Fairy Of The Cosmos (Winx Clu...

By YokoMoko905

16.8K 528 57

Cosima is princess of Alalia, a fairy who's starting her life at Alfea to become strong enough to help those... More

๐ŸŒŸCosima's Bio๐ŸŒŸ
Welcome to Magix
Save the First Dance
The Voice of Nature
Secret Guardian
The Day Of The Rose
Magical Reality Check
Junior League
Miss Magix
Meant To Be
Witch Trap
Pushing The Envelope

Date With Disaster

1K 43 3
By YokoMoko905

🖋️Narrator's POV🖋️

The Winx are in the kitchen of Alfea on kitchen duty, trying to prepare the mixture for a potion.

"Okay, 500 potatoes down." Florent smiled.

"So that leaves 500 more to go." Tech sighed.

"You know what, I'll feel like a dork if this doesn't work." Blu said, peeling the potato in his hand.

"Well, we'd you find the formula?" Muse asked.

"Cosima found it in Vanity Fairies new self improvement guide. So, I mean, it should work." Blu shrugged as he walked towards the entrance of the kitchen.

"A 1000 potatoes, a bush-full of flip weed, a magic back-flip and you're making good decisions all the next day. It said good judgement is guaranteed."
Cosima stated, doing a magic backflip in the air until the doors swung open.

"I thought I heard itty-bitty voices. What are you girls a-doing in my kitchen, eh?" The italian cook interrogated us.

"Working on an experiment project for potion class?" Blu lied.

"Look at this place, a mess." The cook pointed out, walking into the kitchen.

"The potion lab was signed out." Tech said.

"Relax, Mistro. Have a spud." Muse said, handing him a small potato.

"My little potatoes! You are a-using my babies! And what is this all about?!" The cook pointed towards the pan of omelets on the stove.

"That's our dinner." Florent informed.

"We got hungry." Blu pouted. Cosima walked towards her omelette and placed a pinch of salt in it.

"It seems like only this a-girl knows how to a-cook."
The cook said, looking at Cosima's golden egg as she flipped it. The guys tried to flip them too however Blu flipped it all the way into the air and made it get stuck on the fan.

"I guess I'll get a ladder." Blu smiled awkwardly.

"Don't worry, I got it." Florent reassured as he flipped the switch. Increasing the fan's speed.

"Go little omelet, Spinning like a DJ, like it's your birthday, like you got your biggest fans, gonna serve you upper hand." Musa spat bars as the omelette continued to spin. While Cosima giggles next to him.

"KNOCK IT OOOOOOOFF!" The cook sang as Florent finally switched the fan off, which caused the omelette to fly into the cook's face, "Normally, I would a-find this a-funny but as I am the one with the egg in the face, I do not laugh." He said, wiping the egg off his face, "Now wrap this a-project up.
You might want to be a-done by the time the Headmistress get here." He growled as he ran out of the kitchen. Florent opened the oven to check on the flip-weed.

"The flip-weed's almost done." Florent said. There was a moment of blissful silence until a certain blonde-haired fairy entered, shattering the silence.
"So, what's the sitch in the kitch, boys?" Stolas rhymed.

"The term fashionably late can only be applied to social engagement, you know." Tech informed as he peeled a baby potato.

"Yeah, I know I totally said I'd help but you're just gonna have to let me play a good excuse card for today!" Stolas stated rather cheerfully.

"What's is it this time?" Cosima asked.

"I just received a last minute invitation!" Stolas squealed, holding up a piece of paper.

"Another Shoe of the Month club?" Muse mocked.

"Prince Sky!" We all looked at the paper in his hand, "He invited me to a mixer at some place called the Black Lagoon Cafe tonight!"

"What's a mixer?" Cosima asked.

"Cosima darling, you are too pure. A mixer is a social gathering between boys and girls." Stolas explains.

"Oh I get it, it sounds fun." Cosima smiles.

"Cool!" Florent smiled.

"You go Stolas, whoo!" Muse cheered.

"I've been trying to figure out what to wear but I'm in desperate need of second opinions!" Stolas sighed in desperation.

"Say no more." Blu winked.

⏳Mini TimeSkip⌛️

"You've got a whole other row back there?" Blu gasped, shocked at the sight of another row of clothes behind the primary set of suits.

