Injustice 1 and 2 Guest Chara...

By Crede24

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Injustice 2 x RWBY More

Sasuke Uchiha
Ragna the Bloodedge
Noctis Lucis Caelum
M. Bison
Evil Ryu
Jason Voorhees
General Grievous
Darth Vader
Ben Tennyson
Kylo Ren
Freddy Krueger
Erron Black
Johnny Cage
Kotal Khan
Ash Williams
Cosmo the Seedrian
The Terminator
Michael Myers
Master Chief
Jack Baker
Albert Wesker
Ghost Rider
Sonic the Hedgehog
Green Goblin
The Hulk
Mecha Sonic
Nemesis T-Type
Optimus Prime
Shadow the Hedgehog
Infinite the Jackal
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao Long
Cinder Fall
Pyrrha Nikos

Nora Valkyrie

50 2 0
By Crede24

From: RWBY

Special Moves:

Magnhild: Nora jumps at the opponent and brings her hammer down on them.

Grenade Shot: Nora transforms Magnhild into a grenade launcher and fires three grenades from it.

Hammer: Nora boosts her strength with electricity and does a spinning hammer strike.

Boop!: Nora runs up to the opponent and sends them flying with her hammer.

Character Trait:

Electricity Channeling: Electricity surges around Nora which increases her damage rate. Lasts for ten seconds.

Super Move:

Semblance And Magnhild: Nora smacks the opponent with Magnhild before squatting down with a smirk as a bolt of lightning comes down, striking Nora, who absorbs the electricity from it. Nora then transforms Magnhild into its grenade launcher form and fires a barrage of grenades from it, engulfing the opponent with explosions. Nora then propels herself at the opponent by firing a grenade at the ground, transforms Magnhild back into a hammer, and finishes the opponent with a supercharged hammer strike.

Win Pose:

Nora cheers and twirls her hammer before slamming it on the ground.

Battle Intros:

Nora: Hi... I hear you like swimming a lot!
Aquaman: I believe you can already tell why.
Nora: Because you are a sea man or something?

Aquaman: You're in over your head.
Nora: Hey, I'm ready for a great fight.
Aquaman: This trident says otherwise.

Nora: Why do you shrink?
Atom: It's the bio-belt that does the job, Nora.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Atom: That hammer is definitely a unique one.
Nora: It's called Magnhild.
Atom: I'm simply interpreting the facts.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Atrocitus: I see a future bathe in blood.
Nora: I hope it ain't mine.

Atrocitus: I'm fueled by rage.
Nora: And I've got electrical energy absorbed.
Atrocitus: What a waste of a life.

Nora: I'll break your legs.
Bane: Easily the worst decision you can make, fragile one.
Nora: Sorry, ain't gonna let you hurt me.

Bane: The hyper electrical girl...
Nora: You're without question going down.
Bane: I will tear you up.

Nora: Oh my gosh, it's the Batman!
Batman: Do you ever calm down?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Batman: I do know another someone named Nora!
Nora: Ooh, can I meet her?
Batman: Sadly, you cannot!

Batman: How is Team JNPR?
Nora: Right now, it is Team RNJR, because Pyrrha is dead.
Batman: So I'm guessing Ruby Rose is part of your new team now?

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Bizarro: Bizarro cannot win!
Nora: The show's on now.

Bizarro: You Bizarro new worst friend.
Nora: Umm... I think I am okay for now.
Bizarro: Bizarro vision make you happy...

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Black Adam: Only you have found doom, child.
Nora: That's... pretty dark stuff there.

Black Adam: Nora Valkyrie.
Nora: Looks like I'll have fun breaking your legs, Adam.
Black Adam: You think Magnhild can best me...?

Nora: Are you that motorcycle woman?
Black Canary: Yeah... name's Black Canary.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Black Canary: Where is the rest of your team?
Nora: Just me, stuck in this world after Brainiac kidnapped me.
Black Canary: Point taken.

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Black Lightning: You got lightning as well?
Nora: More like absorbing lightning...

Black Lightning: So you have lightning as well, Nora?
Nora: You can say that.
Black Lightning: Then don't hold over.

Nora: I like that helmet.
Black Manta: It'll be the last thing you'll ever see.
Nora: Sorry, ain't gonna let you hurt me.

Black Manta: You'll be the first to die today.
Nora: You think I'm gonna suffer the same fate like Pyrrha did?
Black Manta: Everybody dies, Nora!

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Blue Beetle: Are you always like this?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Blue Beetle: Fighting you is gonna be pretty weird, in my opinion.
Nora: Why's that?
Blue Beetle: Because you share the same name as Mr. Freeze's wife.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Brainiac: Assuming your weapon can destroy me?
Nora: It'll smash anything.

Brainiac: Nora Valkyrie.
Nora: Return me to my world. Now!
Brainiac: A zero percent chance of that!

Nora: So you're a thief, huh?
Captain Cold: Also the leader of the Rogues.
Nora: Can't say I know what those are.

Captain Cold: Calm down, kiddo.
Nora: Not until I stop you.
Captain Cold: You're gonna be sorry you said that.

