Don't Leave Me

By allergic_to_bs

255K 5.1K 1.2K

Audrey and Matt have been dating for almost two years. Everybody envies their relationship as they have been... More

Don't Leave Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Matt's P.O.V
Chapter 18 - Matt's P.O.V
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 17

6K 161 22
By allergic_to_bs

"Why not?" I giggled. "Why don't you like pineapple?"

I popped another chunk of fresh pineapple in my mouth.

"It tastes weird," Matt shrugged. "It's like bitter and dry,"

I shrugged, I personally like pineapple.

"It's healthy," I said, standing up.


I let out a soft giggle, stretching out my legs in the giant tree house.

"So what do you think about Sage?" I asked him.

"I don't know," he said, standing up as well. "She's cool, but not the girl for me." He reached over and connected his iPod to the iHome to play music.

He's been talking to Sage for a while, which sort of makes me jealous. But he's my best friend, nothing more. Sage is a pretty good friend of both of ours.

"But I'm only thirteen so I don't know,"

I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We danced, slowly moving to the rhythm of the song.

I giggled even more as he took my hand in his and twirled me around the tree house floor. We spend most of our time up here.

An upbeat song came on through the loud speaker. We jumped around like maniacs.

"Matt sweetie, your mom is here." My mom informed him, popping her head into the floor of the tree house.

"Okay we'll be down," I agreed, shutting down the iHome.

"Here," he said, sitting me down on a bean bag chair.

He walked over to the rec area and produced a Sharpie permanent marker.

He took my right hand, setting it in his lap. Uncapping the Sharpie, he pressed it to my wrist and wrote his name. I have always loved that he is left handed.

A wide smile spread across my face as he planted a sweet kiss on my cheek.

He gathered his things, climbing down the ladder to the back yard.

"See you later Audrey,"


"Hey," Kimmy said hesitantly as I situated my books in my locker. "Are we still on for the mall on Saturday?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not," I shrugged. "Then we have Carter's bonfire too,"

I switched my books out, retrieving the ones for my three afternoon classes, after lunch.  

"Great," She smiled. "What's going on with you and Matt?"

"What?" I asked, stumbling a bit.

She caught me completely off guard.

"Matt?" She repeated, "The guy you're completely in love with, remember him?"

I rolled my eyes. "I am not in love with Matt,"

"Bullshit," she shook her head.

I slammed my locker shut, heading down the hall.

Kimmy followed, linking an arm through mine.

"What's going on with you two?"

"Nothing," I lied.

Matt and I have been friends for a while. Secretly, I want to be more.

"I don't believe you," she said, shaking her head. "Just go out already,"

"What about Chase?" I teased.

She and Chase totally have something going on.

"Chase has eyes for you, he always has." She reminded me.


"I want nothing to do with Chase," I promised, as we walked into the cafeteria.

I took the seat next to Nate and across from Matt with an empty seat next to me.

"He wants the complete opposite," Kimmy said, sitting down next Chase, Myles and Sage across from her.

"Who wants the complete opposite of what?" Chase asked, chowing down on French fries.

I rolled my eyes, opening my lunch bag. Mom packed my favorite, chicken caesar wrap.

"So how about Carter's party Saturday night?" Myles asked, getting the guys routy and hyped up. "It's gonna be great,"

"You coming Aud?" Matt asked, stealing one of my grapes,. He threw it in the air and caught it with his mouth.

I nodded and shrugged.

"Cool," He nodded.

"Audrey you're hosting the graduation party this year, right?" Sage asked, causing everyone else's attention to be fixed on my answer.

"I can," I nodded. "We can have a pool party or something."

"We only have like three weeks left of our eighth grade year," Sage pointed out.

"High school next year," Chase justified. "You know what happens then."

No one cares Chase.

"The chicks only get hotter," Myles amended, agreeing with Chase.

"And older," Matt amended, fist bumping the guys.

Typical guys.

"What's the plan for graduation?" Molly asked, slipping into the empty seat next to me.

