✓ | The Borrowed Identity (Fa...

By abyssofwendy

33.4K 1.3K 49

A skilled lieutenant detective met her end while solving a murder case involving the most influential politic... More

TBI 00: Prologue
TBI 01: Beginning
TBI 02: Identity
TBI 03: Beneath
TBI 04: Consensus
TBI 05: Mission
TBI 06: Rage
TBI 07: Damsel
TBI 08: Tail
TBI 09: Figure
TBI 10: Protect
TBI 11: Tear
TBI 12: Uphold
TBI 13: Truth
TBI 14: Cargo
TBI 15: Commander
TBI 16: Bounty
TBI 17: Curse
TBI 19: Voice
TBI 20: Support
TBI 21: Whole
TBI 22: Maybe
TBI 23: Darling
TBI 24: Remember
TBI 25: Hesitation
TBI 26: Deal
TBI 27: Phoenix
TBI 28: Sacrifice
TBI 29: Banquet
TBI 30: Promise
TBI 31: Begging
TBI 32: Longed
TBI 33: Moment
TBI 34: Deep
TBI 35: Scarce
TBI 36: Journey
TBI 37: Farewell
TBI 38: Destiny
TBI 39: Mermaid
TBI 40: Negotiate
TBI 41: Adelaide
TBI 42: Chosen
TBI 43: Pirates
TBI 44: Threat
TBI 45: Plot
TBI 46: Epilogue
Afterword + Series #5

TBI 18: Hunt

406 15 0
By abyssofwendy

[ Chapter 18: Hunt ]

Selene | Selvy

The days that unfolded after I crossed paths with the Commander of the Blue Steel and his trusted companions were far from the fabulous tale one might expect. In fact, the word "fabulous" would be a gross misrepresentation of the relentless challenges and dangers that plagued our every step. Sarcasm dripped from my every word as I reflected on the tumultuous journey I was unwittingly thrust into.

Each passing day brought new encounters with creatures both mythical and mundane. From the menacing Dalaysian creatures that lurked in the shadows to relentless human adversaries determined to capture me and claim the bounty on my head, there was no respite from the constant pursuit. The mere thought of finding solace in a peaceful slumber became nothing more than a distant dream.

Sleep, once a sanctuary of rest and rejuvenation, had become an elusive luxury. Instead of blissful dreams, my nights were plagued by restless tossing and turning, plagued by the ever-looming threat that awaited us at every turn. Even in the brief moments of respite, a sense of unease lingered in the air, an unshakable reminder that danger was always lurking just beyond the horizon.

The days blurred together in a never-ending cycle of adrenaline-fueled escapades, leaving little time for reflection or reprieve. Each sunrise brought with it a new set of challenges and obstacles to overcome. There was no room for complacency, no moment of peace to savor. Survival became the sole focus, as we navigated treacherous terrain and outmaneuvered our relentless pursuers.

So, as I look back on those days, I can't help but shake my head at the irony of calling them fabulous. The reality was far from glamorous or enchanting. It was a test of endurance, a relentless battle against forces that sought to claim my life. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope remained, fueling my determination to forge ahead and reclaim control of my destiny, no matter the cost.

"Selene, get down!"

Rinig kong sambit ni Admiral. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I quickly heeded to his warning and dropped to the ground. The sound of a gunshot reverberated through the air, followed by the thud of a collapsing figure. To my disbelief, the fallen creature was none other than a shark that had transformed into a human. I couldn't help but voice my exasperation at the absurdity of the situation.

"Can this get any better?" I exclaimed incredulously. "Are we seriously being chased by sharks now?!"

Lutch, appearing on the scene with his spear stained with blood, joined in the conversation. Despite the intensity of the battle, he managed to maintain his rugged good looks, albeit with a sheen of sweat adding to his charm. "They're not just chasing us, Selene," Lutch clarified, his voice steady and composed. "They're specifically after you."

Meanwhile, Valan's calm voice resonated through the earpiece we all wore, offering tactical guidance to the team. "Admiral, three o'clock. Lutch, position yourself to the right."

Admiral, clearly frustrated by the turn of events, cursed under his breath before springing into action, following Valan's instructions. Lutch, ever the jovial spirit, couldn't resist adding a touch of humor to the dire situation.

"Oh, my god, I'm going to need a beer after this!" Admiral exclaimed, his voice laced with both exhaustion and determination.

