SPRK Volume 1(RWBY OC Fanfic)

By 4ho3nixFl4me

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Just an RWBY OC story I've been working on ---- Four friends, with the dream of becoming professional huntsma... More

Introduction+SPRK Intro
Chapter 1:SPRK
Chapter 2: Old Faces, New Surprises(Part 1)
Chapter 2:Old Faces New Surprises(Part 2)
Chapter 2:Old Faces New Surprises(Part 3)
Chapter 3: Nighttime Initiation
Chapter 4: Spark of A New Generation
Chapter 5: New Vibes
Chapter 6: Strong as Steel
Chapter 7: Understandings
Chapter 8: Fun Day(Part 1)
Chapter 8: Fun Day(Part 2)
Chapter 9: Bullies. Ugh, Who Likes Them
Chapter 10: Truths Can't Be Handled
Chapter 11: SPRK Vs. CRDL
Chapter 12: Discoveries, Old and New
Chapter 14: A Roman Reunion
Chapter 15: Ready, Aim
Chapter 16: Fire
Chapter 17: Intervention(Small Lemon)
Credits(And Epilogue)

Chapter 13: Truths

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By 4ho3nixFl4me

We see our heroes, once again, walking through the streets of Vale. Looking for Blake and Percy. It's been a couple of days since they've last seen them.

Ruby: "They've been gone all weekend."

Kai: "Yeah, it's worrying me too."

Weiss: "Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself. And Percy is also an exception, so I'm sure they're fine."

Yang: "Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates. And Percy isn't one to leave a friend behind."

Weiss: "Is she? We all heard what she said."

Kai: "Weiss."

Ranger: "Maybe she is, maybe she isnt. Either way, they're both missing and we need to find them."

Seth: "Yeah, lord knows what happens when Percy is with out us."

Weiss: "A member of the White Fang. Right underneath out noses! And a follower, I was wrong for trusting them. I knew that fish boy was a slippery one."

Kai: "Weiss!"

They all the turned to look at Kai, who had a mad look on his face.

Kai: "Can I talk to you, alone?!"

They both then walked about fifteen feet away from the rest of the group. Weiss then looked at Kai with her arms crossed.

Weiss: "What is the meaning of this?"

Kai: "I should be asking you that. Why do you still talk about Percy and Blake? You speak as if they've done something wrong."

Weiss: "You know what she said right? It only proved that I was right! And Percy, it only proves my point just a much!"

Kai then slammed his fist against a building wall, leaving a dent in the cement and a bit of blood coming out of his hand. Weiss took a step back after seeing what Kai did.

Kai: "Do you wanna know why, Percy is used to all the insults, you or anyone else through at him? It's because he has dealt with it, all his life. Discrimination, harm to him because of his traits, all of it. It's because 'we' never gave him reassurance to be a person, just like the rest of us..."

He then starts to tear up.

Kai: "And I'll be damned if you, or anyone else, make him experience that pain again. Blake too."

He then walks off back to the others. Weiss grabbed his arm.

Weiss: "Kai, wait."

Kai: "Now I kinda regret giving you that pendant."

He then storms off ahead of the group, rubbing his injured hand. They all see Weiss approach them, then look back at Kai.

Ruby: "He must really care for him, huh?"

Seth: "You have no idea how much. He's basically Percy's brother."

Yang: "But, isn't it like that with you four?"

Ranger: "Yeah, but Percy and Kai trust each other the most."

Seth: "I guess we should split up then. We'll regroup around the end of the day."

Ruby: "Ok. See you guys then. We'll let you know if we find something."

Seth: "Ok, same here."

The boys then followed their red haired friend to wherever it is their going.


Cut to a café rooftop in the city, we see Percy, Blake, and Sun sipping on tea cups.

Blake: "So, you two wanna know more about me."

Sun: "Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days, and you've given us nothing but small talk and weird looks. Is she always like this?"

Percy: "No, usually she'd read. So, this seems different."

She then glared at both Faunus boys.

Sun: "See? Like that."

Blake: "I'm starting to regret deciding to talk about my past."

Percy: "Sorry, Blake. Please continue."

Blake: "Percy. I already know you know about this. But Sun, are you familiar with the White Fang?"

Sun: "Of course. I don't think there is a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me."

Percy: "Well, that's putting it mildly."

Blake: " I was once a member of the White Fang."

Sun then choked on his tea and coughed after hearing Blake's sentence.

Sun: "Wait, 'you' were a member of the White Fang?"

Blake: "Yes. For most of my life actually."

Sun: "Were you, Percy?"

Percy: "Thankfully not. I wasnt around in the heavily White Fang populated areas."

Sun: "Well, that's lucky. So, why were you a member, Blake?"

Blake: "Like I said, I was a member for most of my life actually. You could almost say, I was born into it. Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace, and unity between humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate."

Percy then gets flashbacks of his youth years being bullied by his old classmates, and his foster family. His hand then starts to shake and he hides it in his lap.