"This is amazing. You think I can borrow this some time?" Florent interrupted, "I don't know much black, and I-"

"Yeah, hello! Focus, Florent! We are here to help me!" Stolas shouted.

"I'm guessing there's an excellent explanation behind this pattern?" Tech laughed as he pulled out a strange pink and blue looking suit, "Where in the realm did you get that thing, Stolas?"

"I designed it." Stolas said.

"Oh! Well, it's very..."

"Very what?"

"Uh oh!" Muse stifled a laugh as Cosima walked over to a wardrobe and pulled out short sleeves blue button up shirt.

"What about this one?'

"Perfect, thank you darling!" Stolas chimed, giving a small kiss on Cosima cheek and taking the shirt and getting into it.

"STOLAS!!!!" The guys yelled. Cosima turn to the boy confused.

"It's fine guys, Stolas always does this when I help him pick out an outfit." Cosima stated.


"Talk to me about these shoes. Too intense?" Stolas asked, ignoring the guys outburst.

"No, but they're not very practical." Tech answered.

"Muse, be a dear and bring me that green chest." Stolas requested, tying on his shoes.

"Of course, Your Highness!" Muse groaned as he lifted the heavy chest over to Stolas, "What's in there?" Muse exhaled in exhaustion as Stolas opened the chest with his foot.

"Oh, just a few accessories." Stolas exaggerated.

"Just a few?" Florent questioned in disbelief.

"The Ring of Solaria. . . . Hmm. . . . You know what, better not. Cosima, could you keep an eye on this for me?" Stolas requested as he handed over her ring.

"You're not gonna wear it?" Cosima asked.

"Nah, when I have it, I tend to cast love spells before even know the girl! Besides, something tells me I won't be needing any magic tonight!" Stolas chimed as he posed in the mirror.

"I don't understand. Why do you let yourself get so charged up about seeing some girls?" Tech sighed.

"Yo! Does anybody smell that??" Muse panicked as they all sniffed.

"It's the flip-weed!" Tech shouted.

"Quick! Out of the way!" Muse yelled at passing students, running down the hall with the others following.

"Hello! We're not done!" Stolas shouted after the group.

"Good luck tonight!" Cosima wished as she ran to the kitchen. Florent grabbed a fire extinguisher.

"Guess the flip-weed is well done." Blu sighed.

'Well' and 'done' are two words rarely used when you boys are involved." Miss Griselda commented, walking into the burning kitchen, "I can't wait to hear the explanation for this one."

"How's it going, Miss G?" Muse said nervously.

"Aerola!" Griselda casted as the smoke gathered into her palm and disappeared without a trace, "The Mistro tells me you've been palloying enough potatoes-"

"Here! I've got the-WHOA!" Florent interrupted with a trip, making the content inside the fire extinguisher to explode onto Miss Griselda's face. The group laughed at this unfortunate accident.

"Since you're having such a good time in the kitchen, you can spend the rest of the night in here cooking for the WHOLE SCHOOL!" She exaggerated the 'whole school' part as she exited the kitchen.

🔥Next morning... Blu's POV🔥

I was sleeping peacefully with Kiko by my side until.

"STUPID! STUPID! DUMB!! ARGHHH!!!" A screaming voice shattered the morning silence.

"What's going on? Do you hear that?" Florent asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Is that Stolas?" I answered her question with another question.

"He didn't wake us up last night. I wonder how the mixer went?" Florent wondered as I got out of bed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAARGHH!!!!" Stolas screamed.

"It doesn't sound like it went too well. Come on, let's get the scoop." I beckoned as we got out of our bedroom.

"Hey, Blu? Is the good decision potion working?"
Florent asked me.

"I don't know yet. I'll ask Cosima if it's working for her." I said as we meet with the others. A loud *CRASH* resounded in our hallway.

"That sounded expensive!" Muse commented.

"I wonder what happened?" Cosima yawned.

"Stolas, everything alright?" I questioned, banging on his bedroom door.

"I don't think that's a good decision!" Florent whispered as Stolas opened the door.

🌟Cosima's POV🌟

"Mhm, hiya!" Stolas smiled falsely, "Uh, what's up?"

"We were going to ask you that. What are you doing in there? What's with all the noise?" Tech asked. As the others were talking, my necklace began to shine a bright blue light. I tuned out from their conversation and looked at Stolas, narrowing my eyes at him.

