Prove them wrong

By bubbly_writter

145K 4.2K 1.8K

♥︎♡♥︎♡ Izuku Midoriya's world comes crumbling down. He's all alone in a world with no one to care for him. H... More

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1.8K 65 52
By bubbly_writter

"Young Midoriya... this quirk, it can be passed down to a successor. With the recent events I need to find a new wielder and I'd like it to be you."


Izuku blinks a couple times processing the information. "What do you mean? I'm not sure I understand." Izuku asks slowly processing the information.

A paper is given to him and Izuku reads it with Katsuki peaking over his shoulder.

Katsuki frowns finally looking up to face Yagi Toshinori who was feeling miserable.
"So, you're asking me to go against my biological father, kill him before getting killed and get my body destroyed because of the quirk? All that plus I have to train intensively because he could manage to escape anytime and cause world end?" Izuku questions.

"That's a brutal way of explaining it, but yes. That's about it." Yagi says in a long sigh.
"And once I defeat All For One, the quirk will leave my body?" Izuku asks.
"It isn't certain, but that's what all my researches lead to." He answers truthfully earning a hum from Izuku.

"And I will be developing multiple quirks in the future that could appear at any given moment?"


"I will hear voices of the past wielders and will possibly also have visions of them?"

"Yes, and you will have no control over them or when they appear."

"All that and but I have to eat your hair to transfer the quirk?" Izuku asks perplexed by the last point.

"He has to what!?!" Yamada asks chocking on air.
"He will not be eating your hair." Katsuki retorts also startled.
"Is that really the only information you pulled out of this?" Aizawa questions the duo discouraged.

They both look at Izuku with blank expressions.
"And I'll have to kill him.." Izuku mumbles. "I can't save him.."

They all stay silent, loosing themselves in the infinite possible outcomes.
"Can I think about it?" Izuku asks him which was already better then a no.
"Of course Young Midoriya, it's a big responsibility to take that could bring many consequences, so I prefer you think of this throughly." He explains and Izuku hums in response.

"Thank you All Might.. Umm.. It's really nice tho.. What am I supposed to say to our classmates? If it's supposed to stay a secret, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to explain why I came back with some quirk." Izuku questions and the teacher just freezes realizing he didn't think of that.

"You didn't think that far, did you?" Aizawa asks discouraged.
"Well, to be honest.. Not one bit." He admits ashamed.

Izuku can't help but let out a short laugh. "This is definitely your type of mistake. I could always say that with the recent events my quirk awakened, I do have the predispositions for a quirk so it would be a long shot, but still believable." Izuku suggests. 
"Aizawa has my number if you ever have questions, I'll leave you guys at it, I hope you rest well young Midoriya and please think this through. I believe that if you don't Aizawa will be murdering me." He bows with a nervous laugh which made them laugh while the teacher nodded in agreement.

"Well, then, I'm also counting on your discretion on all this young Bakugo." All Might says with a small smile.
"Yeah Yeah." Katsuki agrees.

Toshinori nods before leaving the room.
"So he was born quirkless?" Yamada asks.
"Yeah.. I have to say I was disappointed to learn that, considering that he was against me being in hero course for that very cause." He admits in a long sigh.

Katsuki had been oddly silent all along which hadn't gone unnoticed for the rest of the room.
"Kacchan, what do you think of all this?" Izuku asks his boyfriend who was looking down with a scold.
"I hate it. Yeah it's great, you'll have a quirk, but at what cost? Will you even be able to attack him? I'm not saying you're weak but damn Izuku. You can't even hurt a fly, now you're asked to kill someone?! It's full of shit." Katsuki explains annoyed.

The room is silent for a few seconds, that felt like hours, before Yamada spoke. "I sadly have to agree with Bakugo.. Young listener, would you really be ready to live with the guilt of a life on your hands?"

Izuku stays silent while laying his head on Katsuki's shoulder, slowly processing the information.

"I don't know.. And that's what scares me most.." Izuku admits looking in front of him. "I may train and everything, but it would all come to waist if I can't do it emotionally... And.. I don't want to die.." He whispers.


Class 1-A were at a game night that Mina had organized with Hagakure to lighten the mood. Having their friend in a hospital bed and not knowing much about the situation was stressful for them too.

"Okay guys! Let's do a truth or dare!" Mina squeals in excitement which earned a bunch of complains. "Sit down in a circle NOW." Mina orders firmly which made the class react.

"Yes m'am!" Kaminari says sitting down soon followed by the rest of the classmates.

"Okay! I'll start!" She smiles clapping her her hands. "Todoroki! Truth or dare?" She asks to the classmate who had miraculously agreed to join.
"I do not know the rules of this game." He answers truthfully earning gasps from the class.
"What!? What did you do of your childhood!?" Hagakure asks in shock.

"Isolation by my father who was obsessed with making me the best, so I would surpass All Might. I was not allowed to leave the house or have any communication with the outside world, especially not kids my age." He answers monotonously resulting in the awkward silence of the classmates.
"Bro..." Kirishima mumbles.
"Todoroki.. ARE YOU OKAY!?!" Kaminari asks not bothering to lower his voice.

