

"I told you it was a boy. You was too set on having a girl." She said looking up at him as she rubbed his back. She was excited to have a son considering she already knew a lot about raising a girl. She was excited for the challenge.

Dejhari just shook his head. "Shit, atleast I got a Jr."


Dejhari eyed the scene as he walked into the room. Kataleya was asleep in the bed with her mouth wide open and her butt tooted up in the air as she held her belly. Kodi laid at the end of the bed panting as she held one Dejhari's Louis Vuitton slides under her paw.

"Why you always touching some shit?" He asked as he approached her. He grabbed the slide away from her and threw it into the closet before closing the door. He scanned the room for his laptop but couldn't find it. As he looked around the room, Kataleya snored obnoxiously. He knew she was tired from the event so he didn't want to bother her.

"She always touching some shit too." He mumbled as he walked around the room looking for his laptop. He hated when she came home and started cleaning. He could never find his things. He went into the den that was attached to their bedroom and started looking around on the couches.

Dejhari looked over at the bed to see Kataleya moving around in the bed. "Bae, where my computer?" He asked looking around the room again.

"Office." She said turning over. She rubbed her stomach before pouting. She noticed how hot she was getting and all the sweat that was around her neck. She whined as she wiped her neck.

"Why you take it in there?" He asked not even noticing her discomfort as she frowned deeply. She twisted and turned as she rubbed her belly. Kataleya didn't feel in pain but she was extremely uncomfortable. She was hot, sweaty, and she felt uneasy.

She huffed and turned over in bed. Dejhari noticed all the commotion and went over to the bed. He yanked the covers off of her and noticed the pool of sweat underneath her. She started gagging before hurrying out the bed towards the bedroom.

"What's wrong?" He asked following behind her as she threw up repetitively in the toilet. Dejhari hurried over and pushed her hair back as she held her face in the toilet as tears streamed down her face. She hated throwing up. It stunk so bad.

Dejhari grabbed one of the rags that was supposed to be for decoration and ran it under cold water. He rang it out and laid it on the back of her neck. He noticed her face was flushed as she laid her head back. "Baeeee.." She dragged as she put her head back.

"What's going on? What you feeling?" He asked kissing her cheek as she breathed heavily. She felt like she was about to start throwing up again so she leaned back towards the toilet bowl. Dejhari watched as she cried before gagging and throwing up.

He was disgusted but he knew that she was really going through it. He was concerned because he didn't know what was going on with her. She wasn't explaining what was making her throw up. "You in pain? Your stomach hurt?" He questioned.

She shook her head before wiping her mouth with her hand. She had to catch her breathe. She wasn't feeling any pain she just felt sick. She was hot, nauseous, and sweaty. She couldn't explain what was wrong with her.

"It's so hot in here." She managed to get out. Dejhari just eyed her as he put the cold rag around the back of her neck. He didn't understand how she was hot. He rubbed her back as she sat there waiting. She didn't know if she had to throw up again or not.

"Maybe we need to go to the hospital." He suggested before grabbing his phone out of his sweatpants pocket. He went to dial the hospitals number but Kataleya stopped him. She didn't want to go.

"No, I think I'm done." She said trying to get up from the toilet. Dejhari just watched as she stood up and went over to the sink. She washed her hands before grabbing her toothbrush and immediately brushing her teeth. He didn't understand how she was acting so unbothered when she was just crying.

Kataleya brushed her teeth as she looked in the mirror. She rubbed her stomach and sighed. She was still feeling a little weak but she didn't want Dejhari to worry about her. She knew that once he noticed something was wrong he would be overbearing. She knew he meant well but she found it annoying sometimes.

She felt like he made her overthink when it came down to normal pregnancy symptoms. Stomach pains, nausea, and tiredness were all symptoms of pregnancy that Dejhari didn't understand at first. He would think things were going bad and freak out which would make her scared.

"Bae," He called out as he cleaned up the mess. "You need to talk to me and tell me what's going on. You not telling me shit. I'm lost. I wanna help but I don't know what's going on." He explained. Kataleya felt bad because she knew he was just trying to be there for her despite the urge to call his mom.

"I'm just not feeling well. I don't know why." She said shaking her head as she covered her toothbrush. She put it back in its original space before leaning on the bathroom counter. She was having a hard time just standing there. "I feel really weak."

"So what you wanna do?" He asked walking over to her. Kataleya was feeling tired again but before she could fall Dejhari grabbed her and immediately took her into the bedroom. He looked around before putting her on the bed. He wanted to change the sheets but he just put her on his side.

