The Unfair Motive

By One_Sad_Cat90

9.3K 185 153

Here we go weirdos. Sneak peak: "K-Kokichi?"said the girl looking like she was going to cry."Mikan?"Kokichi s... More

The Motive
Lunch Time Convos
A Hangout Invitation
Girl Time.
An Upsetting Magic Show
How Are You Alive?
Okonomiyaki And Tonkatsu
Everyone Leaves
Things Couldn't Get Worse


286 5 1
By One_Sad_Cat90

I'm glad most of you are okay with OuMeno cuz that's like my favorite ship ever.So,OuMeno you want,OuMeno you shall have :)
Oh,and more implied Band-Aid(Ibuki x Mikan).

Saturday 6:37 am.
[Third Person Pov]

It had been a few weeks since the trial,and most people were back to normal already.Shuichi,Maki,and Kaito still worked out together every night and Miu And Keebo still spent nights constructing things in her lab.Gonta still looked for bugs and Tsumugi was always making clothes that were never going to be used.Kokichi had decided to put his own emotions aside and annoy people like he always has.He wasn't the only one though.

He didn't really have that much of a problem that people didn't like him.He had his sister after all.He hung out with Mikan seeing as she was always entertaining to him.No matter how boring she seemed to other people.Today was no exception.He sat in the library bickering with Mikan today.They may not seem like it half the time because most siblings don't,but the enjoy being with each other.

"Th-That is not true!"Mikan said glaring at Kokichi while trying to climb up the shelf to reach a medical book."I-I'm the doctor alright?I k-know this stuff and anyone w-would know that if someone was i-in a coma you can't k-kiss them like in sleeping beauty and w-wake them up!"She said finally getting it and looking through it.

She had an important career test coming up and she was not about to fail it when she got out of here."So you never kissed one of your patients to wake them up?Ever?Not even to wake up your girlfriend?"Kokichi said standing on the table."W-well to wake up Ibuki,s-sometimes.B-but not to wake up a p-patient!"She said hesitating a bit at sometimes."O~kay then big sis!Whatever you say."Kokichi said with a innocent smile.
Mikan didn't believe it.That evil little smile.
"D-Do you wanna g-get a snack?"Mikan suggested closing her book."I could eat I guess."Kokichi said putting his book down at walking out of the library with Mikan by his side.

As they walked down the hallway,Himiko passed by them.She looked far away and not all the way there.Mikan and Kokichi noticed this and shared concerned looks."H-Hey Yumeno-San!"Mikan called after she turned around.
Himiko turned around revealing dark bags under her eyes.

No one had seen much of her since the trial but no one had gone to see her.Kokichi thought about it,but didn't.He figured the last person she wanted to see was him."Yes Tsumiki-San?"She said with an even more tried tone than usual.In fact,she sounded exhausted."Me and Kokichi a-are going to get a s-snack do you want to c-come?"She said smiling a small smile.Himiko shook her head and said,"Thanks..but I'm too tired for that.Plus I'm not really hungry."She said turning around and walking away."O-okay then."Mikan said.The smile on her face falling when Himiko was out of view.

[In the Dining Hall]

Kokichi and Mikan were eating some pancakes left over from breakfast.Well Kokichi was fiddling with his.He was too busy thinking about Himikos state.She looked terrible.'If Angie and Tenko were still here she'd be fine.'Kokichi thought.He stood up and excused himself from his sister.He needed to take a walk so he could clear his head and think on the things that have been happening recently.

The only person he felt comfortable with besides his sister was gone.Tenko a few hours after,and he only made matters worse when he made Shuichi think he was dead.And Himiko,looks terrible.But then again she had a right to.Her best friend Angie was gone and Tenko,whom she might've had a crush on,was gone too.Imagine that.

The thought of Himiko liking Tenko like that,kinda made Kokichi sick.Not that he didn't like girls being with girls,but it was a different kind of sick.He knew what it was,though he would never address it.

