unexpected love >> tomlinson

By Raquel519

6K 116 65

He was there for fun. She was there to brush off a heartbreak. More

1. Unexpected Love
2. Clubs and Boys
3. Hungover
4. Blue Eyes
6. I Can't Believe Im Doing This
7. Ice Cream Parlor
8. Chests and Notes
9. Ice Cream Date
10. What If We.....
11. Confidence and Class Dreams
12. Breaking In
13. Skype Calls and Reuniting
14. Brush With Death
15. Apologizing and One Big Question
16. Answers and Confessions
17. Never Have I Ever
18. Class of 2013
19. Mom! Dad!
20. Help! Please! Help!
21. Please Remember
22. Sweaty Palms and Memories
23. Sass Masta From Doncasta
24. Keep Your Head Down
25. Trust is Tested
26. Anxiety
27. Niall and Apologies
28. Interviews and Necklaces
29. "Are you ashamed?"
30. Caught & Nightmares
31. Classic
32. Their Memory
33. "You're My Idiot."
34. Cliche Performances & Tired Eyes
35. Scare
36. Suit and Tie
37. Models & Talking it Out
38. Birthday
39. Surprise!
40. The Letter
41. Choosing; Forever
42. Found
43. Promise

5. Here's My Number, So Call Me Maybe

208 3 0
By Raquel519


After school I walked up to my locker. When I opened a note fell out.

                     Hello guy from the club here,

                           I really want to get to know you. Here's my number!



I threw it in my pocket. I couldn't get involved with him. I don't WANT to be with him. Into my locker I threw my calculus book and everything else I didn't need. I closed my locker only to become face to face with him. 

"Heyo!" He smiled 

"Hello." I grumbled. 

"Aww what's wrong?" He asked. 

"Nothing. Just leave me alone." I said dropping down my face and quick walking around him, towards the door.  

He had to run to catch up. 

"Whoa whoa whoa. What's with the attitude?" He asked grabbing my arm.  

"Get off." I seethed.  

"Look I really like you. Please tell me what's wrong." I yanked my arm away and shook my head.

"Look, I don't like you like that and I never will now go away!" I turned to yell at him. The rain started pouring down. He looked hurt.  

"I-Im sorry. I just, I need to go." I turned and ran to my car.  

"JUST tell me your name." He yelled.  

"EMILY!" I screamed back. I jumped into my white Volkswagen Beetle and watched him get into his silver Audi.

I slumped down. I just need to get home and sleep. I started up my car.

"Blerp blerp blerp pfffffft." I groaned.  

"Crap!" I yelled fishing through my phone to see if I could text someone.  

Can't text Anna because she has soccer and Jen has dance. Mom wasn't home. I threw my phone onto the seat next to me. Now I'm stuck here at school with no way to get home. Then I remembered. I have his number! I fished through my bag. It wasn't there. I panicked. I could NOT spend the night here or walk home. Then I remembered that I put it in my pocket. I stuck my hand into my left pocket and pulled the slip of paper out. 

"Idiot. How did I not remember?" I mumbled.

I punched in the numbers and put the phone to my ear as it dialed. " And here I thought I'd never use this." I grumbled.  

"Hello?" He answered.  

"Hey Louis it's Emily. I need to ask you something....."


Louis POV

"Heyo!" I chirped as she closed her locker. 

"Hello." She grumbled.  

"What's wrong?" I asked.  

"Nothing. JUST leave me alone." She snapped.

She ducked her head and started hurrying out. I just stood there processing what happened. Then I realized she was getting away. I started running to catch up with her.

"Whoa whoa whoa. What's with the attitude?" I gently got a hold of her arm. 

"Get off." She seethed.  

"Look I really like you. Please tell me what's wrong."

This was the best thing to do. I had to come clean. She must like me too. We kissed and danced together on Friday and then we almost kissed today in the hallway. Then she opened her mouth and spoke.

"Look. I don't like you like that and I never will. Now go away!" I stood there stunned. That hurt.

After all that happened. I knew I was getting in to deep. I should've listened to Harry. The rain had started pouring but I was to deep in shock to notice.