"Don't know yet," Nate informed her. "Ms. Audrey here has not worked out the details,"

"Yet," I amended. "I have not worked out the details yet,"

"Let me know as soon as you do," she rolled her eyes. "My parents are fighting again so we may leave early for the summer."

Her parents constantly have problems and her and her siblings suffer from it.

"You can always stay in the guest house," I tried, passing her a small smile. 

"I wish," she muttered. 

"Awe it'll get better," I promised, hugging her from the side. 

The rest of our friends glanced at her with sympathetic gazes. The only thing we can do for her is be there for her.

She passed us sad smiles and began to eat her lunch. 

We all continued eating our lunch and chatting obnoxiously.

"Hey Audrey," Matt said, catching my attention. "Go to Carter's bonfire with me,"

I looked at him and shrugged as I threw my trash away. 

"I'm going with the girls,"

"You go everywhere with SMAK," he complained. "Come with me, just this once."

I couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic this is.

"What?" He whined, picking up my books off the table and carrying them as he walked me to my next class.

"I'll just meet you there," I compromised, sipping on my water.

"Alright," he agreed. "I'll meet you there then."

We approached my class, so he had to go.

I let out a short laugh, "Okay, I'll see you later." 

"See ya," he smiled, handing me my books.

That boy is crazy.


"Thanks Mom," I said as I got out of the car. 

"Text me later," she demanded.

I nodded and headed into the mall with the girls.

"So what are you wearing to the bonfire tonight?" Sage asked as we neared Victoria's Secret PINK.

"Clothes," I promised.

She smiled, "Very funny,"

"Yeah I thought so too."

"No seriously," she laughed. "What are you wearing?"

"I don't know," I said honestly. "Maybe a maxi skirt or a romper,"

"Cropped top too," Molly added, searching through the PINK sweaters.

"I don't know yet," I shrugged.

We searched for a little longer before picking somethings out and paying for them. Then we made our way to the next store, American Eagle.

"I kind of like this," Kimmy said, holding up a light blue romper. 

"Me too," I nodded, "I need a new bando too while we're here,"

I made my way over to the bra section and picked out what I wanted.

The rest of the girls searched for a little while longer before they picked out what they wanted as well. We paid, and proceeded to the other hundred stored we shopped at.

I finally picked out a plain black maxi skirt with a plain white cropped top to match. I figured my silver sandals would do.


"Audrey please dance with me," Chase wined, holding a red Solo cup in his hand. 

He's been drinking before the party even started. 

I rolled my eyes, he's so pathetic. "Just one dance,"

He nodded, biting his lower lip as he led me to the middle of the dance floor, near the bonfire.

This is such a joke. 

I pressed my butt to the front of his jeans, grinding a little bit. 

He pressed his lips to mine, making out a little bit.

It's what he's been wanting for a really long time, as far as I'm concerned. 

"Let's take this inside," he suggested, biting his lip. "Upstairs."

"Alright," I teased.

I'm totally not doing anything with him.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing my hand to lead me in the house and up the stairs.

Half way there, he pressed his lips to mine again. Pushing me against the wall, he felt up my shirt.

We finally found a room, bursting the door open. 

I fell onto my butt with Chase stumbling on top of me, almost falling on my face.

I looked up to see that there was already two people occupying this room.

"Oh God," Chase stammered, "We're sorry, we'll find another room."

The guy under the covers with the girl just nodded after covering themselves up. Does Chase know him?

It took me a moment to realize it was Matt. And Paizlee Jacobs.

Paizlee really? She's a Junior in high school.

"Matt?" I asked, near tears. 

Chase helped me up, so I brushed off my skirt. 


I felt my face heat up with tears as I exited the room and stormed down the stairs. I snatched my purse off the coffee table on the way out.

"Audrey, wait!"

I ignored him, proceeding towards Carter's driveway and digging for my phone.

"Audrey what happened back there meant nothing," Matt said, catching up to me.

I quickly found Kylee's contact, calling her. 

"What's up Aud?" Kylee answered.

"Hey can you pick me up at Carter's house?" I asked, trying as best I could to not cry.

"Yeah," she mumbled, "Is everything okay?"

"Not really," I said as a hot tear flew down my cheek. "I just want to come home."