'According to my necklace blue means liar, which means that's not Stolas. I better keep an eye on him to find out who he really is.' Stolas caught me staring at him and smiled that same fake smile, 'Something's definitely up...' I thought.

"OH, COME ON! DON'T YOU HAVE YOUR OWN LIVES?! HOW TOTALLY PATHETIC! UGH!" With that outburst, he slammed the door shut.

"I'll show him!" Muse growled, holding up his fist.

"Take it easy, Muse. Let's leave him alone." Blu spoke with a sad expression on his face.

🧚‍♀️Mini timeskip, in Professor Wizgiz's class🧚‍♀️

"You look marvelous! Now, let's get you your normal heads back." He said, analyzing each of our now pumpkin heads, "Focus, and repeat after me:
"Decapadumkin!'" He ordered.

"Decapadumkin!" We repeated. The spell began to take action and returned our faces back to normal well, all except one.

"Wow! That was awesome!" Blu smiled.

"Uh, Professor Wizgiz!! It didn't work! What do I do?! What do I do?!" A girl panicked.

"Don't be alarmed, Miss Speca. All this means is that you're thinking too hard about the pumpkin still." Wizgiz explained.

"I can't help it!! What do I do?! Get my head back!!"
She whined.

"You need a good scare. Let's see. ..." He went
through his pocket and produced a white mouse which roared like a lion, "Here we go!"

"AAAHH!! Get it away!!" She screamed as her head returned to normal.

"We'll find the antidote one day, Grandpa. I promise." Wizgiz spoke to the mouse.

"Thanks, Wizzy." The mouse replied as it ran back into his pocket. The bell rang, indicating the end of class.

"For our first full body transformation tomorrow, we'll keep it simple and easy. You'll be transforming into slugs!" He chimed as we all cringed in disgust.

"Guess Little Mister 'All That' decided not to come to class." Muse sneered.

"Something must be really troubling him. I hope he's okay." Florent stated.

"Who cares? He was beyond rude this morning."
Tech added.

"I know, Tech, but still..." Florent started.

"Something must be up. Let me go check on him real quick." I suggested as I began to walk up the stairs.

"Be careful, Cosima. Something's telling me that your decision has to be handle with care, okay?" Tech warned me as I nodded.

"What about Paladium's class?" Florent asked.

"I'II be right back!"

~Third POV~

Cosima entered their dorm room to see everything out of place and thrown all over the floor.

"Whoa... " She walked further into the room, "Stolas? You in here? We missed you and-" She entered Stolas's room to see it was just as worst as the dorm, "Stolas, where are you?! What's going on?! This isn't funny!" Cosima shouted as she inspected everyone's rooms, seeing everything destroyed, "STOLAS!!" Cosima finally entered Tech and Muse's room and as she walked in, the door shut. Stolas walked into the room with an evil smile.

"Well, welcome to the party, Dear." Stolas spat as he walked closer.

"Huh? Hey, I-I was....Uh....worried about you, Stolas." Cosima stuttered.

"Really? How sweet. Now, I'm looking for something and I need your help." Stolas requested, "What's wrong? Ugh!" Stolas growled.

"Stolas stop, your scaring-"

"Cosima, I am not in the mood!" Stolas picked up a chair and threw it to the side.

"Look, if the mixer didn't go well.... I mean, don't take it out on-"

"I wonder where my magic ring is, Cosima, and you're going to tell me where it is right now!"

"I don't have to tell you, I've got it. You gave it to me last night! You said to keep an eye on it!" Cosima rushed as wind began to blow through Stolas's hair.

"You've got the ring? Well, hand it over, you little brat!" Stolas hissed as a purple orb of dark magic appeared in his hand.

"Stolas, wait!" Cosima pleaded as Stolas threw the orb at her. Cosima barely managed to dodge in time and fell to the floor. The guys began to run into the dorm, "I don't know what has gotten into you, but-" As the guys entered the room, Stolas disappeared through the window.

⏳Tiny, tiny TimeSkip⌛️

"He threw a chair at you?!" Tech yelled in shock.

"No, he threw the chair at the wall." I corrected.

"He also threw a raging witch ball at me. I could sense the negative energy on him." I informed as I brushed my fingers, still shaken of what just happened.

"Oh, well that's better!" Muse spoke sarcastically.

"Why is he being such a fuddy?" Florent questioned.

