They don't know about us ~ Jo...

By nellynorris

119K 1.5K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... More



1.3K 27 41
By nellynorris

"Someone is effortlessly the most chill, laidback, calm, collected and purely an Aclass MAN." Max reads the comment. "So obviously Max is out." Holly shrugs. "I feel like it's Chip." Rachel points to the man. "But I also thought it could be Ilyas," Chip says. "Same, but then he isn't really purely an Aclass man, is he," Holly says. "So yeah I'd have to say, Chip," Holly concludes.

"But I feel like Billy is more calm." Destini expresses her opinion while everyone says, Chip.  "To be fair though, I think it's between Chip and Ily." Grace agrees with the others. "You gotta look at the name of the account Isha Chettri. That's Chip, that's Chippoinions." Billy laughs. "That was a good one." Holly nods, pointing at the twenty-year-old.

"So we all collectively think it's Chip, locked in," Rachel says once everyone reaches a verdict. "It has to be Chip man." Billy shrugs before the lights turn green. "I knew it." Holly smiles, clapping her hands. "We got an A-Plus." Billy nods. "Thank you, Aisha, Isha. Is it Isha?" Chip wonders. "Yes, it's Isha," Holly tells him.

"Ooo," Billy says when a new message pops up on the screen. "It's not Grace." Chip makes everyone laugh before Holly even had the chance to read the comment. "Blank is honestly beautiful, even without make-up." Holly reads, squinting her eyes so she can see better. "I think it's Kate," Destini says, as Chip and Grace hug. "Yeah, I think it's Kate." Max agrees. "It's a short name." Billy points out.

"Yeah, it's, Kate." Rachel and everyone nods. "It could be any other girl." Chip shrugs making everyone laugh. "Especially my sexy girlfriend, who never really wears makeup." He adds, slowly leaning back and pretending to yawn as he puts his arm around the girl next to him. "Now that's mega rizz." Ilyas laughs watching Holly cover her face as she blushes. "Go on Kate. You lock it in." Destini tells the blonde.

"It's Kate, locked in." The blonde laughs. "Oh my god, get a grip." Chip sarcastically says. "Main character syndrome." Ilyas shakes his head. "That statement is the truest thing ever." Holly nods when the light turn green and the housemates cheer when Kate's name is revealed. "Aww, thanks Holl's." The blonde smiles. "Someone, is the realistic one, six laughing crying faces, I absolutely love her," Holly whispers to herself.

"Grace or Holly," Kate says. "Yeah one of them." Billy nods making the two girls turn to each other. "Both of you are so straightforward." Chip looks between his girlfriend and the tiktoker. "I think it's Grace," Holly says. "Why?" The Keeling girl looks at the brunette. "Well, I haven't actually said that many bad things since we've been in here." Holly shrugs making everyone laugh. "What." She throws her arms in the air.

"You've said plenty of bad things," Max tells her. "Have I?" Holly questions. "You having no clue how much shit you've said these two weeks baffles me." Chip shakes his head. "I still think it's Grace." Holly stands by her answer. "Okay, I guess we're going with Grace," Chip tells the housemates. "We all think it's Grace, locked in," Max says after a little bit of conversation.

"Oh, I guess I was wrong." Holly itches her head when Rachel's name pops up and the light goes red. "There's a first for everything." Grace pats Holly's shoulder. "It's not my first, I was wrong about my ex, so." The twenty-seven-year-old sasses. "You go girl." Ilyas clicks his fingers after everyone's confusion goes. "Aww." Rachel smiles, making a heart with her hands. "Your teeth are perfect," Holly says.

"Thank you, turkey teeth." The woman winks. "Ahh, I get you." Holly points at her. "Oi, Grace how do you feel it wasn't you," Billy asks the girl. "Livid." Grace jokes, pushing her hair behind her ear. "Max, we already know it's Mr Khadar." Holly laughs when a comment about someone getting dropped pops up on the screen. "Ahh, they put it in," Destini screams, jumping onto Chip.

"You gonna allow that?" Grace whispers when Holly's mouth drops. "Fuck no." The woman scoffs, shoving the girl away and making her fall to the floor. "What the fuck." Destini says, standing up. "Did you fall, are you okay?" Holly pretends to be sympathetic. "Fuck you," Destini whispers, sitting back down. "Next time don't throw yourself on someone when their girlfriend is sitting right next to them." Holly shakes her head.