In the middle of his thoughts,he found himself in front of her lab door.He didn't remember how he got there but he did want to see her.Help her.Like Tenko wanted to.She always tried to help Himiko express things,seeing as she kind of had a problem with that.Kokichi and Mikan picked that up after a while of hanging out with the girls.With his fist ready to knock on the door,stood there like that for a few minutes before cursing himself and knocking on the door quickly.Not hearing an answer,he started to turn around and leave,but the door opened revealing the small red-head magician with dark bags under her eyes and looked more thin then she should be.
"What do you want Ouma?"She asked not looking as annoyed as he thought she would.
"Well I just wanted to say that you look even more ugly than usual so-"

The door slammed in his face.

"Wow.Okay."He said aloud with a neutral smile on his face.He knocked again."Himiko-Sann I just wanna taalk."He said dragging out the world talk.
"No!Go away!"She yelled,"The last person I wanna see is you!"She finished actually kicking the door making Kokichi jump a bit."Oh come on.You haven't talked to anyone for like,weeks."He said."Surely,you don't wanna just sit in there forever."
"Yes I do.With luck I'll die in here."She said with flat and no longer mad tone.

Kokichi stood there for a minute,and Himiko actually thought he left which of course made her sad.She was enjoying this little game.It made her feel better in a way.But he knocked again,and she bit her lip to keep from smiling.She was honestly happy he hadn't left yet.She quickly put on a fake mad face and used a different tone when she opened the door.

"What.Do.You.Want?I don't feel like dealing with yo-"She got cut off by Kokichi simply walking into her lab."W-What do you think you're doing?"She said crossing her arms at him."Well I was trying to tell you something.Now you can't slam the door in my face anymore!"He said happily as he sat down on the nearest bench."Nyeh what do you want?And hurry up.It had better be important."She still had her arms crossed and raised and eyebrow at him.

Kokichi looked at her with a serious face."It's very important Himiko."He said looking her in the eyes.She sweat a bit.Sh had never seen Kokichi this serious.What did he have to say?
"...wanna play cards?"He said with an innocent smile after wait a few minutes.
". . ."
"You are ridiculous.To think you,of ALL people,could be serious."She said taking a card deck out from her desk."Hey!I can be serious if I have to be!"He said snatching the cards from her and sitting down on the floor to shuffle them."Hmp.Right."She said sitting down as well.

"So what are we gonna play?"Himiko asked titling het head."Well I got these buttons and pink fabric pieces from Tsumugs,so we can use the buttons as coins and the fabric as dollar bills so we an play poker."He said with a smirk."Unless you're not good."He finished making Himikos face flush red in embarrassment."Of course I can!Split it!"She said with more energy than Kokichi had seen for awhile.

In the next thirty minutes,they played poker with buttons and fabric,played with random things around Himikos lab,and played the knife game.Luckily,when Kokichi cut himself Himiko had some bandages and came to the rescue by rapping it for him.Better than he can actually.Maybe because it's his own finger and he needs help.Of which,he wouldn't admit.

"Nyeh,you really are reckless Ouma."Himiko said tying the bandage so it would stay in place."Hahaha,my sister tells me that alllll the time."He said not using the fake laugh he always has.Himiko noticed this,but didn't say anything.She knew that he was fake most all of the time.Why else would he lie?He's afraid of being emotionally weak in front of others.Like her.

After awhile,they were just talking about random things.Kokichi talking about his organization,and Himiko about magic."You should join my organization Himiko!"Kokichi said with stars in his eyes.Himiko did think that his organization,'Dice' sounded fun."After the game?Maybe."Himiko said play around with her hat.Kokichi hugged her,causing her to drop her hat in surprise."Ah ha!!You can be second in command!Well,when you learn how to lead people of course."He said getting off and standing up.Himiko stood up as well dusting her dress off and putting the stuff they got out away while Kokichi helped.

After they had finished,Kokichi sighed a long sigh and stretched."Well,this was fun Himiko-San,but I'll have to leave now.Cya!"Kokichi called running out of the room."Bye then."She said even though he had already left.But he was standing behind the door waiting to hear it.

'Now then,back to business.'
Kokichi thought as he walked off to Mius lab.

[Mikan's Pov]

Me and Kokichi were eating in the Dining Hall because he'd been looking thin lately.At least I can make sure he does as he should.He excused himself after eating a little bit and walked off looking absent in the eyes.He always had that look when he was stressed.It made me sad when he didn't tell me what it was worrying him,but I kept reminding myself,'He comes clean about everything eventually.He'll tell me when he's ready.'