"And a feast!" Lutch chimed in, his appetite undeterred by the sight of sea creatures-turned-adversaries. "Seeing all these sea creatures just makes me even more ravenous!"

As we continued to fend off our relentless pursuers, I couldn't help but marvel at the camaraderie and resilience of my companions. Despite the dangers that surrounded us, they look like they are playing.

"Sel, come to me," Valan ordered. "An alley on your left, head straight and don't look back."

Valan's voice cut through the chaos, commanding my attention. Without hesitation, I followed his instructions, darting towards the indicated alley on my left. The clamor of the battle and the relentless pursuit of our adversaries pushed me to move swiftly, my heart pounding in my chest.

As I sprinted down the narrow alleyway, I resisted the urge to glance back, focusing solely on the path ahead. Shadows danced around me, casting an eerie atmosphere over the secluded passage. The sounds of my own footsteps echoed, amplifying the tension that enveloped the air.

Finally, I reached a small courtyard bathed in dim light, its tranquility a stark contrast to the tumultuous streets I had left behind. Valan stood there, waiting for me, his gaze filled with concern and determination.

"Keep moving, Sel," he urged, his voice laced with urgency. "Get out of the barrier and wait for our return. Reserve a seat in the train for us, okay?"

Valan's words hit me with a mix of concern and determination. I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll find a way out," I assured him, my voice resolute. "I'll secure the train tickets and wait for you."

With a final glance, Valan disappeared into the shadows, leaving me to navigate the unfamiliar territory on my own. The adrenaline coursing through my veins propelled me forward as I sought an exit from the barrier that had confined us for far too long.

I sprinted through winding alleyways, my senses heightened, scanning for any sign of an opening. Desperation fueled my every move as I evaded obstacles and pressed onward, driven by the urgency of our mission and the weight of the responsibility placed upon me. Finally, I spotted a faint glimmer of daylight ahead. Pushing my tired body to its limits, I raced towards the source, my heart pounding in anticipation. As I burst through the barrier's edge, I felt a surge of liberation wash over me. I had made it outside.

Breathing heavily, I took a moment to compose myself and assess my surroundings. I quickly located the train station in the distance and made my way there, weaving through the bustling crowd with determination.

At the ticket counter, I secured seats for Valan, Admiral, and Lutch, ensuring that our passage was reserved. With tickets in hand, I found a secluded spot in the station and settled down to wait, my eyes constantly scanning the crowd for any sign of my companions' return. Time seemed to stretch as I sat in anticipation, my mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. And with unwavering determination, I awaited their return.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Nakikisabay lamang kami kanina sa mga dayo ng Daer. Blending to the crowd peacefully so we could cross the borders of Daer and Dior, but suddenly, we were attacked. Buong akala ko ay magkakaroon ng matiwasay na paglalakbay ngayon, subalit hindi na naman pala.

Napapapagod na ako, pero hindi ko magawang sumuko. Ilang linggo rin kaming nanatili sa Daer, at kailangan na naming umalis bago paman ang buong siyudad ang madawit sa peligro.

Napatayo na naman ako sa aking inupuan nang pamansin kong may nagtatakbuhan sa labas. People were fleeing in a rush and frenzy manner as if they were trying to stay away from something dangerous. But before I could react, the train lurched sideways, swaying off the tracks. My heart skipped a beat as a wave of disbelief washed over me.

In the chaos that ensued, I let out a scream as the enormous mechanical claw crashed into the side of the train, tearing it apart. The force sent me flying through the air, my body colliding with a wooden chair, causing my back to ache instantly. The pain hadn't even registered yet, but I knew I had to move from my position.

Struggling to recover, I pushed myself up, only to find that the train was now moving vertically. If it weren't for the seats, I would have plummeted straight down.

However, my body slide through when the train moved vertically. Kung hindi dahil sa mga upuan, dederetso ang bagsak ko sa ilalim.

"Ouch!" I cried out, feeling the impact of my back against a pole. My breath came in short gasps as I tried to gather my bearings.

As my eyes scanned the scene, I caught sight of the person controlling the massive robot with the mechanical claws. It appeared to be a human piloting the immense machine.

"I found her!" a voice boomed from the speaker mounted on the robot's chest. The pilot seemed intent on capturing me with the mechanical claws.

Just as the claw was about to snatch me up, a sudden explosion rocked the robot's body. The force sent the pilot flying away, separating them from the malfunctioning train. In the process, the damaged grip on the train was released, causing it to sway precariously.