"At this moment I am feeling rather well thank you." He answers formally. "But if you are speaking of my everyday life, it is rather disastrous." He was still showing no interest in the conversation.

"Well mon ami, If you need to talk, je suis là pour toi!" Aoyama responds rather dramatically.
"Ce n'est pas nécessaire, ton support est tout de même très apprécié." Todoroki responds in French which confused the whole classroom. (It's not necessary, tho your support really is appreciated.)

"Is there a google translate here? I don't speak baguette." Sero asks confused.
"Todobro! I had no clue you spoke Baguette!" Kirishima exclaims.
"Yes, I studied French, English and Spanish in my free time." He explains.

"¡Eso es genial! ¡Si tengo preguntas en los exámenes puedo preguntarles y nadie lo entendería!" Sero exclaims in excitement. (Wow that's so cool! If I have questions in exams I can ask you and no one would understand!)

"No." He answers shortly eating a shocked gasp from Sero.

"What?! We need a google translate!" Uraraka complains.

"Not that this is not amusing but weren't we playing a game?" Todoroki asks with a straight face.
You're finding this amusing!? You look like you're coming out of a funeral! Most of the class thought.

"Yeah! Basically truth or dare is simple, you have to choose between truth or dare and accomplish the task of answer the question. You cannot lie or bail out without a consequence." Mina explains.

"In that case I choose Truth." Todoroki answers the question of earlier.

"Okay! Todoroki. Who do you think the most attractive person in Class 1-A is?" Mina asks wanting some ~spicy~ information about her classmates.

"I would have to say Sero." He answers bluntly which broke and made Sero go bright red.

"GaY!?!" Mina yells making the classmates laugh as the two students start blushing. Todoroki was just realizing what that could let out as an impression. (Not that he minded tho.)

"Well, now I wish to do a drastic change in subjects so may I please know how to continue the game?" Todoroki asks trying to keep a straight face.

"Yeah! Just ask anyone truth or dare and you can make the decision from there!" Mina explains.

"In that case, Hagakure, Truth or dare?" Todoroki asks.
"Truth!" She says cheerfully.

"Have you ever gone to the Dentist?" He asks which made the class either gasps or laugh.

"Does my breath stink?" She asks in embarrassment.
"Not at all, I simply wonder since technically no one can see you so the dentist couldn't examine you properly." He explains relieving the class.

"Well, they use a product to stain my teeth and work from there.." She explains embarrassed to which Todoroki answers with a hum.

"Kirishima! Truth or dare?" She asks the red head beaming in excitement.

"Dare!" He answers with a toothy grin.

"I dare you to call Bakugo and declare your undying love for him on speaker." She orders which made Kirishima tense up.
"Right!" He grins hiding his anxiety.

He takes out his phone nervously. "Can I tell him afterwards that it's for a prank?" Kirishima asks scared of ruining his friendship with his two friends (that are dating each other).

"Sure!" She agrees.

He presses the contact button hearing the dialling sound.

Katsuki : What do you want Shitty Hair!?

Kirishima : I have feelings for you and I-

Beep Beep Beep

Kirishima blinks a couple times before wanting to die. "He hanged up on me-" He's surprised by an other call this time from Izuku.

Kirishima : Heyyyy Midobro listen-
Izuku : No! Imagine Kacchan had feelings for you!? If you like him don't say it over the phone!

The class blinks a few times not expecting this type of reaction.
Kirishima : Mido I-
Midoriya : Take me off speaker.

He gulps hearing that Izuku sounded actually mad.

Kirishima does so gulping nervously.
suddenly it was back to a more cheerful tone.
Midoriya: I heard from my dads that there was a game night, so I'm assuming it was a dare or something?

Kirishima : Yeah- Sorry-

Midoriya : *giggles* don't worry Kirishima-kun, Kacchan knows too it's just we were cuddling so he was mad to be interrupted.

Kirishima : I See.. I'm sorry.. It was for the game I didn't want to back up and all-

Midoriya : Don't worry, well, have fun because Kacchan looks like he's about to blow up

Kirishima : Okay thanks bro!

Beep Beep Beep

The class looks at him expectingly waiting for an explanation.

"Mido was just playing, he knew there was a game night and wanted to joke a little." Kirishima explains in a long sigh making everyone laugh also relieved.

After the class calmed down, Kirishima finally goes back to a cheery self.
"Uraraka! Truth or Dare!" He asks with a toothy grin.
"Truth!" She says with a smile.

"Please Kiri! Choose something spicy!" Mina pleads searching for more drama.
"Umm... Who do you have a crush on?" He asks looking for approval towards Mina who gave him thumbs up.

"W-well- there's umm.." her already pink cheeks became bright. "It's um D...." The rest of the sentence was blurry as she wasn't talking loud enough.

"Who?" Kirishima asks.
"Deku-kun!!" She says loudly closing her eyes tightly in embarrassment.

"I ship it!" Mina squeals making Kirishima tense up.

Shit- The red head thought as he watched the class encourage her to confess soon.

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