"I'm on my way, text me the address,"

She hung up, so I text her Carter's address. 

"Audrey please hear me out," Matt plead.

"There's nothing to hear," I shrugged, staying as calm as possible.

"There is," he nodded. "Okay, Paizlee and I just got caught up in the moment. It meant nothing, we both have had a lot to drink tonight and she was upset over her ex. Okay, there's nothing there."

I looked at him with a blank expression.

"There's nothing here, either." 


It broke my heart to say that, and to watch his face.

"You're right," he nodded. "If there was anything going on between us, you wouldn't have been making out with Chase."

"I didn't do anything with Chase." I shook my head. "All we did was make out. I didn't give him my virginity, I wasn't going to have sex with him!"

He looked at me with an intense glare. 

"Are we ever going to be anything?" He asked, his voice breaking.

I took a moment or two to respond.

"Not if Paizlee has anything to do with it," I wiped my eyes and rubbed my nose.

"Or Chase, I suppose." He added.

I just stared at him and he stared at me.

"I've liked you for a very long time Matt," I confessed. "Which you know."

"I like you too Audrey," He confessed. "Which you know."

"I think we need to remain just friends for a while," I suggested, "This isn't working."

He nodded, "Agreed."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. We hugged each other for a while before I heard Kylee's Jeep pull up. 

"Friend zone?" I asked, extending my hand towards him.

He took it and shook it.

I turned around and climbed into the Jeep.

"What happened?" Ky asked, pulling away. 

"History," I mumbled. "Nothing important,"

She nodded and continued driving.

I couldn't help but feel that I wanted more out of our friendship as I stared out the window.


"I don't even know why I got so upset," I groaned, leaning back in hot tub. "It's not even like we're dating."

"Well you should be," Sage shrugged. "You guys should be dating,"

I just shook my head. Things with Matt right now are so screwed up.

I'm not even mad anymore. I really didn't even have that right in the first place.  

I looked up to see Matt and Chase laughing hysterically. I loved the way Matt's eyes shone when he laughed. Laughing is a great look on him.

"Are you still upset with Paizlee?" Molly asked, examining her freshly painted manicure.

"Not really," I shrugged. "I just couldn't imagine losing my virginity at fourteen,"

"Oh," Kimmy said sheepishly, looking down at her feet.

Oh no. 

"No you didn't," I shook my head.

"I did," She nodded, biting her lip. 

"Oh my gosh, who?!" I beamed, almost jumping out of my seat.

"With Chase," She said quietly, not looking me in the eye. "After you left the party, it kind of just happened."

"Wow," I laughed, "I guess I just didn't think there was anything going on with you guys,"

"There wasn't really," She shook her head. "There isn't,"

"Then why did you have sex with him?" Molly asked, turning towards Kimmy.

"Great question,"

I sighed, lifting myself out of the hot tub and walking inside the house.

Snatching a towel on the way in, I wrapped it around myself and grabbed a cold Gatorade from the fridge. 

I usually love parties with my best friends, but I'm just not feeling it. Tomorrow we're graduating eighth grade and the girls are staying the night tonight so we can spend all day tomorrow getting ready for the ceremony.

"You okay?" Someone asked, standing behind me.

I turned around to see Brandy approaching me. She's our new nanny, she's pretty cool.

"I'm fine," I promised, sipping on my Gatorade. "Just thirsty."

She smiled and walked outside. 

Brandy and I haven't gotten the change to get to know each other too much since Mom and Tom hired her. She doesn't seem all that bad though, really.

"Hey Audrey?"

I looked up as Matt neared me.

"Yeah?" I asked lightly.

"You still upset?"

"No," I shook my head. "Not really."

He passed me a sad smile and pulled me into a hug. I love his hugs more then you'd believe. 

"Will we every be anything more than friends?" He asked, looking into my eyes. 

"I don't know," I said stiffly. "Will we?"

He shrugged and kissed my forehead. "I hope so,"

I let out sort of a forced laugh, pulling my damp hair into a messy bun. 

