Flowers Bouquet

By SemsemMahmoud4

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It's just a book, but every night, flowers scent come out of it even I smell it in my dreams. In a nutshell... More

Ch.1 Murder Crimes!
Ch.2 Nightmares With Flowers Scent!
Ch.3 Dissappearance!
Ch. 4 Treachery!
Ch. 5 What are you?
Ch. 6 Tit For Tat!
Ch.7 The Illusions Forest!
Ch.8 Feelings!
Ch.9 Taking Revenge!
Ch.10 Breaking The Curse!
Ch.11 Chasing!
Ch.12 A Piece Of Paper
Ch.14 The little Prince!
Ch.15 Flowers Bouquet!
Ch.16 Returning To My Home!
Ch.17 Reveal Your Identity!
Ch.18 The Little Burned House!
Ch.19 Demons In The Real World!
Ch.20 Purple Flowers Powder!
Ch.21 It's A Matter Of Three days!
Ch.22 Leaving Without Return!
Ch.23 McA Company!
Ch.24 One Destiny!
Ch.25 The Red Moon!
Ch. 26 Regret!
Ch.27 As It Was!
Ch.28 At The Sunrise!
Ch. 29 Family!

Ch.13 There's Two Of Blaze!

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By SemsemMahmoud4

✨️ Previously: ✨️

A little bit of Saffron plant in a tiny glass healed Althea from a strong fever. The mister, who calls Blaze, stayed the whole night sleeping next to her until she woke up. A Halo of happiness was getting out of him when she woke up.

His eyes didn't take off her the whole day until his servant, who calls Ace, shouted out that one of the gods got killed and all the doubts went around Blaze's youngest brother when the eldest found a paper next to the dead body.

💡✨️ Let's continue...✨️💡

* Hybrid?! * the mister Blaze said, confused and with a little anger.

* He always welcomes you this way. * Ace talked.

* I thought he got changed during those hundred years when I was away from here. * he talked in a low voice, and shock started appearing on his face.

* I thought that, too. * Ace shrugged ( Rised his shoulders ups and down) as he talks.

Suddenly, he got confused and put his hand in his pocket, then he took a golden paper out. It was empty of any words, but only two seconds passed, and the words showed up.

To the great river, right now!

He rolled his eyes, annoyed, and crumpled the piece of paper, then he left with Ace. At the same time, Althea was sitting on the stairs of one of the buildings and removing petals of a flower one by one while she was repeating, " He will come...He won't come".

Once she removed the last petal, the main door got opened, and he showed up from behind the door. Her smile and happiness were like magnetics that made him smile in less than two seconds.

* I thought you just... left me. * she said while she's walking towards him.

* Where I would go? It's my home, and finally, I came back to where I belong. * the halo around him was making her under control, but the funny way that he talks by made her come back to her senses and laugh, shortly.

* Do gods live nearby? I mean, here next to you or near from your palace? * he walked with her to sit on the same stairs that she was sitting on. Then, she asked.

* Not most of them... For my so f*cking bad luck, the poor ones live here in this world, however, just a few of them live near to me. Thank gods that they're not a lot because I won't hesitate about killing them.* she opened her eyes widely while she's trying to hold her laugh because of his way in talking that shows how much he's suffering.

Both of them suddenly started laughing loudly, then gradually, they started stopping and just looking at each other with a little charming smile. At the great river, inside a white building that contains more than a hundred shelves that carry books, an old woman who is in the age but she's a young lady in her appearance was standing in front of a big circular window.



* Lady Dabria! * Ace talked from behind, then she turned to him while she's standing upstairs while there's two stairs on the sides.

* Where is Blaze? * she was surprised when she saw Ace by his own, so she asked.

* He's tired a little bit... You know! He's just came back after hundred years. It's not easy to act like a god and a king again after we were very close to forget who we are. * she rised her brow, not believing him, so he tried to be more convencing.

She nodded with understanding with her anger features, then she let him go to take care of him. She went downstairs and sat at her office, thinking about how he's a fool, and he has never thought about trying to not lie to her because she knows everything and she sees everything.

He came back to the palace and felt that he's the only one there. He looked for them both, but he didn't find them. He started worrying about them, so he left the palace for finding them. When he turned his back to leave, someone called him out by his name. He turned to the voice and got surprised.

* Sir! I was looking for you! Where have you been? * in one breath, he talked.

* I was here. What is it? * he shrugged while his hands were in his pockets.

* Oh, right! I was there as you told me. I tried not to show her that we brought a human being in our world and...* he remembered what he had come for, but before he continued talking, he stopped as if there's something wrong about his mister.

* What? What happened?! * the other noticed Ace stopped talking, and he seemed to be feeling something, so he acted normally and talked.

* That's it, sir! * Ace said.

Blaze stared at him for seconds, then he nodded with understanding and went without telling the other where he is going to. In the market, Thea and Blaze were taking a round there, in addition to shopping. Anything that her eyes fall on, he buys it without thinking. He's completely fell into her.

* Hey! This scent is familiar to me... Wasn't this scent in the other world where you were a monster?* suddenly, she started smelling a scent around in the air. When she realized it, she asked.

* Yep! My world is the only one that has this beautiful scent. * he nodded as he talked and crossed his aems across his chest.

* Hey, beautiful young lady!... Would you please take a look on my collection? * a very old man with light long beard shouted out from beside her, then he asked her as he holdd her hand for pulling her away to his shop.

* She's okay! Thank you! * Blaze grabbed her other hand and pulled her towards him, strongly as he talked with sharp stares to the man, making him back off and get away.

He warned her from not going easily like this with any seller because some of them aren't good people. Well, he thought about telling her that they're demons later. He doesn't want her to be afraid, even though the spell that he created before won't let fear and sadness know her way until her death.

Once they finished their little round, they came back to the palace with full hands of shopping bags and boxes. She started hanging the dresses inside the closet in one of the rooms at the other building. She was swaying on while she's humming a song, not knowing he's standing at the door. His bad intentions were clear on his face, and pressing his tongue against cheek is enough evidence for that.

* You freaked me out! * she got surprised with a little fear once she turned to the back.

* Huh! Sorry?! * he pretended not hearing what she had said.

* You, freaked...* she got confused with a little smile while she's repeating what she said before, but suddenly he gave her his back and went.


She wondered about his strange action. " What's wrong with him?! " she said under her breath, then she walked to get out of the room, but she bumped into his strong and muscled chest. She rised her head and found him, but his face was a little bit angry.

* What's wrong with you?! * she got his hands off her shoulders as she asks him, angrily.

* What?... Are you okay? * he wondered, surprised from her anger, then he asked as he examines her sunny eyes.

* Are you playing dumb?... Ten minutes ago, you freaked me out and pretended that you didn't hear me, then you left and now you came back, ask...* she asked, trying to explode her anger, but she couldn't control it and started shouting out at him.

* Hold, hol, hold on! You said I was here before?! * he grabbed her shoulders strongly a little bit for stopping her talking. Then, he asked, indirectly.

When she nodded " Yes! " with stares that would kick him into hell, he stared into space, in shock. Then, he opened his eyes widely. She wasn't caring about his shock only after a few minutes... When the atmosphere started to be uncomfortable and full of worrying, seriousness and a little bit of dangerous.

" There's another copy of me!! " he spoke in a low voice, but it was heard by Althea who was very closer to him.

🌸 End of the chapter 🌸

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