"Muga," He called out noticing she was nodding off. "Baby what you wanna do? You look wild." He said wiping the sweat from her head as she laid there. She rubbed her stomach with her eyes shut as Dejhari watched. He was really concerned. He never seen her so sick.

"Call my mom."


Dejhari leaned against the wall in his bedroom as he watched Kataleya and her mother interact. Kataleya was sitting up in the bed with her hair in a high ponytail that he did himself. He watched as she chewed on the Ritz Crackers before sipping the water.

"Girl you got a fever." Her mother announced looking at the thermometer. He walked over to her and looked at the thermometer as well.

He wanted to be involved. He wanted to know what was going on. He wanted to help her in anyway but he felt like he was being shut out. He felt as if nobody was talking to him and telling him what was going on. Kataleya was pregnant with their baby. He believed he should know everything that was going on with her even if it had nothing to do with their son.

"What does it say?" He questioned looking at her mom. "How high is it? Is it bad?"

Denise had never seen Dejhari so concerned and afraid before. It was unusual to see him stressed considering he was mostly unreadable when it came to his emotions about anything. She understood why he was concerned but it caught her off guard. She looked over at Kataleya who was sitting there drinking her water.

"It's only at 107. It should be coming down soon. I gave her some tylenol. As far as the nausea, that's something she's going to have. She just has to find things that can keep her from throwing up all the time." She explained before looking over at Dejhari.

He looked at Kataleya in aggravation as she sat there not saying a word. He had a small attitude with her because she was able to explain everything that was wrong with her to her mother but when he asked she ignored him. He didn't understand it.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and check on your soup." Denise said noticing the thick tension in the room between the couple. Dejhari would give her small
looks of anger and Kataleya would ignore him which only made him more mad. "I'll be back."

He watched as Denise quickly made her way out of the room and closed the door behind her. She knew they would probably argue so she closed the door because she simply didn't want to hear it. She never heard them argue and she wanted to keep it that way.

He sat at the end of the bed quietly. He wanted to get his thoughts together before he spoke to her. He was so angry that he couldn't find the right words to say that didn't seem aggressive. He didn't want to argue. He just wanted things to get better. He felt like she was forgetting that they were a team.

"You feeling any better?" He asked looking over at her.

Kataleya felt guilty. She felt bad because she knew his feelings were hurt about something but she didn't know. She didn't expect for him to be so angry and sad about her being sick. She felt there was nothing that he could do to help her through it that he wasn't already doing. She didn't even want to talk about it since they already knew why she was sick.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little better." She said with a slight shrug before rubbing her foot on his forearm. "Why do you look so sad? I'm fine now."

"Because you ain't think to tell me what was going on with you. I'm asking you how you feel and I'm tryna be here for you and my son and you shutting me out." He expressed turning towards her. He took her foot into his hands and began massaging her foot.

"It wasn't like that. I don't get sick like that and I was scared. I was trying to figure out what was going on with me myself. I'm sorry if you felt like I was shutting you out. I was just in my head and throwing up." She explained before pouting. "I'm sorry baby."

"We a team. I need to know what's going on so I can help you as much as I can. I was scared too. I know you're the one who going through the physical aspect of this but I wanna help and make shit as easy as I can." He confessed before pushing his lips to the side. "That's why I called my mom to come stay with us until you get better."

Her eyes bugged before leaning up. "Stay where?!"

"Here." He said before smirking. He knew that his mother and her had a great relationship but she didn't like staying with his mother. She didn't want to do anything inappropriate. She felt like it was tougher for her to show his mother that he was in good hands with her. She would cook, clean, and make him lunch whenever she came to stay with them.

"She can't stay here. I'm pregnant." She explained.

"What does that have to do with nursing you back to health?" He questioned with a frown. "She tryna help you. So allat extra shit you be doing while she here you don't have to because you're sick."

"Can't one of our friends come instead?" She said before folding her arms. "I'm not even sick anymore. I feel perfectly fine. See," She flashed him a wide smile as he laughed. She was so dramatic.

"You're being dramatic. You'll be fine." He comforted.

Kataleya didn't say anything. She just gave him a look before smirking. Since she had to deal with his mother she was going to be withholding sex from him until she left. She felt like it was the best option in a situation like this. She knew his mother would wanna talk about the Meena situation and try to get them back cool but she wasn't worried about Meena.

She was worried about her son.


Bitch how you sick? Explain that. 😩

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