"Maybe one day," I nodded. "When the time is right,"

He nodded too. We headed back out to the party in my backyard, where all the music was and dancing and fun. Brandy did a nice job of throwing this together.

Maybe Matt and I will work out after all.


"The guys and I are going bowling, you wanna come?" Matt asked as I wrapped up my last algebra problem. "The girls can come too,"

I thought about it for a moment.

"Why don't we do something?" I asked, shoving my books back into my backpack. "Just the two of us,"

"I guess," he nodded. "If you want to,"

I shrugged. "Just let me ask my mom,"

"Okay," he nodded, sitting on my bed. "Why are you doing homework on a Friday?"

I rolled my eyes. "Because it's out of the way and I won't be rushing to do it on Sunday night, unlike some people."

Yes, he procrastinates, waits until midnight on Sundays to rush and finish his homework.

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'll be back," I promised, making my way to my bedroom door.

"Thanks for the warning!" He called after me.

He is so pleasant. Not.

I made my way downstairs, plopping down on a stool at the island next to Kylee.

"What's up Audrey?" My mom asked, rocking Kyler on her hip.

I can't believe the twins are two already.

"I was wondering if I could hang out with Matt tonight?"

"Sure," she shrugged. "He can't stay passed midnight,"

"We were thinking about going out though,"

"To where?" She asked, preparing two bottles of whole milk. "Who's going to drive you? You're only fourteen."

"That's why I'm asking," I deadpanned. "I want to know if you'll drive us somewhere,"

"Audrey we have a home theater, a game room, a pool with a hot tub and a trampoline. Where could you possibly want to go?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Can Kylee drive us?"

I glanced at Kylee. She was reading an article of the Seventeen magazine, completely oblivious to the conversation.

"Ky?" Mom asked, balancing Kyler on her hip and the bottles in the other hand.

Tom came down the stairs with Tyler in tow, handing him off to mom.

"Hey girls," Tom smiled, planting a kiss on the top of mine and Kylee's head.

"Hey," Kylee and I said in unison.

He gave mom a kiss, "I have to go to the office to pick up some files on a really big case. Are you going to be okay with boys alone?"

"I should be fine," Mom said, seemingly annoyed. "Maybe Brandy should just move in,"

"Are you girls staying in tonight?" Tom asked, gathering his paperwork.

"I was going to meet up with Jack later," Kylee shrugged.

Jack is her boyfriend of the week.


"I want to go out with Matt tonight," I said, fidgeting with a bib that was sitting on the island.


I shrugged. "Not sure yet,"

I text Matt, saying to come down to the kitchen.

"I'm leaving, I'll be home by midnight," Kylee announced, collecting her things to leave.

"Be safe, no texting and driving." Mom advised. "Text me when you get there,"

Kylee nodded and made her way out to the garage.

"Hey Matt," Tom greeted, as Matt waltzed into the kitchen. "Where do you and Audrey wish to be tonight?"

Matt whispered something to Tom and they both nodded.

"Okay we're leaving in five."

I nodded and went back into my room.

I threw on a pair of light-washed skinny jeans and an old cheerleading tee.

"You'll need a pair of spanks too,"


I grabbed a pair of spandex shorts from my drawer. I swear I have too many pairs.

"Ready," I agreed, walking back into the kitchen.

"Let's go,"

We all piled in Tom's car and drove to our destination.

The drive only lasted about fifteen minutes. As we drove along, I recognized the route but couldn't remember where it was to.

Then it dawned on me as I saw the sign.

Epic Air.

I love this place with a burning passion.

"Matt I love this place," I squealed, excited.

"I know you do," He laughed.

Tom parked and Matt and I got out, rushing to the building like little kids.

"Be safe!" Tom called back to us. "I'll be back by eleven to pick you up,"

That means we'd have three hours to jump. Yes!

We rushed in, so eager to play on the big trampolines.

Matt paid and we slipped on our grippy socks.

"I'll race you," I challenged, running to the farthest trampoline.

I pumped my legs as fast as I could, but he still beat me.

"I win!" He cheered, tackling me to the ground.

Our bodies bounced involuntarily on the giant trampoline as we laughed.

"I've been shot," I joked, hugging my hands to my chest.