"Yeah, sorry." Destini looks down at the floor. "Yeah, you should be." Holly glares at her. "I'm so confused right now," Max says. "They put the clip off Destini dropping you in." Kate laughs, putting her arms around the nineteen-year-old, lifting the tension in the room. "They've put it in!" Max shouts, looking at everyone as they begin to laugh. "That's going to make me look like such a bad person." Destini puts her hands on her head.

"You are," Holly whispers so no one hears her. "It's Max, on a gang ting," Billy shouts, making the light turn green and making everyone cheer and clap their hands. "That's quite embarrassing, Maxy." Holly laughs. "No, Holly. I know." The boy shakes his head. "Poor, Maxy." Holly sighs, leaning back on the sofa.

"Do we get to see it, just the clip?" Grace asks Sugarlips, as she, Holly and Chip sit in the storeroom.

"Not until you leave the locked-in house."

"Rude." Holly shakes her head as the other two huffs.

"Damn man." Chip sighs.

"We could have all had a bonding moment over that," Grace says.

"Yeah, we really could." Chip agrees while his girlfriend nods.

"That'd be good content too." Grace smiles, slightly looking at the camera.

"It's a good idea, I'll think about it."

"She won't think about it." Holly shakes her head.

"Always says I'll think about it." Chip mentions.

"She never does." Grace laughs.

"At all," Holly adds, spinning around behind the chair.

"Bastard." Grace adds.

"She does so much thinking. But you don't take action, love." Chip glares at the camera.

"Oh my, it's Filly." Holly smiles when one of his comments pops up. "That's Max, Grace and Holly," Billy says reading the comment. "What does it say?" Holly whispers to Chip. "love this show! The whole cast is sick! Blank, blank and blank my faves tho!" The man reads. "Thank you, babe." Holly pats his shoulder. "Nah, Ilyas is in there somewhere." Holly looks towards Billy.

"Housemates, there are four people involved in this one."

"Ilyas, Holly, Max and Grace," Billy says. "Holly, Ilyas, Max and Chip," Grace says at the same time. "No." Billy points at the girl making Holly laugh. "Calm down." The brunette smiles. "It's Ilyas, Holly, Grace and Max." Billy points at each person as he says their names. "I feel like Destini might be in there." Ilyas smiles at the girl. "I'm not in there." The girl replies. "Holly, Grace, Ilyas and Max, locked in." Chip claps his hands together.

"I love you Filly!" Holly shouts, blowing a kiss to the camera when the housemates get the tweet right. "Let's go Filly." Ilyas nods. "I knew one hundred percent that Ilyas was in there," Holly says. "Yeah, and you. He's admitted to you being the best side sister." Ilyas laughs. "Too bad for the other five." Holly smiles. "Summer, Scarlett, Danielle, El and Amara you are all amazing women as well." Chip holds his thumbs up to the camera.

"I don't think I can pop to the shops for a pint of milk anymore. I'll be brutally honest with you now." Grace nods making Chip and Holly laugh.

"You are on a very high horse at the moment Grace." Holly shakes her head.

"I have gotten way too big for my boots after that. Let me rightly say." Grace says.

"Yeah, your pussy was dripping," Chip tells the camera.

"Drip... erm." Grace stops herself from speaking after registering what the man had said.

"What the fuck." Holly laughs along with the two, laughing more when Chip slaps his leg Because he thinks he's funny.

"No, it wasn't." Chip shakes his head, stopping his laughter.

"No." Grace stops laughing as well.

"Am I supposed to stop laughing as well?" Holly points to herself after the two turns to look at her. "Okay." Holly takes their silence as her answer and stops laughing.

"Boyfriend back at home." Chip looks back at the camera.

"Thank you." Grace nods.

"She's been on her best behaviour." Chip laughs.

"Not with me, though. That's off-camera." Holly winks, leaning down to Grace.

"Hell yes, it is." Grace nods, turning to kiss the brunette on the cheek.

"No, none of that!" Chip shouts, standing up to wrap his arm around Holly and move her away.

"Uh, don't take my girlfriend away." Grace stands up.

"I think it's you," Max says to Ilyas before Holly could even read the comment. "How are you reading these so quickly?" Holly shakes her head. "Get glasses," Rachel says. "I already have some, but there at home." Holly sighs. "Why didn't you bring them?" The other twenty-seven-year-old asks Holly. "I never wear them out of the house. And before you ask, don't. It's best if you don't know." The brunette smiles.