I decided to go back to my dorm when I got done eating,but on the way I ran into..who was it again?That girl with the pink outfit and goggles on her head.
She looked as if she was walking towards me,but I wasn't really paying attention
"HEY GREMLINS SISTER."I jumped at the sudden loudness that boomed through the hallway.

I was in and turned around to see the girl in front of me holding a taped up box.I wonder what's in it."H-Hello.I'm a-afraid I don't r-remember your n-name."I stuttered out still slightly shaken from the girls loud voice."Miu I-Fuckin-Ruma!Yours is Mikan Ouma right?"She said cocking her head at the question."Ts-Tsumiki.That's my l-last name."I said."B-But don't ask w-why."I added quickly when I noticed Miu opening her mouth to ask why.

"Well whatever.When you see the twink give this to 'im."She said handing the box to me.Letting out a small sigh when it was out of her hands.I grunted a little bit waiting for her to finish so I could put the box down."W-What is this?"I asked."Something the gremlin wanted so I made it!That oughta prove how good I am at what I do!"She said giving a confident smile.I couldn't help but smile too.
It's nice when people have so much confidence in themselves that they're willing to do anything to prove it.But it also has its down sides too.

I let out a little sigh letting the smile fall from my face."W-Well,I'll give this to K-Kokichi and tell him it's from y-you.G-Goodbye I-Iruma-San."I said turning around and walking away towards the dorms."Cya Tsumiki!"Miu called turning around and walking away.

I got to my brothers dorm and set the box down to unlock his door with a Bobby pin ONLY,because I didn't have the key he had given me,to put the box inside.I shove in the room and left it sitting there,writing a little note so he would know where it came from.I left and went to my dorm unlocking it and walking in collapsing on the bed after taking my medication.I fell asleep quickly and with the lights still on not covered up accept for my pillow I was hugging.

[Third Person Pov]

Kokichi walked down the halls till he got to the Ultimate Inventors lab.Instead of knocking he figured he would just walk in due to lack of respect for the 'strange' girl.Although Kokichi had a different way of calling her that.When he opened the door,Keebo was the only one in there.He was picking up spare parts and things that had fallen off the desk or something.

He stood up straight and looked at Kokichi smiling a bit."Hey Ouma-Kun.Miu went out to give you those things you asked for awhile ago.She came back and told me she gave them to your sister,seeing as you weren't around."Keebo said putting a metal wheel looking thing on the desk."Oh.K then I guess I'll just leave.Cya Kee-Boy~"Kokichi said walking out of Mius lab and back to his dorm.

When Kokichi got there he opened the door and saw the box the was in the middle of the floor.And a little sticky note on top of it.

'Iruma-San gave me this.She said it was something you asked for.Whatever it is,it's pretty heavy!'

'At least she didn't open it.' Kokichi thought opening the box with a spare box cutter he had.There were three pink bomb looking things in the bottom of the box on top of two black weights that were as big as the bottom of the box.He took out the pink balls labeled 'electro bombs' and took the two black,flat,and heavy squares from the bottom of the box,arms shaking until he put them down on his bed.

A few hours later he laid down on his bed.Changed and clean from the shower he took.He stared at the ceiling of the dark room and then let his vision shift from there to the electro bombs,and the black squares he had forgotten to take off his bed.He hesitantly grabbed one of them and moved it on to his chest and making it harder to breathe.'Seriously how much do these weigh'He thought pushing it off of him sighing.

Kokichi was still not sure about what he was going to do.He had time to stop what he was going to do,but he kept on going with it.Sure it would probably not work if even one thing went wrong,but he was ready to take that risk.He had been ever since he got there anyway.

He finally closed his eyes and fell asleep a few minutes later.Forgetting about everything.Dreams were the only thing he could look forward to anyway.It was the only thing anybody there could look forward to,seeing as anything could happen in mind while you're sleeping and you have no control over it.The feeling of uncertainty that he felt a few times lingering instead of leaving like it always had,was bugging him before he actually got sleep.Not a lot of it though.

[Word count:2540]


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