Nora: Blake...? Oh, no, you're not her.
Catwoman: I'm Catwoman.
Nora: Do you know Blake by any chance?

Catwoman: Your weapon is lovely...
Nora: Do not be so surprised if I hit you with it, Catwoman.
Catwoman: Do so, and I'll slash you.

Nora: You must be Cheetah.
Cheetah: I am a hunter, more savage than you.
Nora: Sorry, ain't gonna let you hurt me.

Cheetah: The goddess gives me speed!
Nora: I assume she gave you your Semblance or something?
Cheetah: Allow me to prove you wrong.

Nora: Nice technology.
Cyborg: It's high tech, mind you...
Nora: I'm aware.

Cyborg: So you channel electricity to your muscles?
Nora: It's my Semblance, Cyborg.
Cyborg: That's what I heard anyway.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Darkseid: Flee, weakling or meet your demise.
Nora: I am not gonna let your evil riot.

Darkseid: Your suffering will be immeasurable.
Nora: Not while I still breathe.
Darkseid: Then draw your final breath for me.

Nora: I'll break your legs.
Deadshot: Careful... I brought firearms with me.
Nora: And I brought Magnhild. How's that?

Deadshot: Any last words?
Nora: Try to shoot me, I'll do the same to you.
Deadshot: Go ahead. Demonstrate.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Doctor Fate: The electricity in you keeps you highly active.
Nora: It's part of my Semblance.

Doctor Fate: Team JNPR exists no longer.
Nora: But at least Ren, Jaune, and I are still alive.
Doctor Fate: But Pyrrha's death has changed it.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Donatello: Dude, I won't be needing gadgets.
Nora: The show's on now.

Donatello: Your power is off the charts!
Nora: I channel electricity to my muscles.
Donatello: We'll see what you got.

Nora: Whoa, what is that?
Enchantress: I'm the monster that lurks under your bed.
Nora: And here, I thought the Grimm were worse...

June Moone: If you can kill me, please do it.
Nora: Are you insane? Why would I do that?
Enchantress: The witch is back.

Nora: Were you talking to yourself earlier?
Firestorm: No. I was speaking to the professor!
Nora: Uhh... I don't see this "professor" anywhere.

Firestorm: You're not Harley Quinn.
Nora: Is this because I have a giant hammer?
Firestorm: Y-yes...!

Nora: I'm not entirely comfortable with you now.
The Flash: Relax! I'm on your side.
Nora: Even when you were on that dictator's side?

The Flash: You know somebody else that goes fast as well?
Nora: Yeah, her name is Ruby.
The Flash: Hm... interesting.

Nora: You're as savage as the Creatures of Grimm!
Gorilla Grodd: I am this world's future.
Nora: Unless I smash you with my hammer of mine.

Gorilla Grodd: Your challenge is amusing.
Nora: I'll be breaking your legs, monkey boy.
Gorilla Grodd: Your hubris even more.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Green Arrow: Got an arrow with your name on it.
Nora: What did you say?

Green Arrow: Another Harley Quinn in town.
Nora: I'd rather not be compared to that crazy girl.
Green Arrow: Then why carry a big hammer with ya?

Nora: Why are you all green?
Green Lantern: I'm a Green Lantern.
Nora: Oh... okay.

Green Lantern: What's your power?
Nora: I absorb electricity.
Green Lantern: Green Lantern's got this.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Grid: You are incapable of harming me.
Nora: Or maybe you just don't like getting hurt!

Grid: You are characterized by your boundless enthusiasm.
Nora: I don't see how that is a big deal...
Grid: I only state observable facts.

Nora: So you fight with a hammer too?
Harley Quinn: More than that, sweetie!
Nora: FYI, Magnhild has a hammer and a grenade launcher form as well.

Harley Quinn: You're cramping my style!
Nora: Is it because I fight with a hammer?
Harley Quinn: Bashing your brains out will fix this.

Nora: Hi, I like the stone hand. It's cool.
Hellboy: You always this funny?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Hellboy: I'm okay not doing this. Your call.
Nora: Afraid I'm gonna smash you good?
Hellboy: Don't get too ahead of yourself, kid!

Nora: You run really fast, do you?
Jay Garrick: Yep. As fast as the god Mercury.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Jay Garrick: I'm not sure what to make of you.
Nora: Hey, I'm ready for a great fight.
Jay Garrick: There's much more than that to being a superhero.

Nora: Hi... you like traveling in space a lot?
John Stewart: I'm a Lantern... so, yes.
Nora: Hm... cool.

John Stewart: Call me Green Lantern, Nora.
Nora: Isn't there another somebody like you?
John Stewart: There are many Green Lanterns than you can count.

Nora: Why do what you do and laugh, Joker?
The Joker: You can't spell slaughter without laughter.
Nora: You are definitely a crazy clown.

The Joker: Ah, Mr. Freeze's wife is all better now.
Nora: I believe you're mistaking me for somebody else.
The Joker: I'm still gonna kill you, either way.

Nora: A talking turtle with swords?
Leonardo: I am a mutant ninja turtle.
Nora: Oh... okay.