"There is a technical term for the way he's acting.... Crazy!" Tech motioned his fingers in a crazy way.

"I think there's more to it than that." I said.

"What do you mean?" Blu asked.

"My necklace has the ability to tell when someone's lying. When 'Stolas' came back, my necklace glowed blue meaning liar." I explained.

"Is Stolas in any danger?" Blu worriedly asked.

"Possibly.... but I don't know what kind of danger but, my powers of good judgement are telling me we have to do something." I sensed.

"I don't know why we have to do anything. If he wants to act like a stuck up witch, that's his deal."
Muse snapped.

"But what if he's being forced to act against his will? He could have some sort of spell on him." Florent suggested.

"That's what Cosima's saying! Look, we gotta work together, you know, to solve this mystery!" Blu stated.

"Okay Blu, but how?" Tech asked.

"Well, obviously this has something to do with last night." Florent concurred.

"He was fine before he went out." I added.

"So, what happened?" Tech questioned.

"Why don't we find out from Suspect number 1:
Prince Sky of Eraklyon! Here's the invitation!" Muse smirked.

🌟TimeSkip to Red Fountain...Still Cosima's POV🌟

"First stop, Red Fountain!" Blu announced as the air shuttle landed in the Red Fountain grounds. We met up with Sky and began to talk to him however...

"So, you have no idea what we're talking about?" I repeated with disbelief.

"Not that I wouldn't ask him to hang out, but ever since that little incident with the troll in the swamp, we haven't been allowed to leave campus so... uh...that makes it a little difficult.... Wait, what's that in your hand?" Sky looked at the note in my hand.

"It's the invitation..." Florent answered as I handed Sky the letter.

"Huh? What does it say?" Sky asked.

"Sky has been spending so much time on his royal throne, he never learned how to read!" An arrogant voice spoke, making me turn to the person.

"Laugh away, Riven 'cause no body else is going to!" Blu yelled, making me giggle as Riven's eye twitched. A cute, white dog ran up to Tech and jumped onto him, making me smile.

"Yes, yes! That's a good little cainus carnivorous." Tech panicked, raising his hands up in worry, "Go away!"

"They don't really have animals where you come from, do they, Tech?" Sky laughed until a whistle resounded.

"Here, Lady!" Brandon walked up to us as the dog ran up to him, her tail wagging from side to side in excitement, "Come sit, girl."

"She ignores everyone but Brandon..." Sky said.

"She's so cute." I smiled, making Brandon and Sky blush. Lady noticed me and ran up to me as I knelt down. I giggled as she licked my cheek.

"... And Cosima, it seems." Sky scratched his head.

"Less flirting, more fighting, boys! You're not in honour school, you're in heroics school! Now, get back to your practicing and finish cleaning those stables!" Professor Codatorta yelled.

"You got it, Professor! Right away!" Sky replied.

"That's Codatorta the Terrible. We should probably get going." Brandon whispered with a wink.

"Sorry I couldn't have been more help, you guys."
Sky apologized.

"See you later!" Brandon smiled before they both left.

"Bye, guys!" Florent waved before turning towards us, "What now?"

"This is so weird...." I mumbled as Blu nodded.

"Let's go to Magix." Blu stated.

⏳Another TimeSkip to Magix⌛️

"The invitation said to be at the Black Lagoon cafe."
Blu repeated.

"My search engine doesn't seem to be able to find it." Tech frowned.

"That's okay, we still haven't tried my search engine." Blu spoke.

"You have a search engine, too?" Florent questioned.

"Yeah, and it's really easy to operate. Watch....
Blu smiled as he walked up to a random person, "Sir, have you heard of the Black Lagoon?"

"No, that doesn't ring a bell."

"Ma'am, can I ask you a question?" Florent was up next.

"Excuse me, can I have a moment of your time?" I smiled politely. We spent so much time asking complete strangers if they heard about the Black Lagoon cafe, but oddly, they've never heard of it before. My fears of danger where increasing with every shake of the strangers head. We slumped onto the curb, exhausted from walking around so much.

"My feet are killing me." Florent sighed, stretching his legs.

"I don't understand. How could nobody in Magix have heard of this place?" Blu asked.

"Maybe someone just played a joke on Stello and it put him in a bad mood." Muse suggested.

"Yeah, I think Muse is right. Let's just go back to Alfea." Tech sighed.