"It's me or you," Ilyas tells Max the nineteen-year-old agreeing. "It's Max, it's Max," Rachel repeated. "I don't think it is, the gap is a bit too long for it to be Max." Holly shakes her head. "I'll be surprised if that is me." Ilyas shrugs, making Holly laugh. "What?" The man turns to her. "Illy, you have no rizz. It's definitely you on there." The girl smiles. Ilyas just shakes his head and sticks his middle finger up at Holly.

"It's Max," Grace says. "What if it was Harry," Billy says. "He was just cringe overall, bless him." Holly laughs. "Max," Kate says. "Okay, let's go with Max," Ilyas tells the housemates. "Okay, but it's you." Holly points to the man. "It's Max locked in," Rachel says. "That's longer than Max though," Billy says. "I think it's Ilyas." Max sighs. "Told you, got shitty rizz and everyone can see it." Holly laughs.

"I thought I had game." Ilyas sighs. "Damn, Ilyas. You just keep getting roasted today." Grace tells him. "I can't lie; I love the whole show, Walahi. The only thing that's getting me a bit hurt is the dropping." Max explains, wiping his head. "That was bad." Holly laughs before the comment changes.

"First Impressions on footasylum locked-in season three blank is the most entertaining, blank is the best girl so far. Don't like Blank she's trying too hard to be funny and Blank is doing way too much it's embarrassing." Holly reads. "Can we put the same name on the last two?" Holly wonders. "Probably not," Grace tells her. "Shit, Destini's name would look really good in them spaces." The woman sighs. "Max is the most entertaining," Rachel says.

"That's a long girl's name." Grace points out. "Dunno it'd have to be Rachel because it's definitely not Destini." Holly laughs to herself. "Oh my god, guys. I've been trying too hard to be funny that's my one." Grace tells everyone. "Good shout, even though you are funny." The Lewis girl points to the blonde. "That's Twitter." Max points out. "That's nice." Holly nods. "Guys, I'm the first one," Grace says.

"There are four guys," Chip says. "Max Is the most entertaining," Ilyas says making everyone agree. "Is she asleep?" Grace looks down at Holly. "No, I just can't be arsed." The girl shrugs, leaning on Chip. "It's Destini or Rachel for the second one," Chip says after a little bit of conversation. "Yeah." Rachel nods. "Woah, I just got dejé-vu." Chip sits up slightly.

"That's me, that's my one a hundred percent." Grace nods when the third one comes on. "So Max, Destini, Grace and Ilyas," Billy says. "Yep." Chip nods agreeing with Billy's order. "Okay." Everyone else nods. "Locked in." Billy leans back. "You lot got one right." Holly laughs, opening her eyes after hearing the sound of the wrong answer. "

"It's actually nice to see Grace get a bit of hate for once." Chip laughs, sitting in the storeroom.

"Yeah, it was humbling." Grace agrees.

"Yeah." Chip nods.

"Really humbling." Grace repeats.

"She got a lot of love." Chip looks back at the girl but his attention turns to his girlfriend when he sees her spinning around.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Chip asks her.

"Spinning." Holly smiles.

"What did they say to you?" Chip asks Grace.

"That I was trying too hard to be funny. Valid, but." Grace shrugs.

"Nah, I completely disagree." Chip's smile fades as he stares at the camera. Holly stops spinning looking at Grace before they both stare at the camera as well with straight faces.

"Chip," Grace says straight away. "He's having the time of his life with me, thank you." Holly jokes. "I can confirm I am." The curly-haired man nods. "Is that a TikTok comment?" Kate laughs. "I think it is, Kate," Holly tells the blonde gaining a nod from the girl. "It's two names," Ilyas says. "No, it's only one name," Chip tells him. "Is it a good or bad way?" Ilyas asks.

"Harry, is it Harry?" Billy points out. "Harry, yeah." Rachel nods. "I don't think it is." Holly shakes her head. "Imagine if it's me?" Billy laughs. "Is it a good or bad way?" Ilyas asks again. "It's struggling," Holly tells him. "Harry locked in," Max says. "Chip?" Everyone says in disbelief. "Are you having a hard time?" Billy asks the man. "It's the tears." Grace mentions.