Blake: "Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as the voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. And I actually though we were making a difference...but i was just a youthful optimist. Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly, out peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect..."

Percy: "Out of fear."

Blake: "Exactly."

Percy then looked down at his hand still on his lap. It had stopped shaking, so he put it back up on the table and took a sip of his tea.

Blake: "So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence. And instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little black bow."

Percy: "Don't say that."

Blake: "But you know it's true. You know people have to live with remembering stuff like that."

Percy: "Well yeah, but you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. Just do what I always do."

He then takes of the boxing tape on one of his arms, revealing scars on the side of his arm. Blake gasped, and Sun put a hand on his shoulder.

Percy: "Forgive, and forget."

He then puts on a new wrapping of boxing tape on his arm, to not have people stare at his scars.

Sun: "Dude."

Blake: "Was that why you kept rubbing your arms?"

Percy: "Yeah. I know I said I was born in a 'non White Fang area, but there was still people discriminating the faunus in that area I lived in. School bullies and foster home both."

Blake: "Percy..."

Percy: "So, I just forgave the people who saw me as an imperfect, I even forgave myself for being like this. And I forgot that they did this to me, and all the stuff they say. And, that's how..."

He moved his arms to point to himself.

Percy: "I am today."

Blake: "Percy, I'm sorry that happened."

Sun: "Yeah dude, it seems rough."

Percy: "Yeah, but...at least I'm still smiling."

He then made a forced smile. However, Blake saw past this and knew he was forcing it.

Sun: "So, Blake. Have you told any of your friends this?"

She then closed her eyes at the thought of them. How they all would face her now.


Meanwhile, Seth, Ranger and Kai walked down the streets, looking for Percy.

Ranger: "Percy!"

Seth: "Cmon, Gills. Where are you?"

Kai just looked at he ground as he was walking, not yelling for his friend. Ranger then stopped and looked at Kai.

Ranger: "Dude, you're seriously not still mad at Weiss, are you?"

Kai: "No, I'm mad at myself. I yelled at her, dudes."

Seth: "Yeah, that was scary to look at. You rarely yell."

Kai: "I just hope she can forgive me when the day's over."

They all continued to walk.

Seth: "For now, let's worry about getting our brother back."

Ranger: "Who knows, maybe both of them are finally hitting it off."

???: "I don't see anyone hitting each other."

The voice surprised the three boys. Seth and Kai jumped to hide behind Ranger. They all looked at each other, then the girl behind that appeared behind them.

Seth: "Uh...no one is, yes."

Ruby then runs up to behind the girl.

Ruby: "Penny! You shouldn't run off like that. There could be strang- Oh hey guys!"

Seth: "Hey Rubes. So, you know this girl or something?"

Ruby: "Well, like recently knew. Guys, this is Penny. Penny, these are the guys."

Penny: "Salutations! Were these some of the boys you're talking about Ruby? They all look cute."

Seth and Kai walk out from behind Ranger and greet Penny.

Seth: "Hehe, thanks? Hi Penny. I'm Seth."

Kai: "Kai."

Ranger then walks to Rubys side and leans down.

Ranger(Whispering): "You positive she didn't fall over when she was a baby?"

He was met with a smack to the back of his head from Ruby. He then straightened himself and stood up straight.

Ranger: "Ah, I'm Ranger."

Penny: "Oh my. None of these are the 'Percy' you spoke of, Ruby."

Ruby: "Yeah, we got no luck."

Seth: "Where's Weiss and Yang?"

Ruby: "Well, we split up. Hehe, more like they took off without me when Penny ran into us. Oh, and Kai."

She walked up to Kai.

Ruby: "Weiss told me to tell you, she's sorry."

Kai just scoffs at this.

Kai: "If she is, then would have no trouble telling me in person."

He then turns, walks off and leans on the closest wall, and puts in earbuds listening to music.

Ranger: "So, how's she taking it?"

Ruby: "She's a little glum. But still Ice Queen."

Seth: "Well that's good. We got nothing either. We'll let yall know if we find something."

Ruby: "Ok. Buy guys! Come one, Penny. Let's continue looking."

Ruby walks off with Penny following her.

Penny: "Goodbye for now, cuties!"

Seth and Ranger then looked at each other.

Seth: "That was..."

Ranger: "Weird? Yeah."

Kai then looked at an alleyway, where he found a cloaked figure. Kai rubbed his eyes to see if he was hallucinating. The figure was still there. It then looked at Kai, and quickly ran off into the heart of the alley.

Kai: "Hey!"

He then took chase after the figure.

Seth: "Kai, wait! What is it?!"

Seth and Ranger followed Kai.

Kai: "What do you think?! Guild coat appears and you all don't notice?!"

Seth and Ranger both gasped. Then they sped their running up. They then caught up to the figure and trapped them in a dead end. He then turned around to face the three boys.

Kai: "What's the big idea?!"

???: "Oopsy-Daisy."

Seth: "Why are you here?!"

???: "Now, do you think that's polite, interrogating me after we just met?"

Kai: "Just answer the question!"