He shot up, laughing, and jumped really high bouncing my body.

I finally found the strength, after laughing so much, to hop up and bounce with him.

"This is one of the first times we've been out alone in a few months," Matt said, calming down. He leaned against one of the padded walls of the trampoline. "It's nice to be out with just you,"

"Is that a compliment?" I giggled, leaning next to him.

"Yes," he smiled, turning his body to where he was facing me.

He stared at me with an intense passion. His look made my stomach do flips.

He reached up, curling a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Be mine Audrey,"

Whoa. What did he say?

"Go out with me, be my girlfriend." He clarified. "I want to be with you and only you. I want to make mistakes with you and I want you to break my heart. I want you Audrey,"

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

He leaned his face into mine, gently tipping my chin up with his fingers.

"When I'm around you, my heart skips its beats. I love the way you make me feel and I would like you to be mine." He whispered.

He leaned in and his gentle lips touched mine for the very first time.

It was so powerful and intense, I didn't know what to do.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes," I giggled.


I am finally the girlfriend of Mathew Walters.

He kissed me again and my knees went weak.


"Do you want to go get some Starbucks?" Matt asked, swinging our arms back and forth. 

"Is that a trick question?" I laughed. "Of course I want Starbucks,"

He chuckled to himself, walking with me up to the American Eagle check out desk. 

 I piled the two shirts on the desk as the cashier rung them up. I also grabbed a pair of shorts and a pair of jeans. 

"I liked the idea to get the t-shirts," I confessed, as Matt slid his credit card through the machine. 

I offered to pay, but he insisted that he pays.

It was Matt's idea to get matching shirts. Mine says, 'My crazy boyfriend loves me' as his says, 'I love my crazy girlfriend'.

"I thought it was too," he smiled, taking my free hand and intertwining our fingers.

I accepted the bag of merch from the cashier as Matt and I headed down the aisle and on our way to Starbucks.

"What do you want?" I asked, setting down our bags as Matt sat too. "I'll go order."

"Just a strawberry smoothie," he said shortly, shifting in his seat. 

He's acting really weird all of the sudden.

"Okay," I nodded. "I'll be right back."

I walked up to the counter and ordered Matt's smoothie and a frappuccino for myself. I gave the worker my name and went to sit back down with Matt as we waited. 

"You okay?" I asked, plopping down next to him. 

"Uh," he took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine."


"Matt you're acting really weird." I shook my head. 

"I just-" He paused to take a deep breath. "It's just that I've been thinking-"

What is he saying?

"Matt please," I plead, taking his hand in mine. "You can tell me anything."

He looked up, locking eyes with mine. It was a powerful connection, indescribable even.

He bit his lower lip and whispered, "I love you," he was almost near tears.

Oh my gosh. That's the first time he's ever said that.

"Audrey?"The Starbucks worker asked, indicating our beverages were ready.

I shot up and accepted them, slowly walking back to Matt.

Matt loves me?

I sat back down, sliding Matt's smoothie to him.

"Audrey," Matt shook his head. "I'm sorry to bombard you, I just-"

I shut him up by pressing my lips to his. He only deepened it by pulling me closer to him. 

"I love you too," I nodded, cupping his face in my hands.

He smiled, pecking my lips. "That's why I wanted the shirts,"

Oh my gosh, he hinted he loved me through the t-shirts and I was completely oblivious. 

"Well that and it's our eight month anniversary." He added, smirking.

I chuckled and kissed him again.

"Always and forever?" He whispered, holding up his pinkie. 

I nodded, wrapping my pinkie around his. 

Pinkie promises are the best.


"I'm leaving, I'll be back later." I informed Brandy, grabbing my keys and phone off the counter.

"Okay be safe," She said as I walked towards the door. "It's getting late, be home by midnight?"

I nodded and left.

I just got my license a few days ago and it is such freedom. Now I am headed to Matt's to hang out for a while.

When I got to Matt's house, he was waiting for me on his porch. 

He has such a beautiful house, it looks like it came right out of a Better Homes & Gardens magazine. 

I smiled at him as I got out of my truck, meeting him on the porch.