"People have been searching my man's name." Holly smiles, seeing the magnifying glass above Chip's name. "It was probably when you stayed with Holly sometimes in the room and you speak to nobody but her," Rachel says. "Maybe. But I'm having a good time, minus the zero sex I've had since I and Holly have been in here." He shrugs, making everyone laugh. "True." Holly agrees with him.

"Screaming in every challenge is hilarious." Billy reads. "Max," Destini says. "That's Grace." Kate nods. "What is it, Rachel?" Billy says. "I don't scream." Rachel defends herself. "No, Grace screams." Kate points out. "I think it's Bill. He screamed so much on the dog and animal one." Holly tells everyone. "Grace screams a lot," Kate says. "But so does Billy." Holly looks at her.

"It could be me, though." Billy agrees with the twenty-seven-year-old.  "I don't know, it could be between me and Bill," Grace says. "I think it's one of the girls." Chip leans back, holding Holly close to him. "Ahh, it could be Billy." Chip nods hearing his girlfriend say the boy's name. "Billy locked in," Rachel says after everyone talks about Billy with the dog challenge.

"Yes, I knew it was him, he screams like a girl." Holly laughs. "Shush." Billy holds his finger up to her. "That's Max," Billy says. "That's Max, straight away." Grace agrees after reading the comment. "Harry was doing the Naruto run." Ilyas points out. "What's that?" Holly asks raring the screen. "It's this, Holl's," Kate says, leaning forward and putting her hands up behind her back. "Oh yeah, that's definitely Max." Holly nods.

"They're saying you're a nerd." Chip laughs at the nineteen-year-old. "I mean, have you seen him?" Holly points to him. "Fuck off." Max holds his finger up making the brunette laugh. "Max locked in," Destini says. "I don't know if that comment is backhanded or nice?" Max shrugs when the lights turn green. "Sharky! Oh my god, I miss you. And Mel, she wrote any more songs about you?" Holly smiles at the camera after looking at the man's comment.

"Max," Billy says. "No, the gaps to short," Max tells him. "Grace," Destini tells the housemates. "I think Holly might be in there, I can't lie," Ilyas says. "Grace and Max?" Chip itches his chin. "Probably Holly." Ilyas sighs. "No, it's only one person." Chip shakes his head.

"There are two people involved in this comment."

"Max and Holly." Ilyas looks at the housemates. "Yeah, Max and Holly." Chip nods. "Okay, Max and Holly, locked in." Look at Max smiling." Destini laughs. "Yeah, he knows," Chip says. "His head getting bigger." Ilyas puts his hands around Max's head and moves them away. "Max and Holly locked in," Ilyas says before the lights turn green. "LOL I'm not even gonna lie, Holly and Max are the greatest housemates in Locked In history." Holly reads out.

"Dunno how Mel is going to feel about that one Sharks." The brunette laughs. "She's not going to like it, one bit." Grace nods along with the woman. "Me and Holly are just elite." Max stands up. "How?" Billy asks. "We have been mentioned in so many comments." Holly smiles at him. "Ooo, there's one more." Grace gasps when the screen changes.

"I live for the blank and blank moments. They're so cute." Grace reads. "Chip and Holly!" Everyone shouts. "What if it's someone else?" Holly points out. "What, so you don't think we're cute?" Chip turns to her. "I didn't say that." The brunette scoffs. "You interpreted it." Chip shrugs. "Shut the fuck up." Holly pushes him away but he grabs her hand and pulls her into his side.

"See, cute." Rachel points to the two as they hug each other. "So we're going with Chip and Holl's?" Ilyas double-checks. "Yeah." Everyone nods. "Okay, Holly and Chippo, locked in." Ilyas looks towards the screen to see the answer. "Yes!" Everyone cheers when the answer's revealed to be correct. "You two are cute." Kate nods. "Cutest couple ever," Ilyas says in a high-pitched voice. "Shut up." Holly laughs.

"I think we did really good with that," Chip says when the screen goes back to normal. "Good work everyone." Holly claps as she stands up. "We only got like two wrong." The oldest man says. "Yeah, I need a piss." Holly yawns, walking out of the room. "Holly, you don't need to announce it every time." Billy laughs. "What, I do it at home, there's not gonna be a difference now I'm here." She shrugs. "She does." Chip nods as everyone looks towards him.