"I-Im sorry, I just, I need to go'" she said turning and hurrying to her car.  

"Just tell me your name!" I yelled.  

"EMILY!" She screamed back. I smiled. Emily. Such a pretty name for a pretty girl.

I hadn't notice it start raining till thunder boomed. Like I said, I was to deep in thought and shock. I ran to my car. Quickly I threw my stuff in the seat next to me. I just sat there soaking wet reliving what just happened. I confessed my obvious feelings for her and she said she didn't like me. I buckled up and pulled out. Emily had just closed her door and was starting her car. I attempted to wave but she didn't notice. I drove past and went on home.


I was doing my chemistry homework when my phone rang. I ran over to get it.

"Hello?" I answered.  

"Hi umm Louis it's Emily. I need to ask you something big." She muttered through the phone.

"Go on love." I smiled knowing she kept my number.

"Umm my car broke down here at school and can you come pick me up? You don't have to, just you are the only person I can ask and I know I was a bitch to you earlier so you don't have to and I'd totally understand but please. I really need someone now." She rambled. I smiled at her adorableness.

"Sure I'll come get you."  

"Oh ok. Well it was worth a tr- wait you will?" She asked. 

"Yep. Now I'll be there in about 10 minutes ok? Sit tight."  

"Oh thank you Louis! Ok I'll see you in ten. Thank you!!" She hung up. I went and grabbed my keys.  


"KAY!" She yelled in reply. I went outside and opened the door to get in.

As I started pulling out I started thinking of Emily. I really do like her. Her smile, her personality, just everything. Friday night was magical. But then today she said she doesn't know me and that she doesn't like me like that. I just don't know what I did. I was drunk on Friday. So was she. Then when I tried to make a move she started crying and pushed me away. Did I hurt her? What did I do? In my midst of thinking I pulled in next to Emily,

"Get in!" I yelled over to pouring rain. She grabbed her stuff and got into the passenger seat.  

"Oh Louis thank you SO much! Umm 143 Northshire please." She smiled receiting her address. I nodded and took off.

The first few minutes were filled with cold silence.  

"Soo what were you doing at the club on Friday?" I asked. She shook her head and looked out the window. No reply.  

"Well I was there to have a fun time with my bandmates." Slowly her head turned. "Bandmates?" She questioned. I nodded. Suddenly it was like something clicked and her eyes widened.

"Thats where I know you from! I kept telling myself it wasn't you, like what would THE Louis Tomlinson be doing here but it really is you! Wow." She breathed. I chuckled. 

"Yep thats me. The leader of One Direction." I smiled.

"But you guys are international pop stars! What are you doing here?" I shrugged.  

"We all went home for a bit. Spend time with family and friends before tour starts. Of course my mother wanted me to finish school so here I am. That's sort of why I came here late in the year. Not that anything was new to me." I ended. She nodded. 

"Thats why everyone would always be in a huddle and screaming. I knew a Louis Tomlinson went to our school but I didnt know it was YOU." She rambled. I chuckled.

"Well, its me last time I checked." I teased.

"So this tour.... When does it start?"  

"Umm in the end of May." No reply.  

"So, what's your life like?" I asked.  

" Well my life isn't that exciting. I have lived here since Freshman year. Moved here from the United States. I dance and I sing a bit. Nothing big like being in a band." She smiled.  

"Yeah well I try to keep it secret." I answered pulling into her driveway.  

"Well you had me fooled. Hey, thanks for the ride." She smiled. I shrugged.

"Anytime. Need me to pick you up?" She shook her head.

"My friends can come get me. Thanks though." She grabbed her stuff and opened the door. Just when I thought she was going jump out she leaned over and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

"Thanks again." She got out of the car and ran up onto the front porch. She waved and walked inside. She just kissed me. Earlier she said she didn't like me like that. Well Emily Watts, two can play this game.

I, Louis Tomlinson, am determined to make Emily Watts mine.


A/N: How are you liking it so far? COMMENT! I Love hearing from you guys!!!



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