"No, we can't. Stolas is my friend. How am I supposed to call myself a fairy if I can even help my best friend" I protested, tears in my eyes.

"Cosima right, we'll take a five minute break and look for the Black Lagoon Cafe again." Blu added.

"Did I hear you cats say you're looking for the Black Lagoon cafe?" A strange man spoke, "Wow, that place is the hippest hip, you get what I'm saying?
It's like totally underground. You cats have got to check it out, though maybe you're not cool enough?"

"What?" Tech said in disbelief.

"No, no!" Florent stammered.

"We're cool! We're super cool!" Blu panicked.

"Yeah, we rock! We were hip when hip wasn't hip, so come on, you gotta tell us where this place is!" Muse begged.

"Hey, I just had to make sure. You know how it is.
You guys are alright. Just shoot down the street there, follow out all the way out of town, cross the river and you're there! It's a little cottage near an orange oak tree." He instructed.

"Really! Thank you so-" Cosima began until she realized that the man disappeared.

"That's weird." Tech mumbled.

"Uh, where did he go?" Florent questioned.

"I have no idea."

"I think that's how hipsters are. They leave without saying goodbye." Blu assumed.

"That doesn't matter now. Let's go!" I shouted as we began to leave the town.


"Awesome! His directions were right!" Blu chimed as we crossed the bridge.

"Potion or no potion, I have a bad feeling about this." Tech admitted.

"Well, there's the orange oak tree." I pointed out, looking at the tree.

"And this must be the Black Lagoon cafe? It's precious, but I-"

"When we get back to Alfea, you should upgrade your search program." Muse suggested to Tech, interrupting Florent.

"My search program works fine. It's this place that isn't right." Tech scoffed.

"I agree with Tech. This place is very, very wrong."
Florent claimed as he approached the tree with me following him.

"What do you mean, Florent?" Blu asked.

"He's right. This tree isn't giving off a life-force.
It's.... " I trailed off, placing my hand on the tree.

"It's what?" Tech questioned.

"It's dead and it's been that way for a very long time." Florent finished.

"You sure about that?" Blu asked until a sudden gust of wind appeared, changing the environment around us.

"There's an illusion spell lifting!" Tech yelled as the wind died down, revealing a gloomy, dark atmosphere lingering around us.

"Well, there's no point turning back at this point." I spoke determinedly as we walked towards the cottage, going inside. We saw a figure run past, going further into the darkness of the cottage.

"Did you guys see that?" Blu yelled.

"For the record, who's idea was it to come inside here again?" Tech asked.

"Do you think we should get out of here?" Florent whispered.

"If Blu and Cosima said it was the right move, then it has to be the right move." Muse mumbled until a creaking sound was made above us.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered.

"Yeah, it came from right up there!" Muse spoke.

"It's about time you guys showed up!" A familiar voice snarled.

"Stolas!" I exclaimed.

"Welcome." Stolas smiled a wicked smile as the door behind us slammed to a shut, locking us inside, "Now if you don't mind, I'm taking my ring back! And while I'm at it..." Stolas began to growl, "...I'm going to teach you little pixies a lesson!"

"What did he call us?!" Muse spat as Stolas back-flipped into the air and began creating a raging witch ball.

"Stolas, your aura is very negative right now." Florent tried to calm him down as Stolas shot the ball.

"Watch out!" I yelled as we all jumped to the side.

Me, Tech and Muse sheltered behind a table as Blu and Florent hid behind a pillar.

"We're trapped here, Florent!" Blu panted.

"Power up, Blu!" Tech shouted.

"They can't, they're pinned down!" Muse said. Me and Tech stood up with determination.

''I'm going in!" I declared, activating my winx.

🌟Cosima, Fairy of The Cosmos🌟

"So am I!" Tech stated as he transformed.

📟Tech, Fairy of Technology📟

"Firewall Shield!"

"Cosmic Shield!" I summoned my shield as I ran towards Blu and Florent, Tech by my side.

"You go, girl!" Muse cheered as I protected Florent and Tech protected Blu.

"It's over, pixies!" Stolas cackled.

"Friend or not, he's gonna get mused!" Muse growled.

"He's gonna get mused? What's that?" Florent questioned.

"Guys, that's not Stolas." I told them.

"You know who calls up pixies." Blu whispered as he stood up, "Are you Icy or Darcy?" He shouted.