"Harry would love this," Destini says as everyone sits around the kitchen table and watches Grace, Billy and Ilyas try and do an experiment. "Harry would get so horny over this." Billy nods making Holly laugh. "Honestly, he'd orgasm just over the fizz." Holly agrees. "No don't, we're putting in loads at a time," Grace tells Ilyas as he throws a couple of mints in the coke. "Go, shove it in, shove it in," Grace tells Billy as both of them put the mints in.

"You love saying that, don't you Grace." Holly laughs at what Grace said. "Hell yeah." The girl nods. "Saucy." The Lewis girl winks at the tiktoker. "What does that shitty thing want now." Holly groans as the notification sound goes off. "Oh my golly gosh!" Ilyas shouts, standing up. "Go to the challenge area," Billy tells everyone after reading the screen. "I don't want to go." Holly sighs.

"Come on." Chip grabs the girl's hand and pulls her up. "Piggyback," Holly tells her boyfriend spinning him around so she's behind him. "Go on Chip, bend down." Grace laughs. "Go away." He shakes his head smiling. "Jump up," Chip tells Holly. "Yay." The brunette claps before jumping on his back.

"What if I'm getting evicted?" Max stresses. "Thank god." Grace jokes, making everyone laugh. "The room is empty." Billy points out walking into the challenge area. "That's not good." Ilyas sighs. "I'm getting evicted, I honest to god," Ilyas tells Chip and Holly as he sits next to them. "No, you won't be, stop being hard on yourself." Holly pats his head. "This is an eviction," Chip says.

"What does this mean?" Destini wonders. "I swear to god, no joke.  I genuinely think I'm going to get evicted." Max tells everyone. "Nah I think we're watching the highlights of the season, or something." Billy guesses. "Ahh, you getting dropped." Grace hits Max's arm. "I would love that." Destini nods. "Please that would be so good." Kate agrees.

"There's an eviction." Holly sighs when everyone starts talking after the lights go red. "Yeah, I think I'm getting evicted." Max nods. "Not the red, not the red." Chip shakes his head. "Shit." Holly sighs when she sees Kate's name at the bottom of the public vote. "It's a public vote, I thought it was the leaderboard." Grace gasps. "Wait..." Kate says seeing her name last.

"Housemates the public have been voting, the names In red received the fewest votes from the public. Destini, Rachel and Kate, you are at risk of eviction."

"Tonight." Kate sighs. "The last night." Billy gasps. "Well, see you later one of you." Holly smiles. "I refuse to vote." Billy shakes his head. "On the last night, are you joking?" Kate covers her face. "You can't do that." Grace scoffs. "Guys, we should just I don't know," Billy says.

"Destini, Rachel and Kate, please step forward."

"That's actually mad." Grace sighs. "On the last night," Kate complains. "Okay, it's the last night we get it. Whoever goes home you had a good run of things, it's whatever." Holly shrugs. "Okay miss the top of every leaderboard," Ilyas says. "Just get to my level." The brunette shrugs.

"Housemates you must now vote for who you want to leave the locked-in house. Please state who you are voting for and your reason why."

"Okay, I'm gonna go with." Holly starts straight after Sugarlips' speech. "What the fuck?" Grace looks at the woman. "Might as well get it over and done with." Holly shrugs. "Yeah, fair point." Grace nods. "Destini you need to get gone, you're so fucking jarring and I don't like you so," Holly explains. "That was harsh," Ilyas tells the brunette. "Maybe, but I'm tired and not in the mood so, I don't give to, so." Holly scoffs.

"I wanna say, Kate, you are a lovely person, you are very generous, very amazing. Destini, you're an amazing human being, even though we have our ups and downs. I built a connection with you, and I love you and you're genuine. Rachel, you've been a pleasure, I love everything you've done for me. You've helped me out a lot, but I can't lie. Rachel, you've gotta charge it, and in a bit, you joke man." Max explains.

"Max, be nice," Holly tells him. "You weren't." He points at her. "Yeah but that was with Destini, it's different." Holly shrugs. "Locked in Rachel, on a gang ting." Max nods. "If she doesn't get evicted you're gonna be in fucking trouble." Grace laughs. "I'll keep you in, Rachel. Just for that." Chip tells the woman. "I don't know who I'm going to vote out because I've become friends with all three of you. It's very difficult, but I'm gonna do with the person I've spoken to the least this whole two weeks." Ilyas explains.