Leonardo: Fighting you will be educational.
Nora: I absorb electricity.
Leonardo: Let's see what we got.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Michelangelo: You'll be rage quitting in a heartbeat.
Nora: (chuckles) As if...

Michelangelo: So you're part of Team JNPR, huh?
Nora: It's now Team RNJR due to Pyrrha's death.
Michelangelo: Dude, that is like... really heavy stuff.

Nora: So your wife's name is Nora also?
Mr. Freeze: Only you are none of my concerns.
Nora: So much for being friendly.

Mr. Freeze: I must save my beloved Nora.
Nora: Hey, my name is Nora also.
Mr. Freeze: Best not to taunt me, child.

Nora: The plant controlling woman...
Poison Ivy: Snap a vine, I'll snap your neck.
Nora: Yeah, tough luck on that one...

Poison Ivy: Come here, electro girl.
Nora: Umm... I think I am okay for now.
Poison Ivy: So flowers do not cheer you up?

Nora: Power Girl?! No way!
Power Girl: You sound excited, kid!
Nora: You're as powerful as they say.

Power Girl: How's that Magnhild work?
Nora: Has two forms: A large hammer and a grenade launcher.
Power Girl: Dang.

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Raiden: What sorcery gives you power?
Nora: It isn't sorcery, it is Semblance.

Raiden: I sense great power within you.
Nora: I absorb electricity.
Raiden: Let us see if you deserve it.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Raphael: Mikey said you make pretty mean pizza.
Nora: The show's on now.

Raphael: You're going to beatdown city.
Nora: Think you may win so easily?
Raphael: I like to hit first, ask questions later.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Red Hood: Jason Todd, pleased to beat you.
Nora: Oh, snap!

Red Hood: You don't mind guns, do you?
Nora: Magnhild has a grenade launcher form as well.
Red Hood: Let's see how that goes...

Nora: I'll break your legs.
Reverse-Flash: Heh. Not the easiest task you can do.
Nora: Oh yeah? We'll see about that, Thawne.

Reverse-Flash: Think your Magnhild can stop me?
Nora: I'll break your legs with it.
Reverse-Flash: Lady, I'm too fast for ya.

Nora: So you're a Robin, huh?
Robin: Possibly one of the best.
Nora: The show's on now.

Robin: Should I kill you, or cripple you?
Nora: End up what happened to Yang? No thank you.
Robin: Then you can lie six feet under.

Nora: Why do you like it when people get horrified?
Scarecrow: Fear is power.
Nora: Bet your momma's real proud.

Scarecrow: You will beg for death.
Nora: I don't think so.
Scarecrow: But perhaps Pyrrha feared death.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Starfire: Are you always this energetic?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Starfire: How does that weapon work, Nora?
Nora: Has two forms: A large hammer and a grenade launcher.
Starfire: Grayson would've liked you.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Sub-Zero: I am stronger than you realize.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Sub-Zero: Winter is coming to this realm.
Nora: Are you one of Weiss' friends by any chance?
Sub-Zero: I don't know who this "Weiss" is.

Nora: Can you handle Magnhild, Supergirl?
Supergirl: It won't be easy hitting me with it.
Nora: We'll see about that.

Supergirl: I mean you no harm.
Nora: I don't see you as an enemy as well.
Supergirl: Glad we're making some sense here.

Nora: The almighty Superman.
Superman: That giant hammer of yours won't stop me.
Nora: I think you're getting a little too ahead of yourself.

Superman: Join me or stay out of my way.
Nora: I'm not bowing to your Regime!
Superman: Then go back the way you came.

Nora: So you're some kind of swamp creature...?
Swamp Thing: One where I defend the Green.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Swamp Thing: You fight with a hammer like Harley.
Nora: I've never met someone with plant powers though.
Swamp Thing: Allow me to show you my power.

Nora: What is the Tantu Totem?
Vixen: It's an ancient totem, Nora.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Vixen: You really think this is gonna be easy?
Nora: I'll finish you off by smashing you.
Vixen: Don't even try it, Nora.

Nora: That shield looks heavily armored.
Wonder Woman: It can dodge any attack.
Nora: So it wouldn't bother you if I swing my hammer at you?

Wonder Woman: Think you're worthy to battle me?
Nora: Magnhild and Semblance is all I got, but I'll take you on.
Wonder Woman: The gods must be crazy.

Mirror Intros:

Nora: What the heck am I seeing?
Nora: Yourself, apparently.
Nora: Do NOT let Jaune see this.

Nora: Double the Nora Valkyrie. Double the good times.
Nora: Unless if you're like my evil twin or something!
Nora: Evil me? I completely doubt that.

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Nora: We're totally alike, you know.
Nora: We'll see about that.

Clash Quotes:
- Maybe you should retire!
- I'll smash you good!
- It's fight time!
- Hope you enjoy a good leg breaking!
- What else can you do?
- You want pancakes with that?

Vs. Black Lightning

- Nora: I discovered my Semblance after I was struck by lightning.
- Black Lightning: So what would happen if I shock you?

Vs. Harley Quinn

- Nora: My hammer is powerful than yours.
- Harley Quinn: Shut up!

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