I winced in pain as I jolted from the impact once again. It seemed that danger lurked at every turn, determined to test my resilience.

Gathering my strength, I quickly assessed my surroundings. The damaged train, now hanging dangerously, was no longer a safe haven. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I scanned the area for any signs of escape. Spotting a nearby ledge, I made a split-second decision. With a surge of adrenaline, I pushed through the pain and launched myself towards the ledge, grabbing hold just in time.

Hanging on for dear life, I pulled myself up onto the ledge, my body aching from the exertion. As I glanced back at the chaotic scene behind me, I knew that my resilience and resourcefulness would be tested once again.

"Don't move," a man suddenly said behind me.

Napangisi na lamang ako. I can't really move unless I exert effort. "Anong gagawin mo kapag kumilos ako? Are you holding a gun? A sword? Or just some weapon ready to knock me out?"

"Status report." A voice echoed on his walkie-talkie. Alam kong hindi siya 'yon dahil medyo distorted ang boses. "Agent, we need visuals on the scene."

"It's some sort of gang fight," he said.

I turned around to look at him. He was wearing formal attire with a gun on both of his hands, aiming at me. Based on the hat he was wearing, he is part of the City's Defense system. I have known from Valan that the Kingdom has two defense systems: one from the Kingdom, which are called by Royal Knights, and the second one is officers from each city, picked by the people.

"Hands on the air, Miss," he said.

I slowly raised my hands in the air, maintaining a cautious gaze on the man before me. It was clear that he was a member of the City's Defense, tasked with maintaining law and order within the city.

"Can you please explain what's going on?" I asked, my voice steady despite the underlying tension. "I'm not involved in any gang fights. I was just caught in the midst of the chaos."

The man's eyes narrowed as he assessed me, his grip on the weapons tightening slightly. "We received reports of a disturbance in this area," he replied, his voice firm and authoritative. "We're here to restore order and ensure the safety of the residents. It's our duty to detain anyone involved in criminal activities."

"I assure you, I'm not a part of any criminal activity," I explained, trying to remain composed. "I was merely trying to escape the chaos and find a safe place. I have no intention of causing trouble."

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, perhaps considering my words. His walkie-talkie crackled again, and I could hear snippets of conversation on the other end. It was clear that there was confusion and a need for further information. "Agent, confirm the identity," the distorted voice on the walkie-talkie instructed.

The man shifted his attention back to me, his gaze unwavering. "Stay where you are," he ordered firmly. "We need to verify your identity before we proceed."

I complied, knowing that cooperation was crucial in this situation. I understood the need for caution and ensuring the safety of everyone involved. As I stood there with my hands raised, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease mingled with hope that this encounter would be resolved peacefully.

Minutes passed as the man communicated with his fellow agents, providing them with details and awaiting further instructions. Finally, he received the confirmation he was seeking, and his demeanor softened slightly.

"Apologies for the inconvenience," he said, lowering his weapons. "It seems there was a case of mistaken identity. You are free to go."

Relief washed over me, and I slowly lowered my hands, a small smile of gratitude forming on my lips. "Thank you for understanding," I replied, genuinely appreciative of his professional handling of the situation.

As I turned to leave, the man's voice called out to me one last time. "Be cautious out there," he cautioned, his tone filled with a mix of warning and concern. "Things are getting more dangerous in the city. Stay safe."

I simply gave him a nod and I ran away from the scene. I also noticed that more of Daer's legal government is working in the area. Palaisipan sa akin kung bakit bigla silang sumulpot, subalit naginhawaan ako dahil hinayaan akong makaalis ng lalaking 'yon.

"Where are you Valan?" I whispered while trying to blend in with the crowd. "Where are you—"


Agad napako ang aking paningin sa direksyon kung saan ko siya narinig. Valan immediately eradicated the distance and held me before I lost my balance.

"The government," I mumbled.

"Things are getting out of hand. This hunt is disrupting the natural order of the State. This needs to be addressed," he said. "But first, I need to ensure your safety. We will wait for the General's arrival—"

Valan suddenly stopped and held his chest, as if he was in pain. His face showed what he was feeling and I immediately tried to ease it.

"Valan?" I panicked.

"I am too far away from the sea," he replied.

"W-what?" I said, and tried to look around. The train station is indeed far away from the coast. Panicked surged within. "We need Admiral and Lutch!"


are very much appreciated, thank you!

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