"And. I'm sorry Kate Elisabeth the fifteenth. I'm gonna have to vote for you. I apologise." Ilyas looks at the blonde. "It's okay." Kate gives him a little nod. "I didn't want to vote for anyone but." Ilyas smiles sadly. "It's understandable." The blonde tells him. "Fix up man." Ilyas pats Max's shoulder. "It's the last night man," Billy adds. "Yeah, it's the last night." Chip nods.

"Damn, look at all three of you up there," Chip says when it's his turn to choose. "It's tough, Destini, you look great. You also look great, Kate. You all look so great, not greater than my girlfriend, but great nonetheless. I do need some time to think. I am going to vote. I'm gonna do the exact the same as Ilyas and I'm gonna vote for the person I have spoken to the least, which is Kate." Chip tells the housemates his answer.

"Even though I feel like the last two days we've spoken a bit more. So I'm sad and I wish it didn't come to this, but, my vote goes to Kate. Kate if you stay, just know I love you, okay." Chip sighs. "Man's panicking already." Max laughs. "Oh my days, oh my days. I was hoping she was not gonna say that." Billy shakes his head. "Bro I've got no clue who I'm voting for, I'll be honest." The twenty-year-old sighs.

"My mind is blank. I'm trying to think who I've spoken to the least, but I feel like it's equal. I'll be honest yeah, there's no one that I want to leave. What are you doing bro." Billy asks Max as he starts to laugh. "I don't know what to do." Billy shakes his head. "Charge it," Chip tells him. "I would have to vote for, Kate." Billy sighs. "Are you joking?" Grace stares at the boy. "Bro, what am I supposed to do." Billy turns to the girl.

"What the fuck, we could have done that tactically," Grace tells him. "Who else am I supposed to vote for?" He asks. "I can't lie you're a snake you know." Max scoffs. "Shut up." Holly pushes his shoulder. "What?" Billy asks as everyone looks at him. "Now I wanna take it back." He adds. "Nah you can't take it back, it's locked in." Max shakes his head. "Joke man, no gyal will chat to you; you know," Max tells him.

"Max, stop." Holly laughs. "It's the last night." Billy glares at Max. "It's the last night, let's show some remorse." Chip pats Max's shoulder. "Okay, I will show some remorse." The nineteen-year-old nods. "Is that the right word?" Chip looks to his girlfriend. "Yes, that is the right word you used, babe." Holly nods.

"Kate, you are now evicted from the locked-in house. You have ten minutes to pack your things and.m say your goodbyes."

"Kate, it was fun having you." Holly smiles at the blonde as everyone hugs her. "Sorry, Kate." Chip apologises to the blonde. "If you would have voted for Destini, I could have done Rachel so they all had two," Grace explains to Billy as they walk over to the group hug. "Not on the final night, surely not." Kate jokes. "Kate, we're going to drink your alcohol. I hope you don't mind." Chip tells the blonde.

"I won't be, my sober streak is staying thank you." Holly shakes her head. "Minus Holly then." Chip laughs. "It's alright," Kate tells him. "I'm gonna kiss you, girl." Holly throws her arm around Kate after she hugged the other housemates. "Well, this is it," Kate says as she stands in front of everyone. "Time to say goodbye though, so." Kate laughs. "What the hell. I didn't even get to celebrate the last night with you guys." The blonde complained.

"I made it, this is it." Kate walks out of the bedroom. "I have to leave." Kate sighs watching Grace and Holly be the first to stand up and walk closer to her. "Grace is going to cry." Holly laughs as the two hug her. "Shut up." Grace smiles. "It's so sad." Grace shakes her head. "I know." Kate nods. "But it's okay." The blonde adds "You're going to see how many followers we all have before we do." Grace points out as she walks away with Holly.

"You can see Max getting dropped again," Holly tells her. "Yes, I'll put it on repeat." Kate laughs. "Do you have everything?" Holly asks her. "Have you got your trainers?" Rachel asks as they begin to walk out of the room. "Err, no I don't care." Kate shakes her head. "That's mine, I don't think so." Chip quickly takes his jacket before Holly can get hold of it. "But I'm cold." She turns to him. "So am I." He smiles, putting it on.