???: "As if. You can talk all you want, but my lips will stay sealed.

Ranger then got out one of his guns and aimed it at the cloaked figure.

Ranger: "Then I guess we'll have to make you talk."

???: "Now see that would work..."

The man then teleports from the dead end, to behind the three boys. Standing upside down in mid-air at that. The three of them turned around to face him.

???: "If I was an ordinary dude. Except I'm not."

He then removed his hood.

Man: "Im with The Guild. Nothin' 'any old' about me."

A/N: That's right. I basically brought Org. XIII into RWBY. BITE ME!! And no this is not the gruff voiced one from the previous chapters.

Seth: "Tough talk. Didn't you stand on the sidelines and let your Grimm do all the hard work?"

Man: "Oh dear. It's worse than I thought. I think you got the wrong impression."

He then floated down, feet first, to the ground. Ranger still had his gun aimed at him.

Man: "Why don't I remind you how tough the crowd you're fighting really is?"

Kai: "Remind? No, we experienced it!"

The man then laughed.

Man: "That's it, he used to give me that exact same look!"

Kai: "Wow, delusional much?"

Man: "Gee. I just don't know."

He then shrugged his shoulders. Leaving an awkward silence between them. The man then stood up straight.

Man: "You four be good now."

Seth: "Wait!"

He then telports away from them. The three boys then look around annoyed that they lost him. The man then grabbed their attention by whistling at them. The boys looked up to see he was standing on the edge of a rooftop.

Man: "Oh, and here's this trinket of my gratitude. Doesn't do much for all of us."

He drops a bag before turning around and walking off into a shadow portal. Ranger was quick enough to grab the bag before it lands on the ground. He felt something familiar in the bag. He opens it up. And has a shocked look on his face.

Ranger: "Guys...It's Dust."


Meanwhile. Percy, Sun, and Blake are walking down a sidewalk.

Sun: "So, whats the plan now?"

Blake: "I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before."

Percy: "What if...it wasn't them? And it was something...Nevermind. It's not important now."

Blake looked at Percy, more concerned than she has ever been about him.

Sun: "Well, what if they did? And the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely got to if they were to do it, and not find them there, right?"

Percy: "Excuse me, what?!"

Blake: "The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be."

Sun: "Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a 'huge' shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas."

Percy: "Bingo! That's where we go then."

Blake: "How huge, though?"

Sun: "Huge. Big Schnee Company freighter."

Percy then held his hand up to his mouth to muffle his words.

Percy: "Would The Guild be after that as well?"

Sun: "You say something, Percy?"

Percy then put his hand down.

Percy: "Huh, yeah. I'm fine."

Blake: "And this freighter. You're sure about it?"


Meanwhile. Yang and Weiss walk out of a store.

Yang: "Thanks anyways."

The door shuts.

Yang: "Ugh, this is hopeless."

Weiss then looks at the ground.

Yang: "You really don't care if we find them, do you?"

Weiss: "Don't be stupid. Of course I do. I'm just afraid of what they'll say when we find them. The innocent never run, Yang. And actually...I'm more worried of what Kai thinks of me now."

Yang: "Weiss, if anything, Kai yelled at you for a good reason. You kept badmouthing his best friend in front of him. Not caring about what it would do to him."

Weiss: "I just hope we can forgive each other, and put it behind us."

They both then walk off, continuing their search.

Meanwhile, cut to later in he day. Seth, Ranger and Kai were sitting on a café rooftop, drinking tea and eating snacks.

Seth: "I don't understand. Why rob a Dust store, but don't have any use for the Dust?"

Kai: "Maybe it was just bait for something bigger."

Ranger: "They would pull something like that. But what would be that 'something bigger'?"

Kai: "Well. I remember having one conversation with Weiss. And she was talking about her father, and that he was sending in a huge freighter, full of Dust, from Atlas."

Seth: "That would be the case. But back to the reason we're still out here, we need to find Percy, and let know what happened."

Kai: "Wait a minute. How did it slip my mind?"

Seth: "What?"

Kai pulls out his scroll then taps it a couple of times.

Kai: "We've been going places where we assume he'd be at. But we never even checked where he actually his."

He then showed the other two a map with his location. It was at the docks where they ran into Sun that one day.

Seth: "The docks? The same place where you said the shipment was going?...Oh no. Percy's in trouble."

Ranger: "Hey, you know Blake's with him. They make a good fighting duo."

Seth: "That's not it. If Blake is with him, there might be a possibility that the White Fang, is indeed, linked to this."

Ranger and Kai looked at each other. They both then got up with Seth, and walked down to the streets, only to find themselves running to the docks.

Kai: "Don't worry, brother. We're coming to help."

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. So now I'm basically putting Org. XIII in the story, in my own "SPRK Vision". I just like them in general, the Original(In KH2), not the Real(in KH3). And after the dock fight, the book won't end. I'll still be adding chapters to add to the mystery of The Guild.

Stay toasty my little Fireballs!!
4ho3nix Out!!!

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