"And the slowest horse crosses the finish line."
Stolas laughed as purple puffs of smoke escaped from his witch balls, "Congratulations..." He slowly began to transform into Darcy. "....Here's your prize." Icy and Stormy appeared with wicked smirks on their faces.

"Let's go, guys." Blu yelled as he, Florent and Muse transformed.

🌸Florent, Fairy of Nature🌸

🎶Muse, Fairy of Music🎶

"Wait, wait! Change me back, change me back!"
The hippie pleaded.

"Certainly, Knut!" Darcy grinned as she turned him back to his original form.

"What have you witches done with Stolas?!" I snapped coldly. Icy smirked as she raised her hand, revealing Stolas tied up in magical binds.

"He's right here."

"Stolas!" We exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. The witches tricked me." Stolas frowned.

"Don't worry, Stolas. Just hang in there!" Blu reassured.

"You better let him go or else!" I barked with anger.

"We will, Cosima. Just as soon as you gives us the ring of Solaria and you better hurry up because that mortal coil up there will keep squeezing him tighter and tighter until he goes pop!" Icy grinned.

"Just like a big, fat zit!" Darcy added.

"He's gonna be splattered all over the wall!" Stormy sneered.

"Time's running out so what's it gonna be, Cosima? Stolas, or the ring?" Icy laughed with her 'sisters' as I began to think.

"Cosima, don't give it to them!" Stolas shouted.

"I say we fight them!" Florent stated.

"That's right! It's five against three, let's take them down!" Tech agreed as he summoned his shield.

"We're gonna make you three wish you were never heard of Alfea!" Muse threatened with a finger pointing at them.

"Yeah, you tell her Muse!" Florent smiled.

"Bring it on!" Stormy and Darcy taunted as I snapped.

"Everybody stop!" I shouted.

I glanced at the Stolas who is now gasping for air, "You only want the ring for power right? Well how about a new trade?" I asked.

"Oh, and what do you have in mind?" Icy grins.

I took in a deep breath knowing the risk I was taking, "In exchange for Stolas's life I'll give you this." I held my necklace up for the witches to see, "The Amulet of Aralia."

Everyone, except me, gasped at my offer, "Cosima are you crazy! Your giving them the most power artifact in the whole magic dimension." Tech yelled.

"What choice do I have? We can't put Stolas in any more danger." I stated, tears threatening to come out, as I began to walk towards the witches.

"You guys win this time." I said as I handed over my necklace.

"Good decision. I knew we could count on the soft-heart of a fairy." Icy sneered as she snapped her fingers, releasing Stolas.

"Stolas!" I shouted. Icy held the Amulet of Alralia in the air, admiring it with a smirk.

"We did it, girls!" They cackled as they disappeared. I approached Stolas and gave him a comforting hug.


"That was very brave of you, Cosima...." Muse smiled.

"Yeah, seriously. I wish I had some of that potion last night." Stolas claimed.

"Then you might have known not to go out?" Tech asked.

"Hey, you know what? Last night, I almost forgot to mix in the mandrak beet. Who knows what would've happened?" Blu remembered.

"No, wait! You're supposed to mix in a mandrak root, not a beet!" Tech corrected.

"Wait....If they got the potion wrong, you know what this means?" Florent realized.

"Yeah, I sure do, Florent!" Blu grinned, "This totally rules!" Bloom giggled.

Muse turn to me worried, "Cosima, you okay? You been pretty quiet this whole time." He asked with concern. All of the guys stop to look at me.

I didn't stop to say anything, I just kept on walking. I was so mad at Stello but also at myself.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Blu questioned.

Florent, Muse, and Tech shrugged their shoulders. But Stolas felt guilty.

🧚‍♀️☀️NightTime at Alfea... Stello POV☀️🧚‍♀️

I getting ready for bed when I hear a knock on my door, "Come in." As the door open I saw Cosmic in her nightgown. What caught me attention the most was her swollen eyes.

I froze, "Cosima why are you still-" Before I could finish my question, she gave me a tight hug. I felt her small arms around my waist.

"U-uh, Cosima d-darling, what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Tonight." Cosima said.


"Could I sleep with you tonight. Just to know that it really you." She said, burying her face into my chest.

My blush deepened, she only gets like this when something really frightens her.

"Okay." I answered.

That night me and Cosima slept in each others embrace.

To be continued

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