"Yeah, okay then. Just let me freeze to death. What a wonderful boyfriend you are." Holly scoffs. "Come here, you won't be warm, and I will not be holly-less, ever." Chip shakes his head, opening his jacket and wrapping it around the woman. "This is nice, not cold anymore." She nods, as they both walk behind the group. "Group hug everyone," Grace says as everyone reaches the door.

"Everyone, bring it in." Kate holds her arms open. "I love you guys so much. I feel like I've made friends for life in here. It's been a movie." Kate smiles, as everyone makes a circle. "We'll see you on that group chat Kate," Chip tells her. "You will." She nods. "Good luck for tomorrow as well, whoever wins the ten k, bless up." Kate stares at Holly. "Love you." Holly winks.

"I just want to end this with, roses are red, violets are blue, Kate Elisabeth the Queen. We all love you." Max says a little poem, making the housemates aww. "That was a nice one." Grace nods. "Just wait until the door is shut." Holly laughs. "I love you guys so much, thank you." The blonde says hugging everyone for a final time.

"Kate you must now leave the locked-in house."

"Yeah, I'm going. I'll see you all soon." She smiles blowing a kiss to the housemates. "Bye Kate." Holly waves. "See you on the other side suckers." She salutes before walking out of the house. "Alright thank god," Max says as he shuts the door. "I told you." Holly laughs. "I knew it." Chip shakes his head, looking into the camera lens.

Holly's POV:

"What's wrong with you?" Josh asks me as he walks outside. "Nothing," I grumble. "Somethings wrong." He stands in front of me making me look up at him. "Is it the fact that Destini threw herself on me earlier?" He asks, making me look down at my nails. "It is. What can I say, I'm a good-looking guy." He says a few octaves louder. "That you are." I smile, leaning back on the sofa.

"There's that smile. So what you jealous?" He crouches in front of me taking my hands in his to stop me from picking my nails. "If you are I can just throw myself at you because you are the only girl I want and need." He shrugs. "Go away." I laugh. "Okay." He stands up and begins to walk away. "No, don't be stupid. Obviously, I don't want you to go." I grab his hand and pull him on top of me.

"What else is wrong apart from you having a massive jealousy problem?" He smiles widely as he wraps his arms around me. "Oh my... I have not got a jealousy problem, Josh." I groan. "Okay, whatever you say." He lets out a little laugh. "It's not funny." I shake my head. "What's wrong though?" He asks seriously. "I know we only have like tonight left but I guess I've just been missing everyone at home. Especially Bog and Ginny." I sigh, looking in the window and watching everyone in the kitchen drinking.

"Hey, don't cry," Josh says. "I'm not crying." I shake my head. "You are." He sighs, sitting up a bit, wiping a tear from my face. "Oh, I didn't realise." I smile sadly. "You on your period?" He randomly asks me after a minute of silence. "No." I laugh. "You should be." I hear him mumble to himself. "Then why are you so upset?" He asks after I ignore his mumble. "I don't know. I mean I do but I don't, if you understand?" I huff.

"Love, I've been with you for nearly six years. I know what you mean." He laughs. "That's a long time." I change the subject. I'm sure Josh knew what I was doing but he didn't mention it, not yet at least. "I know, best years of my life." Josh smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist again. "Same." I kiss his head.

Chip's POV:

"Why are you upset?" I ask Holly as my face is on her stomach, staring into the garden. "Answer me, love." I sigh. I slightly look up when I hear a snore. "Of course your asleep." I shake my head standing up. "Where are you going?" Holly yawns, slightly opening her eyes. "Nowhere, I'm taking you to bed," I tell her. "That's nice." She whispers before falling asleep again. "Oh my." I stretch before bending down and picking my girlfriend up.

"Chip come and party!" Grace shouts, watching me walk into the house. "I'm good, I've partied enough for tonight." I smile at her walking into the bedroom. "Josh, I'm cold." I hear Holly mumble into my chest. "I'll get you a jumper," I whisper as I put her on the bed. "Fuck." I groan as I hit my head on the bed frame getting a jumper. "Are you okay?" Holly asks. "Yeah, perfectly fine. Put this on and let's go to sleep." I yawn handing her the jumper.

"That's better, I'm all warm now." She smiles. "Yeah, that's good." I nod as I climb under the duvet. "I love you," Holly tells me before she falls asleep. "I Love you." I kiss her head, slowly falling asleep.

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