"You got the truck!" He beamed, full of laughter. 

I was debating between the truck and a Punk Buggy. I think the truck fits better. 

I nodded and smiled. Glancing towards my truck, I noticed his car in the garage. 

"You got the Camaro," I gushed, running towards it. "Oh my gosh, I love it!"

"I knew you would," he said, pulling me close to him.

I love Camaros. I would've gotten one but I just fell in love with my giant pick-up truck.

"Let's take her for a spin?" 

Now what kind of question is that? 

"Of course," I laughed, climbing in.

Matt got in too, starting it and backing out of his garage.

We cruised for a little while, listening to the radio as we drove. We sat in a comfortable silence before Matt pulled into a park's parking lot. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked, unbuckling my seat belt as Matt shifted the car into park.

"Let's take a walk," He suggested. He got out of his car, so I did too.

Grabbing my hand, Matt lead me to the trail by the park. It was a beautiful night and there wasn't any body else I'd like to spend it with besides my beloved boyfriend. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, drawing closer to Matt as we walked down the trail. "It's dark out here,"

"You'll see," He smirked, with a small chuckle. 

I just stared at him as he led me farther down the path. 

"I love you," I whispered, "You know that?"

He looked over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Love you too,"

Snuggling into his arm, I noticed a blanket and picnic setup around the corner of the trail.

There was a vintage picnic basket and unlit candles around the blanket.

"Matt what is this?" I asked, confused.

"Just something special for my favorite girlfriend," He mused, plopping down on the blanket. 

"Ooo," I teased. "I won't tell the other girlfriends,"

He laughed and pulled me down with him. Pulling matches out of the basket, he lit the four candles around us. 

"This is so sweet," I smiled, "Thank you,"

He smiled back at me, pulling two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and two Coke-a-Cola bottles out of the basket. 

"I even get a five-course meal," I joked, accepting the sandwich and taking a bit of it. 

He handed me a bottle of Coke. 

"What's this?" I asked, examining the bottle. "You know I don't drink soda,"

He shrugged, "I know."

On the side of the bottle it read, 'Share a Coke with Matt'.

I looked up at him and laughed as he presented his bottle to me. 'Share a Coke with Audrey' was printed on the side of his bottle.

"Do you have water?" I asked, feeling kind of guilty. 

"Yeah I do," he nodded, passing me a water bottle, "I really don't drink soda either, I just thought it was romantic."

Now I feel bad. 

"Hey," he said, pulling me closer to him. "It's okay, it's just soda."

"I know," I nodded, finishing off the last bit of the sandwich and washing it down with a gulp of water.

"I have grapes," he smiled, throwing one in the air and successfully catching it in his mouth. 

I grabbed one and tossed it towards him, bouncing it off his nose.

"My mouth is down here," he laughed, pointing at his lips. 

"Oh yeah?" I tested. "Show me," 

Sliding the basket off to the side, Matt laid down and pulled me down with him. 

He pressed his lips to mine and a warm fuzzy feeling filled my entire body. I love that feeling.

We made out for awhile before settling on cuddling. 

"Thank you," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"For what?" I chuckled. "You're the one that surprised me,"

"For just being you," he shook his head, searching my eyes. "For being an amazing girlfriend, for ever giving me the time of day."

"I'm just glad you didn't give up," I whispered, kissing his cheek.

"Never," he whispered back, stroking my hair as I laid my head on his chest and tangled our legs together. 

My phone rang, but I left it. It was probably just Brandy wondering where I was considering it was already 11:30 PM.

"I love you," he reminded me. "Always and forever."

"Promise?" I asked, holding out my pinkie.

He took it and pinkie promised. 

"I love you too,"


So tell me what you think.

I am sensing a pattern with my updates. They're always late, which I apologize for. Honestly, I have felt pressured and not inspired to write. It has become a chore, I feel. It isn't a hobby anymore. That doesn't mean I'm not continuing with this story, because I will. It's just the updates are and will be unpredictable. Commented thoughts = motivation to write.

I am very sorry and thank you for your understanding.


(Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts(; thanks!)

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